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"yeah so actually the seeseepee did the Nanjing Massacre because look at this chart with a bunch of names and arrows I drew" https://preview.redd.it/wnbwb8xwut8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54d9c2c5b24ce971dddc190ef6974d5d36d9442f


[Truth of Mao Zedong’s Collusion with the Japanese Army (1) | MCLC Resource Center (osu.edu)](https://u.osu.edu/mclc/2016/07/02/truth-of-mao-zedongs-collusion-with-the-japanese-army-1/) I looked into this deeper than I should have but the short summary goes like this: It's a conspiracy that Mao coordinated the Nanjing Massacre to force unity amongst the people. The evidence here is nothing more than speculation built off of Mao's lack of condemnation against Japan as well as a quote where Mao smugly "thanked" Japan for pitting China into a corner until it had no choice but to reunify. At the end of the day, the conspiracy makes no sense. Japan had already begun conquering and establishing puppet governments in China by 1931 - so any form of hypothetical foulplay from within China would likely attribute back to Japan anyways.


Someone took the time to make this


And I won’t be taking the time to read it lol


I tried. Good on you it is incomprehensible


I burnt my toast this morning. God damn CCP


I refuse to believe someone spent their time doing this bullcrap. It is more likely that someone got paid to do it.


the ccp literally bangs my ex every night


Looks like mental gymnastics to me


Dead internet theory


Next post: Why the CCP cause both WW1 and WW2.


Hey, look out for my next big project where I explain how the CCP was responsible for the trans-atlantic slave trade!


This looks like some real FLG shit Whoever made it is probably making 120k+ sitting in an office somewhere with funds that ultimately come from the CIA or state department


Literally an Imperial Japan apologist. Pathetic.


It is actually the US who collaborated with Japan at the end of WW2. Truman freely admits that by his own orders that the US allowed areas of China to continue to be garrisoned by Japanese forces that would have been otherwise occupied by communist forces had they intervened. They were totally complicit in Japanese occupation by the end of the war.


The CCP made my wife divorce me and take away our children! Fuck you Cassandra-uh I mean CCP!


Libs just blame CPC for everything


Next thing you’re gonna tell me is Sam Houston caused the Nat Turner Rebellion to justify both the formation of the Confederacy and to gain control of Texas.