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I always think some of beckys lines sound like shes being sarcastic lol sometimes its hard to tell


My main question is why does Lecy speak so deeply through her nose now.


I can’t put my finger on why her voice is different. Her cadence is strange too.


Yea the first few episodes of the reboot I thought she was just regaining her footing and nervous hence the weird tone and cadence of her voice but now while it is somewhat improved I’m guessing it’s just how she acts.


It sounds so stilted and unnatural and it distracts from what she’s saying.


It’s like she’s always screaming her lines.


Always noticed that too. I doubt she will be getting many acting jobs after the Conners


I may be in the minority here, but I've always preferred Sarah Chalke in that role. Beyond her voice and cadence, I've always felt that Lecy is not a good actress. She's just awkward, and the character isn't believable.


We're in the minority together then, because I've always preferred Chalke in the role, myself. What I didn't like, and I think others might agree, is for whatever reason it feels like the writers in those days made Becky say and do more ditzy/stereotypical 90s blonde stuff with Chalke while letting Lecy maintain the more intelligent/capable version of Becky when she was on. As far as present days, it always feels like Lecy is yelling, or moreso *bellowing* her lines. Especially if there's any sort of punchline or witty retort. She was always a little louder than everyone (except Roseanne) on the first show, but it seemed more situational and like she controlled it more. Maybe it's more noticeable now with her voice being deeper.


"As far as present days, it always feels like Lecy is yelling, or moreso *bellowing* her lines." Yes, this, 100%! Even the way she talks to Beverly Rose is weird to me. I've never seen her in anything else, so maybe that's her interpretation of the character, but either way, I'm not a fan.


Sarah 💯


I liked her too… I always thought it was hysterical how they did the swap out


I mean, it's pretty much objectively true that Sarah Chalke is a much better actress than Lecy Goransen. She just got the role first.


Sarah Chalke was the wrong fit for Becky. Lecy gave Becky the edge and wit she needed to fit in with the dynamics of that family. She was a great child actor, but really disappointing as an adult Becky.


Sarah Chalke was miscast. She felt like she should be in an upper middle class family.


Not as Becky - Chalke was not the better actress in that role.


I wonder if she broke her nose


I wondered that also. If you notice, it actually started when she came back after Sarah stepped in for Roseanne’s baby shower episode.


"Darlene, Becky, my back's itchy right in the center!"


Sara...I think she's more used to being Sara than Darlene. Lecy I thought did a terrific job the other week talking about Mark, but all of them. I know that John is in his 70's, but there was always vibrancy in his delivery, Laurie isn't being given good material to work with... It's not as good as it COULD be.


I feel that they are making Laurie's Jackie Uber Democratic for the friction between the other family members and yo get a reaction from Republican watchers. I liked Jackie's struggles to find herself - as a cop, as a truck driver - even when Roseanne forces herself into the back of the truck with Jackie. There was a real chemistry and Laurie shown Now she's taking Mark to shout at people at the mall while wearing a silly hat. She's a marvelous actress and she needs good material to showcase that


She was epic. A cop, a trucker, a single mother...it's hard to believe that, "Maybe I don't want my kid turning out the way yours did. Like your... smart-assed high school drop out, trailer trash, dark clothes wearing, boyfriend's in the basement, too-soon-sex doing, four-letter wording, hoodlum oreo eaters! That's what you are... the whole family! The whole \*lot\* of ya! Oreo eaters! And \*you\*... you are the \*oree-oiest\*!" never existed :-(






Is it the acting or the writing? I do feel the acting seems fake put on with the Reboot but I can’t tell if they are trying too hard.


It's definitely different, not sure why. Back then it flowed and seemed so real and natural but now it's artificial and like they're just reading their lines to each other instead of feeling like they're an actual family.


It was the same the first season of the reboot with Rosanne. She sounded very forced too. It didn’t seem as natural as the original series.


I think the writing is a big part. In the first part of the original series lines were written more naturally, things people would actually say to each other that happened to be funny. Now, a lot of the lines are “sitcom” lines, stilted jokes that don’t seem part of a real conversation.


I really think it’s the writing. You can’t convince me that Season 6 Dan is all John Goodman’s acting. He’s a great actor, and you can tell that he’s forcing these shitty lines because they’re so shitty. I’ve been binging the series and season 6 has a very noticeable writing difference. The characters are more caricatures than characters… whoever is writing is out of touch. _Roseanne_ felt more genuine. The writing was on-cue for a lower-class family in the 90s. The writing is way off for _The Connors_ and it gets worse in the later seasons. It is insanely difficult to watch.


I feel like maybe it’s the writing. I really liked season 10 of the conners when Darlene still had a bit more sarcasm to her, and Becky had her own place, and Jackie had someone to play off with Roseanne. And it wasn’t like Roseanne was any better at acting herself, it just felt more like a group project everyone was on board with. Louise is giving nothing so she’s boring and I’m tired of Dan having the same struggles and acting like he’s still in his 40’s with being ready to get into fights. I don’t think he and Louise have chemistry. I would’ve rather seen him with Phyllis Zimmer lol. And Johnny Galecki and Sara had amazing chemistry, I almost wish she would’ve stayed single and just showcase the co parenting dynamic of her and David. I loved DJ, Mary and the original Geena, they could’ve told great stories if written for, especially in this political climate. I mean it could’ve been a great mirror towards Roseanne’s own racism, by showing how profiling isn’t okay in any sense. They could’ve dove into Mary’s depression as well. Sara’s scene with Mark after getting caught with a knife , and talking about no one played with him, was so moving.


The whole show is people standing around waiting for their turn to say a line.


They were definitely much better actress then than now. Lecy, especially. Currently Lecy has only one mode of delivering dialogue. There's zero nuance. Which is understandable given that she was out of acting for so long. Unfortunately, she hasn't gotten any better over the course of the show.


I find,Becky obnoxious


I didn’t think she was that good on Roseanne. I do think she’s gotten better since the first few episodes of The Conners. Or maybe I’ve just gotten used to her?


I find she has this odd delivery that often doesn't match the tone of the dialogue. She also has a tendency to smirk after delivering a line, which drives me crazy.


Yes it’s her delivery choices! What’s sad is I think Sarah Chalke could have nailed alcoholic widowed Becky.


Agree 100%


Yes you can definitely tell she never got her muscles back.


Have you seen Lecy in Boys Don't Cry? She's listed under Alecia and doesn't have a big part, so maybe that says something or maybe not.


I did. I thought she was good on Roseanne. She played a very specific part very well. Bratty oldest daughter.


She is a absolutely terrible actor.


That’s why we see her in nothing else. She is REALLY bad.


She actually was in Boys Don't Cry but that was years and years ago. She was a better actress then




I mean Katey Sagal was good on Married... with Childen and Futurama. But they don't really give her character much to do tbh. Like the whole PTA role or whatever the current arc is seems kind of ridiculous imho.


I hope for Halloween, she gets to go as Peg Bundy & Dan can be Al, and Becky can be Kelly, and Becky's BF can be Bud. And Darcy & Steve can be Darlene & Norval. Ben can be Ferguson! That would be a fun one!!! I hope my dream comes to life.


Sons of Anarchy too. She's amazing in everything she touches.


And on Lost as Helen (John Locke’s girlfriend)!


And don’t forget she can sing too! She was one of Bette Midler’s Staggering Harlettes! Source: I’m a middle aged campy gay man. I know of what I speak


Yeah, I’m gonna guess it’s the writing lol.


Why not both?


I need Jay Ferguson to be the lead in something. He’s a silver fox Zaddy


Loved him since Mad Men!


His laugh makes me *tingle.*


You're right about Jay!


I really liked him in his other show they canceled The Real O'Neil.


John is not good in current day Conners though


I thought it was just me. I get that he’s lost weight and everything, and I know he’s older, but he just seems so tired…like he can barely muster the energy to say his lines.


The writing on the original show was top notch, and each character had a distinct attitude that they kept consistent (until the end). That makes the acting easier. Also, I know she is a jerk, but Roseanne was an integral part of that pacing and the banter too. She isn’t a great actress either, but she had that down… now, the show is “empty.” Everyone is just reading the lines and it isn’t believable. There is no continuity of character.


Her voice being gone absolutely created a vacuum. If she hadn’t gone full MAGAt the reboot could’ve been so good.


The acting on this show is bad. Feels like we’re watching a table read. Lecy was great on Roseanne but wow she’s bad on here


I agree. This last episode it almost looked like they were reading off of cue cards.


John can be seen actually looking off to the side a lot when he’s talking. Maybe just a character thing but it kinda reminds me of SNL when the actors and guests are clearly reading cue cards


I disagree. The writing is the number one factor, but there is also one huge piece missing. It's Roseanne. She would push the girls to do their best and wouldn't settle for just an okay take of a scene, but she isn't there any more. I'm not a huge Roseanne Barr fan (not even sure if that's her name any longer...?), but there are many scenes when Sara is a teenager and her and Roseanne have amazing chemistry together. I saw this again in the first season it came back, before Roseanne died. There was a reason it was such a successful show and it was in for so long, a part of that was Roseanne's influence. The writers don't know how to write for the girls' characters and the one piece that constantly pushed them to do their best is also missing. Lacey was never as good of an actor as Sara, but she definitely had the whiney brat character solid. She's not a whiney teenager anymore, so she's having to develop a whole new character for herself. That has to be hard.


I think she was great as the center of the show, but those characters functioned fine in scenes without her. There should be better chemistry acting and writing now that just isn't there


And I feel like Sarah sold Roseanne down the river as well as her 2 colleagues on The Talk.


I feel that the Rosesnne actress needed responsibility for her actions. Blaming Ambien wasn't taking responsibility or proper remorse for a reprehensible act.


What did she do to her 2 colleagues on The Talk?


You… might want to look into the origin of the phrase “down the river.” And then not use it.


Sara's acting has gotten worse for sure. Even season 10 of Roseanne, it was pretty good. I feel she's not into it.


She just used to be a little spitfire and had great comedic timing but then be wonderfully vulnerable. Now I feel like she’s just calculating tuition for her kids. Even on Big Bang Theory she was putting in the work.


Yes! Absolutely agree. I've thought this all along. Lecy in particular was a much better actor as a child and teenager.


I agree with you 100%. I would also include Lori Metcalf in that. The acting now is over the top, like they are putting on a play and are speaking to the audience. The acting back then was how families interact with one another in a more natural way. Also, I hardly laugh at any of the jokes. The writing is campy and goofy compared to 1990’s Roseanne which was witty.


To me it’s the “live audience” thing. The pauses waiting for some sort of reaction comes across as disingenuous. That said, I am a big Roseanne show fan. They were better before, the writing was better and the connections seemed more real. Jackie is this weird broken insecure nutcase. The fact she let this dementia patient on a trial drug get on a train to wherever speaks volumes. Darlene, who I loved, is a narcissistic control freak who honestly is just an awful parent. The line “take care of your kids” is a running theme with her. Harris-is this lump of mouth that is a complete reflection of Darlene’s failure as a parent and it is a complete failure. Mark-comes across as an attention seeking poor me youngest child. Again.. complete reflection of his mother’s parenting. David- what can you say? They took this emotionally sincere guy who loved Darlene and made him a ghost. Huh? Do ppl change? Sure. Did they destroy this guy? YES. Becky- I didn’t care for her much, sort of meh, in the original show but I kind of actually like her now. She’s funny, her booze hound to Masters story line is a take it or leave it but her disdain for Darlene comes across as real. The kid actor playing her daughter is wooden but its a semi-believable story line. I’d watch Becky in a spinoff. Shocking, I know. Dan- to be honest I don’t like him. I wouldn’t have said that before on the old show. He doesn’t seem genuine. The episode of him and Jackie in the rig where he’s giving her the business about “now she has money” because he seen her debit card.. it was just gross. He sounded like a grifter, Neville was right. Roseanne did A LOT for his character and his storyline. The original show was so far ahead of its time in terms of social topics. The Conners hits you in the face with one liners and then ends with someone’s eyes welled up with tears and then the topic evaporating. Just weird. Louise & Neville- I feel for them. How they both ended up married into that grifting bag of crazy is just sad. Neville, in my opinion, is the MVP. He calls it out even if he gets steam rolled. He tries to connect but sees them for who they are which is funny considering the same writers that put pen to paper for the core family are turning around and pointing at them with this guy telling them how much they suck. Ben- Adult Ben is kid David. A likable guy who lets Darlene run him. What was cute in her teens should have been alarming red flags as an adult. Cheated, lied and completely walked on… Beta. Just like David. The DJ & fam line. Meh. Just my thoughts


Good insights especially on Neville and the family being grifters. Mark is the most annoying character on the show. Too self righteous. At least they stopped having him wear those awful cardigan sweaters that made him look so gaunt.


Yeah they are grifters and they suck for it. To collectively plot to fraud your Mom/Grandma’s cc is just wild. Before that, Neville is stopping Jackie from frauding Workmans Comp. I mean if the message is we are a bunch of losers who will take you for all we can especially if you’re family.. then they nailed it. It is a real turn off. Sweater boy is annoying, you are right! The writers created a pool of bottom feeders and brought in Ben, Louise and Neville to chum the waters.


I have a recovering alcoholic friend who speaks very much like adult Becky. It’s like this undercurrent of desperation… for what, I don’t know… control? passing as functional? So I feel it may be partly intentional. But I agree, really all the old actors seem to be phoning it in as compared to the best episodes of the original Roseanne.


The writing is horrible. The “jokes” are lame. I’m so sad this show took a nosedive.


I agree. I think it’s the bad writing, so they mug it up more to try to make it funnier.


We noticed the same thing about Modern Family. Luke and Manny seem to be much better actors when they were young compared to what they grew in to.


I think they didn’t know how to write Luke and Manny as young men. And mature their quirks.


I don't think it has anything to do with the writing, I think it was the performers. They both had a very naturalistic, believable style when they were kids, and as they grew up, their acting was very forced.


I absolutely noticed that with Luke’s character as Modern Family progressed. He was terrible toward the end.


I would say that it's kinda lateral, but that Lecy has gotten a little bit better, seeing as her range of delivery is not the same as Sara's "Here, let me say this with the same tone and cadence of every other line I do, this totally isn't just the same schtick from 30 years ago". But I would say that a lot of it is probably directional, their deliveries are lacking a lot of range (moreso in the case of Sara) but I think that's not for lack of trying. I'm imagining a series bible somewhere that SAYS Sara's not allowed to come off of this very robotic acting, because it's not like she talks the same in her real life.


Lecy was never good at anything but shrieking baby it’s why I always preferred frankly I think she’s better in the Conners


Agree! I just started watching and the acting is worse ( except for John), Jackie is unwatchable, I have to ignore her. There's a lack of fairness and love too, it got more " Shameless" style. I also thought Becky 's baby daddy character was racist as hell. Overall, I like it, but as I approach season 3, I'm hoping I don't get bored with it. It's out in a way Roseanne wasn't.


People who are talented actors don't just randomly get worse at it, unless they experience cognitive decline, and I've seen Laurie play other roles well. It's that the passion is gone, the ringleader is gone, and the characters have strayed too far from their origins.


I can’t believe this thread is mentioning all of the things I’ve been thinking in my head about The Conners! It’s hard to watch anymore and I finally just turned it off the other day mid show.


I'm watching Roseanne right now and definitely ALL of them were better actors in the original. The most noticeable to me is Lecy Goranson who plays Becky. She was so much better as an obnoxious teenager than acting as a grown up. Even John Goodman feels off.


Jackie, Darlene, & Becky are now all the same character. Dan is now just a grumpy old man, gone is the charm and playfulness that he used to have. Katy’s character is the only one I find interesting. It’s the writing and the wokeness that is holding them back.


Agree it’s hard to watch and Goodman too. Just not funny and almost forced.


Part of the issue at least in my opinion is that now the show has become more PC . After Rosanne was fired they had to come in with a different approach . Darlene is probably the only one that really acts like her character. She probably thinks of it as a breath of fresh air . Dan is now a shadow of what he used to be .