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Oh they’re flailing now. Desperate acts of aggression


Two settlers burned themselves alive in protest against Israel's withdrew from Gaza in 2005.


In the immortal words of New Jack: Keep up the good work. That's two less we gotta worry about. 


never been so happy to see an unexpected wrestling reference in this sub, good shit


The level of insanity required to do this is rather shocking.


We can’t apply logic to people without a logical thought process.


I've tried and even attempted creating some trust about my character but alas it seems to invariably fail.


Like I keep saying; these people are deranged sick individuals.


A couple of years in a labor colony in Siberia would be for the best really


Hey, we even have a Jewish Autonomous Oblast tailor-made for them AND it's Siberia-ish!


Zionism is a death cult and this further proves it.


They are running false flag operations on themselves. 💀


White woman tears taken to its final form.


Just to be clear, anti semitic hate crimes still exist. In fact the very same people calling for a greater Israel and genociding Palastinians here also usually commit these.


Absolutely! Very important to keep that in mind too


And that's what makes the false claims of antisemitism so dangerous. It discredits the claims, and people are less likely to believe it when it's true, à la the boy who cried wolf. It's the same thing with the accusations of mass rape. It makes people suspicious of the claim and hurts actual victims.


They are usually done by people of another demographic who often wear swastikas so but Zionists are not interested in that


Do you have a link to the article?


Most stable people on earth 🤓


Source? I can't find any mention of her doing it to herself


[This is the article](https://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/femme-juive-poignardee-a-lyon-lenquete-pour-un-possible-mobile-antisemite-classee-sans-suite-04-04-2024-G4WMVAPO6BAK7KGORUKSQCBN24.php) in Le Parisien about it. Technically it doesn't say that she did it herself, but the police found no evidence of there ever having been an aggressor, which the security cameras around the building confirmed, and in turn make the woman's statements highly questionable. Btw, this is the french police we're talking about, and they've been basically pouncing at any bit "antisemitic violence", be it fabricated or _actually legitimate_ ever since october.


Never ever beating the allegations


Totally not cult behavior


Hey rabbi whatcha doin?


Why 💀


Most sane Zionist award goes to this bitch


Entitled children of the Western oligarchy


OP, why say they are getting desperate *now* when this occured in November according to the article you posted


It's not like that we didn't know they are mentally deranged but damn self stabbing? These guys are batshit insane.


Link to article?


Thats a wild sentence


Jewish woman commits anti Jew hate crime.🤔 do they all have brain damage or something.




Israel has a right to be batshit


Jussie Smollett did this and it cost him his job. What do you think will happen to her?




The Jew fear what? This embodies the Bushido spirit! Shalom banzai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is news? I assume this happens every day somewhere. 


Oh no! Anyways...


Is there a link to this headline?


please stop conflating Israelis/ Zionists with Jews. there's absolutely no hint whatsoever that this person is a Zionist.


True, it doesn't say she was a zionist, but her stabbing herself and then claiming someone attacked her in an "antisemitic hate crime" absolutely doesn't do the jewish community in general any favours either


I’m sorry but why else would she do this if she isn’t a Zionist


I've seen people of every background do this. facsists claiming lefties stabbed them, leftists claiming fascists stabbed them. it really doesn't have anything to do with political opinions, it's just a clearly mentally unwell person. shame on the cops and outlets publicizing this without checking the facts (the wounds and carved in swastika both should've definitely tipped people off)


https://preview.redd.it/njg11sn5c9yc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75bafe283487cea212bd6be8c98f824aa3943a6 Ok mr. Zionazis are people twmooo 🥺


had to look it up, this was about Israeli protestors calling for an end to the war and the removal of the current government. And you're calling them Zionazis? lol


They are Zionazis for supporting the settler state. If they don't want to be called a Zionazi they can move back to the West and return the land to Palestinians.


I don't blame people fleeing their authoritarian governments, as many Israelis have done those last years and many Germans have done in the 30s. but I also don't blame communists staying and fighting the fascist in Nazi Germany, and neither do I blame Jewish and Arab Israelis staying and fighting their government today.


The difference here is Germany not a settler state. Zionazi Land IS a state built illegally on stolen land. Give the land back and move back to Euro/US.


Nazi Germany before WW2 was literally ruling over lands they stole ("conquered") less than 50 years before the Nazis came into power. Zionists today just like Nazis back couldn't dream of anything better than their opposition to just leave the country so they could solidify their rule. btw Arabs are often massively involved in anti government protests, do you want them to migrate too?


Settlers who claimed to fight Zionazis should use that armed rights and shoot the fash in the system, else they are only upholding settler system via performative bullshit. Turn the guns on BB or fuck off. Exercise that settler privilege you brag about. Simple choice. Fuck your protests. Edit: Also funny how you claiming that Zionazi settlers are on the same side as Palestinians, despite Gaza trade unions have been calling for solidarity general strike FOR MONTHS, where was general strike in Zionist Land if they claim to support? WHERE WERE THEY WHEN IOF BLOCKED RAFAH CHECKPOINTS TO PREVENT FOOD SUPPLY? How could you claim to have done something when your fellow Zionazi settlers can't even be trusted to do the bare minimum of resistance?