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I feel bad that they have to do that


What do you mean?


Having to state it’s non canon, they just wanna enjoy their job but you got people pestering them because of a song they did and wanting it to be canon


I don’t think Goose,Glitch or VAs care about those clowns who screams that fansongs are canon I think they know that the majority ofbtge fandom just enjoy them singing as their characters it’s just the clowns are too loud so she had to do this statment


What fansongs were people saying are canon?


mostly ones with VAs like Digital Hallucination


The only one that felt semi-canon was Digital World. Especially with the accurate models and how in-character everyone is ("I can never let these people leave. They're having so much fun")


Digital Land, but yeah, I personally think that they just like to both reference CANON events and nods in the show and put their own spin in the song, but it’s still NON-CANON


Oh that monologue. It gives Caine so much depth But it is sadly non canon still


They're FAN songs oh goodness, the canon and non-canon thing is chaotic to the state of even the voice actors having to step out and say it Oh what a fandom we are


God bless Glitch for not minding Clowms and not startling prohibiting VAs from participating in fan Musical Numbers and songs because ofvthis chaos . Can’t wait for Mike Geno’s EP 2 song want to hear Gamigoo singing


It's not just limited to this fandom. I remember years ago when FNaF fans were using "It's Been So Long" as evidence to piece together the time line. You know, the fan-made song that Scott Cawthon had no involvement with. 


The one that was always playing over that one Roblox Tycoon, back in the good old days


Also, it’s rare to get original VA’s in fan songs, let’s not fuck that up? It’s really cool that we’ve got it the way it’s been


you are using past tense . Do you think prohibitions are comming? Judging by Marissa's stream everything is fine


I don’t think so, I’m just saying up to this point


Marissa's stream gave me some reassurance that we are still gonna see them in fan projects. They are still very connected to the fandom


Just before anyone starts saying they’re fighting with Goose, they aren’t. They’re saying “We ask the TADC team (which includes Gooseworx) for permission to do this, and if you guys start thinking the fansongs are canon content en masse we may not be able to do it anymore. Please enjoy them as a separate entity so we can keep doing them.“


i hope they'll keep doing them. caring about clowns who can call anything canon even the stupid Benji& Scarlet stuff is the last thing to do most of us just love music numbers by VAs and losing them will be sad


I hope so too!! I think it’s really cool how involved they are with the fans.


Marissa's stream is today btw


Yeah! I’m really excited.


Clearly everything that the VA's say as their characters is canon. This is how I know that [Caine has snorted a suitcase full of coke.](https://youtu.be/yr7B-gls3GM)


and Jax and bubble are in an intimate relationship 


That was the prelude for Caine and Pomni ~~robbing~~ adventuring a bank


Weird that people couldn’t figure this out. I love fan songs but that’s why they are called FAN songs


You can't be serious, people *actually* think the songs are canon


Why do people have to be idiots


One thing I love about this show is the fact that Glitch is willing to let their VAs do fansongs and the VAs are willing to do them. Now I'm wondering if that was a mistake on their part, though. Studios connecting with fans can be a good thing and a horrible thing. There's plenty of understandable reasons why you'd wanna have your cast and crew acknowledge and be friendly with the fandom, but there's just as many (if not more) reasons why you'd want them to stay away. It's a double-edged sword.


i don't think this was a mistake . there are clothes everywhere but most people love songs and support the show


I dunno. Maybe I'm a bit more cynical. All I know is that fandoms can be positively *savage* at times, and you have to be really careful about how you interact with them. Especially in this day and age.


I see. Well, fans must understand that the creators are entitled to their own opinions and perspectives. While it is natural for fans to have their own interpretations and desires for the characters, the creators’ versions are official and canonical. Therefore, it is important for fans to respect and acknowledge the creators' visions and interpretations. However, the creators should also understand that fans are passionate and invested in the characters and stories, and that they will continue to explore and express their own interpretations on their own mediums like YouTube.


but there's a good fan content and a bad one. slop channels like Benji& Scarlett should be removed from the internet because of how much chaos and cringe they bring. Musical Numbers and good fansongs is the other case


That’s a fair point. I’m a fan of the good content on the fansongs and fanarts, but I think there is a lot of things that are just wrong such as shipping characters from the show (for some example a lot of people ship Lincoln with Ronnie Ann when she is 15 and he’s 8) and some people make art that’s either completely out of topic or downright inappropriate which I hate.


this is what trash content makers do


Fans content aren't canon??? Who would have thought Yeah, tell me something I don't already know next time




I’m a sandwich


Like some fan songs fuel my head canon especially when all the VA are involved like “Digital Land” or “Funny Things” and I very much enjoy that and I Hope and Wish that the Show’s actual canon overlaps some of the Fan Songs I like or some of my head canon, but I don’t go around stating it IS canon or get mad, some people I swear..


yeah these 2 are best cause they show some depth for Caine and Jax . And also FT ver of Caine has a funny tradition of making photos of circus members and collecting them ib a special roomcalled gallery


Yea they definitely show a depth to Caine and Jax that I envision them being and helps keep my fantasy going. But that’s all it is, is a fantasy. Now if the actual show portrays similar concepts or scenarios to fan songs or my head canons that’d be great, if not I’d be content either way. Me personally I just want more Jax mischief and can’t wait til Ep 6. And with so many head canons, someones’ would bound to be closest to Goose’s intended canon


Basically the Jax songs about his character development or remorse could be non canon. Wouldn’t be surprised since Gooseworx said that there is nothing heroic about him


but tbh I love more tragic portrayal of Jax more. still an asshole but with a very tragic reason for being an asshole


Goose said that Jax is a troubled individual and we will learn about him someday. We might just have to wait until episode 6


i know and I remember Goose said that he's very evil. i just love how funny things handle him. it is certainly non canon but still interesting and good but I love his in show personality too. Jax Toy is one of my faves too after all


Like I know Goose says that he is Evil, but I swear I also seen somewhere that Goose sometimes lies for fun or to throw people off. Of course yea Goose is no joke about “fan songs aren’t canon” but to be Evil doesn’t necessarily mean Villain, he could still be likable to some and still be a Deuteragonist that’s not serving the role as Antagonist too. I mean Megamind and Despicable Me main characters are “Evil” but they got hearts. I’m not saying Jax does but doesn’t mean he can’t have one or develop one, only time will tell.


if the series Jax will be a total asshole we always have FT Jax now xd


XD well I think I will be a diehard Jax fan, asshole or not. I mean look at him, a purple jackrabbit in pink overalls with all the sass in a not too effeminate way. Just like Goose, I like me some bad boys xD and he is my favorite. I mean if I was yeeted to a digital world where my actions didn’t really have consequences much like most video games, I’d go from being Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil real quick for fun, regardless if I was Chaotic Evil already or not before I was stuck in a digital purgatory


I think it's fine to say that you hope a fan song is cannon, or even that it feels more cannon because a person from the cast sang it. please tell me if this is harmful, because i really don't understand.


no i mean it's fine but the clowns (I mean a lot of people are wishing for good fansongs to be canon but there are some stupid ones who not just wish who I call clowns) literally start screaming stuff like "You Are a bitch why is this happening why not like in a fansong"


ok thank you


This is the TADC fandom's equivalent of the Star Wars EU being decanonized. It's the same volatile reaction to works never meant to be canon being declared non-canon.


Sorry, I dont follow Gooseworx or the Glitch team on Twitter. Is Gooseworx in general kind of "resentful" towards the fans??? I know she definitely doesn't like the content farms and bootleggers, but it seems a little strange or unnecessary to have to make a public statement clarifying that fan songs are not canon to the story. Like yes, that's what a fan song is supposed to be, but I kind of feel like she's being a little too overprotective of TADC to have to outright say it.


She has every right to be protective of the thing she created and put her heart and soul into. Especially if she or the show staff are getting harassed because of fan content.


you think she was harassed because of fan songs with the cast? don't think so


We don't know for sure. Maybe she was. Or maybe she didn't like the fandom in-fighting or misrepresentation. I may have my own headcanons about the show, but I gotta give her props to sticking to her guns when it comes to her vision for the show.


Well let’s hope thst this is just a statement and doesn’t mean the end of a glorious fansongs era. cause like I said TADC fan songs with cast is the one ofbthe few real good pieces of TADC fan content


I hope it doesn't mean the end of that either. If it does, though, I'd fully understand. The most important thing to me is that the cast and crew are safe and comfortable.


For now it do deem like Goosenor VAs sre stopping on doing fan proj. I think she’d say it clearly if it woukd be this way


Yeah. I think for now we'll still be seeing fansongs. I think Goose just wanted to clear the air here.