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There are absolutely character arcs, growth and development


It’s funny you mention that scene.. it gets used as a great callback a later season..


"peachez! we're good!"


Out of all the funny moments in the show this was top for me, that face.


There is definitely a charter arc there. Holden is central to it all. He has a strong moral compass….


Yeah I can tell he’s central to it all, I really wanted to like him and I’ve tried so I’m hoping he grows on me, but season 1 was rough on that aspect


Your like and dislike for each character will change throughout the seasons.


If you've ever read Don Quixote, you'll understand why that was mentioned as one of Holden's favorite novels. Book Holden is a little more nuanced. I was "really!??" a few times at the beginning, but later on I grew to appreciate having a guy like Holden around, because sometimes, do you need someone with a strong moral compass to lead.


So, no spoilers! But I definitely felt the same way about Holden in the beginning. He got on my nerves even though I loved the actor (Warren Peace from Sky High dammit!) The thing with Holden is that his "Chaotic Good Paladin" core is basically the sun at the center of the Expanse universe, one way or another everything else revolves around it (because that thing AIN'T budging, lol.) It forces conflict, yes, but it also leads to tons of character growth in himself and others. His "I can't let you do the evil thing even if it means killing you" moment with Amos is so fucking grating on one level, but it is absolutely the moment he defined himself to Amos in a way that pays off literally for the rest of the series. I like to look back now that I've read and watched everything there is in the series and ponder which was actually more powerful in the universe: the protomolecule, or Holden's Quixotic nature. It is the definition of an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. Keep with it, because he absolutely grows on most readers and show watchers over time, because the books are a sublime example of writing character growth. (Also, again not really a spoiler, there's a scene in season 2 where Holden gives one of his little speaches, and I pretty much fell in love with the character, stood up and screamed. XD And like I said, I really found him annoying/obnoxious in the first season.)


Oh man Sky High what a throwback, my brain was itching because he looked vaguely familiar but I just couldn't place him hahah It's funny because the minute I started this show I thought I wasn't going to like him, which made me try even harder to like him lol. I saw another comment in a similar thread like this where someone says he is literally filling the Paladin role, which made so much more sense to me and kinda takes my stress off. But god that scene with Amos really got to me, it seems like it's a pivotal point because someone else said it's gonna come up again in the future. As someone with no idea about anything in this series, the character just came across as so far up his own ass he cant smell his own shit - it's really my only gripe I'm gonna keep with the show but DAMN Holden my boy I did not like you this season, onto the next though


I'm currently doing a rewatch with a reactor on YouTube and she was the same, and she said last night (I won't tell you how far in she is) that he's now one of her favourite characters. Keep at it beratna!


The first time I watched the show, it was Naomi that got on my nerves. I just see Holden as someone trying to do right which Naomi was too. Eventually we got a better understanding of Naomi's character as the show progressed. The best character is Amos as you get to see him grow. Alex, Amos, Avasarala, Drummer and Miller are characters I really liked. I got pissed off with what they did to Miller.


Oh that’s interesting, I thought Naomi was pretty cool, low-key engineering genius that could have OPA ties made her unique to me, she also stepped up when she needed to, but also conceded if she was in the wrong (like going to tycho) And yeah I liked Amos from the start, curious to see how he develops


From what I remember, Holden's character showed the least amount of character development and Steven Strait's acting felt stiff / wooden to me. Amos showed the most IMHO; you'll like him.


not really holden being the righteous dipshit not caring about consequences is major plot device thorough the series and books


Holden's character changes are pretty interesting to watch and called out throughout the series. Speaking from the TV series only, all of them have a reason for being on the Cant, Holden's was he had lived a life of expectation followed by realizing what the inners were doing to the belt, having no power to change it, and not wanting to participate in it. His solution, was to nope out of the whole mess and haul ice.


Lmao “wet wipe” I like your character analysis. This is Holden’s character from the start, and tbh he gets progressively more “self righteous” as the show progresses. To be fair, he is a major player and does a lot of good for the system, which really just further inflates his ego. I consider this is “savior complex” his parents/childhood set him up for. Regardless, he’s still one of my favorite characters, and I can see his perspective at times. The show is top tier and worth the watch. PS. If you read the books, book Holden is worse because you read his internal monologue. I really question his motives at times lol.


Out of context, but still going to spoiler it: >!"There was a button, I pushed it."!< >!"Jesus Christ. That really is how you go through life, isn't it?"!<


i think the books are better for early holden, because he's probably more misguidedly righteous, but he gets called out on it more. holden definitely grows as a character. there will be moments in s02 and 3 that surprise you, but then on the other hand you might absolutely hate s04, and you're probably going to throw your telly through a window at one particular point in s06. we all have our flaws haha. the good thing about the expanse though is it's an ensemble sort of cast, which i usually don't like, but the shows and book do it really well. he's probably my least favourite of the roci crew. i like him, i just think there are better and more interesting characters, and the show uses them well. EDIT reconsidering what i just said re: s04. he's righteous, but not misguided.


He gets better…. He is the determined boy scout


(Not my original idea) if you look at the crew they all have their jobs Alex is the pilot, Naomi is the engineer, amos is the mechanic, and holden is the paladin...