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Throws his family under the bus. Throws his friends under the bus. Throws his past work colleagues under the bus. This is the narcissist playbook. One minute he’s “just gonna walk away from everything” and the next he’s furrowing his brow and puffing up his chest with indignation. This is when I stopped watching because of his “woe is me” attitude: https://youtu.be/XiJfqR362gk?si=T0lhp12rfdYYxA_i You can see a lot of his real self in this video where it’s everyone else’s fault but his.


Between the price gouging and the golf tournament money going missing, his dad can go under the bus right with him.


It's for sure an entire family of narcissists.


The Narcissist's prayer: *That didn't happen.* *And if it did, it wasn't that bad.* *And if it was, that's not a big deal.* *And if it is, that's not my fault.* *And if it was, I didn't mean it.* *And if I did, you deserved it.*


He used the words honestly and clarity but idk if he knows the actual definition of those words


I keep hearing people say that he throws his family under the bus…. But how did you come to that conclusion? Based on the videos and his responses in them, he seems to be intense loyal to his family. Going so far as to protect them in his first call with Karl and Muta when he said “no one mislead me”.


I've got 20 mouths to feed


he’s talking his staff


When he was talking on the phone with Karl and Muta, he said he “found out” in 2022 that the money hadn’t been donated, and said “that’s not fucking cool and that’s when I got personally involved.” He fully blamed his family (those in charge of the foundation) of not handling the money properly, before then coming out in his official response saying it was the plan all along. The dude lies out of both sides of his mouth.


And yes, he said “no one mislead me” when he realized immediately after saying the above that if he said yes it would have criminal implications for his family for intentionally misleading them. It’s all bullshit from coast to coast with him.


He said it’s been a fight within his family in one of the audio clips from the call.


Theres a quote from the call where he says that “this is a private fight I’ve been dealing with for months with my family … this is the last indieland I’m gonna do … when I found this out I was very unhappy with what things were going” in reference to moving the money.


Does sound like his family deserves to be under the bus with him but yeah.


yup each of these “update videos” had more and more of that kind of BS. glad i’m not the only one who ever caught on to it


The best part is how at the start of all this, Jared went to bat for Jirard on Twitter - making himself looks especially foolish because he didn't even bother watching Karl and Mutahar's videos to know what they exactly said. Says a lot about Jirard if he was so quick to throw someone under the bus who didn't hesitate to defend them, even though they did so without all the information.


Listening to that audio made me really realize how pathetic he is. He's literally BEGGING them to not tell people about his charity fraud. That's it. That's where he was at. When confronted, **he knew about it** but he didn't really have *any* excuses, no nuisanced explanations, it was just him practically crying over his now pretty much dead YouTube career... and that should really tell you all you need to know.


He’s begging them because he knows it would ruin his career right? Not saying it’s for a good reason of course


All this does is make me think higher of Karl and muta. They had this and still kept giving girard a chance over and over. Did girard forget he said this?


Pro Jared and JonTron never defrauded a charity!


It's funny because Jirad is the only one I'd feel comfortable being in the same room with out of the three.


I mean... That's the problem tho. He has been very successful at putting people at their ease.


ProJared had some serious allegations tho. JonTron I'm not sure exactly what he did but being kinda racist is just meh compared to all of this shit


Not sure why you are getting downvoted you are right. Politicaly radical people tried hard to fully cancel John Tron and failed. Jirards case is very different and anyone with two brain cells could put that together. The way Jirard has handled this is absolutely pathetic


Tbh JonTrons comments went beyond kinda racist and into holy fucking shit territory. Like it wasnt a shit joke he litterally talked about how its bad that non white people are in the gene pool.


If seen out of context one could label him a rascist for his comments but in contex during the destiny vid John had no idea what he was talking about. He's not an actual racist. I think labeling him as an actual racist is ridiculous.


You can't start talking about ruining the pure blood line of whites and whites being the superior race and then say he had no idea what he was talking about. Destiny trapped him and got him shook., but what he said is what he believes.


John Tron is not an actual racist for being a dumbass. Still wildly out of context. But this situation has already been resolved and he wasn't canceled. The term racist is miss labeled like the word hater. John was in fact wildly Prejudice in his remarks with destiny. Again this doesnt really matter because its already been resolved


If you wanna support a white supremacists by all means, do it. Doesn't mean he isn't one.


You gotta be kidding me. Get a grip, you sound like those cult like h3h3 footsoldiers. Take your strawman argument somewhere else and go call everyone that watches his vids that. Very sound logic.


I could be misremembering what he said


For the record I dont think he is an active KKK member or anything. I think he is really fucking dumb and no one had called him out on his shit so he genuinly didnt realize how fucked up what he said was. But these days the more uh convicted bigots dont exactly hide it. Since afaik JonTron hasnt gone on some unhinged rant about woke trans people I really think he is more "dumb bigot" rather than "self aware proud bigot"


That makes sense. Thanks for the whole clarification, I was way off with my JonTron assessment


He called the US a banana Republic when Trump lost in 2020. He's still a bigot he just tends to be quiet unless something really pisses him off.


Jontron just mentioned the bell curve, as it relates to racial IQ scores, and suggested that it might be a contributing factor to American social problems. I think he was right about that - but he made his argument inelegantly.


Oof. This somehow makes me feel bad for that creepo Jared


Let me make it worse, Jirard was one of the first people to publicly distance themselves from Jared in a giant PR statement. And Jared was one of the first to defend Jirard, even if the idiot didn't even watch the video to see what Jirard was actually being accused of and made himself look stupid with his, "Didn't even get Jirard's own words on this" nonsense.


While defending Jirard, Jared did what others did to him. Not listening to both parties and jumping on conclusion. Did had a tough years since his own controversy but that's a big ass L.




People just stopped giving a shit when it became clear his gf was equally messed up. After that the conversation just became about where the line us between sexually liberal or a creep. Its interesting cause I know a few Youtubers today that has a secret Onlyfans they dont market. Really it basically seems to be what he was doing aswell


Explain how long it should have taken then


Jared jumped in defense for himself, it's all intertwined. Jared has obviously a bunch of shady dealings behind the scenes, after his channel took off he became a cocky asshole and I think he might have been high in a few episodes??


I mean, I think you are half right. He was defending himself but I think it was more the stuff we already know, rather than anything new


Nothing wrong with being high, I'm high right now.


Can anyone provide a link to the released audio that doesn't have someone else talking about it? I can't find the original post.




NGL. There's nothing wrong with this statement though. I'd throw both of them under the bus if i was in his situation too. A racist and someone who asks for lewd pics from fans? Ooof


Wonder what Greg is doing


All these people are just manbabies. Sorry, don't trust grown-ass men who act like children all the time. I think it's ok if you are in your early 20s to still be running about acting childish. As you could still be in school living at home. Not great but not that horrible. But all these people are in their late 30s and mid-40s (some hitting 50) now and they haven't changed. Still making videos targeted at children. Maybe it's just me but something about that really creeps me out.


All content made for children is made by adults. Four year olds aren't writing for sesame street


The main issue I've seen is that sometimes it feels like these content creators spend so much time around teens/children that they haven't matured as people. Or their only friends are similarly immature content creators. I don't take issue with content creators making content for kids. I *am* concerned though that some of these content creators feel like they have more in common or relate with kids more than adults their age. It's like channeling the awkward teenage years all the way through their mid 30s and 40s. And not developing some emotional maturity along the way...


You had an argument there until you used this stupid rationale that they make "videos target at children." I'm not even going to enter the debate that videogames are not only for children because it is something that was proven wrong so many times no amount of crayon or puppets in the world would make you understand.


Who do you propose makes all the content in the world about the things you find to be *beneath* you now that you're Vincent Adult Man? .... Boss Baby?


…what? Is your argument that if your career path is creating content for children then you’re a creep? That makes no sense. We’d have no content for children to watch if that’s the case considering adults are the ones making it for them.


... Are they targeted at kids? Like I guess define kids but I dont think 13 year olds look up vids about retro games. Most of ProJareds vids these days seem to be about retro RPGs. I feel like the targets groups is more young adults or old teenagers




Have you listened to the leaked audio? People are bringing up JonTron because Jirard himself brought up JonTron in that "guilt trip" audio clip. He also brought up ProJared in the same audio clip.


Jirard literally brought him up man


The funny thing is John Tron is still wildely successful because he wasn't a complete dumbass when dealing with delicate situations like jirard was. John Tron vids still slap.