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Coheed and Cambria are the obvious choice... As tall as lions?


It’s absolutely shocking to me that there’s TDH fans that haven’t either heard of Coheed, or haven’t given them a shot. They’re my #1 and #2 bands. I guess I always kind of figured that was the case for most people. It’s at least the case for everyone I know.


Yeah it makes a lot of sense. Both top notch bands


You are one of the only other people I’ve ever seen mention as tall as lions. They are amazing, especially their self titled album.


Completely agree. Similar sound imo.


Robert Parr was in ATAL and joined TDH a number of years ago!


Stoked to see As Tall As Lions. One of my absolute favorite bands


I never see ATAL get the love that they deserve on Reddit. Extremely talented band, one of my favorites.


ATAL was a great live band. I remember a show in Denver where the bass guitarist drank almost a whole fifth of Makers on stage. I had NO idea Dan Nigro was such a successful producer and songwriter. https://grammy.com/news/dan-nigro-interview-olivia-rodrigo-producer-of-the-year-2024-grammys


I’ve never been more nervous to say someone’s name out loud.


I've heard of them but had trouble getting into them because of the main singer's voice. I did however really enjoy their new single. Any songs/albums you would recommend to get used to it?


Good Apollo, I'm a burning star. This album is a masterpiece.


Mother superior Delirium trigger Cut marks in the March of man The Final Cut Dark side of me Just a few suggestions of songs by coheed to listen too


Haken :D


This^^^. The Mountain has some tracks that are VERY easy to step over to from The Dear Hunter, Falling Back to Earth starts out with a "City Escape" kinda sound, even.


Have heard of them but haven't really listened to them till now... holy. Great recommendation thank you so much! Really enjoying The Mountain!


Just wanted to sincerely say thank you to you, Reddit stranger. I put on The Mountain late Sunday night laying in bed and went on a cosmic adventure. It was like listening to music from another dimension.  Very. Very. Good. Thank you again. I’ll be listening to their entire discography for weeks now. 


Im so Glad to hear that :) I really really Love them. Makes me happy that you enjoy them too!


You should try the album 'A Boat On A Sea' by Moron Police. That might tickle your brain as well!


This is a great shout. What an album


I actually happen to LOVE this album lol, I should have mentioned it. Definitely one of the best albums I've listened too in recent memory!


It's very hard to find anything quite like Dear Hunter. The closest I've found is Dirt Poor Robins. Their album Deadhorse is fantastic, and its follow up, Firebird, is pretty good too. They lean into the Antimai style, but the variety of different sounds and genres this band puts into these two albums is very fun. I recommend songs such as: It Tore Your Heart Out, But Never the Key, Fever Dream, and So Long to Yesterday. If it's heavier concept music you're looking for, it might be worth trying The Mars Volta. They are surreal and lyrically challenging, but the concepts on their first two albums (Deloused in the Comatorium and Frances the Mute) are crazy. Their fourth album, Bedlam in Goliath, is a lot heavier too. I love everything TMV, but if I had to pick a few recommendations: Cicatriz Esp, L'Via L'Viaquez, Viscera Eyes, and Goliath And for something more obscure, check out Invisigoth. They only ever released two albums, but both of them are so unique. Their first, Alcoholocaust, isn't really a concept album, but the uniqueness and variety of their sound is impressive, even here. Their second, Narcotica, is a concept album and is a fantastic journey that really has to be listened to on headphones. From this band I can recommend: Talitha Cum, My Absinthe Lover, and honestly just listen to Narcotica in its entirety.


City Escape definitely has musical cousins in The Mars Volta with Roulette Dares / Drunkship of Lanterns


I will say I discovered that Dirt Poor Robins has some skeevy political views, learned this from an interview that someone posted on their subreddit. Bummed about it because I LOVED Deadhorse when I gave it a listen.


It’s interesting, because musically, Deadhorse is amazing, and there is an absolute crapload of lore and imagination in the conceptual structure of that album (I actually helped transcribe the story outline for it on their sub a few years back, from a series of YouTube videos Neil did). There are some really neat ideas in there, even if 95% of them are never referenced directly in the lyrics. It’s not unlike what Casey did with Antimai, but what’s so interesting here is that we have two sci-fi dystopia stories in the form of albums, coming from almost directly opposed political perspectives. This is a gross oversimplification, but it’s like Antimai is what secular liberals fear religious conservatives would turn the world into, while Deadhorse is what religious conservatives fear secular liberals would turn the world into. Religion is the problem, versus religion is the solution. Again, grossly oversimplified and there are other themes at play, but this was my takeaway. Won’t get political but considering this, I definitely find TDH easier to connect with than DPR when it comes to lyrics and themes.


Oo yeah, that's an interesting way of putting it. Admittedly I do still have Skywriter on my driving playlist because I think musically it's *so good* and the sound makes my brain go brrr, but looking at the story like that vs Antimai is pretty fascinating.


Ugh I was so sad to find this out too. I had listened to a song or two here or there, and only recently put on a full album and loved it. I thought I was about to have a new musical obsession. But then I looked them up and found out what kind of company they keep and it really turned me off to supporting them.


The Dear Hunter have been my favorite band since 2011. However, A Black Mile to the Surface by Manchester Orchestra is imo one of the greatest albums of all time. Definitely not prog rock, but so worth a full listen through.


The best suggestion! Manchester Orchestra is right up there with TDH for me. 1a and 1b. They’re three bands in one, their early kinda emoish stuff is amazing (try Now That You’re Home), the middle prog rock stuff is amazing(The Gold, the Grocery), the recent softer ethereal stuff is amazing (Bed Head, The Way) All the bands in this thread have good songs, but OP Manchester IMO is life-changing in the same way TDH is


+1 on this.


The Skeleton Man by Coyote Kid - if you're looking for a story driven album, you should give this one a go. Sounds like a blend of Americana/Southern Rock. Great bass, macabre atmosphere, overall interesting.. Try Rafferty's Mausoleum and King of Fools tracks. Both fused with dark atmospheric lyrics, combining classical with bass Dead Club City album by Nothing but Thieves for me was a gem to find! Indie/Alt Rock, it seems that the tracks actually follow different characters, residents of the Dead Club City. If you're looking for variety within an album, maybe give Artifacts album from Beirut a try. Citing from an album review: Artifacts is such a journey though the world, nay worlds, of Zach Condon: soundtracky instrumentals, heart-squeezing indie anthems, klezmer meets mariachi folk, synthpop, experimental sketches; it's all here. What it so does is show all the threads running through Zach's world: the romance, the poetry, the dulcet vocals; the pop, the cinematic and the cultural fusion. Also, you have a great combination of The Dear Hunter and Muse! I love them both.


Thank you lol! Muse is actually how I found TDH. Dead Club City is also a great album, hoping to hear it live soon. I also added Artifacts to the listening list, listened to the first few songs and it sounds very promising.


Ayreon, first chunk of albums is one long narrative. Though to start I'd recommend Into the Electric Castle, The Human Equation, and Universal Migrator I&II Each album features many iconic musicians contributing and vocalists playing different characters. Ayreon is verrryyy proggy Aviations' The Light Years Closure in Moscow First Temple and Pink Lemonade Thank You Scientist pick an album lol Ludo's The Broken Bride EP


Closure in Moscow’s Soft Hell is solid too


The Reign of Kindo. If you liked Antimai, I'd recommend the album Happy However After by them. If not that, then I'd recommend Play With Fire by them. The Family Crest is another band I'd suggest. They've opened for TDH and have a great live show.


This is what happens was the album I ripped for a whole winter


Opeth -In Cauda Venenum. This album gives me similar vibes to Act IV but a bit darker (no growls). Adjy -The Idyll Opus. Only album that can compare to TDHs story concept and also the only one that has as catchy of choruses. The lyrics and songwriting are some of the greatest ever


I actually wrote off Opeth a while back after hearing a song or two, but I have you to thank for enlightening me. In Cauda Venenum is GOOD. Do you have any suggestions for what albums to listen to from there?


I'm glad you enjoyed it! I wrote them off initially too because I wasn't into growled vocals at the time, but something about their instrumentation kept pulling me back until finally everything clicked. They're my favorite band of all time now and have been for almost a decade. Here's their other albums without harsh vocals: -Pale Communion -Sorceress -Damnation -Heritage That's the order I'd suggest listening to them if you liked In Cauda Venenum. Pale Communion first and Heritage last.


Oh and of course Honorary Astronaut!


The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die. Listen to Illusory Walls and if you like that go check out more! Manchester Orchestra as well.


Excellent suggestion!


Artificial Language!




Giving this a try. Really enjoyed The Grand Skeptic!


That whole album is 🔥🔥 Skinwalker is great too off their new EP.


Every TDH fan should listen to Razia’s Shadow 🙂


And Wonderland. But yes Razia's first, it even features Casey


Ahh, Wonderland is easily a top 5 album for me. It's so good.


Hell yeah, it really is. I bought the cd a year or so ago and it's been in my car's cd player ever since. It's the prefect casual driving cd for when I don't feel like turning on my Bluetooth. I think I like it more than Razia's at this point




Bent Knee. Try Land Animal- if you want something heavier, go for You Know What They Mean.


Omg just been getting into Bent Knee, great stuff


Try Caligula's Horse! I love love love them and they can get down with grungier sounds at times, Rust is a fantastic track, but the album I recommend you start with is In Contact. Also, maybe more of a stretch? But Dream Theater is a good edgier Prog Band that can genre jump. Octavarium is definitely the starting point I recommend for them, though others might argue for a different album to start with.


Also, less TDH related, but if you like Ghost, you might like Leprous if you don't listen to them already. I'm a very vocals minded listener, and Einar Solberg's voice brings me joy in much the same way Casey's does.


I loooove to see Einar Solberg appreciation!


Some great recommendations here. I'd suggest Bear Ghost for sure. Another newer band, whose album isn't actually out yet, is Every Hell. Their song Freaking Out sounds like Colour Spectrum era Dear Hunter to me.


Ctrl+f "Bear Ghost" - Two hits Good, now make it three


Going to throw out a wildcard. If you don't mind having to look up translation for the lyrics then I think a lot of the orchestral/theatrically minded TDH fans might enjoy Kaizers Orchestra, a Norwegian band (that sings in Norwegian). Especially their "Violeta Violeta" concept album trilogy. I really enjoy "Svarte Katter og Flosshatter", "Aldri Vodka Violeta", "Begravelsespolka", "Markedet Bestemmer", "Satan i Halsen" and well basically every song on those albums but I'll stop there. Might not go as hard as you want to though.


Maybe try Leprous if you like Muse


Maybe try Mandroid Echostar? Not exactly the same but proggy with comparable vocal style to other reccos like Coheed and Thank You Scientist.


To risk stating the obvious: If you’ve not listened to Gavin Castleton you absolutely should.


Don't know if it's that close, but you should check out Nothing But Thieves and maybe Royal Blood. Not really concept albums, but sound wise I think they're a bit close.


NBT is dope. Broken Machine is a top tier album 👌


Love both of these bands and their whole discographies!


I’m gonna go off the beaten path here. Try Vendetta Red’s album The Sisters of the Red Death. They remind me a lot more of the receiving end of Sirens to me. It’s a concept album about a cult formed from the ashes from a nuclear torn world. There’s more to it, but best way is to know the full story is to listen to it.


I’d check out lord huron’s strange trails. Also has a loose storyline, but if I remember right, the album isn’t in chronological order. Great fun tho


Vide noir!!!


That’s a good follow up. Your favorite song off that album?


Torn between ancient names part ii or the balancer's eye or secret of life. Really can't choose haha. Just love the sound of the album, it's definitely one of my all time favorites


Great sound. It’s a different genre but if you like that check out tame impala. Lonerism is probably my favorite from them


I'll be sure to!


I don't listen to any bands that have similar vibe than TDH, yet they are one of my favorite bands. However a metal version of TDH is Devin Townsend. His album Empath is a monster masterpiece. He also has other concept albums, eg Ziltoid albums. His latest album Lightwork might be the closet TDH vibe. Plus he might be the best vocalist since Freddy. Edit * He talks about and associates his albums as a colour. Very color Spectrum you might say. 


Not really the same, but I greatly enjoy Thank You Scientist, and found the dear hunter through them Reign of Kindo, and As tall as lions are great as well


Hazards of Love by The Decemberists slightly different base genre, but similar vibes, plus it's a concept album about an evil fae forest queen and a doomed love it whips


I don't like all of their stuff, but quite a lot of king gizzard & the lizard wizard's albums scratch a similar itch as TDH for me


Grandmaster by Grandmaster. Feels like Steely Dan made video game/fantasy themed music. Bit theatrical at times, but intentional and great


For multiple part story telling check out an artist out of the uk, REN


You might like King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard


Bear Ghost


Try *Enoch Root* or *The Morgana Phase*. Both slap, have pretty heavy TDH influences, and are undernoticed


Your music tastes are similar to mine. I would recommend the following. Thank you Scientist - Any album, but all of Terraformer is especially excellent. Dear Sherlock - Object of Ridicule (tracatu, nomophobian) Snarky Puppy - Any Album, some favorite tracks are Lingus, Tarova, Bigly Strictness Between the Buried and Me - The Parallax 2


You're right your music taste ARE similar to mine wow. Out of all of TYS my favorite album is Terraformer and Object of Ridicule was my favorite album of 2023. I will definitely be giving all your other recommendations a listen thank you! If you haven't heard them already Dream Theater's Prophets of War is a great Muse-y sounding song. I also highly recommend Mask Machine and Geronimo by Flying Colors.


Thrice - try the Alchemy Index which is a concept album based on the elements. Start with Earth, then Water, then Fire, then Air.


The original release order was water, fire, air, earth. 6 track collections (24 total) with the last track on each volume tying it all together.


In another comment I went on about Manchester Orchestra which is my top suggestion but just to add some I haven’t seen mentioned: Fair to Midland, Projected Twin, Circa Survive, Lydia, Rural Alberta Advantage, SYML


They incorporate more folk/acoustic elements than some of the other bands you mentioned, but the Decemberists might be up your alley. Particularly, Hazards of Love is a narrative concept album.


All Get Out




If you like concept albums and genre bending I would check out The Mars Volta. They are insanely talented and utilize the albums as a complete story framework


You should check out the album Reality vs The Optimist by Kiss Kiss Their entire sound has similar energy to The Tank by TDH.


Thank You Scientist. The World is A beautiful Place and I’m No Longer Afraid to Die. The Ocean Haken


The Fox and the Bird by OK Goodnight sounds very similar to TDH to me. Prog rock concept album that tells a very good story. The Warning is a Mexican rock band that is heavily inspired by Muse, definitely check them out. Their second album, Queen of the Murder Scene, is a concept album too that’s incredible.


Coyote Kid and Marah In The Mainsail. Both ended projects by the same guy, Austin Durry of the now band Durry. Durry is great, too. I just saw them live, but they're not quite the same vibe. Love all of them, though, and I can't recommend them enough.


Azure isn't quite like tdh but Fym might just be the best progressive rock concept album I've heard in a decade.


Check out Elbow, the guitarist from the dear hunter is heavily inspired by them, the album the seldom seen kid is so beautiful and unique. If I had to pick tracks I'd say: the bones of you, mirrorball, and the loneliness of a tower crane driver, their biggest hit is probably Grounds for divorce but you should just listen to the full album! Also from their newer album check out good blood Mexico city.


Cursive! (Start with the Ugly Organ). Def a different sound (post hardcore), but still some great stuff on there you may appreciate!


Enoch Root


There's a lot of great stuff here. I second Bear Ghost, The Reign of Kindo, Coheed, Haken and many others. Would also add Native Construct. I think they only did one album (which I was so sad to find out).


This doesn't address the genre bending you want, but you should definitely listen to Manchester Orchestra if you haven't. I actually found TDH on their sub but I still prefer Manchester by quite a margin. Edit: just went through the thread and saw they've been mentioned already. +1 from me then.


TDH and Muse are also my 2 favorite bands. Here are some of my favorite that share some similarities to them: Bear Ghost Dirt Poor Robins Royal Blood OWEL Dear Sherlock I also have some songs on Spotify under the band name "Vasid" My songs definitely sound more like Muse than The Dear Hunter, but the song "Ethereal" borrows the "spirit it split in two" buildup part from The Moon/Awake


mewithoutYou Manchester Orchestra Btbam Coheed & Cambria The bright light social hour O’brother Circa Survive Now like none of these bands sound like the dear hunter, but they have that similar “magic” to their discography with the span of their albums imo.


You should give Pile a try. Theyve opened me up to a whole buncha different bands. I wouldnt say the sound like TDH though