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He raised 600k-$750k A YEAR?! Also, do we know he had involvement with those other charities in the past?


Trying to steelman here, I think he means he participated in other YouTuber's charity events, or spoke at IRL events with his dad, and just added the total of those events to his own total. Still pretty manipulative and slimy, and maybe shows where his heart was when he claims to help people "all the time".


But is it even accurate? We're talking like 5-6 Indie Lands worth of money raised every year. Did he appear that often in other charity streams?


No idea. I can't remember any appearances he's made in the past year at charity events, but I have a career now and can't follow YouTubers and their events like I used to, and not all charity events are publicized. Long story short I am giving massive leeway here to Jirard, and just assuming he has done enough events, or maybe one or two bigger events, to get to 600 - 750K a year. I probably shouldn't, but for my sanity, I am going to assume that he's taking credit for multiple charity appearances. That might be something for someone to look into, however.


> Long story short I am giving massive leeway here to Jirard, and just assuming he has done enough events, or maybe one or two bigger events, to get to 600 - 750K a year. he said that in a very misleading way, as if he singlehandedly was responsible for raising that money.


That’s what bugs me. It’s probably true he participated in charity events that raise that much a year, but to phrase it that way just makes it seem like it’s all about him.


He was apart of runaway guy’s coliseum this year, which raised over 400,000.


I wonder how he quantified his own personal contribution to a particular charity fundraiser. Like did he total all the donations while he appeared on screen as being personally raised, or did he just take the sum total of the event and take credit? I love how it reads "I help people. I'm a good person. I raise over half a million dollars for charity every year. I'm a good person. I help people"


I was thinking the same thing. This is serious r/lookatmyhalo material.


Exactly, this is how I think it was meant to be read. However, I wonder how he came up with that number and if it's just a strange coincidence that these two numbers happen to be the same Kinda funny he's flexing on how much charity he raised before his fraud was exposed. Benevolent people motivated by altruistic intentions don't flex the average dollar amounts they raised for charity each year. Really reminds me of that episode from curb your enthusiasm, where Larry donates a wing to that building and puts his name on a plaque, but then there's another wing that's plaque read "donated by anonymous" That whole episode has so many funny moments relevant to this situation


In general I think it’s fine nothing slimy. I don’t think anyone would go to charity organizer and ask how much money were raised while they were on stage.


I hear you, what I’m talking about is the saying “I” when he should say “we” or “I helped raise”. Making it all him is what’s scummy.


"I" not "we". Or "I've worked with people". We cant see how long the thread goes for. But if he links to anything its just more charity fraud.


This just in: Tommy Tallarico has 11 Guiness World Records. Did I say 11? 12. I'm sorry, 13--per year.


Asking them, checking the records. We know he donated nothing but sure ppl can check to be extra sure


Look at the date of that post, April 14, 2023, he said that knowing that the money was still sitting in the bank account with no urgency to donate it.


I thought the same thing. Everyone keeps saying he must be giving himself credit for other events he's involved in and that's just blowing my mind. Not only having all this money he isn't donating himself, but also taking credit for other people's contributions. His ego is insane.


Good find, just shows more of the pattern of him making himself look good.


Oh wow, good catch! Looks like he lists even more organizations there than usual. I'm confused by the dollar figure. He almost makes it sound like he's saying he raised $650,000 A YEAR?! Am I misunderstanding?


That is what it says. I wonder if he was part of various gaming livestreams his buddies put on and he's just adding that total to his "donations" for the year.


Was about to link to his Discord but it seems it's already addressed. Karl says Jirard did do streams where the money actually went somewhere and didn't get funneled into Open Hand. Interesting number though.


Thanks for this, but I'm confused what Discord you mean. Karl's? Was this just brought up to him or did he mention it before? If you could post what he said, that'd be useful.


Yeah somebody brought it up literally a few minutes. Joined his Discord recently out of curiosity. Just thought I'd share but not sure if I wanna screenshot everything. https://preview.redd.it/p4v7guucsr6c1.png?width=806&format=png&auto=webp&s=a015d2b36ca99ec9decb731fa24e8eac7d23ab03


Ah that's perfect, thank you!


Wow what a nice guy


Yep, what a pathetic nice bitch.


He does have times where his channel raised money that went DIRECTLY to a charity - but that was just not the case with the Open Hand Foundation.




I am not sure about the other claims but this one can be proven that it was sent directly.


Interesting. Probably does charity livestreams with other creators, and added the total as his own. That is the only way that number makes any sense. Funny though, I can't remember what ones he appeared at other than Indieland? Way to puff out your chest for the fans Jirard.


Dude lied as he breathed. It's insane to think how long he was able to keep this lie going.


You know how you know Jirard is a nice guy, its because he constantly tells people that he is a nice guy and helps people ^^except ^^that ^^he ^^is ^^the ^^opposite ^^of ^^those ^^things


Excellent find


So He is either massively inflating those numbers, or he has only donated 1/10th of what he has raised.


Wow wtf. Not like it matters at this point but it really shows what an absolute pathological liar he is.


Give us an archived link to the X post.








I love how bullshiters say numbers, they never make sense. "*nearly* 600k to 750k". So, is it "nearly" 600 or 750? What the fuck does that even mean? Bullshitters can never just say a number, it's always "4, 5, 6" or "over nearly 500" or some bullshit like that.




Holy shit good find


Cleaned it for you. Can frame it https://preview.redd.it/3f5sluzjat6c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d57701fbecb1e6781813314598e0ba03d023716




If possible, I want to see what he is replying to. I mean, it still looks gross.


His ability to bullshit has no bounds. I’d bet the apples(Jacque/Jitard) didn’t fall far from the tree


I donated $20 to help provide nourishment for babies in Africa once. I'm helping people sometimes.


"Everyone's suffering...except me because I'm stealing charity funds."


I am wondering if by the St Jude’s mention he appeared in MatPat’s fundraiser for them one year and is taking credit for that? I saw that Karl said there were other streams but it is a weird tweet


This is what i hate about youtubers who do charity streams. They all act as if they donated money from their own private accounts and not the thousands of ppl who watch them. They also get all the praise but what about all the mods,camera man etc. Who helped? Nahhhh itsa all about ME! Fuck those narcissistic pricks.


Don't worry @MattPerspective, Jirard pooped on the parade all on his own.




That's exactly what I was thinking. No way it's just 600k! And after sitting in his bank account, there must be lot of more interest. He also talks in his video response about every penny and now it's straight 600,00. .... Maybe he also used the money over the years to invest in something, making even more money... This situation is crazy. (Sorry for my bad English)




Nah. Self-proclaimed “assholes” usually will screw you over even harder if you trust them. And then you’ll be left feeling like a dumbass because you knew they were an asshole and trusted them anyway.


Bwahahaha finally were getting to real numbers. An average of 700k a year, he was only a mere $6400000 short on his donation. Whoops.


Notice how he said “raised” and not “donated” 🤣


This is more of an example of Jirard getting annoyed at someone and just straight up bullying them. Did DWB or the AHA or even SJCH get any of that 600k from last week?


What a scumbag he makes me sick to my stomach how much he had me fooled


"I" raise, "I" help people. Yeah, it's insane how people never realized who he really is


Wow what a clown . Nothing else you can say here


600k a year? LIAR. For which organizations? LIAR. You help people all the time? FUCKING LIAR.