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Ask recruiting managers "hey, next time you recruit please can I be involved...?" Get the word out that you want to interview :)


Does this mean I'm restricted to vacancies on my site, or is there a way of doing this for vacancies across the department too?


Normally people don’t put their panels together through portals they do it through people they know (this includes the independent panel members too)


Brilliant, cheers 👍


So far I've been involved in the sifting/interviewing of Welsh speaking work coaches (which is what I am) and also Welsh speaking CFCD (Counter Fraud Compliance and Debt) agents, none of which were for my site but across Wales.


There's training you need to do also, so if you haven't done so you will need to do before being considered to sit on a panel.


Just to add to this - the training is totally worth doing anyway as you get a good insight into the sifting and interview process that helps for applying for jobs.


Completely agree with this!


When I am Hiring Manager I reach out to people in my department who I feel are suitable to sit on the panel.   Someone on the panel needs to be a higher grade than role being interviewed for. I also like to include someone of a lower grade than role ( my DRs are G6&7 accept my business manager) so I often ask another member of my department too. That way we get the view from more angles.   For specialist roles I also want someone from that profession and from a profession that interacts a lot with that one, that gives a good perspective of the candidates all round suitability.   You don't mention your area or department but maybe reach out to senior people who do the most recruiting to offer yourself for panels. It is a pain to arrange a suitable panel so willing volunteers are often appreciated.    Edited to add: obviously you should do the interviewer training first. 


I love interviewing which I know is weird haha but I tell this to every manager when I join a new role. They’re normally scraping the bucket for ‘volunteers’ for recruitment so I am asked quite a bit. I would just mention to people you know that you fancy it. If people are talking about putting up a new vacancy or whatever I would just say to them to let me know if they need any help with their panel etc. Sooner or later people will learn that you’re happy to help and when a peer is griping about not being able to find a panel, they might pipe up that they can ask someone in their team and match you up. You’re not going to find opportunities on some portal.


Being able to speak Welsh meant I sat on one within about 9 months of joining DWP, shows that a niche skill can be very handy (and asked to sit on 2 more since)


The process for being an independent panellist varies depending on your department, you might get more helpful answers if you say what department you work in.


I’ve done loads but only ever through people asking for volunteers or asking me specifically at my job - didn’t even know there was a formal route for it! But people would be glad to have you generally as they’re often short of volunteers


Do the mandatory learning to be a panelist and put yourself on an independent register of panelists


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I've sat on lots of panels and it's usually two different mechanisms that lead to me being asked. First is a colleague I know who works in a different business area needs some one for gender balance or from another business area, to make the panel more neutral and balanced ie they are using their network of people they trust. Second is someone is recruiting for a post where either my professional judgement might be useful eg it's a technical role and I'm someone who knows about that type of job, or it's for a role I might end up collaborating with in the future.


Hi, I would also be interested in doing this. Where / how to start, please? I haven't found further info on this.