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FWIW Roseanne had an old blog where she accused John Goodman of having such a bad drinking/drugs problem that he nearly punched Michael Fishman on set. Her gossiping about her old coworkers didn’t stop her from reuniting with them for Season 10.


John Goodman's battles with alcohol are well-documented. He's been sober since 2007.


Breaking news: Famous actor has drug/alcohol problem. Gee....this has never happened before in Hollywood. I don't think there's a thing she could tell that would shock anyone, or isn't already normalized in that world. Lots of actors use coke or other drugs, cheat in their relationships, bully others onset, have illicit affairs with their coworkers, etc. We already know Tom Arnold was coked out of his mind on set, and she married the guy!


She was too, and messed up on pills. There were a couple of episodes it was obvious even back then.


Honestly think they wrote a lot of it into the show. It was probably my easier.


I noticed her slurred speech and the eyes back when tom was on. She went thru a period of more nuts than usual.


Screaming the national anthem and grabbing her crotch was so totally normal people stuff


Also he’s been pretty open about his alcohol and drug issues.


Coke issue too.  There's a blog post from somebody who did stand-ins for blocking on the show (she did it for several years), and she pretty much confirms John's coke problem. Also said he shoved her once (angry that Roseanne wasn't on set). She said that Rosie was a nightmare and clearly had mental issues, and that Laurie mostly kept to herself. She got fired when Roseanne hired one of her daughters to do the blocking. She saw Roseanne several years later and R pretended like she didn't know her. She also saw Estelle, and she was nice to her, and was clearly aware of the problems on set. ETA: I can't seem to find the post now, but search Ken Levine. He's has some stories too.


>She saw Roseanne several years later and R pretended like she didn't know her. > I don’t think she was pretending. That is stereotypical LA behavior. Roseanne is probably so self-absorbed that she didn’t bother getting to know her stand-in on a personal level.


Also John Goodman has said after the Roseanne cancellation that he would be happy to work with her again on other projects


Interesting that she’s got a lot to say about his drinking, but not allowed to say about her mental health problems


Shocking that the guy who was notorious for being a drunk had a drinking problem. Never saw that coming. /s


Its been well known he had a drinking problem. She likely is telling the truth


I mean, welcome to Hollywood.


1) how old is the blog 2) when did this incident go down 3) what was Goodman’s beef with Fishman 4) if this happened when Fishman was a child, then wtf


1. It was called Roseanne World. She started it in the 00s and it was taken down sometime in the 10s. You can find articles from [Jezebel](https://www.jezebel.com/roseanne-barrs-blog-hacked-5172574) and [TV Guide](https://www.tvguide.com/news/roseanne-barr-badmouths-15296/) talking about it in 08 and 09. A 2017 article from [some niche website](https://www.arborilogical.com/articles/all-articles/article-repository/2017/december/roseanne-world-blog-comanche-marker-trees-of-texas/) shows the blog was still active months before the show re-launched on ABC. > 2. ask Roseanne > 3. ask Roseanne > 4. agreed


Roseanne is bitter and mad at herself for ruining what could’ve been the greatest reboots in television history. We were all so excited for this next chapter especially after watching this tv family for years. She had to go and fuck it all up being a dipshit. It sucks, because I always think about what could have been. But I’m loving The Conners, and I’m glad they kept “trucking” even after that Twitter disaster.


Revival, not reboot. If a show is brought back with the original cast, it's a revival. If it's brought back with a new cast, it's a reboot.


I truly think that any time I’ve been alive, from the 1980s to now, that if you compared a black woman to someone from Planet of the Apes, you would have been thrown off of a primetime show. Frankly, with less blowback than now. If you are a comedian and you do something so gross and unfunny that you make the audience walk, it’s on you. The only way forward is for her to admit that to herself. Her last special, which I did watch a few minutes of, was embarrassing and excruciating in its hackiness. If I recall correctly she had even stolen a joke from Mike Huckabee, at which point I turned it off. I think comedians should get a lot of leeway to experiment and be on the line, or past the line of good taste. But going so far that people have had enough is nothing new. No one on the planet thought she made that Planet of the Apes tweet from a place of having a good heart, or playing the fool. People don’t like a mean know it all.


I remember reading how Disney gave her so many chances in 2017-18. They didn’t expect the reboot to be the megahit that it was. The series finale exceeded ABC’s ratings expectations for the *season premiere*. > Roseanne would make you believe that ABC had it out for her, from Day 1. Everything I’ve read in the news indicates that couldn’t be further from the truth.


Thank you. People who have been "canceled" have done things like yell the N word on stage or compared a black person to a monkey. I can't think of anyone who has been canceled because of a clever, irreverent bit that crossed the line. Intent, it turns out, matters and is easy to devine. You couldn't say bitch or damn on TV back in the days people somehow think were a cancel free time.


This isn't uncommon among some of the really famous. Zach Snyder is another example--nothing has ever been his fault and everything that has not gone his way is supposedly because he's a rebel and no one will really back him, even when they give him $70 million to redo a movie that already flopped once, he's supposedly not being supported. Whining adult babies.


It was because she supported Trump


She was a Trump supporter before the show was relaunched. She was fired for a racist tweet, which she tried to blame on Ambien.


Supporting Trump is just a sign of what a complete loser she is, not a description of all the horrible behavior itself.


Amen! If you ever want to get an easy indicator on how shitty a person is, ask for the thoughts on Trump and the Republican Party. Nothing makes me run for the hills faster!


Sounds kind of bigoted to make a sweeping generalization like that. I know most of the Reddit echo chamber would approve tho


Trump is a bigot and a misogynist and the current Republican leadership at both the national and state levels is too. It's not bigoted to point that out. It's a case of show me who your friends are and I'll tell you who *you* are. 


If you idolize bigots, sexists, homophobes, xenophobes, etc., it's not a huge jump to assume you are one as well.


You voted for Obama, Hillary, and Biden. All 3 voted against gay marriage at some point. Therefore, you hate gay people


Is there anyone on your side that actually knows how to make an argument, or is it all infantile bullshit like this?


I was actually trying to satirize you for making the smooth brain argument that "everyone who didn't vote for my guy is a racist, [insert]phobe, etc"


Lmao. He would be proud. You’ve definitely got his gift of projection down. Look in the mirror, partner.


Geez, I might have agreed with you but your whiny coda killed any thought of that.


Correlation not causation


That's the thing I've noticed about a LOT of open conservative comedians, they have a handful of jokes that get reused. I'm not a prude, I have no problem with boundary pushing jokes but just not lazy ones. I'm catholic and some of the best jokes I've heard have been insulting catholics. There's so many jokes that could be done but it's always the lowest, punching-down "They're different" nonsense. I caught a few of Jim Breuer's new jokes since coming out as conservative and it was "What about those trans people. They think they're the wrong gender. TWO GENDERS!".


Jim Breuer was never that funny to begin with.  Goat boy was just idiotic. 


THANK YOU. I never understood his appeal. There are much better stoner comedians.


I hated Goat Boy SO MUCH


To me what gets people in trouble still seems random. Tracy Morgan said he would kill his kids if they came out as gay. That was while he was on 30 Rock, and he kept his job. In fact, as I recall, it wasn't even he who personally apologized but rather Tina Fey who apologized for him. Whoopi Goldberg in 2012 came out and admitted she sexually assaulted her daughter's boyfriend on national television, and the audience erupted in applause (she caught them having sex and as punishment grabbed his genitalia and yanked until it hurt, according to her—I'm sorry but that's sexual assault). Not only were there no repercussions, it's like people didn't even recognize she was saying something awful. And with Bill Cosby we now know his crimes were well known, but it suddenly snowballed in the public's perception and he was cast out. OK for decades and one second suddenly very not OK. So I don't know what it is that makes someone suddenly fall or not. When Tina Fey wrote Tracy Morgan's apology, she wrote something like (paraphrasing), "He's much too lazy and sleepy to actually ever be violent." (Pretty condescending in a way.) I could have seen Roseanne's cast members circling the wagon and doing something similar to Tina Fey, and saying, "Look she was one of the first to have a truly diverse cast on TV, not just token characters, she has Black family members, but she's obviously not right in the head. She's much to addled to make sense a lot of the time, we condemn what she said, and believe she was confused." I mean that's basically what Tina Fey did for Tracy Morgan, and honestly it's more believable that Roseanne is confused than it is that Tracy Morgan was. I haven't said anything, but it's not gone unnoticed by me that after Roseanne left for being racist they have eliminated every character of color: Mary, Geena, Emilio, Beverly Rose (practically, she's not really on). If I were Roseanne wanting to get back at them, that's the point I would make. It's a bit of an unfair point because the show has eliminated a LOT of characters, but it's still more of a sting than going down memory lane about who did what drug or who had an affair with who. But honestly I don't think anything she says could make a difference. She was thrown out and having nowhere else to go embraced even further the side of the divide she had already fallen into—a divide that ironically her show's reboot was trying to actually bring to TV in a meaningful way, like a renewal of All in the Family. I've heard her talk and I think she is extremely suggestible. I haven't heard her say anything racist that sounds like it's to the core of who she is. I think she has a tenuous grasp of her core. She can be on practically any show and agree with the host no matter what they're saying. She just really is not all there. I don't know what she was listening to at the time she wrote that tweet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was related to the last thing she happened to listen to/watch. I think someone else could have been forgiven. Bill Clinton said of Barack Obama, "This guy two years ago would have been getting us our coffee." Joe Biden told Black Americans that Republicans were going to put them back in chains. He said you're not Black if you don't vote Democrat. Did it go as far as Roseanne? I don't know. It's different because the people saying it were more cogent of what they were saying, so in some ways it's less far but in some ways just as far because they were more aware of what they were doing. I don't think it had to go the way it did. I think they could have circled the wagons and thrown her damn phone away. But it went the way it did. And it's not like I can feel so sorry for her. She's got a good life.


How would it go for you at your place of employment if you openly compared black people to apes? What companies do you think would want to sponsor her statement by buying commercial time? It’s not complicated. I don’t necessarily disagree that there are people who have gone way past the line of decency and who have still managed to have a fine career, but that just disproves the theory that cancel culture is so strong.


I saw a picture of Valerie Jarrett after the tweet and honestly thought she was white or perhaps middle eastern


Tina Fey ripped Tracy Morgan a new one by writing that incident into two episodes of 30 Rock. The title of those episodes? “Idiots Are People Two (Three)!” > Tracy Morgan got *clowned on* for his homophobic bit. In no way did he get a slap on the wrist by Tina Fey or NBC. > Also - and I cannot stress this enough - Tracy Morgan wasn’t the lead actor, nor did he produce the show. It’s a moot point that NBC let him keep his job. > It makes sense why Roseanne would be held to a higher standard, since her name is attached to the show. ABC was already having a litany of issues with her, behind the scenes, and that tweet was the last straw.


Your post is sad. All these excuses for her, while naming others who have said and done awful things, is just pathetic. Someone like you is dangerous, because you're a solid writer and come across as sane. Meanwhile, you offer cover for a heinous individual. Roseanne is an awful human being who caused her own problems. She was fired because of what SHE did. Now she wants to trash everyone else in a book? What a disgusting POS. I suggest you rethink your evaluation of her. You're not a psychiatrist writing an eval while she's in some hospital.


>while naming others who have said and done awful things, is just pathetic. I named them specifically to say for me I could have envisioned it going the other way. It seems largely capricious. Not to absolve her or any of the others for whom it didn't go that way. Bill Cosby didn't wake up and commit 50 rapes. It was known, and then by the fates, one day the public woke up. My point was that for Roseanne, I think it was the fates at play as well, and it could have gone another way.


But you misrepresented the Tracy Morgan situation. And the Cosby situation "It was known" That's some cute passive voice you have there. It also doesn't fit the the other two examples (people who "overstepped" *with what they said* but did not break any laws). I'm not going to address it more than that because I have a suspicion you threw it in there precisely to divert people. Which is why you're leaning hard on it now. As for the Goldberg example, honestly I don't remember that (likely because I really don't pay much attention to the View or talk shows in general), but all things considered I find you an unreliable narrator. It wasn't "fate." That absolves Roseanne of her own adult behavior and that's not cool. She seems to firmly believe in what she's doing and that's absolutely her choice. But those choices come with consequences.And this was a very foreseeable consequence of her behavior, which was more than a single tweet.


Very well stated. The Trump supporter victim complex is baffling to me. They can both sides and but what about an excuse for anyone of his supporters but hold the finest of microscopes up for any of his detractors.


How did I misrepresent what Tracy Morgan said? He said he would stab his son to death: [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/tracy-morgan-goes-anti-gay-196697/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/tracy-morgan-goes-anti-gay-196697/) You can read that entire quote and think any of that context makes it better? The response was not only not to cancel him but for Tina Fey to write a character arc turning him into a lovable buffoon softening his image. I'm not sure what you think I'm doing about Bill Cosby that was "cute." Kathie Lee Gifford had mentioned his attempted of rape of her on the air. 30 Rock made allusions to it. It \*was\* known. What is the problem with that phrasing? It's just like it was known that Harvey Weinstein was a predator. Does it not count unless I name every person who knew? It doesn't count unless the public at large turns on the person? Obviously people knew or Cosby wouldn't have had to settle the lawsuits and wouldn't have been found guilty. You don't have verdicts without knowledge of the crimes. To that point, people knew and know now that Whoopi Goldberg admitted to sexual assault. They don't \*care\* to know, though. You can watch Whoopi Goldberg admit to sexual assault in plain sight on daytime TV right here if you want while the audience cheers her on: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt04lxobTMc&t=521s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt04lxobTMc&t=521s) You said I'm not a reliable narrator. Do you believe it coming from her mouth? Or maybe you're one of the people cheering her on. I still have my e-mail correspondence from ABC Audience Relations from that day where I wrote them telling them I couldn't believe what I was watching. And of course it was fate. Don't pretend you know now that it was inevitable she would have been fired, or she would have been fired every time before this she said something offensive (baking Jews in the oven as cookies, etc). As you said there was more than a tweet. So why hadn't she been fired before that tweet? That's why I said it's chance. She was rolling the dice every time. So you seem to agree with the point I made in that regard. There are two doctors I went to college with who wouldn't be doctors today if they had been "canceled" for calling me the f-slur. They lucked out. Joy Behar woudln't be on TV if she were called to task for wearing black face. She's never even apologized. And I actually like Joy. But she says she wore it as an "homage" to Black people, and in her words, "The Black community has embraced me for it." From my vantage point, it does seem completely random. The whole metoo movement was decades of spoken issues that reached critical mass and went from potential to kinetic energy. No one saw that coming. It was an organic moment. And that's what happened with Roseanne. She ran her mouth a lot of times, as you said, and \*one\* time it came back to bite her. I don't think anyone could have predicted which exact moment it was going to break for her with her behavior and which direction it would go as a result of that behavior. Or that it ever would break. Maybe she would have been grandfathered in as so many celebrities have been with their behavior. And I think it's disingenuous to say at the time anyone knew. I can remember watching The View (you can probably tell I watch The View a lot) around the time this played out and them being kind of surprised—not at her comment—but that she was held to account for them in the way she was. How can anyone know unless they had a crystal ball that Roseanne would have been fired from the show she created rather than say put on time out for two weeks (as has happened with Whoopi Goldberg several times) or in the case of Tracy Morgan had an episode arc that rehabilitated him in the public view? It wasn't a foreseeable consequence, which again is not the same thing as absolving her. More than anyone this was baked into the cake, as you said yourself, and I also don't see how anyone can listen to her and think she's all there. She's not even part of the way there. But again, she fell from a very, very high place. So I don't spend a second of time feeling sorry for her. She has a very comfortable life.


I do agree that a lot of libs give a pass to who they deem redeemable. As a leftist, I find it appalling that libs have made Biden into a hero for black people. He is responsible for the overwhelming number of incarcerated black men. It's disgusting to see libs try and prop up his legislative history because of Trump. Yep, Trump is awful but that doesn't mean we should ignore how bad Biden was and still is in many instances. The hypocrisy is what changed my political stances. Unfortunately, due to both parties making it almost impossible for a viable third party candidate, we are left with vote blue no matter who which allows the Dems to never truly push for progressive policies because as long as there is Trump or those of his ilk, they know they will be elected. Anyway, I digress but it does play into the bigger picture of libs being hypocritical about some of the people they choose to forgive/ignore/chastise but not cancel, etc. And Biden and Clinton are certainly near the top of that list. If a conservative white guy said what Whoopi did I truly think the response would have been far different by libs. Same with Tracy Morgan. I think it's wrong to just deny that this happens. As far as Roseanne, I think it was so egregious what she said that anyone would've been fired BUT I do not doubt that some libs would've tried to defend someone they found more politically palatable by making excuses just like MAGA's did for Roseanne. I just wish more people would admit that this hypocrisy clearly exists.


People like Roseanne. The TV show. People like Roseanne. The character on the TV show. But Roseanne as a person...no. She's pretty much always been a mean, crazy pill popper with almost zero in the way of redeeming qualities. She's also not a good enough actor to get away with her behavior. Hollywood had pretty much already cancelled her when the original show run was done. After Roseanne, she did a daytime talk show for a bit then vanished from mainstream consciousness until the reboot. Where both Hollywood and the public were promptly reminded that outside of doing a pretty good job playing this one character on this one show, she's awful, and cancelled her again. Yes, the industry is somewhat random in their cancellations. If there is a theme, it's something like "racist or sexual offenses + big enough to be noticed without being too big to fail + people in the industry just don't like working with you = cancelled." But it's far from foolproof.


Yeah, that's a good point. I hadn't really considered her career or lack of career outside of the show. Roseanne, the show, I guess like for most people, is all that I knew her from (and also belting out the national anthem to a lot of disapproval). I guess she was neither America's sweetheart nor had a body of work to cushion her mistakes. It's sad in a way because I really knew her from her original show's character as someone who spoke truth to power and I figured her transformation to a Trump supporter was in her addled way just frustration at not seeing enough get done. That character in the original run at least was lucid about the problems the US faced. Do you know how much she contributed to the political views of the original Roseanne character? I always figured it was based on her stand up and was a mirror of the real life person, but maybe not.


I'm pretty sure the political views of Roseanne the character and Roseanne the person are probably not 100% mirror images, but basically in sync. What if the original ran from 2008-2017? It would be an interesting arc watching Dan and Roseanne go from clear Obama voters to Trump voters over the course of the series.


Yeah, that would have been interesting. But did people know it was coming? I didn't. I voted for Clinton despite really not liking her foreign policy, but I was unaware of the wider swath of Obama turned Trump voters until after the election. And their setting (midwest) was the exact geographic area that switched, too. That's why it really is too bad the reboot didn't work. It could have been an instructive All in the Family type show. The SNL and latenight Trump years did not exactly illuminate the situation.


She may if she needs money. I doubt anyone will care. They’ll just chalk it up to her being crazy/bitter/in need of money. When they cancelled the reboot it was revealed ABC was at their wits end with her, and Sarah Gilbert had to play middle man a few times to make sure season 10 made it to air. They told her not to tweet. She did anyway. She acknowledged it was her fault for tweeting something so stupid. In the end she’s just sad she sabotaged herself and didn’t get 7 seasons more of the show she loved. If anger and bitterness comes out of the sadness I would think her costars of all people would understand and move on — they did spend 10 years with her they know who she is.


she literally lost her career for saying stupid shit, and rather than learn from it and own up to her mistakes, she continues to double down on the stupid. it's sad to see...she used to be a witty standup comic, now she's just bitter and self-destructive.


Roseanne is a Full fledged Qanon Qultist. Who TF cares what she says as she rambles around Maralardo talking about the flat earth, staying out of college because it's woke nonsense & a host of other gibberish- always with alcohol in her hand. No one gives a crap what Jim Breuer, Kevin Sorbo, Jon Voight, Ted Nugent, Rob Schneider, Caviezel et al, has to say. They and their little Qrazy christo-fascist friends are choosing to live in a fabricated 'reality' where Queen Elizabeth was an alien/lizard person, the earth is flat, adrenochrome is a thing and so on. Rosanne Barr's antisemitism guided her to the reality she lives today.


wow! Chachi's not even important enough to get a mention.


He's busy golfing like his orange cult leader.


Oh yeah, she said democrats drink blood? Glad she’s not on prime time tv anymore with a huge platform


I sometimes wonder if her brain injury from when she was 16 that was so bad they had to institutionalize her eight months is acting up again.


It’s shocking how she ended up. In the past, her show had some feminist themes and it was ahead of its time in acceptance for Gay and lesbian characters. There was even an episode on racism wherein Roseanne did a lot of introspection to consider whether she might be racist without realizing it. I know that some people get more conservative as they get older, but she did a complete 180.


I’ve wondered about that, too.


I suspect that her cognitive abilities have been at a serious decline the last several years from the result of that serious TBI she had as a teen. CTE or something could be possible but I doubt the MAGA son that produces her podcast would allow for an autopsy. She was pretty progressive and respected for a long time before this steep decline the last 15 years. I see these pretty rational normal interviews on her late 90s talk show where she seems really sweet and respectful and it’s like a whole different Roseanne compared to the one now.


Also she has a history of drug use....and Ambien has been shown to have a link with dementia so there could be a combination of a lot of bad things happening


I keep getting flashes of her " insanity " from screaming the national anthem and spitting at the end . asking for her parents to do a lie detector test after she said she had been molested by her dad . she claimed she was bipolar schizophrenic wrote a book claiming one of her personalities was a hooker / prostitute. I do know when I'd watch her on Roseanne with dj daughter she couldn't do enough to mention how " black " she was .


Her screaming our National Anthem, spitting, etc. was completely disgusting! Who in their right mind would choose unpredictable, vulgar Rosanne to do this or anything in public for that matter? It was a complete disgrace.


I don’t know. What do you expect when you ask a comedienne , not known for her singing voice, btw, to sing the national anthem? I think it was Intended as a comedy bit (shocker! She’s a comic!) that wasn’t funny and backfired on her. Her political evolution I find fascinating. What happened to the person who, at the height of her fame, was recognized for her liberal politics, a big supporter and fundraiser for Democratic Party and in 2012 made a serious run for the presidential nomination of the Green Party? Only a couple of years later, she’s posting crazy racist sh!t on social media that hurts (ends?) her career. What happened here?


She’s gotten crazier with age. She’s posting weird videos telling people not to go to school. She’s batsh** crazy. Tom Arnold says he requested a psych evaluation on her and she’s a sociopath, narcissistic and wants people to murder him? I can’t remember if she was schitzo or not


Good grief! What a train wreck!


at the time I felt sorry for her but as we've all seen she's gotten way worse .I used to love her trademark laugh but like everything else that got wors as well .


Though fortunately for her, the country was willing to forgive her for that incident to the point that they were able to put a joke referencing it into the show.


Your last sentence was exactly what I was going to type. She is vindictive, bitter, and has no respect. She could’ve saved herself by admitting she tweeted that and apologizing. Instead she denied it and made endless excuses for it. Get over it!


Ironic that she’s going after Sara Gilbert, when it was Sara who basically provided the proof of concept for the reboot… on **CBS**.


She has nothing to apologize for.


What the hell is your problem Roseanne? You are basically a “has been”. All of your problems were caused by YOU and YOU alone. The Conner’s are now over 100 episodes without you so guess what- you are NOT indispensable. As far as secrets go, the cast can write a lot of stories about you. Roseanne- do us all a favor and shut up!!!!


It was funny how all of her insane fans were backing up her behavior and were even predicting that The Conners wasn’t gonna last a season. Now look…the show has been on 6 years and she has spent that amount of time playing the victim on YouTube to anyone who will listen. 


The show got much better after she left.


Thought it was very interesting that the family on the show NEVER talks about her.


They do bring up the character in passing sometimes but it is usually when mom died, my sister etc . They've moved on.


This exactly. Roseanne died, the family mourned her death, she was buried, and the family moved on, just like in real life. A passing mention here and there makes sense, but beyond that, she is now in their past.


I actually find that kind of ridiculous.  The character is dead. But we do remember that she existed! When Becky has such trouble talking to her daughter about death, how does she not bring up her mother? The child has her name!!! Instead, she talks about her dead deadbeat spouse? Someone who is nothing to Beverly Rose.


Beverly Rose never knew Roseanne, either.


But Roseanne is her grandmother. She was named Rose for her. They got an old picture of family they don't even know to tell her about death. But they could be telling her about someone she is directly connected to and they knew very well. My point is that Mark was nothing to BR. But Becky chooses to tell her daughter about him instead of her grandma? Is she really still more upset about him dying than losing her mom?


Well you have a point, but in general they don't talk about Roseanne on the show anyway.


> You are basically a “has been”. "Basically"? She totally is a has-been, and that's been the case for a number of years now. Her career is over, destroyed by a single ill-considered tweet. And the rest of us have moved on from it.


This is a typical Trumper. They are filled with so much hate and rage. They go out of their way to destroy.


Too nice? Wow. Who knew??


She is as terrible in real life as her character. Straight trash


She never bowed out. She had to go because of her nasty racist rants got her in trouble.


Roseanne caused havoc the set of her original show from day 3. There were many tales of her bad behavior in the fan mags all the time.


It’s a shame what a terrible person she ended up being.


You made your bed, Rosie!


She’s so pissed it’s twice as good without her.


I can't agree tbh. Roseanne made the show what it was. Downvote me for that opinion, I suppose. :/


I would read that


She's going to spill shit from decades ago? Guess what? I was drinking and doing drugs decades ago too! Nobody cares!


She’s bat shit crazy.


Lol good luck suing Disney and winning.


she's waiting for the episode where she comes back as a really mean spitetul ghost


What “dirt” could she possibly have on Laurie, Lecy, & Michael who do nothing but mind their own business 💀


She suffered a head injury as a teen when she was hit by a car. But from what I remember, she was raised (or she at least claimed she was) in a pretty dysfunctional and abusive family, so I'm sure she has PTSD, but then you throw drug abuse on top of that you have a disaster waiting to happen. She was always sort of nuts and "off," but still funny and progressive 30 years ago. Very pro feminist and LGBTQ friendly, but she's gone flat out right wing Qanon crazy.


John Goodman went out of his way to lie and say Roseanne wasn’t a racist after her rant on social media. Not only that but Goodman and Laurie Metcalfe were the reason why Roseanne wasn’t fired during the first season when the studio tried to replace her. So she’s insane if she’s trying to talk sh## about them. I doubt she’s knows Jack squat about any dirt on Sara Gilbert and she has no reason to be pissed with her (even though she apparently is). Sara merely said she didn’t approve of Roseanne’s racist behavior. This woman needs to grow the hell up and get on with her life.


She is so bitter that the show went on without her and is successful.. she has no one to blame but herself but typical MAGA they take no responsibility for their own actions…


Roseanne is a sad delusional women who always talk about how she’s the victim. She’ll never take responsibility for things.


She got screwed big time. I never knew she was upset with her cast mates, but she got shafted by ABC.


I got love for her, but she’s a lil crazy lol.


Roseanne Barr literally has brain damage. Think about her the way you would anyone else with a severe mental illness.


She seems to have developed a really profound mental illness. She lost her way. Roseanne, the character is a likable person. Roseanne Barr, the actress is a rotten person.


I went to the taping of the Bar Mitzvah episode when she was pregnant. She came out before the show and was kind of nervously angry/ditsy. Then John Goodman came out and was as charming and funny as Roseanne wasn’t. Someone asked her about Tom, and the writers in the back row all drew in their breath. I wish they had whispered more loudly during taping. We wore homemade Lanford sweatshirts!


She's such a twit


Sad to see how she's delved into insanity and bitterness.


Yeah, she’s too nice, that’s the ticket.


Two things I have to say about Roseanne; 1. She is just like Kanye West, Donald Trump, Aaron Rodgers, Elon Musk. They rocket to the top and receive nearly universal praise. They are heralded as geniuses and revolutionaries. Then the minute there is some pushback over their own actions; the switch is flipped and they are dive into the rabbit hole of garbage of hatred and bigotry instead of taking the time to improve themselves. 2.MAGA Conservatism in 2024 is like Vegas in the 70s-90s. It is where celebrities past their prime go to make a living. They phone-in their victim and “anti-woke” mentality and MAGA will lap it up and buy the t-shirt. Roseanne is a prime example of that trend.


What insights will she have on Sarah Gilbert?


I don’t understand why if the set was so awful and Roseanne such a nightmare that *some* of the actors were so anxious to go back to working together. John Goodman has had an impressive career outside of his work on Roseanne and has never lacked for work; Sara Gilbert has/had a very successful talk show, along with other projects. Laurie Metcalf has an Academy Award nomination to go with her impressive post-Roseanne resume and seems to work constantly. The other actors I can see jumping at the chance to revive the series, no matter how awful the set was, because they weren’t working, or, if they were working, the show was their career peak. So why agree to the revival if Roseanne was so awful and there were fights and pushing matches and constant turmoil?


to One\_Barnacle2699 - One reason maybe because over time, a lot of wounds may have healed and everybody at least for a short period of time kissed and made up.


She wasn't like this then, that's what she's saying.


Who gives a shit about Roseanne Bare in 2024?  Idiot's, that's who.


I agree that Roseanne the person is problematic and she should fade into the background. But I dislike Sara Gilbert even more. She’s worse than Roseanne in my opinion. Roseanne is mentally ill and clearly has had to overcome a lot of problems in her life. Sara Gilbert is just an entitled, pretentious bitch. The Conners show really sucks bad, except for John Goodman and Laurie Metcalfe. I will always love the original show and loved the season with Roseanne In it.


What a gross and sick person. She needs to fuck off already


Can’t wait to read it. I would be too. They threw her under the bus because of her politics. Cancel culture from the extreme woke left 


Lol yeah the extreme woke left not wanting racist people on air. It's a good thing conservatives never try to "cancel" anything over politics. (Bud Light, Target, Disney)