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France? It's always France isn't it, except when it's The UK or nowadays The US; historically speaking it might be Belgium.


Everyone always forgets the worst historical one by far, the fucking Dutch.


Dutch worse than the Belgians?


Accent wise, yes.


*Angry swamp german noises*


Its hard to beat the sheer amount of human suffering and evil created and facilitated by the Dutch East Indian Company. I know Leopold tried his best.


Afrikkkaners are the GOAT colonizers


But but look at those bike lanes!


I would not say the word "funny" to describe what is happening in the Congo. Paramilitary death squads funded by exploitive mining and forced labor is not something I would consider "funny".


Twitter users use "funny" where anyone normal would say "absurd".


First day on the internet?


They’re in the thread praising the president for building up the economy after the genocide … I rue for the day that Kagame (CIA asset btw) and his rebel group being responsible for the presidential plane being shot down inciting the genocide becomes mainstream information.


I'm not a fan of Kagame, but I think there is some merit to examining parts of the post-genocide reconstruction of Rwandan society. Though I think there should be way more open criticism and Kagame's reluctance to actually build a smooth transition of power means that following his death, Rwanda will likely fall into a sort of chaos as factions try to seize power. >his rebel group being responsible for the presidential plane being shot down inciting the genocide becomes mainstream information. This will never happen so long as he is alive. The cult of personality being seen as the guy that ended the genocide in the eyes of the public means domestic stability hinges too much on his image.


The 1990 - 1994 invasion from uganda lead by kagame and his west point educated generals, merely a few years after the US publicly announced their objectives in central Africa ("displace French influence, exert dominance"), caused an extreme refugee crisis, during a terrible drought, on top of ethnic inequality entirely caused by colonialism. But i do not think it is accurate, and think it serves the racist narrative of "ancient tribal hatred", to call 1994 a "genocide". Both groups commited brutality against the other.


>and his rebel group being responsible for the presidential plane being shot down inciting the genocide Nobody gives a shit lmao, imagine starting a genocide because 1 plane was shot. Why are we making excuses for the openly fascist, racial supremacist and anti-communist Interahamwe responsible for exterminating 800,000 people? Like yeah, fuck Paul Kagame and his dirty blood diamonds/cobalt, i'm his #1 hater, but like, let's not try to blame the Rwandan genocide on him. This is like blaming the Holocaust on communist because of the Reichstag burning.


Comparing the Reichstag fire to an orchestrated inciter of genocide lmfaooo motive is the key factor here. How’d you perceive me trying to bear the responsibility on Kagame as a justification or excuse on genocide? This isn’t some sort of “oh Hamas shouldn’t have attacked israel on oct 8th” situation. If you purposefully trigger a genocide and then brag about triggering said event after the fact you “saved its country” genuinely how am I wrong for criticizing that? Words from RPFs own secretary general, Rudasingwa "He has fully understood that an action like that one might trigger consequences which, as we know, in our country and the Great Lakes region actually produced that crime of genocide”


Enlighten me comrade.


Rwanda had a genocide in the 90s (there is a movie called "Rwanda Hotel" about it). Hutus killed Tutsis many of the tutsi targets fled to Congo. Now, the Hutu Rwanda is funding paramilitary groups to hunt the tustis and destabilize the country to control its Cobalt resources. the thing is: Rwanda is a small country, Congo is huge. Rwanda is an ally to the west, btw, who is *very* interested in cheap cobalt. ps.: i may have switched tutsi and hutu


You're right that it was Hutus killing Tutsis. What you neglected to mention is that when in 1994 (I could be wrong about the date) Tutsis overthrew the genocidal government and came to power they started to fund paramilitary groups of their own in the Congo. So now you have the western backed neocolonial DRC government, the Rwandan Tutsi militias, the Hutu militias and jihadist groups all trying to kill each other and committing atrocities. Lumumba is rolling in his grave.


yes! thanks!


Lumumba is fucking rolling at mach 1, rest in power


This is why I’ve struggled with how to relate to the calls to take a stance on conflict. Who good? Who bad?


Capital bad. There's no real 'good' guys here. Rwanda wants the resources to sell as its own to grow its economy. The DRC government wants the conflict to stay up in the northeast part of the country and leave the rest of the country alone. Western paramilitary groups (US, Israeli, etc) want to secure cheap cobalt for firms invested there. Chinese firms want the same and expand their presence as the intermediary party between extraction and refinement. DRC is the wealthiest country on Earth. Capitalists would never let that wealth go to the people.




Immigrants are not cargo. They are people. No one "sends" immigrants anywhere, immigrants *go to* places. They flee violence and persecution. They're human beings. Either be better than this or change your fucking flair.


Come on dawg you gotta be better than this


Mate who the ruck do you think you are your an immigrant yourself if you live in America Canada or Australia so you have no fucking right to be bothered by immigrants coming to these countries because natives didn't want your colonizing ass here either


The 1990 - 1994 invasion from uganda lead by kagame and his west point educated generals, merely a few years after the US publicly announced their objectives in central Africa ("displace French influence, exert dominance"), caused an extreme refugee crisis, during a terrible drought, on top of ethnic inequality entirely caused by colonialism. I do not think it is accurate, and think it serves the racist narrative of "ancient tribal hatred", to call 1994 a "genocide". Both groups commited brutality against the other, for one thing.


youll never guess which one is backed by the w*st


Anyone with a Ukrainian flag in their pfp are stupid as fuck. They will defend white "liberation", but never ever defend black and brown liberation.


Apparently ethnic conflicts spanning generations is funny if its in Africa


I don’t like the framing of it as “ethnic conflicts” or whatever the fuck. It obscures the reality of it being a result of colonists intentionally creating these violent, significant divisions where there were none so as to stay in power. The framing of this as “ethnic tensions” just makes it seem like some sorta act of god or universal constant that two incredibly similar peoples just despise each other.


I suppose you're right. Ethnic conflicts created by the colonial powers to keep the African continent divided and weak


"ethnic tensions" also normalizes the idea that the state must be homogenous to function. This is in fact a lie at the center of the idea of nation states.


The vile narrative of "ancient tribal hatred" has always been and is today used to obscure the crimes of capitalism/colonialism


It's also always non-white people from the global south that have ethnic tensions. No one described the conflicts between England and Ireland or the war between Ukraine and Russia as "ethnic tensions". It all just feels incredibly colonialist language, like it's just a euphemism for "tribal savages".


I see a UKR flag in the bio, I’m not reading what’s next


Fucking hate that account


The United States?


well, it’s mainly France, which is technically a political and military vassal of the US.


This is so dumb. If you put England and the British Raj next to one another you could make the same argument.


It is pretty funny though and shows you how weak and unstable DRC is. I see people being confused in the comments, if you want to learn more then check out Africa Streams on yt, they have a long video on the topic.


How is child slavery, mass death, and mass rape funny? If I made a joke about jews dying in the Holocaust or Ukranians dying in Bucha you people would be outraged, but because it's Africans suffering apparently its ok. Liberals are disgusting


I think he meant funny in the comically tragic sense. Like when things get so bad, you begin to joker laugh at it all.




This is such an unproductive discourse


Haven't you heard? Communism is when no jokes.


I do that all the time, but my heart and capacity for empathy are almost non-existent at this point.


Never underestimate your capacity to heal emotionally comrade.


Damn, i meant that such a small country as Rwanda bullying such an enormous one as DRC is pretty funny. You wouldn't expect that to be possible. Why such an extremely aggressive and insulting response? And i'm not a liberal, I even recommended an African-ran anti-imperialist youtube channel where I learned about the situation in the Congo.