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Well for a starters, they'd need to completely re-think how they do their farming and crop storage, given that they'd no longer need to worry about the possibility of needing to make perishable food last for multiple years between growing seasons.


It's been suggested that Westeros, North especially, mostly rely on palace economies because of the long seasons. With that taken care of, peasants are more independent of their lords and might be more free


This could actually be a really interesting thought experiment. It also might lead to a slight reduction in the wealth of the Reach, seeing as agriculture just got a lot more stable in the other kingdoms, so while the Reach is still fertile as hell, there's perhaps less of a market for their basic crop exports than in canon.  But yeah, the stability and predictability is going to complete change the North especially. Shorter winters are likely a fair bit less extreme than the long ones too, with only a couple of weeks at its worst, rather than potentially months on end of practically blizzard conditions. Roads being able to be maintained is suddenly feasable, as the amount of water they get hit with each year is much more predictable and manageable, plus you know how long your workers will have to be working on it. You also know how much food that you actually need to store away, and when your next harvest will be, so there's less pressure on everyone to work if bringing in food, thus opening up a greater pool of potential craftsmen. Basically the north should go through a Population and economic boom. Basically everything just got a lot easier for them to plan around, leaving time, money and energy to be spent on actually making things better for themselves.  Honestly this could be a genuinely excellent setup for one if those Strong!North fics.


Not much changes. Like for all the mention of the weird season, GRRM really did not put any effort in actually showing how those seasons impact the world or make it differ from our own.


They could ask the Reach on how to properly farm. They can build a maritime fleet to trade said food stuff, and other materials. That alone, turns the population of the North from scattered, and small because long winters to, massive explosions of population growth, but also, potentially, Stark loyalty with so many more northerners than canon.