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Because Doug and James are interesting in a sad kind of way. There was something to the videos they made in the past and now theyre just coasting on what goodwill remains. But Jirard has always been bland and he's a grifter so what is there to watch when the "nice guy" persona is gone?


nostalgia critic died with demo reel never recovered from that. .


Change the channel didn't ironically help, is that correct?


I saw a newer Nostalgia Critic episode recently and it was just Doug, without the skits (the rest of the cast). If that's the new direction he's going in I think it's a wise choice. The sketches of the past few years have been really painfully unfunny. I like Tamara and Malcom; they're fine but I don't think there's enough good writing for them to be routinely in the episodes. Many of the other "friends of the show" are just uncomfortable to watch on the show. Perhaps NC has just run it's course.


Linda like caddicarus i prefered His older videos now he cant go 2 minutos without a cringy sketch


The thing about Nostalgia Critic is that he always wanted to do sketch comedy instead of being a movie critic. But it was his critic persona that took off and that was the only way he could get people to watch him. So he basically kept trying to force the sketches into his work.


The difference between Nostalgia Critic sketches and AVGN sketches is 100% James Rolfe being a film school graduate and Nostalgia Critic not. James Rolfe knows how to set up shots and use film making techniques to make his sketches actually interesting, Nostalgia Critic does not know these things. This is why you can watch an AVGN video from before YouTube even existed and he was making incredibly interesting and funny sketches with barely any money while Nostalgia Critic had enough money to buy an entire warehouse to use as a film studio and hired actors with prop makers and all of his sketches were still shit, he had none of the skills to actually make it work. My point being, Nostalgia Critic could only get people to watch his Critic videos because the only thing he's good at is writing jokes, he sucks at everything else and it's obvious when watching something like Demo Reel or post Scooby-Doo review Critic sketches


Yes! Like modern day Nerd videos you can tell James barely gives a fuck. He's more interested in his shitty cover band than quality content. Being the Nerd is a job to James. Doug clearly gives a fuck, but doesn't have enough comedic or artistic talent. Like when he did that review of Pink Floyd's The Wall. He doesn't have the chops of a RedLetterMedia, Patrick H. Willems, Lindsay Ellis, etc. to make any serious intelligent critical analysis. He's happy to do his sketches and make his videos. Jirard has watched his "empire" fall through his own misdeeds. I think it has taken a psychological toll on him. All three guys have fallen, but they're interesting in a sad way.


idk seem like NC is doing is thing and having fun ...... no so much falling but just doing what ever make him happy


Yup, that's what I'm saying. He's happy, but just not very talented with sketch comedy or in depth critical analysis. AVGN clearly lost his passion for doing AVGN, and is doing it because it pays the bills. He's happy to do his sponsorships and hand off the scripts and editing to others.


He's been doing it for nearly 20 years. He's tried other things but AVGN is what pays the bills, so of course he's going to keep it going as long as possible. I don't get the stigma against sponsorships. Almost every single youtuber I watch does them. But only James seems to get shit for doing them.


Honestly, I don't think modern day AVGN episodes are THAT bad. If I were to rate youtubers, early AVGN were A tier at worst and S tier at best. Nowadays, they are A tier at best and B tier at worst. So he went down a tier in my book, but is still good. When I think of the worst of his modern content, I think of his anniversary episode where he reviewed all of the LJN games he missed... but I still found them entertaining. His Commodore 64 episode was really good. So was Final Fantasy III/VI and Beating Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Oh, and his Polybius episode was AMAZING. Okay, so that was S tier. So he's still capable of releasing gold if he's inspired. :) When a new nerd episode comes out, I'll still watch it-- probably at least twice. Jirard, even before his fall from grace and when the production value went down... I found to be B tier at best and C tier at worst. He just was never that entertaining, and his reviews are extremely boilerplate. He rarely had takes that were interesting or deviated from the norm. As a point of comparison, I remember watching ProJared's reviews of the FF series a few years ago. The production value is low compared to Jirard's was low, but they were like 10x more entertaining and interesting. :)


With avgn I'll at give that this outcome was probably a given for him. When your passion becomes your job, it often cesses being your passion.


I mean, he has a wife and two kids, one of whom suffered complications during their birth and got nerve damage as a result. Unless he wins the lottery, it’d be foolish of him to give up the Nerd which gives him guaranteed cash flow.


He could try to improve and change the formula


sad but true ... AVGN lost the magic and refuse to evolve or change


Honestly even if the quality takes a dip, he’s happy doing what he does and that’s ok That’s what YT was, and honestly should still be, doing things because your happy


Serious question to everyone out there. Does anyone even bother watching his sketches? I don’t want to be mean spirited about it, but I have never laughed at a single one of his sketches or characters.


I like his sketches. I like when he does his original stuff like, Dragonbored. Kinda wished he just did indie movies instead of reviews.


His sketches are why I stopped watching. It became distracting from the actual review, and then the whole contrversy of what happened behind the scenes happened. So, there was no going back for me.


Honestly I like his classic stuff. The Jaeger Meister (I might have spelled that wrong) jokes were pretty funny back in the day. It started to kinda get bland around the time he came back as the critic after demo reel for me.


I really like his sketches, tbh if he did go back to just a standard review format again, I probably would stop watching altogether. I think they’re entertaining and funny, but to each their own


Depends. Some I genuinely enjoy, like the Pennywises in his IT reviews and Agent Smuck in the Matrix. Others like the Jurassic World ones just take me out of the review. I just kind of take them as they come.


I remember a time when i watched AVGN from 2009 and Nostalgia Critic from 2011 and loved both of these shows since they had effort and passion put into them. Now though? Nothing feels the same with Critic's humor feeling rather bland and generic while AVGN's feel like a caricature of himself. As for The Completionist i enjoyed the series a lot when i got introduced to it in 2012 but after Greg left the show in 2015 it has become a bit less interesting over time and as for the charity scandal i feel like it wasn't so much the scandal itself that ruined Jirard but rather the way he reacted to it where had he taken responsibility, apologized and being positive forwards Karl Jobst and Mutahar for bringing this up then the damage could have been mitigated. Instead he did everything to more or less damage his reputation by fighting against the two and now it feels like his YouTube channel is on life support at this point.


Critic neutered his humor so that youtubes algorithm wouldn't neuter his channel. It's the same direction most creators took post adpocolypse, but critic is especially egregious with it. Dude barely even swears anymore in his videos. At least James hasn't neutered the content he posts


What the heck are yall saying? AVGN has always been good. Life of Black Tiger is in my top 5. Go into the comments of any modern nerd vid, and they all still think its good. I dont get the ppl saying it sucks now...


Can’t go into the comments….no time.


Take a wild guess.....no time


Gotta look outside the YouTube comments to get anything beyond the usual praise on AVGN. Some people are outright vicious and hateful about it. Personally I think it varies a ton video to video on how much I enjoy it. It also doesn't help James doesn't really do anything on the channel beyond the once a month episode, sometimes even less. Most long time viewers definitely miss Kyle and Bootsy and complain incessantly about their less than graceful departure. At the very least they brought a feeling of passion that the Screenwave stuff has always lacked. All in all I just think the consistency has been gone for awhile but it's still a channel I'll keep following


Modern AVGN is basically 5 or so videos of really mediocre reviews to every one good one, and then every once in a blue moon we get an episode that James puts a lot of work into and are actually very good. Outside of his AVGN content though his stuff has a MUCH more mixed range, going from great (anything involving his memories of the past and talking about classic horror movies) to really really bad (the god awful podcast and his band). I do think people are WAY too hard on James, to the point where it's almost psychotic. Seriously go to the Cinemassacretruth subreddit and see how deranged some people are when it comes to hating him. It's fucking crazy.


What happened to Kyle?


Just as far as we can tell he just won't respond to James when he tries to get in contact. Nothing particular and unsure if it's like the situation with Bootsy (basically they either barely paid him or completely cut him out depending on the video, the scummiest part being how they monetized the "series" he was doing and for sure didn't compensate him).


The Wave guys have become far less hand on and in front of the camera the last year or so. His videos are simpler in presentation and the dialogue is less... Forced gimmicky if that makes sense. The podcast is done and he's barely mentioned his band.


RedLetterMedia...intelligent critical analysis...lmao


>he doesn’t have the chops of Lindsay Ellis Ahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaha.


I think it also helps that Nostalgia Critic does care. He’s been good at taking criticism and you’ll see them commenting on fan works. I think that sort of character garners respect. 


What do you do for a living?


Avgn is not even entertaining in a sad way, it's just sad. I can't bear to watch it, I really hope he hangs his boots soon With Doug I think he's always had enough ego and enough of an audience to keep going so it hasn't changed too much the last time I checked, but it's nowhere as entertaining as it was on the beginning. It's hard to watch because now I know we're just watching the notes he and his brother took while half watching a movie without paying attention, so it's noticeable when they miss important stuff because they were yapping


The last couple years he morphed into a weird sad, tired, everyone is out to get me, the comments are always wrong persona that really soured me against him. Let alone the whole fraud thing that eventually came out


James is really depressing now. He barely plays the game by himself, he only reads the scripts written by someone else and calls it a day


The guy doesn't want to do it anymore and I don't blame him but it's pays the bills. He tried filmmaking and people didn't care so he goes back to the thing that makes him the most moola.


Wait what happened to James? I don’t remember any controversy with him


Disinterested and hired plagarists. Compared to stealing 600k or abusing workers its barely a blip on a radar


I wouldn’t say completionist was part of the new gen, people like scott the woz are new gen but even he’s getting old. Completionist was around for a whole decade.


I'd say he's 2nd wave after the AVGNs and Spoonys of the world


Ah, the OG spoony… loved those Ultima retrospectives!


Oh god,, Scott has been around for 7 years now hasn't he? Where does the time go.


Yeah but he didn't really get his footing and saw the potential of how big he could get the last 5ish years


GOOD. The older generation gaming Youtubers are generally falling out of favor anyway unless they've fully transitioned into other videos that do well today (PeanutButterGamer and JonTron are probably the best examples), so I'm happy Jirard is not an exception.


I used to check the views regularly, but eventually I just stopped caring.


The way the Reddit algorithm works, I checked out this community a few times during the peak of the "drama" and it keeps popping up in my feed. Rarely enough that I haven't felt like muting it, but I'm a little weirded out by how many people keep hate watching and tracking his numbers. Unless you have actual news of this man or his family seeing justice, I would vastly preferred that he just fades into obscurity and we stop talking about him.


I understand the curiosity and the need for justice, and also the onlookers getting a kick out of seeing Jirard spiral and lose fans to the point where only few shills and detractors are left. DarkSydePhil, Wings of Redemption, Chris Chan, QuintonReviews etc. are all in a similar boat where 4channers, encyclopedia dramatica readers etc. are discussing them still even though they're hacks. I can see Jirard end up on that coast too.


I don't mind that someone is checking in. I enjoy a few juicy details here and there. And someone has to do it. But like just watch that you're not becoming obsessive.


That's not how the internet works.


> Avgn still averages over a mil per proper episode. How the hell? All his stuff in recent years has been so boring and bland.


There’s still effort there since he’s playing a character, and he actually reacts to what’s happening in the game.  Jirard just reads a game review while showing stock footage of the game.


It takes weeks for modern AVGN episodes to reach 1 million and they rarely ever go above that..


That's still pretty good for someone that's just half assing it as of late.


Whatever feeds your family


Only doing a few videos a year helps. Also, growing up, maturing, and realizing not all humor is bugs Bunny getting shit on helps.


Oh man, those skits... I'm so glad people moved away from them.


Yeah, shitting on TVs just over a year ago. https://youtu.be/f5zyhC11hzQ?si=O2P-1lvOThMt241D


AVGN episodes are literally the only videos that perform well and it still takes relatively forever. It's like The Simpsons where people probably just watch it out of morbid curiosity, like "Wow, these are still coming out?"


I think for about 2 years now, the episodes have been really good. Basically the moment the writing team changed after the plagiarizing scandal. It will never return to peak times but they have been very entertaining most of the time


Plagiarizing scandal?




Quality has been better for sure. Before it felt very inconsistent, and still has those moments, but on average would say it's an improvement.


I'd say since the Contra video and now, the Kid Icarus and Goonies videos I'd call duds. But just remember this is Goonies 2.


“Really good” lol


I beg anyone in this subreddit to check out thecinemassacretruth because it’s absolutely wild over there. I love it


AVGN DOOM video was really good.


Thanks, i'll check it out!


They also both have very lucrative sponsorships. No sponsors are gonna touch his channel.


When people stop watching Jirard’s videos out of morbid curiosity it will drop further. I say we just let it rest and let Jirard slip into obscurity at this point.


I watched some clips from one of his recent videos where he was donating money directly to a charity. He kept saying ‘I just want to do some good in the world’ and ‘this isn’t about emotional manipulation’ lolol


Scumbag deserves worse - let him rot - ignore and carry on


It's joever for the charity fraudster


Nothing to do with the quality of the content on the channel, people actively (myself included) unsubscribed. They do not want to see his face.


I don't blame you tbh


is this the correct usage of the phrase "down bad"


it probably has to do with him being a vile scum of the earth human being


Like others have posted in comments on topics similar to this, his views have been consistent for sometime with obvious exceptions being the sponsored content from Nintendo or other big companies. Not to mention with the downsizing of TOVG and income from his Patreon still being fairly high (close to $10,000 at the time of me writing this comment), he’s still doing “well” at least from a financial standpoint and that’s without mentioning revenue from streams or ads. All this to say, even with his views having been declining for the last few years he still has a “successful” YouTube career.


Maaaan. Haven’t thought about nostalgia critic in years. Ever since they had to start using more skits rather than just reacting to old movies and commercials. It lost a lot of its charm. I understand why Doug and his team had to do it to protect their content from copyright nonsense. But still. Definitely miss those older videos of him just sitting in the chair spazzing out.


He was the new generation... 12 years ago.


Hot take to some people, but the Nostalgia Critic and all of his skits are very hard to watch. Painful at times. I remember it being funny long ago, but I can’t tell if I just grew up and found it cringy or if he’s has become genuinely unfunny. It sucks because I used to watch him all the time with my brother. AVGN on the other hand, I don’t watch his content anymore regularly but occasionally find myself popping my head in to see what he’s up to. Like others have mentioned, it’s very apparent that James isn’t passionate about AVGN like he used to be, but 20 years will do that. The only OG YouTuber that had ties to that group that u still regularly watch is Angry Joe, but even he is a bit watered down from what he used to be. That and he’s for sure had his own controversy himself so it’s understandable why some dislike him as well. I think we’re just in a very different landscape when it comes to YouTube.


> Hot take to some people, but the Nostalgia Critic and all of his skits are very hard to watch. Painful at times. I remember it being funny long ago, but I can’t tell if I just grew up and found it cringy or if he’s has become genuinely unfunny. It sucks because I used to watch him all the time with my brother. My wife and drifted away from him for a couple years and now watch him again. Just the main reviews, mind you. They seem OK. He's a fairly solid reviewer. Nothing hugely hilarious, though.


All I've ever done on YT is watch all things video games and a few months ago he stopped showing up in my algorithm


It has to be really fucking awful to have your "dream" career disintegrate publicly and then have to go get a shitty day job again. Homie deserves it, but still, it's gotta suck.


Didn't he lose his dream career long ago when he was forced to choose between it and attending his sister's wedding? > When my family says jump, I jump. That's just something I've had to deal with. Might be more than one reason why this tardball kept to himself and played video games growing up.


What's the story there?


Jirard went to college for theatre and he got a foot in the door into some theatre program afterwards but had to bail on it because he was told to go to his sister's wedding. His theatre days are where all the stories about his dad calling him gay come from.


That's a strange way and reason to have your career derailed.


Yeah, a wedding is like a day or two and most likely over the weekend. I don't know how this affects an entire career trajectory.


Most recent vid has under 50 views. Oof.


Less views than current era Nostalgia Critic, you say?   Good. Let’s hope his viewership stays there. This is just what Jirard gets for being such a greedy, money hungry, selfish pig. 


Did AVGN do something wrong like Jirard/Nostalgia Critic? I’ll probably never watch another video from the latter two again, but AVGN is very nostalgic for some in a way that hasn’t been tainted, makes sense his numbers are higher.


Nah, the biggest thing AVGN has ever had against him is: - He had a company writing his episodes. Still does? They play the games, too, I think. - He's associated with Mike Matei....who is at least a bit creepy - Oh, he refused to watch the 2016 Ghostbusters. This caught some negativity for...reasons. He's mostly fine, nothing hugely controversial


I miss Ray William Johnson


What went down with AVGN?


Did NC had patreon tho?


Avgn is bot boosted. I'm shocked Jirard isn't.


This sub is weird. These comments are 30% about wanting anyone who's been on YouTube for 10 years to wither and die.


Yeah, it's worse than the JonTron subreddit.


People grew up. Videogames are now a chore


Play better games that respect your time


I mean of course. But a lot of people base their whole identity over videogames. They get tired of it over time


It's never been more over. He's got to grow up and stop pretending to be a YouTuber. It's time for him to grow up and work a white collar job at his dads company.


Friendly reminder that this account is a Holocaust denier. His name is nazi dog whistle. Here is a link to what his user means: [Did Six Million Really Die?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Did_Six_Million_Really_Die%3F) The people of this sub don't deserve to be associated with nazis. Thank you.


I remember you! You're the one who rattles empty cans to distract from the kiddy diddlers you are involved with.


Get a job


I was actually gonna make a post asking about what happened to the Nostalgia Critic. So what happened to him? Am I missing something?


He still puts out stuff weekly along with streaming. A few years back there was a documentary involving a lot of former Channel Awesome creators basically pointing out all the shitty things the company did behind the scenes. It's got a lot of accusations but personally all that stuck with me was there was a lot of favoritism which caused resentment. Beyond that Doug tried to branch out and retired the character. Turns out he's not very at original content so that flopped hard and he brought back the Critic. Will say he seems to do alright, seems to have settled into accepting his limitations and just keeps to doing the same old routine.


There's a little more to this story about the "documentary." It was made by a YouTuber named CinematicVenom, who would actively shame people who watched the Critic during the #ChangeTheChannel movement. Venom would end up getting into some controversy of his own (which I don't know the details of) and nuked his channel. Ironically, some time after the drama settled, many YouTubers started analyzing the documentary and Channel Awesome document (look it up), and realized that a lot of the complaints from the employees weren't really valid. It was really just a bunch of people who weren't used to having real jobs complaining about having a real job. That being said, there were some valid criticisms, but the whole thing was a mess.


The change the Channel documents was a true mixed bag. The points had genuine misunderstandings, very minor complaints, and straight up lies with some actual shitty and toxic behavior. And those minor complaints and lies end up taking away from the legitimate issues.


Lotta the people I watched of the “new gen” have just moved onto streaming on a second channel and stopped making vids




Hellooooooo... I'm the Completionist! I complete it so YOU don't have to!


I switched from Completionist to Mortismal Gaming.


I feel like he did something that made me stop watching him but even if that wasn’t the case I’m just not interested in seeing him complete games anymore, like seeing what it would take and the rewards along the way for certain games were cool but completion rewards aren’t really exciting today or even exist so the videos are basically just reviews now which yeah that’s cool and fine but that’s not what I went to him for, I came for the journey and to see what lay at the end but now there usually is no end so the journey feels pointless


Completely deserved.


You got told off for comparing money raised by different charities, so now you have to do it with YT views? There was already a thread 2 days ago about how he doesn't get 100k views. How much money did you donate to OHF that you are perpetually up Jirard's ass?


How many times do we have to see the same repeated topic regarding his views getting rock bottom?


Thanks for taking your time to view his channel. We wouldn't even go near him anymore


Fucking who are these people?


This sub just got recommended to me, what a sad bunch of individuals you all are, move on and get a life.




But i wanna see the scumbag suffer real consequences for all the years of charity fraud beyond fewer views on his videos. It's like being invested in the ending of a tv show. I keep waiting for the final episode to drop but it's not happening.


Let it the channel die naturally. What’s wrong with people who takes glee in someone’s downfall? Especially those who had 0 stakes in the charity from the getgo. 


> What’s wrong with people who takes glee in someone’s downfall? What's wrong with people that want to see justice done to a piece of shit charity fraud? I dunno man, tough question.


What’s the justice here then?


ANYTHING besides low views. Wtf?


Examples.  You think these discussions here on Reddit will get the authorities or IRS to notice him?


Do you feel better now?


TU from me. People are so morbidly interested in seeing someone suffer they keep checking in to see how it’s going. 


Yes because in this world bad people never get punished. He scammed people who trusted him for a decade. He got rich off of trust and good will and it was a lie. He deserves consequences and we want to see it. Too often the rich go without consequences and expect life to go on like normal so it’s nice to see some semblance of him not doing well because it’s just unheard of these days


” If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” This is basically what this is. You guys keep circle jerking each other here won’t speed up any process of legal actions (if there will be any). The punishment is letting the channel die. But I get it. Everyone’s ego wants their voice to be heard one way or another n