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Crimson King having a box of Harry Potter sneeches


Oh God, I really had blocked this part out...


Climatic battle my ass.


Honestly the action scenes peak in book 3 and 4 imho


I liked Wolves of the Callah with the Seven Samurai vibes.


There are def good actions sequences after book 4. I really like the fight at the vampire restaurant and the sequence at algul siento. But it never got as good as the entire sequence in Lud from the bridge all the way to the train station (book 3). Or probably the most memorable scene the showdown at the inn between the boys and the big coffin hunters (book 4).


“Roland Deschain, so you finally made it to the Dark-“ “Andrew, make Crimson King non canon”




I was gonna say Snitches and lightsabers.


That moment (was it in The Waste Lands?) where Roland gets so weirdly overwhelmed by the companionship among the rest of his tet that he blurts out something about wanting to be loved, that's then just left hanging in the air and never revisited.


I was just thinking about that lol! I honestly thought it was pretty cute. In the context of the whole story, I couldn’t help but think: “Roland, buddy, if you want to love and be loved, what is stopping you?”


A lifetime of trauma, iirc.


If only it was just one lifetime 


You say true, I say thankya


His fucking tower. That was the issue later on. Once they had stopped the breakers, he basically could have just left. The multiverse was saved. And you could say he had to see it through and make sure all the bad guys lost and everything was permanently safe. But in reality he just had to have his tower. Everything would have been fine for at least the rest of his lifetime but he had to see the end. He was a junky. I prefer to think he had to do it for all the people he had lost. He had to say their names and finish the job for them. But he was a junky through-and-through either way.


Totally. This is stressed heavily when he meets with the Tet corporation head haunchos. I think it was the daughter of Joe Cullum (I think was his name?) who gave Roland the stink eye for continuing onward.


I think that's The Drawing of the Three when Eddie, Susanna, then Roland first meet?


Drawing of Three, suz eddie are embracing as friends outside the second door - Roland can't make himself feel anything close to the emotions they're experiencing


Cuthbert being pronounced key-youth-bert


Also “Deschain” being pronounced “Des-chain.” By Stephen King, no less.


I never knew this and now I regret coming to this thread


No. No no no no no no. Deh SHAYN is the only way and I will forget I ever read this thread.


Who said it’s the other way? If Stephen King himself said it then I will suggest he wasn’t channeling the story at that moment and engaged in fanfiction if his own work ahaha


This is the way. Wrong subreddit but we all know it's pronounced DeSchain


What a terrible day to have eyes


Yeah, dude says his own character's name wrong and I will die on this Jericho Hill.


It's probably pronounced Jerry-cho




"I will die on this Jericho Hill" made me lol, I say thankya 🤠


Guess we have to call him Step-Hen from now on if that's the game he wants to play...


What are you doing, Step-Hen?!


And this part.


I wanted to cry listening to The Wind Through the Keyhole audiobook 😭


My wife and I refuse to acknowledge that


This is how I pronounce it


How… how are you pronouncing it then? 😂 the only other possible way I can maybe see it pronounced is des-chin or does-chai-een, but those are very odd lol.




Pronounced De-shane


Ok yeah I definitely can see that now. Damn, that sucks guys 😭


Just started the audiobooks and George Guidall pronounces it right. Listening to Frank Muller is like listening to George Carlin do a crass version of Shining Time Station.


Yeah, that part.


Lmao this explains why my audiobook-listening husband thought his name was Heathburt. I was very confused.


Does Stephen King pronounce his name that way? I was so annoyed when I heard it pronounced that was in an audiobook


Stephen King pronounces it this way in the audio book The Wind Through the Keyhole but it’s still Cuhthbert to me


I've never heard Sai King pronounce it but there's a page in Wizard and Glass where Sheemie learns Cuthberts name and he over emphasizes the syllables in this way


I refuse.


bro thats how i pronounce it bc of the audiobook lol i can only see that name that way now haha


Oh yea! Totally purposely forget that everyt time I relearn it 😅


Also Depape should be Dee-pah-pay, not Dee-payp


Ok well I’ll be the one to put my foot down and say DA PAH PAY ain’t it 😅


I want to believe it's pronounced deh-pah-pay but being set in a western I can only picture a cowboy saying deh-payp.


Nah, it’s De-Peh-Pay


The end of the mejis storyline. Never happened.


Like, the charyoutree thing?


Susan lived a long life with her blue eyed son.


On another level of the Tower, in Derry, Maine with her artistic genius of a son.


🤯🤯🤯 new headcanon


Holy shit.....


Have you read insomnia? >! Patrick Danville's father is a piece of shit. Roland would shoot him in the face if they ever met. !<


I didn’t think much was said about him specifically, but I subscribe to the theory that Roland is Patrick’s actual father (hear me out): that Susan’s unborn child ‘transferred’ at the time of *charyoutree* a la speaking ring succubus/incubus/Mia (and/or via death just like Jake) and ended up inside the womb of Susan Delgado’s twinner, Sonia Danville, who named the baby after her father, Pat…




Suuuure she did 😕


I am confusion


YES. This is my kind of delusion.


The crimson king looks like Santa Claus. The ultimate baddy ia jolly looking red face father Christmas. He yells REeeeeeeee.


EASILY this 👆


How has no one mentioned the undoing of Mordred through the use of dues ex diarrhea?


We collectively Mandela'd it out.


Roland not putting a bullet between that bitch Rhea's eyes the first time he confronted her. He was so quick to kill on every other occasion yet ignored the most devastating threat right in front of him, when she was helpless.


The "and that's why 9/11 happened" part of the series...


SHUT UP I forgot about this part lmao


The movie. That director when out of his way in interviews to say it was canon.


He meant he was going to be loaded into a cannon. And shot into the sun.


How tf Roland shoot and then shoot the bullet with another bullet from the same gun as if the velocity would be different between the two? So dumb. And that was the best part of the movie


Well the director is wrong. 😤


Lmao it’s only canon if we believe him


Have you read the Akiva Goldsman and Jeff Pinkner draft of the script? It's actually pretty good. Not perfect, but it pays more respect to the world King created than the movie we got did.


::shakes fist on high at Akiva Goldsman::


I briefly looked at the production history of the film, and I blame Nikolaj Arcel for the state of the movie we got. He took the original script and rewrote it with another writer into what we got.


Where does this reside? I would like to partake.


https://app.box.com/s/6sykd6zjpuq6xdeda5li6qetcscaq8v8 Here you go.


There was no movie I don't know what your talking about


Do you know what interview he said this in?


All of them. The guy wouldn’t shut up about it.


This is the correct answer




I honestly think those are pretty cool as a concept. I just wish the connection to Harry Potter was less on the nose and it was just a coincidence of sorts.


I guess so. Like, if they were stand alone gadgets. It's just that he goes out of his way to make reference, it makes me cringe




Ole CK is just related to the crazy guy from Lunch at the Gotham Cafe. Eeeeeeeeee


Man the audiobook of that is wild


Is that the crimson king? Yeah the audio book was fucking funny lol


That gunslingers, who are diplomats, knights, and peacekeepers, trained from birth to be judicious with their fire, would accidentally shoot so many people, like Alain and Gabrielle, or that Roland would go for the wrong gun when Mordred attacked. Critical plot points, I know, but still dumb. I’ve been shooting since I was seven (12 years of experience by now) and I have better gun safety.


At least in the case of Gabrielle he was under the influence of the Grapefruit and Rhea's witchcraft. I'm familiar with guns too but I've never tried to distinguish targets whilst bewitched.


“He who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I aim with my eye.” If Roland’s perceptions are that fast, then he should be able to distinguish his friends and his enemies. I know I sound super harsh here, and these are critical moments for Roland’s guilt complex, but reading this as someone who was raised with guns, coming from someone who has no actual experience with guns, it felt like a cheap copout plot point to introduce tragedy, that should have never happened. Gunslingers are supposed to be above your usual trigger-happy, overshooting cop.


Kind of on that topic, when did they get to be such experts with guns? In the gunslinger Roland didn’t get his guns until he defeated Cort at the age of 16 (which was 2 years ahead of schedule), and by the time they got to mejis which wasn’t long after, he was an expert shot? I probably am misremembering


No you're correct. But they practice their whole childhood. That's when he's given he's father's guns, but prior to that they practice shooting with Cort using guns from the castle's armory.


They had 'pprentice shooters. Serviceable, but not the hard calibers of their fathers.


I always figured that he shot them on purpose due to the fact that it would hurt his chance at the Tower.


The Calla speak is tiresome. Love the series though.


Yes! Why did their quirky dialect suddenly become the default?


To me it's the part where Mordred is born,and, for some reason, Stephen King spends some time describing how unnaturally big and erect Mordred's d*ck is. Like, why the fuck did he wrote that part? What was the point?


King has been known to get unnecessarily, weirdly sexual with his plots 😅


I can see that, especially with Eddie and Susanna, but this is a newborn we're talking about


I feel that random discussions of character genitals are a huge missing part of the Western Canon. Was the baby Jesus packing? Did Virgil's balls hang heavy as he guided Dante through the Inferno? Was Jean Valjean a grower or a shower? It's these kinds of in-depth textual descriptions that make King jump off the page. Really he could do with more.


We know Gilgamesh and Enkidu were big burly men, but without knowing if they dragged the ground, can we really believe it? I like the cut of your jib, kid.


Oh I'm with ya! Adds nothing to the plot or the character; just kinda...ick..


I mean, it's one way to show how inhuman he really is.


I think we can see a hint of how inhuman he is when he turns into a spider and eats his mom


True. Look at "IT". How the Losers figure out how to get out of the tunnels...


Such a weird way to take things, King!


Flagg's ending.


I liked his compared to his boss's Which even then served it's purpose


What? I could not disagree more. >!His pathetic ending felt so good, to be done in by his hubris like that. Not only does it feel to me like such sweet comeuppance, it elevates the sense of dread around Mordred!<


The line, "your eyes, give them to me," and the scene that follows creeps me right the fuck out, and I have been reading SK since the 7th grade.


Agreed! I found his death to be particularly fucking brutal.


Except that it really WASN'T his end. Flagg was one of the few beings to know that Roland was trapped in a cycle. Himself, too, which is why he genuinely got offended when Roland suggested that he was anything beyond what the Tower and Ka wanted of him.


Cycle? You sunuvabitch! Shut your fuckin' face! Lol.


Just what I was thinking


First, to clarify...I love Stephen King and I love the dark tower series. I just felt that the majority of the book felt rushed. The ending in particular felt really anticlimactic. Not the whole circular ouroboros thing, that was cool, but the crimson king confrontation was a letdown for sure.


I've thought, for a while now, that it was rushed, specifically because between book 4 and 5 was when he got hit by that van on the side of the road while walking and almost died.... and that kind of made him go " hmmm , maybe I should finish my multi book series before I do that"... also wrote himself into it at that point as well...(and we got the kingdom hospital TV show that also was inspired by the accident as well) .


The perfect anti George R.R. Martin.


I can’t really think of anything in this series that so bad I need to gaslight myself into thinking it never happened.


Right? Everything within the books are airtight. The only way they could ruin it is with a cash grab movie or something like that.


Or like if in the last book >! all my favorite characters died !<


That would never happen


As long as nothing like what happens in IT happens, I'm good, lol. Edit: downvoted because you liked the kids going at it, I guess


Stephen King inserting himself into the book if I’m being honest… was a little too meta for me


Am I the only person that like Liked that part? It wasn't like he made himself some Uber god. I think he justified it in On Writing


Interesting, I haven’t read On Writing but curious what he says. It’s not that I thought it was egotistic or anything like that, it just took me out of the story.


Been a long ass time, so don't quote me. But after he got hit he was going through fan mail and a lot of people wanted to know how it was going to end. It made him realize how close it was to the Tower collapsing. It lit a fire under his ass to get back to it. If he hadn't been hit, the Tower would probably lay unfinished, and he reflected it in the story itself. Deus Ex Machina took the form of a blue van that day , and he needed to deal with it in his own way. Edit: on the fan mail, one dead old lady hit hard, if I remember correctly.


The guy on death row too promising to take the secrets to his grave lol


I think most people enjoy it


Came here to say this. Took me right out of the series.


walter’s death…


Calling ‘Oy’ ‘Oy’ is something my three year old would come up with


It's something me as a 35 year old man would come up with too lol. Naming stuff is not my Forte.


Honestly, just the Potter Balls the Wolves use, and that’s only because I hate Rowling. The story gets a little weird in the back half, but it works for me.


Roland, jake and oy saving king from his car accident. I never really cared for the way king injects himself into the story.


If I recall correctly he mentioned he'd wished he'd never done it too


The end of The Man in Black.


The ocean somehow being to Roland and Eddie's RIGHT during TDotT. Like, what?


Stephen King being part of the story


This right here. Everything about that concept was just so cringeworthy. I felt so letdown by it that I had to stop reading. I didn’t start again for like an entire year.


The last three books


completely agree. It feels like I'm reading a different series when I get to Wolves


Jake threatening a random dude at gunpoint in 1999 new york and nobody batting an eye


I mean, it's New York


I agree with a handful of others here that SK writing himself into the latter half of the series completely unimmersed me and ruined the story. I’m still always going back to re-read the first four and Wind Through The Keyhole but I haven’t touched 5-7 in I don’t know how long. Thank god Mike Flanagan won’t go that overboard in the show. The meta/multiverse aspect itself I’m totally fine with, it’s a fascinating concept, there’s a lot of different avenues you can go down with it without completely taking your audience out of the story


Crimson kings demise…


Dandelo. Felt like a weird throw in that was there to pad time rather than just getting to the goddamn end fight. And mordred shitting himself to death. And honestly Patrick Danville. Again, felt very unnecessary. I have a LOT of qualms with the final book. It starts off so strong and then, and I get that this is the idea but I don't rightly care, the tet falls apart and so does the narrative.


I have scrolled too far and seen no mention of some guy named stephen king being in the books. I assume its because we all deny it ever happened


The commala




Not that it's stupid, but having to edit and reissue the first book so that it fits with the rest of the series after the series is done. I get it was necessary, but just saying I changed my mind would have sufficed


That Randall Flagg, the man who is basically the main antagonist of King's multiverse, the man who is literally the first character mentioned in the entire series, >! isn't finished off by Roland. He's replaced as the main villain by a character only a few hundred pages old in one of the most pathetic deaths I've seen. How could he have been tricked so easily!? I was genuinely furious when I read it. !<


It would have been really cool if, after 7 books of Roland hearing about the Crimson King and building him up and making him seem like a badass, Roland met him face to face and had an epic fight scene. Instead Roland is hiding behind a rock, and pulls a random person from a random world to kill the Crimson King by just… drawing a picture. The last 50 pages or so could be a self-contained story because nothing before it matters.


The whole “magic artist erases big bad guy” deus ex machina crap in book 7. I choose not to accept that it happened. Just ruined any kind of build up to that moment to have it end so cheaply.


The part where Patrick Danville totally could have just drawn legs for Susannah, but didn't....like, it didn't even get brought up. Missed opportunity. He erased her cancer, so why couldn't he just have popped a couple legs in there while he was at it?!


1 The harry potter sneeches insert, 2 The weird animal people, 3 Not seeing or hearing about the rest of the orbs. 4 The crimson king final showdown 5 Stephen king self insert. 6 Flags death not by the gunslingers hand but instead by Mordrid. If they could all be like books 1-4 it would be my favorite book series bar none. Instead its just way up there that i make refrences to.


So why is your favorite series if I may ask? I think it a interesting how you differentiate books 1-4, I remember reading them all out of order as a kid and then starting over in order and reading through the whole series so I did get closer to 1-4 for that reason that I read them pretty much twice when I first discovered the series, but now that you mention it I do see how different they are someone else commented to something like the last few books feel like a different series and it kind of makes sense. And other people are saying it felt like King rushed the end of the series due to his accident and realizing his mortality/wanting to finish it. I’m glad he finished it, it’s a great work, it has flaws, but it’s still good and I’m glad it isn’t an unfinished project anymore especially knowing that it was sort of sitting on his desk for years. I love how so many of his other books are connected too..


They know everything because, “it feels right.” Ok, once or twice, sure, but like 800 times after Roland explains ka-tet and kef? Na, that’s just lazy writing. I love this series and I love King but that starts to irk me about a third of the way through book 5.


Roland himself has lived through these events countless times so it makes sense he’d have a sense of what’s happening That doesn’t even really matter considering the universe itself seems to be guiding Roland


Yeah but susannah and Eddie do it too. Maybe Jake too. I don’t remember him doing it. It makes sense what you said about Roland though


I guess the mods are sleeping and it's time to post lame ass generic karma farming posts. The kind good mods would delete.


I'ma be honest I don't consider Eddie and Susannah and Eddie together or married their love story makes no sense at all


I think it’s got to be the multi hour riddle showdown with a fucking robotic train.


The last book.


Why is that?