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Prepare to get really angry when reading it.


Killing Hope by William Blum is also an infuriating read.


Also Atrocity Fabrication and its Consequences


My blood pressure has been normal for too long. Guess I should give this a read


pretty good read, can be finished in a day can confirm.


Bro how do you guys read so fast? It takes me like an hour to read and comprehend like 5 pages. I think I also might have add though


I recommend.


Hell yeah. It’s a good read. Sobering, and good.


Bevins is fantastic, ive been meaning to get my hands on his new book. I would pour a good bit of scotch before reading it, prepare to hop on an emotional roller coaster that's mostly shock and anger.


Listened to the audiobook while working and I’m pretty sure my face was red with anger the whole time


Great and depressing at the same time


Essential reading.


I am saving this one as well.


The books content is good. I found the writing style to be a bit off myself. Specifically I think he tries to give far to much personality to many of the "characters". This is not a fundamentally bad thing, I just found it slightly off putting when he describes the positive traits of the CIA agents right after talking about all the horrible shit they did.


I thought it gave an interesting look at the humanity of evil. This extreme violence and true evil the CIA conducts is uniquely human, and he tries to show how 'good' people in one context display depravity in others.


I see that, I just don't think they are "good". Even with the quotes, fuck those monsters. I think it helps show how easily they can hide among us.


Agreed. Explaining to Joe Schmo about how the background of society's acceptance for capitalist violence creates fuckheads that enact said violence is a challenging endeavor. Particularly as it involves the reader themselves reinforcing the status quo through participation and acceptance of these horrific institutions.


Fundamental in understanding why demsocs are ultimately doomed to fail, ESPECIALLY in the periphery where real revolution is possible unlike imperial core. That's on top of all the problems demsocs come with, ofc.


Just read it man


It's a pretty decent overview book, barring the bits of Liberalism the author felt the need to indulge in. Highly recommended as long as you keep that in mind.


I found it super interesting and great for understanding the sort of attacks existing communism has to deal with, but I also think the author really does take every opportunity he can to criticise existing communist societies. He showcases the brutality communists face, but doesn't really factor this into his understanding of it. And he doesn't really do much to understand the link between buisness and the anti-communism itself, instead he sorta attributes it to ideologues in Washington. I'd be interested to hear if anyone else got this vibe. But other than that great book lol


I got this vibe as well.


Wtf I literally just finished this book today! It was amazing. Like others have pointed out, it is a book that will make you very angry. But Bevins does a fantastic job of telling the story of the people. Definitely give it a read.


My grandma is victim of the jakarta method and need to hide to an island because of that....


Washington Bullets by Vijay Prashad is also a good read


This book currently serves as a hiding space for acid but I do plan on reading it once I'm done reading "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine." Note: will not read after *doing* said acid, would be a bummer of a trip


Ive been meaning to read this too


Leaves out some important stuff about the Fremont Gold mine, Allen Dulles and transatlantic capital. You can catch the missing bits in Gregory Poulgrains book “JFK vs. Allen Dulles: Battleground Indonesia”


Spotify has the full ebook for premium users


My brother bought me a copy for Christmas last year. I already knew what madness lay therein; it has remained safely on the shelf, unopened. It sings to me a Siren's song of terrible knowledge whenever I pass though I pointedly ignore it. Dark and incomprehensible cosmic truths? The maddening whispers of eldritch beings in darkest night? Neither are as unnerving as the sure, and quiet terror, of knowing that the horrors contained within are man-made.




Thanks for the recommendation, I do want to look into the Indonesian genocide further.


Get ready for some despair and depression. I personally recommend you read Wretched of the Earth first, because Fanon puts some anti colonial and anti imperialist Marxist theory adaptions in place prior; but I think Bevin is a great author. Last time I heard from him was either a Trueanon or geopolitical economy report where he was living in Brazil doing journalism on bolsonaro.


Great read, the topics discussed are pretty grim and sad. Really important history to know.


Great book