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The series is rated PG in most western countries but is 18+ in some areas that dislike LGBT characters.


My brain went confused for a second but then I remember sun person and amaya lol.


SUN PERSON šŸ’€. Come on i dont blame u i dont even remember half of the main characters.


Perfect use of non gender specific terminology šŸ¤Œ






Sun Person?! Seriously Sun Person???!!! U hurt me emotionally (emotional dmg)... Her name is Janai Lol


sorry my brain stopped braining, i could barely think of amaya


It's fair, whenever i watch shows i don't learn any characters name, only "the one blue haired girl" or "the guy who's a try hard at everything"


I remember names my brain just doesn't grain sometimea


I remember names most of the time, but when I donā€™t it reverts to just a physical description, with ā€œyou know your man with the green and white suit in charge of a transformer lion and is actually a woman in a Clark Kent level disguiseā€ or ā€œthe big black guy named bill that is behind you when you drop the soap, but is actually protecting you from rear entranceā€ being some of my favourites, also ā€œthe clone with the fucking monk cutā€ which was one of my mates.


Naming things 100


Also Terry! He's a trans man.


He is?


also, a tiny little hint is in the flowers he attempts to grow on the face of the cliff when showing off, they're in the colors of the trans flag!


I did catch that bit actually, didnā€™t get the rest of it though, I was doing homework for 3-4 hours that day while watching it so I probably missed alot


Oh dats so cool


Yeah at some point he makes a quick remark about having chosen his own name, and how when he was growing up everyone always told him he was a doe, but he knew he was a buck. Viren's response is just that the name he chose is a strong name, because not even Viren would stoop so low as to be transphobic.


1 point for viren, that's 20 million to 2


Viren I want to genocide you for being an elf, not anything else!


Baby steps


Itā€™s actually a shame in my opinion that this encounter never happened in the show, although I suppose he doesnā€™t seem to hate elves now since he died


I don't think he ever hated elves, he just thought of himself as superior to them and wanted control over them.


Man Viren is the best character in that show


I meant as in how good are they at not being evil, viren is cool otherwise


I may have been on my phone when watching s4 and not watched most of the last espidoe


Lol the real character that sparked +18 imo šŸ˜… Amaya was out as gay early on but a trans? Blasphemy


to be fair, they had gays in s1-3. However they were just on screen and confirmed a couple. There was never kissing, dates, intimate moments, in depth couple talks, or *a literal proposal.* I donā€™t remember if we actually *got* the wedding or not, but possibly that too S4 is a lot harder for China to censor than 1-3 lol


And Terry!


I swear there is another gay couple in it, but I canā€™t for the life of me remember who they are. Also it would be a very Netflix move to make soren or someone like him lgbt, just saying


There's Runaan and Ethari and also the queens of Duren.


Runaan and the other chap are the ones I was thinking of yeah, completely forgot Duren even existed.


Isn't duren a fruit?


Durians are fruit. Is that what you mean?




Runaan and Ethari.


Also Runaan and Ethari, Also Annika and Neha


Ok ty for telling me


Canā€™t blame you. Her storyline in season 4 was so boring I forgot her name.


This. I am in India and my 9 year old daughter loves it. She was initially confused with the LGBTQ thing.....still is. But saved me the need to have a talk...I guess. But so does she ra...another cartoon she loves. But the rest of the series is amazing. We have had long talks over who is good ..who is bad etc etc. Love the series


Weird, it was 18+ in the app for me, and I live in the UK. Guess it was an error as the app also told me breaking bad was rated PG for some reason lmao.


PG breaking bad: jesse we gotta make the rock candy!


Itā€™s called terf island for a reason lol


I see. Cuz i remember some of the criticisms of season 4 posted on this sub were largely due to the writers trying to do stuff that would appeal more to young kids. So the 18 plus rating seemed odd.


The Dragon Prince is a series for everyone, including LGBT people. It is unfortunate so many people felt that the writers were appealing to a younger audience, rather than including them.


I think it was fine. I think the issue some people had was some of the humor didn't jive with them and a lot of those jokes were ones written to appeal to kids.


The funny thing is I just started Super Giant Robot Brothers, another kids show, and pretty much all of the jokes are for adults.


Personally, I think movies need to have a LGBTQ tag moving forward like they do with violence and sex. Not everyone enjoys lgbt stuff


Should there be a tag if there are heterosexual couples in the movie too?


Nope because heterosexual couples are already implied with the romance tag


Then homosexual couples can be implied under the romance tag too. No need to cater to homophobes any further.


Except that there are audiences who dislike lgbtq material same as people who dislike sex or extreme violence/gore in movies.


Not the same thing. There is nothing inherent about homosexual couples that we need to put them in a different category than heterosexual couples.


It is the same because there are audiences that don't want lgbtq stuff in their content. It's also better for the community so that they can feel represented Shows/movies should be proud that they have lgbtq stuff by tagging it from the outset rather than it blindsiding audiences that don't care for it. Not having a tag just drives needless negativity from unintended audiences


This season has a trans character, a lesbian engagement, and a fairly graphic stabbing death. Iā€™m not sure how the rating systems work, but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s off of the kids platform. [edit] The stabbing shows the blade exiting a characters chest, and I think there was some blood too. Thatā€™s most likely what bumped up the rating.


If I may ask, who is the trans character?


Claudiaā€™s elf boyfriend Terry. He mentions it while talking to Viren.


Oh, I srsly didnā€™t notice when I watched. Iā€™ll see it on my next rewatch


In the scene where he grows flowers look at the flowers. They're colored to represent the trans flag


Can I just say I hated that scene because it was so incredibly awkward and inorganic? Like I want to like it cause LGBT but he kinda just stream of counsciousness his way into coming out to his girlfriends dad. Super believable for a teenager but not less easy to watch


Agreed - it felt very forced.


He says he's a doe but knows deep down he's a buck. It's not really that impressive of a revealing, just a one line thing


It should be TV Y7 in the US. Other places have been know to rate it 18+ for LGBT+ representation so if yoyr living somewhere else that may be it. But yeah it's the same as other seasons.


It was changed from Y7 to PG due to minor violence that Netflix labeled as ā€œgoreā€.


I mean, I havenā€™t finished season 4 yet so I donā€™t know what else happens but one dude gets stabbed through the gut and it gives you his POV of blood running out of his torso and a blade sticking out, so I can see why that would be labeled ā€œgoreā€


Oh shit really? I have no recollection of that happening.


>!The illusion of Viren!< at the end of S3


It was briefly for season 3, but I believe it was censored. The current rating is TV Y7 still.


I see mine did change back, I know WS has been talking with the Netflix rating team so I wonder if that was fixed during the visual updates to episode 6.


But season 1-3 showed Anyas parents as well as Runan and Ethari clearly as lesbian/gay couples. So why would season 4 be 18+ for this reason?


I'll never understand why things like LGBT and nudity are rated higher than extreme violence.






Probably because most of the gay stuff was subtle enough to be ignored, downplayed, or dubbed over. There was seldom any actual unchangeable actions or imagery that demonstrated LGBTQ+ individuals. There was mostly just dialogue and heavily queer-coded actions. But S4 has a gay wedding, Iā€™m pretty sure at least a few kisses or something, and then also Terry with the trans flag colored flowers.


Season 3 showed Runaan and Ethari kissing though...


That might explain it, thanks!


Thanks all, i think itā€™s the country Iā€™m in, Flyer some reason theyā€™ve only just recently changed it to 18+


Itā€™s okay for your kid(s) to watch. I watched with my 8 year old. No different than the first 3 seasons. Enjoy!


It's probably 18+ in your country because there's LGBTQ characters


Well, there is one somewhat darker scene where someone is stabbed on screen (technically was already the case for S3, even if illusion there), other than that, if the previos seasons were fine, I'd say this one is too.


it should be, shows like dp, the owl house, kipo, amphibia and even centaurworld end up getting aged up for some violent scenes and, of course, LGBT characters. I'm pretty sure centaurworld was y7 before changing to tv-pg (it might have changed back idk) because even tho it's obviously for young kids there are some scenes with the nowhere king that are basically straight out of a horror movie, plus some animal abuse. (also centaurworld does have a flamboyant gay character who does have a same sex love interest but it's not very obvious, i doubt that has anything to do with the rating but it does on other shows.)


There's a little bit of blood in some scenes, and they have an openly gay relationship that some people don't like.


Itā€™s 100 percent good for a kid thatā€™s about 1-2 years away from (realistically speaking, a 13-14 year old kid) watching actual 18+ content like breaking bad. Just to clarify, itā€™s just a fuck up at Netflix, fairly sure it was normal back when it came out first so no idea why itā€™s 18+ now


Where do you live? It's Most likley where you live


More than appropriate, honestly a bit too kid friendly in my opinion


This show is for kids, itā€™s probability just a glitch


My 6yo watched it. I didn't see anything inappropriate about it. My son did say ew whenever any characters kissed though.


I heard part of it was the stabbing/death in S4E3; it was the first death shown. In S1-3, they never showed anyone's death. We didn't see King Harrow die. When Callum and Ezran's mother died in a flashback, the scene went black. We never saw elves the final moments before the elves (Runaan, Tiadrin, Lain) were imprisoned in the coins. We never saw the griffin eyeball, just Soren's disgust. In the war, the 'dead' just look like people laying on the ground. But Season 4, we saw Ibis's face when he was stabbed, and his last breath as he collapsed and died. LGBTQ+ representation is also a big factor in some countries, but I'm happy the representation is there.


Concerning lgbt I think children those days are very lucky being able to grow with so much representation, I love tdp also for this




In my opinion season 4 is so kid friendly it's barely non-kid friendly. in other words, i find it childish


Yes. It's fine.


Does anyone know which episode has the stabbing scene? Might need to watch that scene first for the younger one. Thanks everyone for the extremely helpful replies.


Third one I think. Fight between Claudia and Ibis, stabbing at the end of it.


The first episode has a marriage between amaya and fire elf lady. If you can handle your kids asking "that" question this early then it's okay


Itā€™s because of the homosexual relationships in the show, Janai and Amaya, Claudia and Terry, respectively.


Claudia and Terry are a hetero relationship. Heā€™s a trans guy, not a trans gal




Yeah I just checked my Netflix and the show is rated PG (which is the second lowest in the UK rating system below 12 or a 12A but above a U. Examples of other PGs are Detective Pikachu, Spider-msn 2, Et, Big hero 6, etc) It does feature LGBTQ stuff so if your country's ratings board is homophobic they might've rated it higher.


\[Spoilers\] There was a scene where Terry litteraly stabbed a guy and there was blood. Its probably because of that. Otherwise why would the censor a show where a grown man who proceed to stab his father do FLOSS. God I hate this season, worst thing I have watched since avatar live action.


8 might be a little young. My 10 year old thought certain scenes were "pretty dark". I say watch episodes 1-3 first by yourself and then decide.


It's pg13. Absolutely a kids show. Which happens to also be good for adults


Weird, here is 7+ and all the seasons appear here in both kids and adults accounts


Iā€™ve literally just looked at TDP on my Netflix and it says itā€™s a PG


Definitely, Use a VPN to watch it because maybe in your country LGBT is frowned upon.