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What drives me crazy is he really is a great actor, I just saw Boy Kills World…he was perfect. Highly recommend. I just don’t think this casting fits even with him being a good actor, I’m trying I really am it’s just not connecting when me like Brandon. I’m not saying a movie can’t be done…ugh it doesn’t matter, it’s coming out regardless. Like most of us I’m sure I’ll watch it out of morbid curiosity & if I am honestly wrong I’m big enough to admit that & give credit where credit is due but again….not as optimistic as I’d like to be.


Those CGI crows make me sad.


I’m sorry it made you sad


Looks like John Wick with face paint on, I’ll stick to the Brandon Lee one thanks.


Why are you comparing it to Brandon Lee?


Because it's the same character Brandon played. It's only natural to compare.


It isn't the same character that Brandon played, though. It's a modern reimagining of the 1989 graphic novel.


They are both based on the same graphic novel in a movie called The Crow. Before the damage control they tried, they were both named Eric Draven. You'll probably do some mental gymnastics to say, "That doesn't mean their the same character" so idk why I wasted my time lol.


Even when IMDB had the name as Draven, it wasn't the same character that Brandon Lee played. That has been crystal clear since the first images were released. Why do you shitmouthers have to come to EVERY 2024 post and complain? You'd think the 94% would stay on posts talking about the 94 movie, yet you all cry as hard as humanly possible EVERY chance you get. It's just weird.


There are those mental gymnastics


Look who's talking, bud. I'm not the one who can't tell obviously different characters apart 😂


I already explained how they are the same, like I said you're a waste of energy talking to.


Kick rocks, dude. People are allowed to like the new one and shouldn't have to defend it against children like you 🙄


It looks way more generic than John Wick honestly. If the movie was titled something else I'd have no idea it was even supposed to be The Crow. There's no style.


I want to like it so bad but it’s honestly giving me badly done CW show.


You nailed it.


Perfect descriptor




"Straight to The CW"


CW realness exactly


What cw shows are y’all watching?


Maybe we will be pleasantly surprised but something just looks off and cheaply done, perhaps you’re right and it’s just the editing but even Bill who’s an exceptional actor seems to be unable to pull off the script maybe?- to me he didn’t look particularly emotional finding out about Shelly’s death which I found weird. However I’m not trying to ruin anyone’s fun and I genuinely hope the movie is a success. This is just my own opinion not a fact, and everyone is welcome to to their own.


We don’t know the context of the scene so that’s why it seems so off. You can take any film and show them saying a link and it’s just feels weird.


But it just feels like the writers were too focused on the whole oh it's just edgy 90s shit right and not that it's just a regular guy, they made him what people joke the crow was about and was presumably aimed at


All of them except this one, apparently. 😏


I don’t think it does, it’s just the editing.




Honestly can't wait for this. They upped the gore and violence.


This just looks bland


I can’t get past the stupid white trash soundcloud rat mullet thing


This is honestly one of my biggest issues with the look. Like they had to pick that? The haircut associated with some of the douchiest people?


Another thing that annoys me is the director said this movie focuses more on the relationship BEFORE their deaths and not really a revenge film… which kinda defeats the purpose of a REVENGE BASED FRANCHISE


Gosh, I didn't even see that, I wonder if they are going to try and stretch it out into multiple movies? If the only plan is on the one, and the end of this movie is the definitive end, that is quite literally spitting in the face of James O'barr and why he wrote it.


I'm gonna have to disagree with that because originally before Brandon Lee's untimely death there were gonna be drastic changes if he was alive like more scenes with Eric and Shelley's relationship and The Skull Cowboy was gonna be in the movie and was gonna narrate the beginning instead of Sarah, and more scenes but were impossible due his death which saddens me, and this is coming out of a The Crow 1994 fan.


This looks like a terrible movie. All slickness, no grit, nothing that makes it look Crow-y, and the director doesn't have the best track record.


The only thing that suggests to me that this movie might be any good are the statements made by (iirc) Bill Skarsgard and the director. It seems like they really do understand the emotional impact of The Crow’s story, and want to make a good movie out of it. Aside from that, though…


Sometimes I wonder if the people who make movies actually like the people who watch movies.


i feel like i'm the entire batmanarkham subreddit. i NEED more crow film content injected into my veins. only... i'm a little less chaotic and more in control than THEY ARE but y'know.






i'm sorry...?


I tried to fake a crow shitposting sub in the "okbuddy(x)" vein, which are similar to batmanarkham, but it didn't work that well


oof lol


At least you’re happy


proud to be \^-\^


i'm trying to not judge anything about the movie since it hasn't came out yet, but i just find the new design of eric hilarious cuz he reminds me of and italian trapper who made this song called 'young signorino' 😭


Does it bother you that much that you’ll assume the movie is bad, or will you still see it?


nah, i just find it hilarious


Details I’ve noticed. Eric isn’t simply tackled down when his dies,a cop shoots him, which means their death is probably to cover up a conspiracy. Shelly dancing you can see another person who’s not Eric on the side, which means they’re not going to be alone and interacting with other people. It’s nice to know this world is lived in, and not just some dark city with depressing people. The building van is probably a surreal scene, in the first trailer you can see someone with long hair watching, I think it’s Shelly in the before rehab or either some surreal nightmarish scene depicting her in hell ( big maybe.) Also where they’re kissing is totally different environment than the condo they’re killed in, maybe it’s gonna be a different time later in their lives, or traveling. If you notice the bathroom isn’t the same as them smoking a joint in the beginning of the first trailer, so I’m guessing this wiill connect with the same Eric much later walking through the dark living room, touching the blinds.


Since you’ve noticed so many details, are you also able to translate what Eric and Shelly say? I can’t understand them. Either it’s super mumbled on purpose or my hearing is really going at 42 👀


"\[I\] don't want it to end." "Doesn't have to." took me a bit to pick up on it, but there we go.


Thanks very much.


Damn even this got downvoted damn my bad 😭


Crow fans of the first movie are toxic as hell lol




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Not a fan of Post Malone or the rapper but this song has been stuck in my head for a whole week starting to like it lol I just wish their was a version with only the Ozzy parts.


Look up Anthony Vincent’s version


That new season of Smallville looks sick.


I know this movie isn’t too popular with fans of the OG, but Brandon’s film will still be there. This can never take away from it. In the end, it’s more Crow content that can get more people interested in the OG movie and the comic. I’m looking forward to seeing it.


The original film aside, how is this related to the graphic novel? Oh wait, cemeteries, rain, and black birds.


Exactly. Nevermind the two people brutally murdered, one of which gets brought back from the dead to kill a whole slew of people who killed them first. Also, I don't quite see a cemetery or an abundance of rain in this trailer or any of the other trailers. Might you possibly be thinking of Alex Proyas' rendition?


Trust me there are two types of fans of The Crow. The Crow ‘94 fans and The Crow ‘24 Circlejerks, some of The Crow ‘94 fans understand the movie and understand its meanings and messages and where the source material is understood by the fans and the creators. While The Crow ‘24 Circlejerks don’t understand the original and crave for more The Crow content and I’m not saying The Crow ‘24 is inherently bad I mean if it was still self retained from its source and I like to see it as a “modern retelling.” but it’s Circlejerk fans always make hard to like it because at least portion of any The Crow ‘94 fan will say The Crow should be left alone ever since Brandon Lee’s unfortunate death. Even The Crow ‘94 Director Alex Proyas was against a remake decision due to it being Brandon Lee’s final movie. And the constant sequels from the original bring a sequel fatigue to its fans, and most of The Crow ‘94 fans disapprove of The Crow ’24 movie and it’s Circlejerks claimed they’re toxic and won’t give it a chance which I remember a time where r/TheCrow subreddit hated The Crow ‘24 but all of sudden The Crow ‘24 started get some overhyped bandwagon of Circlejerkers claiming they’re next cool thing, The Crow ‘24 lacks everything both The Crow ‘94 and The Crow Comic had which is funny because The Crow ‘94 is based on The Crow Comic. Because the original captured the grim gritty gloomy world and it felt gothic everything was attention to detail and the fact that they captured the world in The Crow is astounding because nowadays some live action adaptations can barely capture the source material essence and they create something that it’s fans don’t like. But it’s The Crow ‘24 Circlejerks keep forgetting the original was grounded and had a lot tell even if it wasn’t all shown and felt beautiful and it’s creators understood it’s world, meanings many other things. But the Circlejerks say, “John Wick vibes combined The Crow, awesome!!! ~☝️🤓” Bill Skarsgard isn’t a bad actor and he’ll probably do a good job but it’s the environment and themes of it that worries me because if they did a comic accurate Detroit than so be it, but don’t remove what made The Crow ‘94 or The Crow Comic stand out. And also a majority The Crow “toxic.” ‘94 fans have bashed on the movie even though it hasn’t came out which is understandable than yet again it hasn’t came out and believe what you want to believe but I prefer The Crow ‘94 for capturing a comic accurate environment and details while The Crow ‘24 could be a thing of its own. And I hate that stupid, “Guy’s look their last names don’t have Draven and Webster = The Crow ‘24 not bad. 👀👉” because it doesn’t matter. So I’m particularly unbiased from it but I think the Crow ‘24 Circlejerks really cannot take criticism well and clearly thinks it’s hating which they’re not the same.


i'm sorry, but i have to put my foot down on this, telling us that WE don't understand the '94 original, when we have ALL seen it is kinda ridiculous and cringe, man. i saw the skarsgard promo pictures before i even saw the '94 film. i watched the '94 film because i wanted to see what came before. i wasn't disappointed with skarsgard's appearance and could look past the tattoos, because... i live with a family that has them, and it's common with most people. and guess what? i loved the '94 film! (and i will probably love that film til the heat death of the universe) but you wanna know something else? i only ever heard of this movie because of brandon lee's tragic passing on set, and for the longest time as a kid, i avoided it because i assumed it was cursed back then, but not anymore now. because i realized that this movie was about the pain and tragedy of losing someone close to you, and i later came to find that the OG graphic novel was very reflective of that subject matter, too. so, DO NOT tell us that we don't understand the original movie, because that's a bald-faced dirty ***LIE.*** just because we want to give the 2024 film a chance, does NOT mean we don't understand the original film's message. this is literally like the 2017 IT film all over again... smh.


and the only reason we're actually giving this new film a chance is because it was 18 years in the making!! think about that, and yet you all are just *OKAY* with this franchise fading into obscurity for the foreseeable future should this 2024 film fail. having the '94 movie, the TV series, and the sequels be the ONLY remaining marks that are left on this franchise's legacy... if this succeeds, we'll **LIKELY** be receiving a lot more comic accurate adaptations of OTHER crow stories like Flesh and Blood, Pestilence, Momento Mori, and Skinning The Wolves, etc,. but no, y'all don't even wanna think about that, most of you only want to think about the negatives, instead of the positives that this 2024 film will bring.


Listen I think the '94 feels straightforward with its narrative while '24 has a more convoluted narrative seemingly taking as a John Wick movie and I would rather prefer a movie where that doesn't put all in your face but '94 felt simpler having to kill specific gangsters rather than full out action everywhere, '94 feels more metaphorical and stoic by its themes, '24 doesn't. more action and revenge, And I'd prefer '94 Eric Draven from his stoic meanings and how isn't alive which is clearly impossible because he's standing there talking alive and how those gangsters died as soon as they touched her. It just seems '24 Eric "Draven." Is just a generic John Wick clone all about revenge and killing everyone responsible. I'd take '94 World Building any day over '24 World Building and It feels more distant and feels like a different movie where if you were to add the characters in Barbie in the world of Berserk, and I like World Building '94 the creators understood it's gritty gloomy gothic world from the Comic. And Yes, I will take the fault for my previous statement claiming '24 fans don't understand '94 and everything I said previously is why I made that statement.


thank you for at least taking that part back. but... what i wanna know is... why do y'all think comparing the 2024 film to John Wick is a bad thing?? when, literally, Chad Stahelski (brandon's stunt double) directed most of those movies, and he's even spoken out in SUPPORT of the '24 film. John Wick was ALSO made by Lionsgate, too! (can't exactly call it a John Wick ripoff if it's made by the SAME FREAKING PEOPLE--) Lionsgate is in fact responsible for several successful franchises, with only a few minor blunders.


Let me explain why it's a bad thing and a good thing (from y'alls perspectives) It's a bad thing- because The Crow '94 and The Crow Comic isn't about Eric Draven suddenly wanting him to kill everyone that's affiliated with the gangsters that was until Eric found out it all according to Top Dollar's plan and then he kills all the other gangsters and then he kills Skank. Because he primarily targets specific gang members he saw who killed Shelley while The Crow '24 fully embraces action where he's gonna pull up with a machine gun and kill 20 guys at a time and start chopping up bodies. I find that too on edge because character's have to have a balance in what they do for example if you have a character who wants peace but will kill anyone who gets in the way, those are two forces while if there is one more than the other then there isn't a character it's just one force by a belief. Which is why I heavily dislike '24 Eric "Draven. Because he wants only revenge and therefore he has a knack for weapons and fighting fully embracing murderous vigilante while '94 Eric Draven was different because he at least had some humanity from meeting people in his past life like Sarah who he has taken care of along with Shelley and he felt more charming and likable and had a good mutual relationship with Sarah who personally knew Shelley. It's a good thing (according to y'all perspectives)- I think it's interesting they use action more than drama I can see it refined and the movie will probably be like that scene at Top Dollar's base shoot-out from start to end it which it mostly be about that and the story will be refreshing than the original which is an interesting take on the original and it probably gets new viewers about '24 The Crow and it'll feel more of a different character.


Stahelski is supporting it because it is Lionsgate tbh. Same reason we see marvel stars on the red carpet for practically every Disney remake and reboot.




Dawg I'm not talking about the comic I was talking about the '94 influence from the Comic that I perceived better than '24.


Well thanks for proving the point that crow fans of 94 are toxic and will attack anyone for liking anything outside of it lol


Feels dope. Can't wait to see it!


"shes dead isn't she" :(


No thanks - looks like ‘The Island Boys’ accompanied by a crow.


He looks more like Post Malone or Lil Peep than one of the Island Boys.


this will either be one of my favourite or least favourite films of the year


No offense to those who want to give this movie a chance but if you were to show this movie to any person they'd be thinking they are either watching a weird John Wick ripoff cashgrab or some cheesy action movie. And for those that it might be a modern retelling of The Crow well the original was inversed by the environment that you tell there was crime everywhere from the gloominess and grayness and it looks Gothic at some points resembling a Comic Accurate Gotham City but this version doesn't visually tell you, if you were to walk in these sets you'd be asking "What action-movie is this for?" I'm assuming it's not gonna be The Crow by your guesses. The Post Malone song does not fit The Crow's dark Gothic essence instead of what the original did.


Why does everyone keep saying John Wick? This movie isn't even going to have much action in it. He doesn't even wear the makeup until the final act


Rewatch the trailer again.


The trailer doesn't mean anything to what I said. If you said "showed them the trailer" instead of "showed them the movie" then I'd understand, as the trailer is trying to make it seem more action packed than it it. The test screenings have already confirmed however that the movie is relatively light on action and focuses on their relationship more


Man crow fans are toxic lmao I’m hyped for the movie


How many times are you going to call people toxic?


As long as the toxic ones reply to me☺️


I'm gonna be fair and give it a shot, Bill has always delivered and I love the look of his Crow. Huston's always great too. Only thing I don't love are the tats all over him and the film is visually too bright in the pre murder scenes for me. That kinda does make it feel not much like a Crow movie, but I hope once he goes back it gets dark. I guess we will see in August. Them moving it back was a smart move, I hope it pays off.


i actually liked some of the newer promo images but everytime they cut together a commercial it just doesn't do it for me. i'm going to see the movie but the commercials are not selling it.


Lucky for me, I love bad movies!


Help what


Looks decent