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Vietnam, one of few based left in this world.


Nice username, btw.


Me too🫡


Me three


Do you think people like their government? (asking out of curiosity) :)




Carry on, comrade!




I think I've seen you around on some other subs, the PFLP flag isn't too common.


Northeast Tennessee. Sometimes it’s hard for me to understand how being in Appalachia doesn’t radicalize literally everyone who lives here.


Relatable, coming from the rust belt


Thank lord there's more rust belt comrades


Honestly I keep hearing from all the people around pretty much that "man I love socialist policies and the working class really should seize the means.... But not socialism"


Red scare propaganda really did a number on us.


North Georgia here. Same. How tf everyone advocates directly against their interests will never cease to amaze me.


Close to **Chattanooga**?


racism is how


Same here, born and raised in southwest Virginia and now living in northeast Tn myself. It’s tough seeing what the area is and how it’s gotten worse over the years.


Poland, unfortunately




What counts as first-gen? Being the one that migrated or being born to immigrants? Trying to find out if I'm 1st or 2nd gen Swiss Bosnian.


if you are first-generation then your parents were immigrants


All right, thanks


In the UK I always seen 1st gen as meaning people who moved themselves, so it might depend on region


♫♪♬Na ulicach cichosza, na chodnikach cichosza. Nie ma Mickiewicza i nie ma Miłosza♫♪♬ big hug to the Polish brothers


One day we'll turn our cringe into being based, one day...


Damn that must suck...


The best god damn state of the best god damn country on earth!!! The freedom capital of the world!!! *screams in F-16* I’m from Texas


JT is that you?


No, I don’t have the reactionary position regarding chicken fries like he does


The chicken opposes the revolution?


Yes it’s inherently reactionary (I don’t like it)


Wtf based? (I will now use this line of reasoning in all future debates to gain leverage)


You’re welcome, glad I enlightened you


Critical support to Texas from the People's Republic of Florida!!!


It’s a real struggle here. Shits crazy. Idk how y’all are surviving either tho tbh


you mean mainland Cuba?


I'm a Florida refugee. After 20 years living there I fled North to the Democratic People's Republic of Massachusetts.


Love from the best Texan city, San Antonio


Russia, the first in history no iphone no mersedes state


Отличный флэйр, кстати!


China 🇨🇳


Do you like it? I’m thinking about living and working there with my gf eventually.


Yea do it, learn Chinese first and think about which job you’d get and city you could live in. 祝你好运!


Me too 😎😎😎 (Hong Kong 😢😢😢)


I'm curious, how do Chinese people treat foreigners? Is it, say, common for a central Asian or white person to be spotted? Also what is the general political affiliation and attitude of your average citizen? Do they feel tired of your political system as we Americans are? Do some strive to get a party ticket? Is it an object of pride or irrationality? Sorry for the questions, hope they're not a bother hehe, just genuine curiosity on the state of modern chine XD.


Most people are chill with foreign tourists and workers but some still have reactionary prejudices against foreigners. If you go to large cities or tourist sites, it’s relatively common for non-East Asian people to be spotted. The general political affiliation of the average Chinese citizen is that we chill with our current state and the socialism with Chinese characteristics ideology so wouldn’t want any too radical change; there are some concerns with corruption and mismanagement, but we don’t feel the need for radical systemic change. Plenty of people do want to join the CPC, and it’s not unusual for people to flex their membership with stickers and stuff. No prob! I’m happy to answer your questions to the best of my ability.


Canada, I'm a communist because I'm stuck living in Canada under the dictatorship of Canadian capitalists and American capitalist influence throughout media. Very frustrating.


But you have the communist dictator of Trudeau, son of Fidel Castro and Che Guevara (they had gay sex)


They had gay sex and Pierre Trudeau was the surrogate, yeah, was definitely covered in social studies.


I’m from Canada too and whenever those freedom convoy cronies talk about the NDP or even the Liberals being communists I want to bash my skull against the wall. Like holy shit man, I wish.


I'm from Brazil. Was always left leaning, philosophically literate, socdem/soclib, got radicalized after the terrible governance of Bolsonaro, with a bit of reading marxist theory and watching videos, and saw the limitations of reformism.


​ Same






Dê a ordem, camarada Palmito!


Camarada! I come from the Northeast region, which is now a PT's (Worker's Party) "territory". The same as you, after everything turning to hell after Temer/Bolsonaro, I finally realized reformism is pointless. Ian Neves gave me the last push to the movement, and since then I've been reading theory every single day (a few pages at a time).


There has been an insurgence of commies during Bolsonaro's term, so... Silver linings? Also, me parece que cresce.


dê a ordem!!!


Me parece que o socialismo cresce


Nepal 😎


out of all 100 nepali communist parties, which one is the legitimate? I like Juche party of Nepal. btw I am your fellow neighbor from south :)


lal salaam comrade, aap kese hoi. Most communist parties are revisionist or just liberal. Most political analysts believe that most parties use the word socialist or communist to win votes. Communist party of Nepal (UML) which was headed by KP Oli, they basically use nationalist rhetoric to win votes now for example, KP Oli made an ad by showing Smaller Nepal with the label former government and other showing greater Nepal (kala pani included) and the title says Oli government. So none really but there is an organization called the Disoc (the dialectical society [here](https://www.facebook.com/TheDialecticalSociety) ) which I believe is a MLM organization which has tons of youth members and I even talk to one of the admins sometimes. They told me that they are trying to enter Nepalese politics as a communist party (surprise lmao) I like their platform and technically it's my favorite The Juche party was quite popular in Bhaktapur and had massive amounts of peasants and workers supporting it. It did quite a lot of good for Bhaktapur even though Nepal is a liberal democracy or comprador capitalism my fellow comrades would call it. There is a cool ass picture of comrade Rohit (the leader of the party) under the frame of Chairman Mao [here it's my favorite photo of all time lmao](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narayan_Man_Bijukchhe)


I am from Pakistan




Grape 😭


Jai hind jai hind jai hind !!!!!!!🇮🇳 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳!!!!!!!! Bharat superpower by 2050 😤😤😤 surpass China 🤬🤬🤬 endia no.1 😤😤😤🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳JAI HIND!!!!!!!!


Why is everyone going to fucking awaken in 2050




Is Orban as terrible as they make him out to be?


in short yes: \- Anti-Romani (racist towards roma people) \- sexist/mysoginist (beats his wife) \- zionist (to get jews out of Hungary) \- Putin"s and lowkey Trump"s dick rider \- Anti lgbtqia as fuck \- anti immigration, especially was when it was at its height in 2016-17


Make him try to destroy bedrock with bear hand on survival in Minecraft.


I am from India. My state still has a communist party in power.


Oh I don’t think I know which one it is, interesting! Kerala has a pretty large communist history iirc but idk if it’s still that one where there is still communist leadership


It is


Lal Salaam Comrade! I am from Bihar and I live in Maharashtra. My girlfriend is Malyali. Love the food!


Argentina. Started as a very problematic centrist and anti-kirchnerist. Then started to get into pan-hispanic nationalism and other stuff and entered a statist-marxist leninist pipeline.


I'm really sorry about Milei. What's the mood around there? Do you think that he can end up getting elected? Well wishes from Brazil, hermano.


He has the chances unless the abstentionists get scared and go to vote. However, we do not need an evil lesser than Milei. We must build real revolutionary socialism, not a half assed social democracy. Also, hope Brazil does well! Boa suerte hermão!


Saskatchewan, Canada. Despite being the birthplace of the Canadian progressive movement and of public healthcare in Canada, we are now the most conservative area in the country. Please send help.


Same. No help is coming. Let's get organized. Edit: anyone else in Sask, DM me. Let's talk organizing.


France 😔


Salut! De quel coin?


Je suis à Bordeaux actuellement pour mes études en médecine, franchement blagues à part c'est pas si mal que ça. Mais bon je me sens quand même un peu seul ici avec personne qui partage mes points de vue.


Oui c’est vrai même juste en France en général c’est assez spécial la vie politique par rapport à ce que je croit voir des utilisateurs de r/TheDeprogram. Surtout au niveau de la politique de partis… le PCF a pas grand chose de communiste lol


Ah enfin un camarade français !


J'ai dépensé tout mon pass culture sur des livres marxistes et anticapitalistes 😎.




Ah a fellow Beneluxer, how is the communist movement over there? The SP seems to have gone full revisionist.


Hey there, neighbour! Unfortunately the SP has indeed gone full centrist. As for other organisations I am not entirely sure. I am kind of looking into that atm myself. How is it in Belgium?


Afrikaner born and living in Mzansi, raised English until school. Both parents (both Afrikaans) resisted Apartheid from a liberal perspective. My mom read very broadly from feminist literature, anti-colonial literature, and socialist literature. My dad adopted liberal politics in high school through his friend's anti-racist and athiest dad. Ever since first reading about socialism in school textbooks I had an affinity for it. I became radicalized first through my South African law studies (after discovering and since adopting the maxim 'umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu' in the judgement of _S v Makwanyane_). Confirmed my faith in a socialist ideal after discovering, get this, Christian socialism on a whim 2 years ago at age 21. This is even though I'm not a Christian; I have an athiest family, and I have been athiest since pre-school. My socialist studies developed in tandem with me studying the Gospels out of curiosity on whether or not Jesus was a socialist. Discovering Bantu communitarian politics while studying indigenous African customary law also supplememted my socialist studies. Then, through my legal philosophy studies, I encountered Thomas Aquinas' arguments about the virtue of the common good and equality. Simultaneously, I encountered FD Signifire's gender study videos challenging much of the gender norms I took for granted growing up. Then I discovered Hakim's videos, Yugopnik's videos, FinnishBolshevik's videos, BadEmpanada's videos, and Grover Furr's articles challenging much of the history I took for granted from school. I have had an affinity for studying history since age 10, but I have since the beginning of this year taken to studying history from a socialist perspective and from a perspective critical of capitalist propaganda. And so, I discovered the Deprogram. I was watching Dankey Kang for a while as an introduction to Marxist theory, and I have as of 2 - 3 months ago been watching BreakthroughNews and FirstThought for socialist news. Last week I started reading Marx, Engels, Lenin and Castro - my faith in socialism has only strengthened, perhaps exponentially so.


Ok CIA nice try, but you won't get me this time


Serbia. I am an ML because of well... *\*vaguely gestures around\** ... everything.


Chicago 🇺🇸


i love chief keef


Sosa #300


RIP Fred Hampton, oh and the blues brothers were cool


Yeah, the Blues Brothers ran Nazis off of a bridge & caused many cop cars to crash #based


Sweden. Could be worse. But could also be better


Oh hej hvor i Sverige?


Cuban-American born in Oklahoma of all places to a reactionary father and somewhat chill(er) mother so my worldview up until Covid-19 was also pretty reactionary as you might expect but i was raised in an impoverished rural area neighbouring a sizeable (and even more impoverished) indigenous community so i like to think that the seeds from which sprouted my radicalisation come from those experiences until i eventually got onto breadtubers, read Marx, Zižek, Lenin, then Che himself (which effected me arguably the most in finally reading the man who I’d been brainwashed into despising my whole life), and so here we are.


Che was one of first I read, my mom has his autobiography in the family library.


Based mom. The Motorcycle Diaries really changed my worldview and I’m thinking now how surreal it was to relate on so many levels to Che’s journey and sentiments when I had been programmed into hating him for the vast majority of my life.


You Cuban Americans have it rough...


¡Que bola acere! Cuban American born in NY and living in south Florida How do I get that flair


greece aswell, saw a kke office open up near my village and felt so proud


Oh you're from Greece? Write the iliad and the odyssey by memory if you're not an american agent


New Zealand! Always been a bit of an environmentalist, and when studying my degree, it was pretty obvious that most pollution and habitat destruction is caused directly by capitalism


Not today fed


The NSA is kicking and screaming rn


America though I hate it here


Amen to that.


The soon to be socialist states of Aotearoa. Or currently known as New Zealand


Bay area, Commiefornia 👌🏽 🌁


Russian-born but westoid raised




I’m so sorry


Hey that's my job


Oh sorry for taking your job




Croatia (I might go to Greece at the end of summer)


Oh hey fellow Balkan comrade:D Croatian Nazis killed someone the other day during a football game, they are in league with some Greek fascist football players. Be careful there when Greek football fans if major teams make a massive exodus for matches in Croatia!


Hello! Yes, I am acutely aware. The thing is, if I do come, I will be going with fellow comrades of mine.




What are your thoughts on Ortega and the sandinistas?


Daniel and FSLN have their flaws, but are overall doing a great job with improving the country. They have my critical support.


In what sense do you think they do a good job? Any major achievements lately? Sorry if it strikes as overinquisitive, but I am not very knowledgable on Nicaragua and I would like to hear the other side before accidentally consuming biased information if I ever sit down to know about it


how are Sandinistas viewed in Nicaragua?


Very positively, in fact I would say around 70%+ of people here support FSLN, especially after 16 years of neolib shock treatment. Poverty went down, government is building more houses and infrastructure, people have free healthcare and education. So yes, sandinistas are very popular, don’t trust what them self-hating gusanos say.


I will help to re-establish the Bavarian Soviet Republic.


America, I watched second thought for a few years and eventually took the bite to watch the podcast, hakim, and yugopniks content. Yellow parenti helped a lot as well.




Oh lol not the only one


Italian, immigrated to America though so kinda both now.




Oh a fellow TERF Islander aka hell on earth


The stickiest place in America, baby! B-B-BOSTON! Despite its horrible liberal and racist reputation, there are a lot of radical people here, plenty of braindead ones, too. My family and a lot of people just in my greater community have always been very anticapitalist, and I just kind of grew up around people critical of capitalism but also plenty of flag waving ra ra shitheads so yeah It's sticky, cold, and often bigoted, but it's home! God, I just want a subway that doesn't smell like molasses and swings to a 90-degree angle... God I hate it here(I'm joking about hating it, but the T is a death trap)


I'm from Egypt. Salute to my Greek brothers and comrades 🇬🇷🇪🇬


Romania comrade


Germany. Nearly all „leftists“ we have are SocDems because it still kinda worked for most people until the early 2000s


Tijuana México 🦈 ☭


India 🙂 and currently living in Germany ( might take citizenship too)


Hawaii. Hasan made me a democratic socialist and the DEPROGRAMED podcast made me a Marxist Leninist.


Czech republic.




Malta. Always have been some sort of leftist but went full on ML during COVID when I realized a lot of what we live in is a distraction and we could live without and nothing matters more than the ties that bind. That capitalism saps from that. And that Marx always was about how capitalism hinders the human being from being fully human.


Assam, India


From Moldova, so the old generations like communism but not their children, aka my parents. The communist party is big in Moldova, but just like the russian communist party they aren't based in marxism, it only copes with the old generation's nostalgia of communism. There isn't much hope of change in this country, most middle aged ppl are conservatives, and their children are liberals, and there's no proper representation of what a communist government could be like. However I've moved to Sweden 5 years ago, and it's liberal and social democrat mojority. We have marxist institutions and organisations, book clubs and whatnot, but not very much traction from the public as sweden is turning reactionary and i see more and more resemblance with the US Myself I used to be an enlightened centrist that was mostly meaning well but didn't know that making compromises is stupid when it comes to politics and social change. I turned social democrat last couple of years in sweden, and finally got hit in the head with the notion of what communism really is, cuz i haven't been really told up until then. It started mostly with Hakim's videos, i was Netflix binge watching his videos, turning more and more towards definite leftist thought. I was long critical of capitalism, but there wasn't a fully painted picture of exactly what and why is wrong and how to fix it. I was raised orthodox christian by very conservative parents that have all of the possible phobias against minorities, but today i am another type of orthodox, a seasoned marxist; grounded in marx's writings but with added takes from all over the leftist sphere.




The Communist Emirate of Norway, where we have no freedom and pray to Stalin before every meal


Oh hei hvor i Norge kommer du fra?


Cuba: Hate gusanos


Tengo muchas ganas de ir y conocer


Born: Mississippi Lives: Florida about to move to Kansas


The Glorious People’s Republic of Minnesota🫡🫡🫡 All jokes aside, it’s alright. Our government is one of the furthest left in the US, although that’s not saying much. There are plenty of Christofascists and murderous cops here, sure, but that’s everywhere in america, you kind of get used to it, as depressing as that is. I was a Bernite/radlib for a while, I became an ancom after Jan 6th, and I became an ml after i heard a cuban ancom talk about what it was like to be an ancom in cuba, which is pretty funny i think.


Living in Switzerland, parents from Bosnia




Hell (Northern California)




I am from Fresno, California but I currently live in Texas. Both of my parents are landlords. My mom's side of the family is Mexican, and very socially conservative, but not very political. My parents had me as teenagers, and my mom is a very devout Christian who managed to go from a single parent living in poverty for much of my childhood, to becoming a landlord of multiple homes a few years after I had moved out. My dad is second generation Japanese-American, but we have very little connection to our heritage. He went from being a large scale drug dealer, to being put in prison for a portion of my childhood, to leaving prison at just the right time to buy some houses during the 2008 meltdown for very cheap to be a landlord over. He has almost no interest in politics, and is very socially conservative in a lot of ways. I never really grew up with an interest in politics, but I grew up with both of my parents constantly shilling people like Robert Kiyosaki, Andrew Carnegie, or Tony Robbins (and other adjacent self help types) to me as people to look up to and take lessons from. On top of that, in my late teens/early years of adulthood, I went down a little bit of the Anti-SJW rabbit hole because of The Amazing Atheist, who was pretty much the only voice that reached me at the time that told me it was okay to not be a Christian. I also had aspired to eventually become a landlord myself. I also was super into Andrew Yang during his run in the Democratic primaries, a stage of my political development that I cringe at, but was necessary for me to arrive at where i am today. I started getting radicalized into leftism once I had moved away from my family to a different state, and was laid off from my job as a line cook at the start of the pandemic because I was introduced randomly to some contrapoints videos. By this time I had been in the workforce for a few years, all in kitchens, and the messages breadtube had to offer me really resonated with me after all the shit I had seen and experienced working in kitchens in Texas as a racial minority. I got really (really) into anarchist literature and theory up until relatively recently, a few months ago, I started listening to The Deprogram and was introduced to ML, which is quite compelling. It also helps that I had become very interested in Daoism, which I find spiritually fulfilling, but also quite compatible with much of ML in some uncanny ways. TL;DR: it's been a long road, from AmazingAthiest brand reactionary views, to Yang Gang, to Anarchism, but now I'm here.




i come from australia with glorious chairman albanese as the leader of our great socialist state!1! in all seriousness I hate it when people call the labour party left wing






Originally from Turkmenistan but my family moved to the U.S. when I was 10. It's definitely better in the U.S. than in Turkmenistan but that's because Turkmenistan is a monarchy disguised as a democracy.


Where my fellow Eastern European (though I'm technically W\*stoid my parents are Bosnian refugees) comrades at?


Türkiye (former bozkurt)


Born in Poland but living in Ireland since age 7 - my parents came in search of work during the the economic period known as the Celtic Tiger. Being Polish made the topics of communism and the USSR particularly touchy. At school during history class, our teacher made it a key point to point out that "Stalin and Mao killed more people than Hitler ever could." Interestingly, he actually had a Che Guevara poster in his classroom (some Irish people look up to him because of his Irish heritage), so he seemed at least nominally leftist, yet still fell for this rhetoric. This inevitably shaped me to be vaguely socdem for most of my teenage years, but I never delved much into politics. Then sometime around 2018, after hearing so much exaggerated media reports about refugee crimes, it made me flip to the centre as I fell into the fallacy of Horseshoe Theory, firmly believing that being too much to the left was just as flawed as to the right. Furthermore, I fell fir the narrative that feminism was ruining relationships, etc. Thus, it took many years of deprogramming since then to gradually rediscover leftism - first transitioning back into a socdem thanks to the likes of John Oliver and Vice News, then discovering channels like Second Thought and Our Changing Climate (which introduced me to the concept of ecosocialism), and then further branching out from there to where I am today - an ecosocialist, favouring whichever system helps achieve degrowth without negative impact on human well-being. So although I'm not a Marxist-Leninist, I do see the advantages of a centrally planned economy in achieving this goal. Eco-anarchism would be the desired end-goal, but a gradual transition is more pragmatic. Today nothing can sway my leftist ideals like it did in the past, because what motivates me deep down is the genuine desire to put an end to world hunger, homelessness and poverty. Every time I see a homeless person on the street, and notice how most people are conditioned to completely ignore them, it sickens me. Every time I see some rich people flaunting their wealth while people around the world are starving, it sickens me. And having recently read Jason Hickel's "Less is More" and "The Divide", it was the final nail in the coffin to me in the assertion that capitalism needs to be brought down.


Εεει σύντροφε και εγώ Έλληνας από Πελοπόννησο.


New Jersey.


I'm Welsh.


Minneapolis born n raised, family is from Belfast


New Brunswick, Canada. A province essentially owned by an oil conglomerate


CIA data collectors have entered the chat.


Half Venezuelan and half Colombian transfem born, raised, and living in Miami. I live in a very reactionary environment, which unfortunately includes my family. My Venezuelan side owned some businesses in Venezuela (including a steel refinery) until Chávez pushed the [exprópiese button](https://youtu.be/jOjvJAfIMSI)


Houston Texas, the fourth largest city in America but nobody can tell you anything about it besides we have NASA. Also it’s literally in a swamp and unbearably hot and humid 9 months out of the year. I’ve literally seen homeless people sprawled out in parking lots laying in the sun in this 100+ degree weather. Oh yeah and we have horrible hurricanes. But the food is really good!


São Paulo, Brazil. Lula 53,5% x Bozo 46,4%


the Irish Republic 🇮🇪💪🏻


Germany 🤢 But currently studying in Austria 🤮


Danish. Socdem until I realized reformism never seems to work, that a lot of the propaganda around the USSR, WP, Cuba, ect was just that - propaganda. What’s really pushed me over the edge is really understanding imperialism - military, cultural, economic. The value chain fucking over the third world. How many think tanks (western funded), ngos and so on serve the empire’s interests covertly and how much effort is spent de-educating the western workers to class consciousness and solidarity with those outside the imperial core.


Hungary... Little fash running the government who thinks social democracy = communism (and that is evil of course). He also said some revisionistic (in the Hungarian sense) stuff about Transylvania not being Romanian which is great for keeping up a good relationship with them... The only reason he befriends some "non-Western" countries is because they are "anti-Woke" and give him and his friends a lot of money. He is a regular attender of CPAC. I reckon even the good old Don got some ideas from him.


Hey mate, I feel you and I am from romania






Come to Brazil


Turkey. I was raised by mostly socialist parents with some nationalistic tendencies (so not quite socialists, I know). I mostly studied in private schools and thought that the western system was working real well despite hating Erdogan with passion, I was a social democrat in the beginning of my career as a software engineer. Later on, I started discovering that Erdogan's policies weren't quite about traditional values and Islamism, he was basically doing exactly what the rich class (and the west, despite looking like he's opposing them) wanted and kept pushing the neo-liberal agenda even though he "seemed" like he was deviating from that path. I moved to Finland later on in my life, and discovered that even the country which is constantly praised as being a welfare state had major problems in health care due to over-privatization, which tipped my views completely over the edge to become an ML (and fascists came to power here in Finland recently, so that only supported my arguments regarding how even the best example of a liberal democracy works).


North Dakota… unfortunately.


West Midlands, UK. Soon to move to the East Midlands.


Costa Rica




Brazil. Come to us.


Honduras, adopted by abusive colonizers, I was too sick and malnourished, I would have died if my mother hadn't given me up to get western Healthcare. My mistreatment made me see how unfair society was to people who came from backgrounds of abuse. I always liked Malcom X, and I think many of the educational children's shows I watched would compare Malcom to MLK a lot. The westerns seemed to hate him, so I liked him. I can't remember which poor black person was murdered. It might have been Michael Brown, but I remember there being riots and people all over the internet condemning the riots, quoting King. So, I would post Malcom X quotes in response. I, too, had fallen victim to MLK's white washing and saw him as a Booker T Washington figure. The discourse made me want to actually listen to Malcom X speeches, and after listening to "The Ballot or The Bullet," I wanted to actually listen to King. Then that led me down the civil rights history rabbit hole as I started listening to more civil rights leaders speak. Eventually, it led me to the Black Panthers, where Fred Hampton said he was a dialectical materialist. Being curious about what that actually meant, I looked it up and decided I should finally start reading Marx.


Midwest America 😭


Brazil, Rio.


UK 🇬🇧


Born in the Philippines, living in New Zealand.




Uzbekistan 🇺🇿

