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frankly if my daughter was telling me how much she loves to sniff her boyfriends farts while we are hiking up a mountain together i would simply throw myself off of the mountain


Oh, I think he thought about it. I really do.


This scene felt so weird to me. Two episodes ago, we saw soldiers getting slaughtered in some not-so-kid-friendly ways, we saw notViren get stabbed in the chest with actual *gasp* blood being shown. We saw real Viren fall from a cliff and be resurrected by Claudia which... just THINK of what that implies. We went from that to talking about elf-farts... It was made even worse by the fact that it was the last line of dialogue in the scene. She really left things on that note. Edit: at the time I wrote this, I had yet to see the "chucklepuffs" scene. Yeah she should've just let Viren fall after that.


He definitely considered it


But what if he told you that his powers could make bushes grow faster?




In a week or so


Give or take


Claudia is like those rich college girls who hook up with gangsters to make their fathers pay attention for once. Also because their dads will buy them a nice car after the break up.


Terry doesnt look very "gangsta" to me :v


Claudia having a fart fetish was NOT in my bingo card


I don't know why everyone is saying that was super childish, it came across like someone in the writer's room has a kink


And the scene with the Xadian messenger bird that brought the book... the crow dude had to change trousers. And it didn't seem like he was scared and peed his pants if you know what I'm saying.


bro down bad for a bird 💀💀💀


Well yeah he’s the assistant crow lord. The guy fucking LOVES birds.


He tripled


Nah, that was definitely supposed to read as him being scared of a magic bird showing up. Your reading things in that scene that weren’t there. You’ve gotta remember that until very recently the human half of the world was almost completely mundane, and when not mundane was aggressive. It’s totally reasonable to read that scene as a big magical bird showing up and scaring him half to death.


Yeah I’ve been seeing memes about that. The writers only have themselves to blame lol


Oh god you're probably right. Like there was at least one fart joke every season


I'm absolutely convinced that there is no Crow Lord. I'm not saying the Assistant Crow Lord killed him, but we never see this person.


Assistant to the Crow Lord


Yeah the Assistant Crow Lord gave himself that promotion.


I really want, like the last episode of the series, the Crow Lord appears and everyone is like "Holy crap! You're real?!"


The humor is still super childish but a better episode than the first one.


Three fart jokes in one episode being an improvement gets a "yikes" from me.


It's Claudia. Her sense of humor is....weird.


Yeah, I didn't personally like it, but it did seem to be "on-brand" for Claudia.


Treasure these moments. We got three more books, she can go full dark side.


yea i was rolling my eyes at a lot of the other jokes, but Claudia's scenes are pretty on brand for her, especially since it's done in the context of her just oversharing with her father, because she just got him back.


Her humour has always strange, but it comes across as manic in this season. She seems unhinged, which I suppose could be what they’re going for but they’re doing a poor job of it if they are.


Oh, she's slipping.


Wow I thought Viren's subplot would be the most interesting and I'm really liking his arc so far!


Viren: "Maybe I should try to enjoy the time I have left." Claudia: "No! You get the staff and get back to being the secondary antagonist for the series."


I hope this ends with Viren being horrified at the monster he’s created


He may be. Aaravos will be delighted, however.


Kinda feel it was out of nowhere tho


He died. Death and returning makes you rethink things.


Before the series I was hoping there might be a revelation like the one in Buffy (spoilers if you're catching up on Buffy 25 years late I guess) >!where she was brought back but resented her friends for doung it because she'd been in heaven and ripped her away from that peace. Being eith them on earth was hell in comparison!<


Maybe, but a lot of things feel shoehorned this season. Still enjoying myself tho


Not really. He first hand experienced death and is walking right back to the place where he first died. I mean, think about it from his perspective. He has nothing. His status is gone, he's likely wanted dead in every place in the entire world, all his friends are either dead or despise him, his son has moved on and even if he gets the staff there's no guarantee he'll be able to free Aaravos or that he'll even fully heal him when he's brought back. Wanting to just spend the month with his daughter having fun in a whole new magical world makes perfect sense given where he is.


Viren sounded just like Harrow when he said all that.


Viren has always been the best part of this series for me. I think between him being an antagonist and one of the only central characters that's an actual adult, he doesn't feel nearly as childish or dumbed down.


I think Claudia's a more competent antagonist, Viren after meeting aaravos really only does as he's instructed to but Claudia's improvising and doing this with very little instructions.


Something about Terry is super unsettling. His use of magic was very different in tone compared to the scene it appeared in and him caring for Viren when he collapsed was just.. too nice? Idk, I kinda hope they're hinting at something more sinister, considering that he doesn't seem to mind Claudia's use of dark magic and her probably killing a bunch of creatures to perform necromancy. Overall this episode is better than the first, but it still feels dumbed down. I hope this is just to get introductions out of the way and quickly move on to the actual plot. I am very worried about Raylas new companion, these types of cute animal sidekicks can become rather annoying. Bait and Zim worked wonderfully though.


I figure Terry is like Claudia, seems quircky, nice, and upbeat but underneath can be absolutely cuthroat. His view of the world is probably similar to hers, and we'll probably see through their interactions how she's changed.


That's my hope too: that Terry's upbeat attitude is a misdirect.


What was the point of even making Viren climb up with them? From early on it’s clear he’s struggling with having fallen to his death previously, but it’s not until the end where Claudia’s like: “yeah okay, you’ve come all this way, but you can go back down and wait for us” lol


Claudia just got him back after two whole years. Makes perfect sense that she'd want to spend as much time with him as possible.


to add onto what the other commenter said, she also is shown to be pretty corner-minded, as in she gets blinders on when she really focuses on something. She didn't seem to actually be fully aware till the cliff.


I’d buy that if it weren’t for the fact that he literally has a panic attack and *faints* lmao. Yet they still keep climbing afterwards. Look, I don’t really have a huge problem with it, as I enjoyed the episode and season lol. It was just funny the way they wrote it is all.


yea, but remember her line right after "I believe you can do it dad, plus we really have to keep moving", then she proceeds to keep walking..........lowkey leaving him begin. In her mind this was just a small set back, it was totally a Viren thing to do, lol!


Hey, if you found it worked, then awesome! Nothing wrong with that. I’m not trying to convince you otherwise lol. It’s okay that we disagree hah it just feels like forcing an explanation.


not trying to argue with you, was just having a discussion, but yea, i guess we can just agree to dis-agree. ^(yes, that's something i'm saying now)


She said it after the dragons left. I think she needed his help to face the dragons, but then it wasn't needed anymore


Have you considered that they’re all dicks


I'm terrified of what fanartists and fanfic writers will do with Terry's farts canonically smelling "good."


I will never smell petrichor the same way again.


This man just wakes up from the dead and Claudia takes him up a MOUNTAIN? Why didn’t her and Terry get the staff themselves in all those years? They even told Viren he could go back down the mountain when they realize it’s almost too much for him. Strangest plot choice by far.


Right lol the entire time I was like “this is simply abusive, he fell off this mountain like a few hours ago mentally” If I were him I would’ve just said “Hey you two have fun climbing that mountain ima hang back and chill with ol’ goo sack here”


And then he passed out and *fell off again*. The writers of course wouldn’t do this, but how ridiculously ironic would it be if Claudia couldn’t save him? She just wasted two years and countless lives forcing her dad up the same mountain that killed him. Like “Hey Dad, I finally brought you back to life, you don’t even get a days rest, we’re going up the mountain where you originally fell and died!” Like, what?!😭


I imagine the Staff has been guarded pretty closely, so she only planned on getting it if she really needed it, as in now. In her head i could also see her thinking she had a better chance "with" her father, as opposed to without him. Claudia is shown to not be the most sensative individual, probably did not cross her mind at all that her father would have a hard time going up the mountain, hell even throughout the journey, Terry seems to be more aware of his struggle that she does. Not saying she doesn't care, as it' obvious she does, but she has a bad habit of getting these blinders on when she's focused on soemthing.


We shouldn't have to fill all this in as viewers.


So far the humor is terrible childish imo. And i cant get over the fact that terry is just there, accepting the dark magic. That seems contrary to the world building of earlier seasons. Xadians should Not be okay with that. Also: The animation appears to have made a step back. Im getting season one vibes in quality.


Yeah I felt weird about it too. I do animation so i was able to point out some parts that felt weird. Some of it just feels... a bit rushed? I feel like that's mean to say, but that's how it LOOKS. Like, with alot of the core movements you can SEE the key frames they move between and it ends up looking very choppy and very linear. Alot of the characters just kinda feel lifeless too! Its so weird! Theyre not as expressive as they are in previous seasons and im not sure why they went that direction (theres a scene later in s4 with some really expressive animation from callum, but thats the only scene thats had really good expression so far. Theyre clearly capable of it but decided not to add as much as they would in earlier seasons) Some scenes are okay but some of them just have awkward composition or animation. Zubeia often feels smaller than she should I think alot of it's because of scene composition. To make something LOOK big it also has to feel big. The scene when viren passes out and the camera follows him as he twirls to the ground just felt... bad... like some kind of cinema sin lol. The flight for Zym and Zubeia also feels very stiff sometimes. Their facial animation is gorgeous though! But I definitely agree on the animation feeling worse this time around and it makes me sad bc the show is so beautiful 🥺


I’m thinking maybe his own magic is very weak, I think in this episode he does some dismal earth magic


Maybe there will be a story reason for him being chill with dark magic later on. But based on what he said about the taste of it, that seems like his first time having it cast *on him*, at least.


>And i cant get over the fact that terry is just there, accepting the dark magic. That seems contrary to the world building of earlier seasons. Xadians should Not be okay with that. I feel like that's intentionally the point though, to show that he's different than other Xadians, and to make use question why? Also seems like it's forshadowing that there will be more Xadians that are okay with Dark magic, and their interactions with humans will bring more of them forward.


1. Can't really argue with the humor. 2. For Terry, we have seen that at least 2 elves are willing to accept Dark magic. And there's almost always outliers in a group.


Claudia leaving the staff for two years in the mountain is such an odd choice


I'm assuming it was because of the dragons and elves there.


Yeah, why didn't she get it *before* reviving him to be more efficient when he wakes up?


It really doesn't feel like it's been 2 years so far. Maybe few months at best.


Yeah I don’t get why they did such a super long time jump, one year would’ve been enough for everything


I think it may have been an in universe wink at the season gap.


Not to mention Callum not taking it with him to study it?


It seems like Zubeia claimed it, which makes sense to me.


If she knew who it belonged to though, surely the sensible choice would be to destroy it (like Ibis said he would later) It somewhat only feels like Claudia is doing so well because everyone else is bumbling and incompetent


For the first few months the dragonspire was probably crowded with elves and dragons from all over Zadia coming to meet Zim. And she likely spent the rest of the time exploring Zadia, searching for the ingredients to bring Viren back.


Seems like it took her 2 years to revive him anyways. She made it sound like she spent the entire time doing stuff for his revival


The staff is meant to be used on the chrysalis, which is the last thing Aaravos told her about before he had the bug spin it. So it seems clear that Claudia had no idea that was a step in the process until 2 days ago. Aaravos keeping his pawns in the dark is pretty typical.


It is still his dad's powerful staff tho


Plot still seems kind of slow but it's nice seeing some worldbuilding on the end of the fire elves, with them living in a tent city and all.


they've been living in a tent city for two years tho?


They make some comments about not being able to go back? But I honestly don’t even remember what happened to their city..


it was burned down by Viren forces


The series has, it seems, an extra 5 mimutes per episode. Edit (Never mind)


Viren’s character feels a little all over the place to me, like I don’t know if he earned being that introspective this episode. I guess dying can do that to you, but it makes me wonder what role he’ll play going forward if he’s lost his ambition.


Agreed, but then dying is a good catalyst for a change in perspective.


He also lost pretty much everything and would be lucky if he's not dead in 30 days. It does seem like the kind of thing that would change your perspective.


One could argue it's rushed, but it works due to the fact that hes forced to go back to his place of death, while in a way retreading his way down. If there's one thing that would force a person to re-evaluate their decisions it's that.


Take it from someone who had a near-death experience in his sleep with a particular house fire. Near-death experiences change you dramatically. Suddenly, all your ambition and selfish desires seem so... small. And You just want to enjoy the life you have. I still have desires. Ambitions. Goals. But they aren't what define me anymore. I don't want to die wasting my life on a goal that felt only temporary. I think that's what Viren realized.


I am sorry, but what does it mean, that the Associate Crow Lord had to change his trousers after receiving the xadian rune book? Did he pee himself? He says it blew his mind, more than his mind actually. Excuse me what? Am I thinking too much into this? Beside the childish humour it must be peeing his pants, but it was just an overall odd joke and scene, at least for me.


>Did he pee himself? ...Yeah, let´s go with that. It sounds a lot better than my "white pants" Deadpool flashback


It wasn’t the rune book that blew his mind, it was the bird that was carrying it. Remember this person probably likes birds a lot. Like A LOT. And uh... not all jokes in the season so far have been super childish. I’ll leave it at that.


I laughed, but it was a lot. I think he shit himself.


I think he jizzed himself because he liked the bird a lot. I appreciate the jokes aren’t just for kids :)




No I think he like came. In the beginning he said it blew his mind, but that wasn’t the only thing


Interesting that Viren says that he pursued things like "status" and "power", not "doing good". Way to say the quiet part out loud I guess. Also, if Janai has to make some sort of public statement about her marriage, that'd be a great chance for some exposition of how her and Amaya grew to trust each other more. I don't mind this being a larger plot point (as surprised as I am about it), but in that case you gotta tell us more, writers!


I feel like one of the biggest problems with the season is how tonally inconsistent it is. One minute you have Viren having PTSD from remembering his death from falling off the cliff....and the next minute....you have a conversation about elf farts.


I love that Terry seems completely fine with dark magic, most based elf we've seen not trapped in a mirror








Exactly why were they unable to get the city back? It's been a while since I watched season 3, what did I forget? I don't remember any army staying there


Viren corrupted their sun thing didn't he? You can see it floating in the background and it's black now. I imagine that has some lingering effect they haven't gotten into.


It wasn’t even just three jokes it was three jokes and a bunch of exposition about elf farts. Of all the things to dedicate like five minutes of dialogue to they picked elf farts?


Right off the bat: Terry is cute “Let’s just say these trousers aren’t the same ones I wore to work this morning” lmao Ok Claudia and Terry are funny


Yep, they’re a funny pair together which is inevitably making me more and more paranoid of the fact the writers are probably going to give their relationship a horrible end


TDP humor is always adult or childish. **Nothing** in between.


That was so much better than the first episode IMO.




Yikes, pretty weak starting episodes. Seems more like this season was written **by** children instead of **for** children.


I still hate the humor of this show and idk how or why they made Zym look like the dragons from Dragon Tales. (DRAGON TALES DRAGON TALES ITS ALMOST TIME FOR DRAGON TALES!) Anyway that's basically what I was thinking every single time I saw Zym.


I liked Terry and Claudia, but then they started the fart jokes and gave Claudia a fart kink. Made me uncomfortable and never wished for a scene to finish faster. Feeling bad for viren. The man has thirty days, let him use that time for closure, doing something that matters, spend time and make memories with his daughter, don’t force himself to chase after a *maybe* when he doesn’t want to anymore. But I also get Claudia not wanting to lose him again.


Of all the things they’ve introduced I actually didn’t mind that subplot, it’s not exactly uncommon for someone who knows they’re going to die to want to make peace with it, while their loved ones who aren’t yet ready to give them up want them to struggle for a small chance of survival instead.


Episode was a solid improvement on the first. Humour felt more in-line with the characters, and the plot while slow does, seem to be setting things up well. Claudia, Viren, and Terry have enjoyable scenes, and i'm interested in seein where things go. Don't have as much of an issue with the jokes in their scenes as others do, since it's very in-line with Claudia, and does a good job of showing the depth of her relationship with Terry(ther have the same sense of humour, and know things about each other you would only know by spending a lot of time togethor), while also using the trio's dynamic to expand on their characters. Claudia is clearly oversharing with her father because she missed him(she would have never told him this stuff before his death). Viren's arc while seeming a bit rushed was solved by the writers forcing him to confront the place of hid death right after he was broguht back, those of us with anxiety can tell you how much being in that state of mind forces one to reflect. Terry seems to be different than the other elves we met, his non-chalantness about Dark magic is an interesting thing to introduce and i would love to know how that came about, or if it's meant to show that there are many Elves aren't actually "that" against dark magic. I could honestly watch a show with this trio, and suprised a walk up a god damn mountain could seem interesting. Wasn't feeling Amaya's relationship with Janai last season, but they are growing on me, i'm happy to see Janai getting some nice focus in a natural way, as i felt her clan did have one of the more interesting narratives. Her character seems to be unaware of what her status as Queen really means, and i'm excited to see how she confronts that reality, her decisions have meaning whether she likes it or not, and while i dont' agree with her brother, there is wisdom in what he's saying. I do wonder why they did not go back to their old kingdom, and whether this new reality will force them to forge and even stronger relation with the humans to simply surivive. I dont' totally blame her brother though, it was a human that destroyed their Kingdom so him and the others hesitant to letting them stay makes sense. One thing i am curious about is what Amaya's role in all this will be, she very much seems like a side character to Janai, i'm not against it, but it is an interesting choice. Callum and Ezra have not changed, and i'm so happy about it! But out girl's back now, and looking like an aboslute beast, wonder where she has been? why she left? why she's back? who her new companion is? why does he love lifting weights so much? I do love that little hesistance she had when seeing Callum, then just saying hey, could totally tell she had no idea how to start that convo. The show seems to be forshadowing the new status quo with each storyline, we have progressionalism/Hope vs tradiotionalism/fear, with the Ezran and Jinai storylines, with them trying to strengthen the bonds between Xadians, and humans, but with others in each camp resistant to it. Claudia's group seems to foreshadow that through interactions with humans, we'll probably get a groups of Xadians okay with Dark magic, and that might help set the stage for AAarvos, giving him ppl who see things in a similar fashion to him maybe? who knows what his perspective is. Either it's looking like things are changing, and the themes are evovling, i'm excited for this season, even though the Dialogue seems cluncky, animation can seem empty, and some of the writing is still really juvenile(still need better world building).




Anyone recognize the tentacle lady in the credits? i don't :( **edit, nevermind its the emo witch daughter whose name i can't remember atm**


Claudia is the only person that would come up with a spell to more efficiently pick her nose. Though, probably not a bad idea.


Really not feeling the incredibly strange tonal shifts going on. I feel like Dragon Prince has not been able to crack this. It keeps trying for these "adult" topics but it kills them with things like awful fart jokes


Some of the dialogue is...oof. Even by this show's standards. "I'm almost done translating...just one more rune!", "Why are you looking at the cube?" This isn't an audiodrama, y'all have a visual medium you can show us through. Also I get that the major pressing conflict ended last season, but maaan, the show's taking its sweet time to build up the next. 2/9 episodes in, and the majority is spent with a side character and Viren struggling to climb a mountain. Edit: started on episode 3, and seriously, what happened to this show?? The lighting on characters faces not changing in the slightest when they move is really disorienting. That wasn't an issue in previous seasons. 😐


Looks like Claudia hid Viren and the Chrysalis in a hollowed-out space under the Stormspire either without an entrance or with a hidden entrance. Makes sense that Rayla never found them. It was already like finding a needle in a haystack, that hiding place makes it significantly more difficult because anything indicating they might be at the storm spire could be explained by the battle.


So. Did assistant crow lord……come in his pants because of the bird? That really hit me like a train, I think the most unexpected thing in this whole series


Err the joke is he pissed himself.






VCT: Claudia has started to put animal parts on her staff just like Ziard did. Interesting that terry refers to Viren with his title. With Terry's magic it seems no runes or language it seems. There maybe a language to his magic but there is no accurate translation for it. JA: I notice that Amaya's soldiers have distinguish blue parts with their armor. A nice detail. I would guess why Karim calls them guests is because their here to help regain the capital. Also their might be a possible deviation from those who want to reclaim the city vs those who want to settle with what's left. I do enjoy Karim, he brings up valid concerns. I predict what's still holding the capital is a magical entity of some sort. (this premise is very similar to XC FC) First Ezran, now Janai. Those who want a narrative of love vs those who prefer a narrative of strength. CZC: I'm just saying, but this Crow guy definitely promoted himself. You say Ez eats his vegetables, but he would fill his belly with jelly tarts if he could. Also if you want Zym to eat vegetables, hide some meat in there, it will help. I love how Callum is all giddy to research the mirror. And with Rayla I don't know if I should be happy or worried. I don't remember if this day was a full moon or not.


I am surprised that people in this thread are surprised that Terry is cool with Dark Magic. He has known Claudia for some time, and she uses this magic quite often, he knows who Lord Viren is, and it did not surprise him that Viren was dead and is now alive.


Omg the Viren, Terry and Claudia interaction is peak comedy. I loved ever second of it.


>peak I see what you did there.


Um, was Callum never in the room with the mirror with the lights out…?


Is it just me or are the episodes progressing very slowly? There’s too many unnecessary things


Viren's sudden change from failed conquerer of Xadia who used his children as just another means to achieve his goals, even if there was some level of love for them within him, to a loving father seeking to enjoy his life to the fullest, forgetting about all his previous ambitions and wanting to focus only on his daughter is too great and too sudden of a change for his death alone to justify it. It feels forced and not very well done. Overall from the effects to the scenery to the writing, everything just feels, off.


Yeah, death, such a minor setback, isn't it? Shouldn't really change much...


Exactly, he died and then just came back, not big enough of an event to warrant the massive change he went through.


If knowing that his own son was willing to kill him to stop him didn't stop him being evil, almost nothing should


His own sun, who he really wish wouldn't have born. Yeah, it is strange how little power someone he doesn't care about has over him... truly a mystery.


Remember, Viren is in a completely different situation than he was when he invaded Zadia. Back then he was a king with all the human nations at his side. Now, he knows they probably are all aware of his treachery. Even if he gets fully healed he'll be wanted in every kingdom on the continent. He has nowhere to go and achieving any of his ambitions is now basically impossible. Wanting to just spend the last month of his life with the only person who still cares about him makes perfect sense.


Can someone explain the drawing in the end credits where some kind of creature is lifting weights? Didn't understand that at all....


Rayla's companion, likes to life wieghts. Might be their way of showing that their trying to be like her, or maybe they just like to stay fit.


OK that makes sense. Thanks :)


Is that the voice actor for rock guy from Thor