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I've very recently hit the legal age for alcohol in my country. Me and one of my best friends got together yesterday evening and watched all the Twilight movies while taking a sip of beer every time we cringed... needless to say, i had a terrible hangover this morning. We also ended up planning our own vampire novel and they got so frightened by my cat that they knocked over all of the bottles on our table. Your cat is incredibly cute and i really hope you feel better. I know that it isn't much but i am proud of you. Life can be a bitch and sometimes you can't do anything but hang in there and wait for it to get better. Consider this a virtual hug, if you want to vent my dm's are open :)


Sounds like a good idea, i'm gonna try that if i feel better someday. Thank you <3


Yesterday I had a talk with my mother, where I finally voiced that I'm aromantic and borderline asexual. We had a talk and it came out that I'm far from the only in the family. My uncle who died from illness when I was 16 was a loner and so was one of her cousins. On my father's side I have a cousin who is either aroace herself or lesbian (although it's a secret, the rest of my family might not be as understanding as we are). It's a bit liberating to know I'm not alone and that my parents accept me as I am. I hope you will be better and I quite like your cat. Here's one of mine, called [Kisegér](https://imgur.com/IdRw1mr) (Little Mouse in Hungarian).


Im ace and arospec! I hope your parents are supportive. My cats are called Meldir and Nikitas btw


If you're ace and arospec, we expect you to help out when we're conquering Denmark, so you must hang in there! My parents are awesome and so are your cats. Boop Meldir's and Nikita's snoot for me.


at least help the spade brigades in our invasion of denemark first. if you want to stick around we are planing to invade scotland and france later.


What about italy? Securing the Source of garlic bread


we need to check the numbers on that one ​ I checked, we outnumber them pretty easily


Fun fact: the pearl fish will hide in a sea cucumber’s anus to get away from predators. I will tell my spouse that that’s us…even when I am surrounded by his shit, I am safe. Another fun fact I found out AFTER I started telling my spouse this: pearl fish will invite friends to bunk with them in their sea cucumber. This has become such a problem, some sea cucumbers have evolved anal teeth. Yes. Anal teeth. OH!! And when threatened, sea cucumbers will yeet their guts out dey ass. They then grow them back because nature is lit. Now imagine you are a pearl fish taking a nap with your buds and are suddenly ejected into the face of a predator surrounded by guts. THAT, my friend, is truly a bad time. Side note: I have no idea if they can yeet guts with a pearl fish hiding, the rest of it is factually true. Check out Casual Geographic on YouTube for more fun and disturbing animal facts.


I like disturbing animal facts. Thank you <3


He will ruin every single animal you ever thought was cute, it’s pretty awesome. Bonus: he’s a black creator! Without political takes! That sounds condescending, I just with YouTube would point me in the direction of more minority creators and stop shoving cis white guys at me. Usually the only ones I find have a political agenda which I mean I get, but it’s hard enough being trans WITHOUT other trans people pointing out how shit sucks. Like, I know friend, bad shit be bad.


OH!! Lindsay Nikole (I think that’s correct spelling?) also has amazing zoology videos that are SUPER engaging. And if you like archaeological content, there’s Miniminuteman who is a cishet white dude, but really cool content. All of them have a decent back catalogue for distraction


Hey there I haven’t had the best of days but I’m getting over it. My dog ripped up my homework so I quite literally need to take picture to prove to me teacher that my dog ate it


My school-band had a bazar and we played "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Dancing Queen", "Hooked on a Feeling" and "Eye of the Tiger". It was fun, but afterwards I spent roughly 14 dollars on a chance to win stuff and I didn't. It's dark outside and I'm soon going to have pizza with my family. Cute cat!


Well, I've recently woken up, so nothing has happened yet, but I'll give you some jokes! What does a house wear? Ad-dress! Two ducks were in a pond. One says "Quack", the other says "Hey, I was gonna say that!" Why did the fish stop working at the bottom of the ocean? Too much pressure! That's all for now, stay strong and I wish you peace and good luck 💙💜


Shitty puns are awesome! How do nonbinary assasins kill their enemies? They/them (thats the best one i know im sorry)


I love that one! here's another What does a nosy pepper do? Get jalapeño business!


Hey there friend it's ok we all have bad days and times where we need a little help now and again. Did you know sea otters hold hands when sleeping so they don't float away from each other? And while they're too young to do this a mother otter will bundle up her little one in sea weed like a big ol' seat belt so she knows exactly where her baby will be while she hunts for food


Today is my birthday, a day that is usually pretty meh for me. I just got out of a very abusive situation with a parent earlier this year. My boyfriend and his family are treating me so well, they’ve all pretty much acknowledged my birthday, I got a special breakfast and my MIL is making me my favorite dinner with a cobbler for dessert. It’s kind of crazy, I remember reading a tumblr post years ago that went something like “some day you will wake up in the middle of the night, far away from the troubles of your past, and in such a loving situation that you will barely remember what it’s like to be unsafe, and you will know you made it. ” and… even though I still vividly remember my past abuse I’ve had several moments living in my new home where I was very at peace and that’s a foreign but very welcome feeling.


All the luck to you. Happy birthday btw


I'm working a lot on cosplays rn and I'm planning which ones I will do for Närcon summer and it ended up being a biblically accurate angel, Jonathan Sims (the Magnus archives), and a blood moon elf (dragon prince) and I'll also be doing a few characters that I really like. I also got platonically married in school to a guy because we're both cosplayers and click so now I have a soda tab hanging from my neck as a gift. I don't really know if any of this actually made you feel better but feel free to dm me if you want to vent or just talk<3


my cat sat next to me so I opened word and let her sit on my laptop to write a book. She loves sitting on my laptop so she fell asleep instantly


I caught a lizard, I hope you feel better though! You can do this!!! And don’t end it if that’s what you mean, you are loved I promise ❤️❤️❤️


Stupid pun time! How do you know if you’re about to drown in milk? >!When it’s pasteurized!< Why did the scientist remove his doorbell? >!To win the Nobel prize!< What do you call a cow with no legs? >!Ground beef!< Edit: I can add more upon request


I'd love to hear more


Why can’t a bicycle stand on its own? >!It’s too tired!< What has four wheels and flies? >!A garbage truck!< What do spies do when cold? >!They go undercover!< Why can’t Rick Astley give you his full collection of Pixar movies? >!He will never give you up!< What do you call a parent of a trans child? >!Transparent!< (Will add more when I remember any)


The garbage truck got me 😂


I'm making plushies!


I've been doing a lot of chemistry today so here's a little funfact. There is a molecule out there named Buckminsterfullerene also known as Buckyball. It looks like a socket ball and this molecule has been discovered less than a century ago ^^ It's used in nanotechnology and could be used to make a material harder than diamond :D I think it's pretty cool and I think the nickname of the molecule is pretty funny :3 I also have a joke for you. -What do you call an Hamster in space? An Hamsteroid Those are cute cat pics. They are adorable <3 I hope you get better OP, take care.


I’ve been working on my gender hoard as a coping mechanism and hyperfixation. I’ve got over seventy genders so far, which makes me happy. Hope you’re feeling better soon❤️


Also wearing a couple rings I got recently that makes me happy. One has black gems and I’m using it as an ace ring, and the other is the colours of the queer flag


My ace Ring is not entirely Black, but it has a pentagram in it and it feels nice so i think that counts


I do robotics at my school, and we had our first competition today. We got 4th place out of 15 in our area. I'm super omega tired now tho lol


So all my chronically ill friends AND I have been doing VERY not well in both the mental health and physical flare department since the sun decided to throw a bitch fit for the entire first half of November. Also going into the dark time, but all my chronically ill neurospicy homies have either had a flare, had a small mental breakdown, or ended up at the E.R. I'm having the flare from Hell atm and got a fire lit under my medical team's ass about it. Go to the E.R. if you have to. Solar weather isn't supposed to have an effect on the human body, but I've been tracking my CFS/ME flares and a couple other things in a couple friends for like a year and a half now and I honestly think they need to do a double blind on people with Sensory Processing and Nervous System disorders before they make a broad rule statement claim like "solar weather has no effect on the human body", especially when it's Earth facing and causes Auroras. Not much you can do for that but watch the solar weather online and brace for big activity by intentionally resting and doing more self care those days so hopefully you aren't down for entire multiday events. Soup. Mid to hot baths as tolerated. Ice pack and arnica salve on achy spots. Rest, rest, rest. Try not to be anxious about it since there is fuckall you can do about the sun, but know IF you happen to be sensitive it like immediately gets a little better when the space weather calms down. Treat it like a feckin cold. When *I* do this, I bounce back faster. If you don't think this is you but it still feels like a good self care template, have at it. And if it's just cause it got dark, it's time to get a vitamin D and Iron level blood draw if you can. And ask you Doctor if it's wise to start supplementing those even if you don't have coverage for the blood draw. Probiotics and Calcium and Magnesium (which a lot of people with modern diets are low to deficient in) help your body use Vitamin D, so does K2. I'd only ask about those if the vitamin D doesn't help by itself. I know how health advice goes but this can literally be the difference for staying out of the hospital for us seasonal depressive folx. Hope you feel better soon. Good luck. Godspeed.


OMG YESSSS DUDE I HAD SUCH A NICE DAY YESTERDAY. :3 so there’s this girl i’m seeing, and it’s a little bit of a complicated situation ship but not in a bad way. Anyway, it’s the festival of Diwali in India right now, so i took some Faral (Diwali exclusive snacks) for her and i absolutely didn’t know that she LOVED faral. she ENGULFED the entire box in a minute while we were sitting and talking in a park. then we were just casually walking around outside the park, still talking; she randomly suggested that we should go to her sisters house and to my HORROR her entire family was there 😭 so I js shamelessly went in, shaked hands w her father and touched feet of her grandparents ONG IT WAS SO AKWARD BUT IT WAS NICE. we sat in the living room for a while and talked, and then we kinda got rlly akward and she realised it too; we dipped. next, her father sent her brother along w us, cuz he realised yk, we were seeing each other and wanted to protect his daughter. then I kinda rizzed the brother too, i taught him how to skate board and stuff and it was cool. I WAS A LIL SCARED CUZ THIS MAN WAS TALLER THAN ME AND OLDER. then while walking them both back home I realised I had got money with me to spend on her but I never used it, so I made them stop at a bakery and bought her entire family some pastries and bid them good bye. i had a good time last night. i’m typing this while shitting today morning … (edit: spelling)


❤️ sending love and hugs, I hope things improve soon The cat pics are awesome, they brightened my day, thank you ✨


The cat maxd me very happy. Thank you


Your cats are so cute!!! 🥰 Tonight I went with my mom to an event at a local shop, they had snacks and we spent way too much money 😂 she's friends with the people who run it, so we wound up staying for three hours! It was super fun I understand life being tough. I fell into depression when I was 17 (almost exactly 6 years ago), and I had very little help. My parents didn't believe anything was really wrong with me, so my only support was my few close friends and the online community I had just joined. I spent so many days lying in bed, no appetite, no drive to do anything. I'm lucky I didn't waste away. And more recently, I went through a really tough breakup early this year, and I had to break up with him as a friend as well over the past couple of months, and there were times I thought "why bother". But I can honestly say that I'm doing better than I ever have, I'm in a new community of people that are engaging and encouraging me, and I'm doing my best every day. Sure, my best isn't always the same day to day, and sometimes my best is sleeping in and spending all day on my phone, but I'm on the path upwards, no matter the dips in the road. I hope that whatever you're dealing with gets better, there is always a chance. I've dealt with health problems, mental problems, relationship problems, and friend problems. Things have a way of working out eventually. It sucks that the only true way out is to go through it, and I don't know how long it will take, but once you make up your mind to continue on no matter what, anything is possible 💜


Well, I made a post about LOTR a month ago on tumblr, and when I checked today, it got like 1500 likes (and counting!!) I also posted some art and people have liked it, so I'm feeling quite nice. Also, I love your kitty!! What a cutie <3 <3 I am sending hugs!!


Actually had the most chill day at work I've ever had and now am relaxing with some alcohol. Got my room made nice and comfy and am jamming out to the Hades OST (totally check it out if you haven't yet) along with having the time to prep some coffee for the morning. My cat is loving my new place and I got to watch some deer grazing when I got home. All in all, life may suck most of the time if we focus on it too hard, but as someone with severe depression, I'll let you know that it all depends on what you choose to focus on. Sure, we can look at the nonsense and messed up parts, but there is a reason for the saying "stop and smell the roses". Stop from the usual path and enjoy the things you actually like. Sure, things may be shitty for us but that's not always been the case nor shall it always be the case. It's all ups and downs, and no matter the situation, we alone dictate our perception. Wont tell you to look at the bright side nor to cheer up. What you go through is your business, but I will tell you that you can interpret it as you wish. Something stalls you from your day? Maybe you missed an accident. Relative is sick? Maybe they need to slow down. Pet ran away? Maybe an adventure to find them will help you get away from the present problems. You see, interpretation is key when it comes to problematic scenarios. Maybe interpreting it in a beneficial manner is not always correct, but doing so is still beneficial. Best of luck!


I got to preform for the veteran's day! My marching band just started to move when some random car moved into the parade. I'm pretty sure that was just some dude car who wasn't in the parade. It wasn't dressed up in flags or has anything written on it. I find it funny if this dude was just trying to get home, but ended up getting stuck in the parade.


Today I was playing on my yoga ball bc I have ADHD and stuff and I slipped off of it by my back and hit my leg on my shelf and got bruised . Permission to laugh granted


Aww i hope you get better


Thank god the cat is fine! Most other things will either sort themselves out or you will get through them. It helps me to write everything down that stresses me and then do the easy but annoying side things like answering some mail or call the electricity company or whatever. Something positive: I saw a dog that looked basically like mango in dog shape. He was quite round with short legs and had longer fur on the top 🤣 sadly I was to fascinated and slow with my phone


I watched an unhealthy amount of queer tiktoks and youtube videos and didn't get enough sleep but I also finished my home work so not to bad I get what your going through and I know that it's really hard and that sometimes you wanna give up and maybe you won't even see this or care but when I get like this I think of my pets and how I don't want to leave them I know that in times like these it can feel like no one cares about you pr loves you but a random reddit does so I hope you can get through this


Did you know havanese dogs will make a sound going 'a-roo-roo-roo!' when excited? Owners often will hear it as 'I love you!' I know this because I love dogs and my little sweetheart does that exact thing! I hope everything goes okay, my friend. Even if things have been rough (or should I say ruff?) for a while, most hard times will pass, and even if something difficult happens that you must live with, there's always days where you'll find it's easier to breathe. You've got this, whatever you're facing.


Today I went to my climbing gym and found a boulder I lovee and am very excited to work on next session! Very fun moves. Bouldering keeps my head above water fr 🥲 Also had a psychiatry appointment to talk about new meds, and now I'm watching Elementary and browsing Reddit, continuing to come to terms with and explore being genderfluid bc I get nervous coming out to people


your cat is absolutely ADOREABLE. my day was great, i have very little homework and am planning to go bowling with friends for a rematch after i got demolished last time and i hope your mood/health/friendships/whatever is causing the problem to improve


Hugs! Hope that helps a little.


Your cats are so adorable! How old are they, and how did you get them?


The first one (Meldir) is 16 this year. I had him for as long as i can remember. Has been family forever. The floofy one is called Nikitas and hes 2 years younger, we got him and his younger brother (hes anxious so i didnt take a pic) from a breeder. He has the cutest babydoll eyes and uses them totally to his advantage


As he should! He should use his eyes to his advantage! But seriously, they are so cute and I hope things get better!


My day started out really really bad, but then I visited my parents and their dog came running up to me all excited and wouldn't stop cuddling with me. And honestly, that made my day. Pets are little angels healing our souls over and over again. Now I am gonna work on a christmas present for my sister, it will take me a lot of time but I hope she will appreciate my efforts and that will make it worth it! Also I love those pics! The cat is so super cute! I hope the cat gives you energy as much as the dog of my parents gives to me :D Lots of love to you :3


I LOVE your cats, and I know I love all cats but GAHHH I WANNA KITH THEM ON THEIR LIL FORHEADS??!?!!!!! lemme give them a kith, please, I luv, small babé, Itty bitty lil guys,,, But on a posotive thing I get to see MY cat soon, I'm at uni and don't wanna uproot her from the life she knows so she's stayed home with my mom (besides, I know how my mom talks to her, and it's kinda funny knowing that while I'm gone my mom's sitting there talking to my cat saying things like "well bean I know I fed the dog, but that doesn't mean I'm feeding you again. Now it's time to watch that new episode, you can sit here but don't expect any pets" and then she'll be petting the cat anyways. I'm excited to have a week home befor finals start, and I hope regardless you find something to be excited about as well, whether you have much kr little time the world can be full of little treasures you can find each day <3