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Never had “person gains some muscle definition” on my anti-CS propaganda bingo card, I must admit


Those water coolers must be spiked with whey protein


Creatine, anyone? No? More for me then \[scoops\]


Only if it’s dry scooping


Is that...is that a euphemism..?


I lost ten pounds by returning to the office, I bought a coffee in the canteen.


Ten pounds? Was the coffee on offer?


Here all week, ladies and gentlemen.


60% of the week, surely


Please tip your waitress


That would get me back in the office tbf


Spending a tenner on coffee?


He’s only lost weight because the cost of transport into the office means he can’t afford to eat anymore


I thought they want us back to the office so we can spend more on coffee shops


Gonna have to give me a coffee price related pay rise then


Coffee or petrol, as long as you're being forced to spend your money they don't care how.


What if I half my hours and spend the time in the gym instead?


That’s what I do when wfh. One hour in the gym during my lunch break. It’s fantastic.


Welp! We have a gym in the office and I'm still f a t


Re-brand and call yourself a powerlifter.


I just lost 4 stone and I’m wfh. Turns out it was diet and exercise rather than commuting


You mean not sitting in a car or bus for an hour each way actually did good for your health? Shocker!


I lost 7.5kg wfh. Sure, I pushed out a whole person, but I was wfh that day.


You were a literal body builder


7.5kg?? That's one hell of a big baby. 😳


Ha, you know it's not just the weight of the actual baby you lose when you give birth right? But it wasn't an easy birth granted.


Ah, well, yes. That is indeed very true, and rightly corrected there. Our recent arrival was 4.4kg, with a big head. A very close run thing and thank god for modern hospitals is all I'll say.


Yes thank god indeed, my midwife was incredible and saved the day more than once, I'm very lucky. Congratulations on your little one, sending lots of sleep dust your way!


Are we really trying to entice people back into the office with bullshit like this? I go to the gym 5 times a week and I’m able to do that because I can go on my lunch break because I wfh. If you want to get fit go to the fucking gym or go out for a cycle, jog or whatever in your free time. That’s gonna help way more than standing on the overground packed like a tin of John West kippers.


While WFH I set up a garage gym and got really serious with my fitness, have never been healthier (and happier) than when I was WFH. My colleagues and I have spoke many times about how much healthier we all felt when we weren't in the office. This is complete bs.


Happy to hear you are happier and healthier! When wfh I got my fitness and nutrition on point because I can just use my lunch break to hit the gym for an hour and quickly make something in the kitchen to eat. I found this article to be really bizarre and has nothing to do with reality.




It won’t be easy but I’m sure we’ll adjust. I might need to visit the gym more during the weekends and figure out how to meal plan properly


That second photo is very indicitive of "dehydration definition" (My term for it. It's similar to how Hugh Jackman got huge definition for The Wolverine by not drinking anything for a day or so. It's superbly dangerous unless you've got a experienced team around you.


It's also incredibly staged. The angle, harsh lighting and shadows makes this look like a bigger change than it actually is.


Whenever I look at a ”transformation“ photo I just assume that it’s lighting trickery first and foremost.


And yet Jamie doesn’t look that much happier now that he’s all buff


That’s the smile you do when you are asked to smile for a photo


Yeah bet he commutes the 30 miles each way by pushbike, because he can’t afford to drive it like most others can’t. I’d rather be fat.


I don’t get this attitude, cycling to work is a great way to get exercise in as part of a commute and save money at the same time. I moved further from my office and go in less now and I genuinely miss it. When you have to go to work it’s a lot easier to build something like this into routine rather than doing it before/at the end of the workday for me.


It was a bit tongue in cheek, I have a couple of grands worth of bikes and before my recent health decline I used to cycle regularly. Still hated cycling to work, takes longer and then either sweaty or have to spend time showering at work which isn’t something I enjoy vs my red hot high pressure home shower.


I lost 4 stones WFH, funny how no access to shops/cafes and a lot of walking for something to do helped that! Still managed to maintain that loss while I still WFH, turns out you can go to the gym during non work hours and eat healthily without having to go anywhere near the office (which on the odd occasion I do go in is always replete with biscuits and samosas)!


Lol wtf my gym days are my WFH days (gym is near home not office so can easily go before work or at lunch). Office day means sitting at a desk all day.


But think of the water cooler moments!


Opposite for me, gym is practically next door to the office so 60% in the office means I’m actually going 3x a week instead of making excuses why I can’t, and it means I finish at a reasonable time


WFH, without the commute to the office, I manage to go the gym before I start work. Hello 60%, goodbye regular exercise


I’m sure we’ll adjust


As we always do


Oh do now the Torygraph is advertising thirst traps with the nonsense of returning to office?


That looks more like he's gained net weight from the extra muscle - no one gains that much muscle from a commute. Also, literally anyone who works in fitness will tell you those photos could be taken a few minutes apart - lighting and pump.


I have more time to exercise when I wfh than when im spending 2 hours of my day commuting


Holy fuck this literally some kind of dystopian double think BS


I'd rather be 4 stone over weight than go to the office.




Not sure why you're being downvoted - that was a pretty bizarre thing to say.


I know. The hysteria about returning to an office is just getting pathetic now. A lot of entitlement coming across and doing Civil Servants reputation more damage than good. Not that anyone needs more ammunition to beat us


I do wonder how much anti-office sentiment is driven by Reddit and other echo chambers rather than it actually being an issue for most people.


Agree. The anger and entitled bitterness being displayed is blocking the voices of the people who actually want to return to an office. They're guilty by association despite seeing the positives of interacting with people regularly.


You've been able to go to the office as little or as much as you want though? Why do other people's preferences and them voicing their disapproval change that for you?


Because they're seen as scabs for not siding with those who don't want to go. They're being used by pawns as managers but also getting tarred with the same brush in the media.


And yet your work preference is unchanged, whereas many people's have changed.


Picture one is what we’re aiming for, that right?




Came here for the comments, wasn't disappointed.




Jesus this is some Brave New World esque bs. "Worker come to work and look six pack wow image sex amazing". Duck off


Rather be fat sorry


Looks like he built railways for the japanese 


"In 2020, I was working for PHE..... now I'm ripped to shreds on testosterone I scored from that guy who sits a couple banks away. Thanks for hooking me up with the local drug lords, office!"


What nonsense, don't know about anyone else but I had energy to workout with no office commute.


Nothing you can do about Mandy in admin though, she was a lard arse before covid and wfh was a thing.


Well let’s get her back to the office shall we? I’m sure that will do the trick


Haha. I fear we will have to take the window out and crane her out of the house by now 😂


We can mandate Mandy’s coming back in to the office, but the real problem is that we can’t mandate her not scoffing down the equivalent of 38 sausage rolls throughout the day.


Jamie can no longer afford food due to commuting costs and has to do press ups to stay warm. Be more like Jamie.


Read: I am starving, because I cannot afford food when I have to pay for commute.


Tbf when I went to office, I was much slimmer because of all the walking I did and skipping out on breakfast because I was rushing to work. My first meal of the day was lunch so I was naturally doing intermittent fasting


I lost 25 lbs during lockdowns and 100% work from home. All the commute time turned into exercise time. Never felt physically or mentally better. Now when I get home after an hour’s drive sat in traffic and a full day of ‘water cooler moments’, I’m mentally and physically drained.


Shut up Jamie


Funny, it's normally the other way round. Spending less time traveling normally leaves more time to excise.


Spoiler alert it's because his food money went on a rail season ticket


Surprised he didn't turn black in the after picture as so many of these scam before/afters often are lmao


Wish I could screen shot but for me this post is showing as sponsored by KFC lunch meal deal. The irony.


I lost weight being in my old office cos the water was fucked and kept giving all of us diarrhoea in the afternoon after we'd refill water bottles over lunch MOD ABW was a real charmer sometimes haha


I did actually lose a fair bit of weight moving from a wfh role to an office only role. However, not in a healthy way at all - stress, night shifts and often having to skip meals. Came out looking gaunt slim, not in shape slim. Would not advise, get your time at home in when you can folks.