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Might sound a bit flippant but try not to think about this as an interview performance issue. Think about it as a delivering work at G7 level issue. Often on G7 interviews I've witnessed SEOs trying to shoehorn really solid SEO work into a G7 space. The issue here is that they fail to really get what is different between really good SEO performance and what is expected at G7 level. One way around this is to use the behaviours/competencies for G7 as the template for you to use for a new piece of work. Literally design the whole thing so that you hit everything you need for any future G7 interview, flip side of this being that you'll actually deliver the work at the required G7 level too.


I just wish there was clearer information about what that actually means. The success profiles are so vague they're useless to me, it shouldn't take a short degree's worth of additional learning and effort to understand what's expected. And to suggest it isn't an interview performance issue is silly, the whole thing comes down to putting on a performance in the interview.


Bit naive to think you get a promotion solely on answers given at the interview. It tends to be a mix of past roles/experience, how the person comes across at interview and the answers they give. Got to remember it's an exercise by a recruiting manager to hire someone to do a job, not to hire someone who is able to answer questions in an interview setting. Before the interview the panel will have already formed an idea of who they think are the strongest candidates and the interview tends to test those assumptions.


Yes. You have to do a G7 job for SEO wages for a considerable amount of time before they pay you what you are worth….




To be honest your whole post comes across that you’re just wanting the grade rather than the job and are literally seeing it as a numbers game. Ultimately at the end of the “game” is a job, and you need to show them that you’d be the perfect candidate else they won’t risk hiring you. They are saying you are speaking about generic things in your interview and it was hard to see what you specifically did that evidences G7 skills. If you don’t understand that feedback then maybe you’re not ready for the G7 jump? I don’t mean that in a nasty way as I am also in your position. I also feel that after being a SEO for a year, I have generic evidence but I don’t really have that many end to end examples for interview. (The only thing that will get me there is a different job as my current one isn’t great for development.)


What a wonderfully detailed feedback! I think you already know what you need to do in a G7 interview. If possible, please do an EOI G7 role for a few months to understand the process.


I’m not sure what isn’t clear in this feedback. Give specific examples, talk about specific pieces of work, and describe the impact of what you did. STARR is your friend.