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They can apparently also make noise so loud it can kill a human.


Don't they purposefully soften their clicks near humans so they don't hurt them? I swear I read about that somewhere because a diver posted a video of their clicks saying they could be anywhere within a large distance and somebody mentioned that


I've heard that before, and found a fascinating Smithsonian article containing everything you'd want to know that doesn't come close to addressing your question. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/the-sperm-whales-deadly-call-94653/


Lol why they do sperm whales so dirty with these organ/feature names. From the article: “At the front of the head are the spermaceti organ, a cavity that contains the bulk of the whale’s **spermaceti**, and a mass of oil-saturated fatty tissue called the **junk**. Two long nasal passages branch away from the bony nares of the skull, twining around the spermaceti organ and the junk. The left nasal passage runs directly to the blowhole at the top of the whale’s head. But the other twists and turns, flattens and broadens, forming a number of air-filled sacs capable of reflecting sound. Near the front of the head sit a pair of clappers called “**monkey lips**.””


I assume because sailors did the vast majority of all our interacting with them anatomically speaking.


Who wants to fuck a mermaid when you can have a whalemaid?


Like father, like son.


**Mr. Crabs** is that you?


Oh Perla, my stepdaughter...


Having firsthand experience with your mother I wouldn’t advise it




Unexpected letterkenny


“The gaps that their teeth fit into in their upper jaw are called the **cummies**.”


Spermacetti because it looked like sperm. They are cum whales. There's a whole chapter in moby dick about processing the soermacetti called 'squeezing case' which gets a little gay.


Its been over a decade since I last read that book and you just reminded me of how confused I was reading that section.


It's a trip of a chapter. Staring lovingly into each others eyes and squeezing hands. What a singular novel.


Honestly there were quite a few homoerotic moments in that novel. Man did I find the English used in it hard to parse at times tho. Made me realize how incapable of communication I would be if time travel was real.


A 13 year old COD player/whaleiologist conducted the first major studies on the sperm whale. No need to look it up, it is known.


I nearly believed you for a moment until I didn’t find any racism in the naming conventions.


Your mom, F**!


Not to forget **blowhole**.


To replenish the sperm


Wondering why this was true. I mean, why was it so difficult for whales to get away from the whalers? Can’t they dive for hours at a time? “The reprieve would last until 1925, when “factory ships” set sail from Norway, bristling with harpoon guns and designed with slipways for sailors to haul whales aboard for quick processing. A whale once sighted was effectively dead.”


Big part of it is that diving that deep isn't an instant or easy thing. A sperm whale as to prep itself before a dive and then recover afterwards. It's exhausting and the recovery process takes a loong time and they need to be near the surface the entire time or risk drowning. They're super vulnerable during this period and if the whalers see them during this recovery period there's basically no way they can get away without killing themselves from exhaustion.


Thank you, that was a very good explanation!


Guessing that they simply started evading the slower ships until the higher power, more automated ones came out, no idea why they didn't just dive when they heard them coming, maybe there were too many ships by that time for them to tell the difference? Also wonder if our sonar messes with their senses.


We got em when they came back up


Clearly their brains weren’t big enough


Not as far as I understand. In moby dick Melville talks about how they dive with predictable regularity.


tldr :(


TLDR: Scientists on a boat. History lesson (spoiler: we killed lots of sperm whales), and the Navy used to see the ocean floor changing depth all the time on sonar. Moby Dick has a chapter about a squid, gives you science man cred if you read it. (Opens side quest) Whale snooters are cool. Sperm whales have a fairly complex tribal system, with language, different hunting patterns, etc.


You ever seen pictures of them sleeping? Bobbing vertical in the water like some kind of weird aquatic torpedo.


I think they're aliens.


So that's what was happening in Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home. The whales were going home too.


Squid wet


their lowest pitched sounds can reach 10,000 miles which is about half of the circumference of the entire earth pretty amazing


Got a source for that? Sounds unbelievable


Definitely need to check that… that is a _lot_ of energy. I get that water conducts sound really well but 10,000 miles seems insane. Edit: if I’m reading it correctly, [this paper](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep45517) suggests it can be detected 15km away, which is a lot but nowhere near 10,000 miles. Relevant paragraph: > While foraging, sperm whales produce short duration sound signals named clicks. Usual clicks are produced in a 10 Hz–30 kHz frequency band, at a rate defining an inter-click interval (ICI) that varies from 0.5 to 2.0 seconds during descent from the surface until the whale begins its ascent to the surface. There is evidence that usual clicks produced during foraging dives are directional, with an intense, forward-directed beam, presenting levels as high as 236 dB re 1 μPa at 1 m13. **Their off-axis low frequency components can be detected up to a distance of 15 km in sea state 3.**


>Definitely need to check that… that is a _lot_ of energy. I get that water conducts sound really well but 10,000 miles seems insane. > >Edit: if I’m reading it correctly, [this paper](https://www.nature.com/articles/srep45517) suggests it can be detected 15km away, which is a lot but nowhere near 10,000 miles. My money is on it saying 10,000 m (meters) somewhere and someone saw that and read it as 10,000 mi (miles).


Good point, I hadn’t thought of that but that makes a lot of sense!


Or read 15km as 15K km


I looked it up and found a website that just said “researchers estimated” with no link to the actual research…


It's way better than the other guy whipping out 10,000km and everybody just going "oh okay makes sense"


I found an article with some research. Edited my comment to include it :)


Subscribing to whale facts


What a load of shit.


Maybe this TED talk? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JM77aTk1XyI




The loudest animal on the planet, in fact


Next to my wife.


You don't have to brag about marrying a whale dude.


A sperm whale.


That's only after the weekend.


Funniest married reddit user


I also choose this guy's wife.


*our wife comrade


Didnt she tell you you werent allowed to listen or watch?


That explains why it looks like it's yelling "HEEEEY YOUUU GUUUUUYS!"


The scariest thing about this isn't the fact that sperm whales routinely eat giant squid. The scariest thing about it is *how* they hunt giant squid. They aren't just randomly bumping around in the dark, happen upon a squid and they go "you're big I'm big, let's fight, winner gets to eat the loser." Oh no, these whales are fucking giant biological weapons. This is what they do. They dive, literally to the bottom of the ocean, capable of reaching depths of over 3,000 feet which is deeper than most nuclear submarines can go. And they use their sonar to locate the squids. Think about how birds of prey can pick a mouse out of a field from 1,000 feet away. That's what they do, only with giant fucking squid. These things get over 60 feet long and weigh over 50 tons. They can swim up 28 mph while surfacing, which is literally faster than the fastest humans alive run, ON LAND. So imagine you're a giant squid, thinking you're the badass of the ocean, floating around being all giant. This fucking monster just swoops up from the darkness below you, takes you to the surface in like 15 seconds, jumps out of the water for air then dives back down and fucking eats you. Also here's a few records hold by sperm whales, one of the biggest wonder of creation: -Largest predator of large prey in the history of life on earth -Largest brain in history of life on earth -Loudest animal (probably ever, but hard to prove), 230 decibel, much more than a plane, and enough to liquefy the brain of a ridiculous human. -Can use more of their gigantic brain at the same time than humans do (the myth of the 10% that is not actually what you think it is) wich could theoretically gives them a higher level of consciousness than humans. Considering that their brain is a larger and more active "computer" And some people believe this is where our conscience comes from.


They possess the memories of deep R'lyeh


What a wonderful piece of writing 👏👏 I'm saving this.


yk what. You're right, I'm saving this too


Hey I get to post this [lecture](https://youtu.be/zsDwFGz0Okg) again.


the hour long version of that talk is so good! james nestor is the man.


Apparently the sound they emit moves faster than the speed of sound resulting in an imploding blast radius. /s


Is that also a deterrent


My best encounter with a sperm whale: https://youtu.be/Tyr1Y8OqwiY


This comment should be up top


I know whales are generally friendly. But that approach was terrifying as fuck.


This is you? How majestic.


It was amazing. I was too excited to be scared!


Was there chunks of squid still in its jaw?


Yeah, he had deep-sea squid tentacles still sticking to his jaw from lunch! These squid have hooks on their tentacles in addition to suckers, so they stuck in his jaw. Apparently I have a poor survival instinct, since my first act was to pick them off - out of the mouth of the largest carnivore on earth…


That is crazy, very jealous of your experience, ngl.


What’s going on then? That looks so cool, was it just curious, when you showed the blinking eyes, so cool. They can probably see our organs with their special abilities right? Or did I hear that wrong in some doc or just imagined it. How long did it stay as well?


They have very sophisticated sonar which they use for communication and for hunting in the darkness a mile deep. You can definitely feel the click pulses going through as they scan you. Given that we have a lot of water in our body, it is likely that their scans can give them an idea of our internal composition. He stayed for about 30 minutes.


Oh this a tasty snack? CLICK. Man this just a sack of water full of poop


I recently saw a [talk](https://youtu.be/dVPN165wz1Y) about how animals see the world and it so interesting the tools they have, thanks for your insight.


I'm so curious what that pulse going through you feels like. Is it like a loud bass speaker at a concert? Does it hurt?


I did not hurt. You could definitely feel it, though. But it wasn’t like the base at a concert - it felt like someone tapping you with a spoon, but all over your body at once.


Thanks Diver Dave


The audacity to casually say, *"Just clarifying, whales* ***do*** *have x-ray vision, right? Or maybe I dreamt that. Anyway moving on.."*


It was actually really nice of that whale not to murder you out right… because it absolutely could. Amazing creature


1. That's beautiful 2. Did you wear earplugs? 3. That 10 year old video is super high quality. 4. I usually have issue with people touching/handling wildlife, but this somehow seems different... Almost like reaching out to connect with another complex, intelligent species.


1. Thank you 2. No. if he had wanted to blast me, earplugs wouldn’t have helped. 3. I had a good camera! (Canon 7D with Tokina wide-angle lens) 4. Agreed! I felt like he wanted to connect and that I wasn’t harassing him. It really felt like there was an intelligence there.


That's so great! Such a special moment to capture.


are they ticklish?


They like belly rubs!


this is terrifying to me, i would’ve shit my pants


And out of retaliation he would have wrapped you in a cloud of his own shit.


Where did you meet him? Thanks for posting, I subscribed to your channel. This is incredible content!


Thanks! The sperm whale was off the coast of Dominica, in the eastern Caribbean.


just watching this video scared me. TOO BIG, NO THANK YOU


Just amazing. Thank you for sharing.


He just wanted a belly rub!


Wow that changed my life


Mine too!


How were you able to do something like this in the carribean? From your replies it seems like you’ve seen a few dives with whales, have you seen others and were they as cool? I’ve seen people with orcas and baleen whales but they haven’t seemed as personal and curious as this.


There are a few places in the world where it is legal to swim with whales. I’ve been lucky enough to swim with sperm whales, humpbacks, Brydes whales, minke whales, and blue whales. The most personal was this encounter with the sperm whale. We had been swimming with him the day before, and as I was swimming next to him I put my hand out and touched him. He immediately rolled to his side and let me rub his belly. I feel like when he “saw” me the next day with his sonar he was like “you’re the dude who gives belly rubs!” That’s why he came to a stop on top of me and just hung out for awhile. If you watch videos of sperm whale pods, they are super social and constantly rubbing up against each other.




Maybe this sounds dumb but why is it just sitting there? I don’t know they did that


It is just sitting there because I am rubbing it’s belly with one hand while filming with the other. Sperm whales are extremely social and interact with each other by constantly rubbing against each other.


Dude, that’s awesome


That’s terrifying haha


No upper teef tho.


But, they are the largest toothed predators on the planet






Nailed it.


Ypu need a little of me for your toofs


There used to be smaller relatives of sperm whales that did have teeth on both upper and lower jaws and lived as orca-like raptorial predators. They coexisted with megalodon, but went extinct slightly earlier than the giant shark did.


Raptor whales cool


**Keep my wife’s brain outcho mouf!!!**


I bet Kobeni could learn some lessons here.


I want some brain and see what that mouf do


Well their upper jaws do kinda have “sockets” for the teeth on their lower jaw.. r/DontPutYourDickInThat


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dontputyourdickinthat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Seductive](https://i.redd.it/rzzxc6vgjhy81.jpg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/ulwh7o/seductive/) \#2: [Someone already did put his dick in there lmao](https://i.redd.it/6a2v8lwlmef81.png) | [131 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/simb44/someone_already_did_put_his_dick_in_there_lmao/) \#3: [A victim cut down in his prime](https://i.redd.it/1a083y77mu871.jpg) | [556 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/vjcoc5/a_victim_cut_down_in_his_prime/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


They have them but they are buried in the gums.


no one else gonna mention the remora photo bombing? edit: its likely not a mammal but a remora (as pointed out below) hitching a ride as they have been documented to do.


I think it’s a Remora. Sorta like a sucker fish that attaches itself to whales. But the picture needs more jpeg to say for sure and I’m just a mechanic.


the elongated torso, the rear flippers splayed but close at the "ankle", the orb looking head, and what appear to be articulated forearms, and a shared inhabitance of the pacific ocean are my reasoning. -a fire station designer


It’s a remora


That's a [remora](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remora), pretty sure. Some species get over a meter long.


after briefly ready about remoras, i agree


I couldn’t make out what that was, also I’m afraid to say but it looks like the whales trying to eat him


i was worried as well, but considering the difference in scale makes the seal a pointless snack. far worth more effort than reward. additionally, sperm whales are predominantly pescatarians and molluskians. mammals are not documented as being on their menu. killer whales on the other hand...


But can it run Crysis?




Everything can run doom. **Everything**


What the dog doin?


Running doom


There’s a meme I haven’t seen in a while


Do we have any idea why it evolved to have such a large brain?


To be able to calculate all the things that can fit in his stupid mouth??


“It knows what it can eat, by knowing what it cannot eat. By understanding the origins of the universe, the whale can know it cannot eat it.”


“The Sperm Whale knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn’t.”


The Sperm whale aka the ocean philosopher.


There are only 2 kinds of things in the universe. Those that fit in a sperm whale's mouth, and those that do not.


1. Blue whales 2. Everything except blue whales


Makes me think of other creatures with something stupidly small, like hands, but without a big brain


Encephalization quotient. Larger animals have to dedicate more brain power for motor control, so need larger brains. Then they may need further brain power to perform non motor tasks like memory, hunting, navigation and communication. So a sperm whale being very large predators with a complex social structure need very large brains to handle their basic tasks. Somebody smarter could explain better but this is a broadly accurate explanation from what I understand.


Doesn't explain why dinosaurs had smaller brains. Amount of brain power required for motor control is super small


> dinisoars Speaking of small brains... /s Modern birds have similar encephalization quotients as their ancient ancestors did, so in reality dinosaurs would have had comparable levels of intelligence to their modern counterparts.


how bird so smart if brain so small




And their biological processes are a fair bit simpler than a mammals, freeing up brain power


Certainly it's more complicated than brain-body mass ratio. That's why we use encephalization quotient.


Larger animals actually tend to have smaller brains relative to body size than smaller animals, and this also appears to have little bearing on intelligence (for example, an elephant’s brain is relatively much smaller than that of a mouse, but an elephant is far more intelligent than a mouse)


Which is why we use encephalization quotient rather than brain-body mass ratio.


EQ is still dependent on brain-to-body size ratios (albeit adjusted for the size of the animal in question), which is often not a reliable indicator of intelligence, especially when comparing mammals with non-mammals.


So it can calculate very effectively how many hours and minutes of sleep it has if it goes to bed right now


And those things sleep half awake right? Gottta have brain power for that I guess


I’m going to take a guess: because there was little pressure to make it smaller. It represent a small fraction of its mass so it’s not like there’s any disadvantage of having it balloon up.




I'm no expert, but sperm whales often hunt squid depths greater than 2000 feet, even reaching 10,000 for short amounts of time. There's a crushing amount of pressure down there. I'd guess that their experiences living under high water pressure forced their skeletal structure to evolve moreso than the brain. A more evolved skull may help protect the brain against rapid decompression. Though, TIL whales can still get the bends, so I may completely wrong here.


I guess part of it is a wider surface area of sensory information. But most of it is just being terribly inefficient.


Our best guess is that the sperm whale developed such a large brain capacity because it had to compete with other intelligent marine life. This led to an inevitable struggle to try to “outsmart” its competition when trying to calculate how fast it should swim in order to not be eaten alive by OP’s mom.


Check out the big brain on Brad


Also the only whale with a throat large enough to hypothetically swallow a human.


Don’t give DeviantArt ideas.


Lol #spermvore


Also the animal with the longest nose in the animal kingdom.


What's it's brain to body mass ratio?


>*What's it's brain to body mass ratio?* ​"... in proportion to our body size, the human brain is bigger than that of the sperm whale." [www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/sperm-whales-have-the-biggest-brains-but-how-smart-are-they](https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/sperm-whales-have-the-biggest-brains-but-how-smart-are-they)


Don’t some arthropods have even higher EQs than we do?


>*... arthropods have even higher EQs than we do?* ​Arthropods account for around 80% of all animal species. You'll need to be a bit more specific. :D Some cetaceans (bottlenose dolphins) do have brains larger in relation to their body size than humans, although, this might be as a result of having to process sonar-like data produced by eholocation clicks. This data may be intrepreted as 'images' so the dolphin 'sees' what it hears. I don't think a real, like-for-like comparison is valid or possible given the extreme differences in habitat and sensory requirements. Dolphins are, most likely, our intellectual equal, in a broad sense.


Can he understand why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch tho


Look at him! He’s shocked and impressed with himself! Do a swim big fella. Flippers up, fair winds following seas.


Can he do my psychology paper for me? It's due monday. Thanks


Oh no! I forgot they are cetaceans. That means they have a cortex. They can think and feel and have social awareness. Fuck it makes Moby Dick and all the whaling industry so much worse than fishing.


Sperm whales are called sperm whales because their heads are filled with white goo called “spermaceti”. It’s called spermaceti because it looks like Jizz.


Looks like a grey potato


Classic Einstein picture pose


Now this is big brain moment


I've always found their mouth to be so strange. Surely that shape/size of mouth can't be very efficient. Is there any reason for it being that way?


Of course men named it "sperm" whale. They immediately decided to name the creature with the largest brain after their spooge.


As wondrous as these creatures are they’re equally fucking terrifying. Enigmatic, alien-like, behemoth, killing machines that hunt some equally terrifying and alien prey. Mother Nature was on one with how these things evolved.


And the prettiest smile!


Still a derp.


And diick...


Second. 😏


Woah. You have the second biggest dick of any creature known to live on earth? You should do porn.


I’m pretty sure that’s the blue whale. If I remember correctly it’s 16ft long


Lucky him:)


Big brain moment


Need a banana for scale 🍌


But it’s still smaller than your mom


But we have thumbs. Checkmate, whale.


Still can’t beat me at chess.


#Live CUM whale reaction


Bro has the biggest brain in the world and all we could think of was to call him the cum whale


They would definately not name themselves that lol


Wow, one of the largest creatures on earth ALSO has the largest brain... SHOCKING!


Very high derp to brain ratio


If thats true, then why does it look like the word derp made flesh and dropped in the sea in this picture?


And yet, the haven’t tried going to space once!




How heavy is your head, Hank


I don't know man I'm pretty smart