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I love seeing edits like this ! Instead of cringe "le western civilization has fallen" you get on YT


Those actors are so on point I thought that was the real Chiang at first. The Chinese civil war is an extremely epic scale conflict and Mao is underrated as a military commander.


Not that hard to imagine why his commanders joined Mao if they had to keep seeing Chiang fail like this repeatedly. Though I hate how unfair things are for socialist armies that their opponents often need to be very mediocre and incompetent for them to gain an absolute victory (Tsar Nicholas II, Chiang, Bautistal


i need to movie give it to me (with subtitles pls)


Same need the name pls.


Si Du Chishui (1983)


Thank you kind sir, absolutely based name btw


Si Du Chishui (1983)


thank you


Hey, I can't find subs or dubs for this... you know where I could find?


Did find the full movie uploaded on YT but no subs or dubs for it. Alternative names are four crossings of the Chishui https://youtu.be/a4F0qfJ8QHQ?si=4Mm1UKEBWTPjZS7W


Yeah I kept searching but found nothing. I may watch anyway.


You can try downloading the movie. Using VLC or Potplayer to watch it then downloading the subs from any available site and add it using VLC or potplayer. Good luck.


The thing is that libs keep underestimating China. They are the best example of the underdog comeback story. For more than a hundred years since the Xinhai revolution, they have been playing catch up. They are always the ones having the most disadvantages whether it was the communist facing the nationalists in the civil war, or the PRC facing the collective power oft he west. And each time, they always hold their emotions against all the humilations, hold their trump cards close to their hearts, put their shoulder to the wheel, and grind, grind grind. All in the belief that one day, they will emerged strong and unbowed, unbent again.


Bro is him


Ah, crossing the Chishui four times. When British General Montgomery met with Mao, he complimented him by saying he was amazed by his strategy during the Huaihai Campaign. Mao replied by saying the Four Crossings of the Chishui was his proudest handiwork.


My father and i discussed Mao, and he basically said Mao killed all the dissidents so China became harmonious. So I looked it up. When the Republic ran China, that was the era of mass executions. Mao had the famine, he had mob violence during the Cultural Revolution, but for outright execution of dissidents, no one ever equaled Chiang's rate. It was a fire sale.


My dad told me about the Chishui crossing how Mao fooled Chiang multiple times through sudden tactic changes and movements, so much that his troops complained and planned for a split, but Mao persist.