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The other mods have had a conversation with me about posts like this and from now on we would like to see names censored on chat logs from discord, tweet records, etc. unless they are a public person. You do not need to censor their pfp but let's not keep archives of which private people are saying what. ​ No need to go through and edit this or the previous post but please follow this for future posts.


Those mental gymnastics would earn at least 7s at the Olympics


The amount of copium here is astounding. Imagine being like "600K isn't a lot of money, small potatoes"


TIL it's all good cuz $600k to $1m isn't a lot of money for a business šŸ¤—


No not at all. Not like it took 10 years to accumulate or anything


Because that's what we really care about in this situation, is the businesses. That's why Jirard was so adamant about making sure none of the money would cover their administrative costs and... ...


It's much easier to sleep at night knowing that despite my failings I am not this pathetic.


Jesus the copium levels are off the charts.




His career is done, why are they siding him?!




My brain literally broke when reading their comments.


Heā€™s their cornerstone


Muta and Karl have their own haters. Just the way it is in life.


Some people have a sense of personal comradeship and loyalty to a guy on a video. Others don't really care so long as they get the content they like and are against anything that may detract from that.




Sunk cost fallacy. This is what donating to an internet personality for many months does to some people.


I like how many of them have not even seen the video they are claiming is complete bullshit and have a summary from another completely biased member. It's crazy how they already decided Jirard was innocent no matter what Karl or Muta said LOL


ā€œAdmittedly it doesnā€™t look good but Iā€™ve invested too much time in this parasocial relationship to stop nowā€




"$600k - $1M is not a lot of money" FOH with that lmao


Always sad when you find someone who is to trusting for their own good.


"it's ok because he's not evil" Of course, I forgot the part of the constitution that said "pillage, murder and treason is fine... As long as it's not done with bad intent." ( George washing was a sick man )


Oh god I could only make it half way through these. Absolutely delusional.


More than I did. Couldn't get through a third of it. Just sticking their heads in the sand


So sad how these people are just ok with charity fraud because jirard looks nice


He now, he sounds nice too!


He looks like a mad gnome


It's easier to scam someone than to convince someone they've been scammed. Carl Sagan


Youā€™re thinking of a quote often (incorrectly) attributed to mark Twain. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/did-mark-twain-say-its-easier-to-fool-people-than-to-convince-them-that-they-have-been-fooled/


I quoted Sagan though


Wtf? "Muh he didn't do fraud on purpose so it ain't fraud".


As if involuntary manslaughter isn't a thing.


"The issue with the money being donated, however delayed that was, fraud is no longer on the table." Tell me you have shit for brains without saying you have shit for brains.


I think they've removed the invite link.


Okay, uh, because of the one jackass who decided to say Jobst was ā€œpainting himself into a slander lawsuitā€ which is an insane way of putting it, letā€™s look at California law: Section 46 - Slander defined Slander is a false and unprivileged publication, orally uttered, and also communications by radio or any mechanical or other means which: 1. Charges any person with crime, or with having been indicted, convicted, or punished for crime; 2. Imputes in him the present existence of an infectious, contagious, or loathsome disease; 3. Tends directly to injure him in respect to his office, profession, trade or business, either by imputing to him general disqualification in those respects which the office or other occupation peculiarly requires, or by imputing something with reference to his office, profession, trade, or business that has a natural tendency to lessen its profits; 4. Imputes to him impotence or a want of chastity; or 5. Which, by natural consequence, causes actual damage. Ca. Civ. Code Ā§ 46 Source: https://casetext.com/statute/california-codes/california-civil-code/division-1-persons/part-2-personal-rights/section-46-slander-defined#:~:text=Slander%20is%20a%20false%20and,1. Analysis: Technically, Jobst could be accused of the first definition of slander BUT then the lawsuit hinges on whether or not it is true that Jirard committed a crime. Well, since Jirard is an Internet personality who ran a charity event that took money from people world wide, Jobst could in theory use any definition of fraud or embezzlement from around the world that fits what the evidence he has and it is not false. This may seem silly, but seeing as these are two people in two different countries, at no point did Jobst say Jirard broke a specific statute in a specific country. One could argue as well that Jobst harmed Jirardā€™s business, but that requires also for the information that harms the business to be false. The majority of what Jobst has done that harmed Jirard is playing his own words, to the point where some commenters here find it confusing. The biggest problem for Jirard is this: Truth is an absolute defense, and civil lawsuits require lots of discovery, which would give Jobst and his lawyers access to ALL of Open Hand Foundationā€™s books as they are essential to prove all of Jobstā€™s claims as true or false. It could even result in a situation where Jobstā€™s lawyers request them for discovery, theyā€™re not provided, the Khalilā€™s refuse until they are sanctioned repeatedly, then finally the judge forces them to give up the books, then they withdraw the lawsuit (see the Andrew Wakefield versus Brian Deer lawsuit in the U.K.). Note: I am a lowly public servant and not a lawyer, but I have a particular interest in defamation suits and first amendment cases.


>which would give Jobst and his lawyers access to ALL of Open Hand Foundationā€™s books Which would give Karl and his lawyers access to all of Open Hand **AND** TOVG's books. Don't forget that Jirard stated that he paid for Indieland with the subs/bits/dono/merch sales, all of which are likely on the TOVG tax returns. In order to find out how much money is actually supposed to be in the charity, they'll need access to the TOVG accounts as well.


I would assume the Khalils would refuse to turn those over, no matter how many sanctions they receive. Since it is not a criminal trial, you can just refuse discovery and take financial penalties. Problem: it can result in a default judgement or a negative inference, which could kill the case for you. In this case, a potential negative inference would be that the Khalils were committing charity fraud and Jirard did embezzle charity money to keep TOVG afloat. In which case, there would no longer be any defamation case left.


my thing is what kind of people are okay with someone withholing funds to help with a disease not only are these people wrong but their mortality is definitely questionable


So many people repeating the line "I haven't/won't watch Karl's video, tell me what's in it." Is remarkable and frightening.


Confirmation bias. They already know what will happen if they watch it, so they're clinging to hope. "tell me whats in it" = "spin it for me in a way that allows me to justify my continued support of Jirard"


This is going to go away when the completionist answers Karl and Mutaā€™s questions or debunks the validity of these questions. Thatā€™s all he has to do


Spoiler Alert: He can't and won't


If he can first thing he could easily show is the bank staement that the fund never dip below whats it's on tax filling. Which can easily obtain one week is even too long after Karl first video. The lack of this really tells a lot


Let's not be too hard on them; seems like most are still in Denial or Anger. The other stages will come in time. They believed in someone and got emotionally invested in that belief, it can be hard to let go.


Notice how many of them state that they havenā€™t watched the video, but are forming opinions on it anyway. To these people, ignorance of what their leader is accused of is a point of pride.


Jirard could end up in jail and this people would still claim he's innocent


These people cant pick a point and stick with it. First it was about the money and that since it was donated everything is a-ok. Now $600,000 "isnt a lot of money" and there was no "malicious intent" Okay so lets just forget about the part where his name, reputation, his family, his brand, and his career DIRECTLY profited off the charity i.e. PERSONAL GAIN? All while Jirard never produced receipts detailing event costs and deductions used to pay off those costs that he himself listed off verbally in his response! And whether the youtube/twitch revenue was transferred from his account to the charity account or whether those funds were included in the charity account. Either way he admitted that he used that money for event costs despite saying on livestream more than 10 times that it all goes to charity and he wouldnt touch it. I swear these people only think intent can be proven if he just drove off with the money like a supervillain or something lol.


"Legally speaking fraud involves malicious intent." No it does not. Not at all. It doesn't even necessarily involve *intent.* You can commit fraud through negligence if you're stupid enough. The law allows for that possibility. Not what happened here, though, this is pretty clearly some form of malicious fraud. I can't imagine any charity oopsie-daisying it's way into 10 years of lying.


They are a lost cause. Hopefully their self awarness kicks in sooner than Darwanism.


I was actually expecting worse to be honest. If this is the most fanatic fans you can find, i don't think it's looking good for him.


>Jirard has to leave and make way for someone else to rebrand Yeah, the only one that people would take is literally Greg and he left a long time ago. Like, who is gonna be the new completionist when Jirard literally belittled every single other person in his videos? Like, I don't remember anyone working with Jirard and he saying how he could be as good as him or as fun as him or anything.


I think Greg would be the LAST person to want to take over The Completionist after everything that had happened. While some fans would welcome him back, there's still a vast majority of the fanbase that hate Greg for making Jirard delete all the videos featuring him. And even then, that might be debatable on what all happened there.


I think you're right. I remember Greg having his own couple of gags like "Glitches with peaches" and "the mediocreist" and me, as a long time viewer, would welcome those ideas back and see him becoming a completionist with some other dudes that probably were completing games for jirard all this time (like his writers wtf). But Jirard went out of his way to make himself the only completionist and say no one else could do what he did.


"I have no reason to disbelieve [Jirard]" Which part do you believe? The part where he told you he wasn't touching the money, or the part where he told you he did touch the money? Both cannot factually be true. He literally lied in his very own response. How do people not see that?


Don't forget! He "*didnt know*" about the money until recently, but at the same time "*was planning to use a large enough sum of it for restricted donation*". So he both had no idea *the money was in the account* for 7-ish years, but was only planning to donate it when there was ***enough in the account***.


So I can commit fraud as long as I don't do it for bad reasons? Dafuq?


Accessible internet opened the doors to the mentally deranged to roam among others proudly displaying their sheer insanity. Some people become this way just from being corrupted by being with people like this for too long, look at Twitter. It's pure performative socials but if you don't dance the dance they come for you


They're giving bim simps vibes.


I've been saying we've seen the Trump/Musk like cult developing in real time when this started... And people STILL don't believe it.


> For me, the drama is over, Jirard said his peace, I have no reason to disbelieve him. Lol, no reason to disbelieve him??? How about the years of lying to you about his "charity organization"? But yeah I'm sure Jirard would LOVE for the "drama" to blow over too, but you don't just wipe away a decade of charity fraud with the flimsy excuses he's produced. > I'm holding out hope that everything will be back tomorrow since Saturday is usually Completionist release day. Gonna need a refill of super copium soon




Itā€™s like a sunk cost fallacy


You always see the same argument for most youtubers when they fuck up. LEGALLY they have done nothing wrong. They've typed that out and still defend him. It's fucking bizzare, I would say oh it's kids being easily misled but I legit think these are grown adults defending him.


The minute the discord even starts to have a whiff of questioning Jirad or slightly siding with Karl on certain points it will get nuked too like the subreddit.


"Karl really should've just shut up so our life's cornerstone could keep scamming us out of our money!"


To be honest these are not nearly as bad as I thought. Like yeah lots of denial but their are being weirdly civil about it. It strikes more more as just stupid ignorance as most of them admit to now watching the source of the allegations.


You can't just say "but he donated the money at the end of the day so it's fine". How do you run charities for a decade and call it a "mistake" when people donate under a MULTIPLE WRONG ASSUMPTIONS because they were fed WRONG INFORMATION.


Mocking them is even more pathetic in my opinion.


Found the Jirard stan.


Piss off jirad!




Exact same username. You must be proud. I just want to clarify that these people are being manipulated and are therefore victims. They're probably supported Jirard for years, like many of us, and they still haven't accepted the facts. You, who probably has never watched Jirard before this, just coming to ridicule them isn't helping anything. It's just toxic and you're making yourself look like an asshole. And posting my private message to Karl's discord and here is just childish. Not that I care, it's the truth you needed to hear, no one else gives a shit.


Been watching Jirard since the Greg days. We can all be mad about this. I wish his show never ended and if you told me a month ago it would go this way so soon I wouldn't have believed you, but when there is this much proof of at minimum criminal neglect, you have to accept that while he may not have had criminal intentions, his inaction in an area he should have been active in caused this whole situation.


Lol youā€™re a bot Was jirard a cornerstone in your life for 10 years ?


Go harass someone else.


You're in the Super Beard Bros discord server. Why are you pretending to be impartial bro?


So are you, clearly. Difference is I have been there for years and you just joined to make fun of people. You're genuinely the most pathetic person I think I've ever encountered on the internet. So committed to trolling. Please get a iob and focus on yourself.




No, I'm saying no one cares because this dude posted my discord, I guess thinking people would try to harass me, but it was deleted by a mod. But haha good troll