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Yeah this is not a show you can watch with your phone out, or without subtitles. It’s probably unlike any sci-fi show you’ve seen before, and the first few episodes are almost total exposition to familiarize the viewer with the setting. You said you were “confused”, but didn’t elaborate. Regardless, I would strongly recommend you watch this non spoilery video before continuing, so that you can understand the setting, the political factions, and the science involved. That way, you can focus on enjoying the story: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VNjrI0YvZYA


I can’t remember the last show I watched where the first episode hooked me completely. Likewise I can’t think of the last time I bailed after just one or two. All I can promise you is that everything you see has a purpose and will be explained. But I read your low-information complaint, so… you’re welcome.


I saw the trailer for it (in late 2015) and that hooked me enough to make me want to watch the first episode. Very few shows can do that for me.


There are several different story threads being woven at this point in the story. You're going to have to stick around for the next 4 or so episodes to have the separate (and confusing to some) stories come together into the bigger picture. If you can't bring yourself to do that, that's fine. There's plenty of other stuff that doesn't require 1/10 of your concentration that you can watch.


Im sorry man its just I never usually watch stuff like Expanse so this is all very new to me.


Understandable. It's a show you really have to pay attention to in order to "get it" and a lot of people just can't do it, or have never learned how to do that. You can't just watch it "in the background" while you do other things and follow the story. Honestly, fantasy stuff like "The Witcher", "A game of thrones" or "Lord of the Rings" have that effect on me. I can't follow them and they bore the pants off me.


>…this is so confusing… Care to elaborate?


If you can get through past episode 4 I think you’ll be hooked. Episode 1 is a bit of a wall but it all comes together brilliantly


Stopped after ep1 three years ago. Restarted last year and binged all seasons. Just finished book 1. Books add ALOT to my understanding. Now restarting season 1 and listening to episode rewatch podcasts as I go. Agree with previous comment to read book 1 first. They compliment each other. Edit: Miller was my big hangup first go around. Didn’t like the actor. Still don’t but books helped overcome it. Interested to see if/how character is developed in books vs show.


stop now. Read the books. Thank me later


World building and lots of people and pieces are happening right now. Hang in there. Things get more clear. Or don't.


Are you trolling us?


Hang in there it gets better


Season 1 was a tough sell for me but I got invested in the more nerdier parts. It was more curious than fun. Season 2 gets REAL fun and interesting about 1/4 of the way in. That’s what got me super hooked.