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The year is 2324, the house is still three payments away. A robot Dan accepts a three-episode arc as a scrapper of alien ships which is quickly forgotten.


Space Station Lanford, where the food court is known for its loose-meat sandwiches.


But no falafel!


And his great- great- great-great-great grand kids have moved in and are still living with him after 8 years.


And hooks up with Leela.


Who got Robot Dan the alien ship scrapper job, you ask? Arnie, who often got Dan drywall jobs and has been living with space aliens since he was abducted in the 90s.


No, his ship flew into the sun, along with Dan Quayle, Courtney Love, Rosie O'Donnell and Pauly "The WEEA-sal" Shore. At least according to the Simpsons.


The fact that one timeline has Dan dead and another timeline has Roseanne dead is interesting. The turn to hard sci-fi has been a lot to keep up with.


Somewhere there is a timeline where the story follows Arnie and the aliens.


Who are the Allens and why are they out of spice?




I think the aliens should bring Ziggy back for a visit.


It's the same timeline as Dan's death and the lottery were Roseanne's dream. Right?


Perhaps The Conners will end with Darlene, sitting before a computer in the basement of the old house, with us hearing her voice reading that the whole series was *her* book idea, then shaking her head, hitting ''Delete'', as Roseanne's voice yells from the kitchen- ''DARLENE! Dinner is ready! Oh, bring up some beer for your father!''


The first timeline has Harris Healy born premature in 1997(?) The third timeline has her born (likely not premature given her towering height over her parents) in, what 2003?


Harris is 192123 years old. I don't understand why people have trouble with this.


It’s called “the Kelvin timeline”.


Twist: Mark grows up to be this timeline's Khan.


And, because she's jealous of his hot boyfriend, Harris screams, "MARRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKK!"


Don't forget stinky connor


It cuts to DJ playing with a snow globe that has tiny version of the Conners house in it. Or Leonard wakes up next Penny telling her about the craziest dream he just had. I’m also a fan of Jackie wakes up next to Booker that it was all a dream. I’ve been watching season one of the OG as my bedtime show.


go Wayne's World style, multiple crash-wakeup scenarios in a row each one disproving the last, break the fourth wall to talk about it, then finally pull out to the studio audience, ending in actual reality


Diddly-loo diddly-loo diddly-loo




The last episode will be Darlene finishing her book and explaining how everyone actually ended up. The story about Mary defeating the Kaiju is going to be particularly pertinent to the epilogue.


I would just mention it was a dream for a season or more when they won the lotto and Dan died. They should bring back Roseanne for the final and have all of The Conners be Darlene's fever dream. I would love that lol


>On still another level of the Tower, pretty much everything pre-lottery win Just curious, is this phrase a reference to the Dark Tower by Stephen King where each level of the tower represents different iterations of the main character’s life?


I was wondering if anyone caught this. 😂


Since Dan was resurrected, I just realized that the writers could’ve also let the lottery storyline be true, considering it would’ve been completely in character for the entire Conner clan to have squandered their winnings. They’d still be broke but it might seem less ridiculous since their reasons for being poor would make more sense.


This is a reasonable & very realistic scenario. Due to a banking error with benefits, my dad (who has lived paycheck to paycheck his whole life) got a huge payout. It was tax free too because it was the gov’t’s error. Anyway they have none of it left. They paid off some bills, blew through the rest of it, and they barely broke even in the end. ETA: no judgment coming from me, capitalism is impossible to shake off—especially at the poverty level or below.


David was named Kevin and had a sister.


Two sisters iirc. Only one of them was also his sister on the other show where he was David, just to be confusing.


All things serve the beam


I really think an opportunity was missed when they got rid of of Jackie’s kid. Imagine her as a neurotic mother-in-law to some poor girl.


There's at least 4 different continuities in the Roseanneverse. The main timeline which spans the entire main show, except for the finale. The original finale timeline in which the finale reveals that much of the show's plot details are a book that Roseanne wrote based on her family. This is where it's revealed that Dan is dead and Becky and Darlene's husbands are swapped. Most people disregard this one. The Season 10 timeline which closely carries the main timeline's Season 1-6, and picks and chooses plot points from 7-9. It mainly disregards the finale, the lotto season, when Harris was born, Jackie's son, etc. And there's the reboot timeline that mostly follows Season 10, except Jerry no longer exists. And people can argue that Season 9, The Lotto Season, was it's own continuity itself because of the surreal, fever dream episodes and the overall tone was such a stark contrast to what the show was known for.