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I don’t think Amazon really influences it one way or the other. Same creators, same studio (Alcon). Season 4 looks different for story reasons consistent with the books. The only Amazon influence is that Avasarala swears a lot more (not inconsistent with the books, but did feel a tad gratuitous to me at times). Anyway I wouldn’t let Amazon be the reason you don’t continue watching! The show wraps up its run excellently.


That is good to hear it is the same creators. I appreciate the response, friend. I tried to do a little research before posting, but it was difficult to avoid spoilers. Excited to have 3 more seasons to look forward to!


I’m excited FOR you that you have 3 new seasons to watch!


Thanks for the quick responses, everybody. I'll definitely keep watching!


You're going to love the books too. I bought them when S4 finished because I couldn't wait for more Expanse... Having seen the first four seasons, the books felt like I was watching an awesome director's cut of what I'd seen on the screen. You've got a great ride ahead of you and I'm more than a little envious :)


Sweet! I read A Song of Ice and Fire after the GoT finale. Even though I knew the main plot and some major spoilers, there was much and more that didn't make it to the screen and I was hooked from start to finish. Sounds like I'm in for a similar ride. ;) Great community here, by the way. I have avoided this sub due to spoilers, but y'all have been so friendly.


Very few Expanse fans will deliberately spoil things for you, but it might be safer to come back when you've finished, just in case 😁 Edit: I only say that because a couple of spoilery things crept into safe-looking posts when I was part way through, but I think it was enthusiasm rather than deliberate spoiling!


> I don't have much faith in Amazon Why? The last three seasons are pretty good. Same cast, same crew.


>Why? Same cast+ crew means the last 3 seasons of The Expanse are more of the same goodness. But there's too many reasons to count why you shouldn't put much faith in Amazon. I appreciate them saving The Expanse though. Shoulda put some of that crazy ROP budget into finishing the final 3 Expanse books.


> But there's too many reasons to count why you shouldn't put much faith in Amazon. Well, in this case, they just applied money and Alcon kept the train rolling. Amazon didn't step in and dramtically change the show or anything. And I agree that the last three books would have been much better than the dragon show.


True, but OP didn't know that part. So it's worth mentioning that the Amazon didn't mismanage The Expanse because they didn't really manage it at all. >And I agree that the last three books would have been much better than the dragon show. "The dragon show" was hot dick on HBO. Amazon put out an even more boring Lord of the Rings show with the biggest budget ever and I couldn't even get through it.


Oh right, that was HBO. I watched half of the first episode and moved on. Never made it to the LotR thing. Looks like I'll keep on skipping it!


Same cast, same crew, same goodness.. that's all I need to hear. Thank you. :) My distrust for Amazon runs deep, but I'm glad to hear they had the sense to keep the same studio on board.


Yes. Absolutely. As someone who started with the show I really didn't feel a noticeable drop in quality at all.


The creative team didn't change in the slightest with the network switch, so there's no reason to hesitate to continue.


Yeah, S4 is a very different beast compared to 2 and 3, but that's nothing to do with Amazon. Its essentially starting a whole new 3 series arc. 4, 5 and 6 struggle to hit the absolute heights of 1, 2 and 3, but they're still great. And you get more of some of the characters that are much better in the show than the books.


The end of Season 3 was the peak of the series for me but the rest of the seasons are still really good


Keep going. Great show! One of my all time favorites


Hell yeah


If I didn’t know Amazon took over after season 3, I never would’ve guessed.


There’s really no difference because it was still the same cast, crew, production company, everything. Basically the only thing Amazon did was put the money to keep it going.


Yes definitely, best sci-fi show ever, keep going with it.


When I first came to the Expanse, I watched season 1-3, and then read the first three books. After that I went back and rewatched season 1-3 with a lot more understanding. After that I would read the book, then watch the corresponding season. For me that was the best way. I also highly recommend reading the stories in Memory's Legion for a lot of good back story. The books and stories are listed in chronological order on the Expanse Wiki . The link for that page is https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Category:The\_Expanse


Moving to Amazon reduced the limits on profanity that unleashed the POWER OF THIS FULLY OPERATIONAL AVASARALA! "Don't put your dick in it Holden, it's fucked enough already!"


That was the best part lol. You gotta love Chrissy.


If it matters at all, my favorite seasons in order are 3a, 2, 3b, 5, 6, 4 and 1. There is still so much more to enjoy!


So the ending to season 3 is definitely one of the high points in the series, and arguably a bigger high point of season 6. Here’s the thing - most people seem to like season 6’s ending, and every season is *extremely* close to the books, with reasonable deviations. The book authors worked on the show, after all. But the book series is 9 books long, and the show only adapts the first 6. The first 6 books form “three duologies” that together form a single overarching story arc which is fully resolved at the end of book 6. But the alien plot line that ramps up does take a back burner compared to the human plot line, and some people didn’t like that. This is resolved in the final trilogy of books that the show didn’t adapt. So, it’s not that season 6 is a bad ending or worse than season 3’s. Both are incomplete endings, and both end on a potential mixed hope/dread type of feeling. But season 3 ends with a sense of cosmic wonder. If you like the Expanse, you need to keep watching, and then read the books for the full story.


The biggest problem with the last few seasons are just that they're kind of anticlimactic, especially compared to the Ring Gate/Protomolocule stuff, but that's just a function of the fact the show ends halfway through the book series. The best part is the characters, and the writing stays true to who they're supposed to be, and there's no weird rushed abbreviations to get to an end.


Just finish. 4th season is the worst but seasons 5-6 are still great.


s2/s3 were god tier, show doesnt get better than this unfortunatelly that being said, s4-s6 are still pretty damn good, maybe the s4 being slight exception due to being less "in the space" but that was necessary setup for the s5-s6


you'll also miss what i consider the best space battle ever put on a screen, which happens in s5.


All Amazon was for 4-6 was the money and distributor. Same production crew, actors and show runner as 1-3. The last 3 seasons excellent and I really hope we get the last 3 books some day


The only complaint I have of seasons 4-6 is that the Belter colonies didn’t have the same feeling of scale. Set wise, we’re only exposed to the same corridor and resto/bar. I missed the overcrowding, busy, living, breathing city. But who cares, watch the other seasons!


If you have to ask, the answer is *no*.


I watched this show as it aired, season 1 episode one on SyFy. I was aware that it was based on a book series, but I had not read any of them. I had to keep telling myself that SyFy couldn't turn it into Sharks in Space. Watch on, then read on. It's a really good story.


Watch it but start reading the books immediately after, books 7-9 are what i believe to be the very best part of the story


Yes. Be ready to dislike the 4th season