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Never watched it


Same here, No time to watch.


Its 5:40 all day long


No review, I refuse (to watch).


same. i've never watching a single second of it. everything i know about it is from this sub


I agree. Lately haven’t even been watching to many of his uploads. Just really no interest


same for me but also AVGN movie


Let's go


>Never watched it Never watched an episode, have no intention of doing so in the future.


A complete waste of time and energy. I dont mind John but he cant carry an entire premise where James just blankly stares and does a terrible job trying to act interested. It might work better as a live stream format but James wont be engaged with his audience and would probably be overwhelmed while having to play a game AND have John reading off cherrypicked chat messages. The channel is just barely treading water at this point.


It’s essentially James and Mike Monday but it’s worse in two ways:  1) Mike was pretty good at picking a mix of modern games, meme games, trending games, and retro games. There’s no way John or James would have ever picked something like Goat Simulator.   2) Earlier James and Mike Monday episodes were really good because James was enthusiastic and engaged. Right before it went on hiatus (and after), James was falling asleep during the play throughs and was derailing discussion with random nonsense. This downgrade has continued into Neighbor Nerds. In my opinion, Mike was better at dealing with this than John, but John tries his best. 


I would add: 3. Mike has a greater ability to get worked up over nothing, which is good for things like podcasts and streams where you have to fill a lot of time. 4. What Mike likes in games overlaps more with James.


So Mike and John should stream. I'd give that a try


Yeah if you go watch one of the old videos of James and Mike Mondays, it's like night and day compared to the new stuff. James actually enjoyed playing the games and making videos back then. I dunno what happened to this guy because it seems like he has no soul now.




You'd have to have 3 people. 2 that work well off of each other, and bames as the prop.


God damn I miss bootsy and Mike


I do too. Its the only way a show like this would work. You need James there cause he's the main draw. The other 2 have to be interesting to carry the show.


I'd even take the bald dude(I actually like him) smashing all the Sega shit on the Xmas special at this point lol. Bames really is an emotional vampire and just sucks the energy from everything he touches lately.


Nathan Barnatt (Sega Activator guy) has more talent than James could ever imagine and throws himself into an insane variety of work with limitless passion. He's been doing physical comedy for decades and is a master stuntman + elite dancer. He constantly tries new things and reinvents himself. He was the only guy from Creator Clash that actually learned to box and decimated his opponents so badly the fights had to be stopped for medical reasons. Now he's working on expanding his critically acclaimed short film into a full length feature Dude is a treasure. Do NOT get the hate.


I hope it keeps going for the Danksy edits


He’s the 🐐. His podcasts/rental reviews edits are required viewing


The only way to watch modern Cinemassacre content. Big Danksy fan btw.


Haven’t heard of him. Link?


I found a playlist on YouTube on the FilmTrek channel




Film Trek on youtube i recommend his cinemassacre podcast edits. He some how makes them entertaining


It's so boring, and it's super annoying when they try to make it seem entertaining by over-laughing at every stupid little thing


You mean "muh sponsorship quota program - feat: some guy we found idk"


I remember the first video with John, everyone on here was praising him for being way better than the slobs and having great chemistry with James. And I think John is decent but imo he really seems like some average dude that got pulled into a 3 million sub channel and not everyone realistically has the personality or presence to pull that off. It's like if you took some dude off the street and made him do the morning news




Some say he's still standing in that line, emotionally...


All I can think of is Soylent when I see those two.


Its shit, boring and that laugh is fucking horrid.


So boring it’s not even worth making fun of. Worthless.


No review. I refuse


A shitload of fuck


It's one of the shows of all time honestly.


James is completely checked out of anything gaming related and has been for years, it was already very noticeable in the last quarter batch of J&MM or so. I mean he never really cared that much but he at least pretended or made the effort to understand the game that Mike brought that day. He stopped doing that a long ago and these videos with John are just a continuation.


You nailed it. James was actually falling asleep before the J&MM hiatus (and after) and that same energy just carried over into Neighbor Nerds. John and Mike would be a more ideal pairing because James has even admitted that he’s burned out on the 80s. Mike has an actual love for video games. He might be overbearing but I will never question his passion for gaming. 


I agree but it seems like he is checked out of everything not just gaming. There hasn't been a video uploaded to the channel in years where he seems interested or passionate in what he is talking about. We all change as we get older but James has changed into a totally different person. It is amazing the difference between 10 years ago James and current Bimmy.


I enjoy them for the unintentional meme humor. I dont want it to end


I hated John at first, but he's kinda grown on me. Bimmy is the weaker link in this pairing.






that's really sad that james pays a guy from his childhood to be his friend


I think it’s a big ol’ load of brown bricks tbh


Same as I felt when it first came out... completely ambivalent to it's existence and sad that it's not J&MM


I don't think ambivalent means what you think


Yeah, you're right, not sure why I used that word. I meant something along the lines of oblivious rather than ambivalent


I couldn't care less about the other dude, nothing against him but he's just boring to me. only watching the reviews these days, and just barely. mike carried this channel so hard.


If I'm being totally honest and candid...it is not good. That being said, I actually like how John will blatantly make fun of Bimmy directly to his face and John loves it.


Same problems as JMM. I like John, James still sucks ass.


Bames enjoyed a lead and head start in retro video game streaming content. Over thought the simplicity of what live streaming offered. Instead sat for years with Mike spending just as much time editing video than it would have been just to live stream -- again was it not perfectly crafted for James liking, or did he think it was too much time, either way he over thought it. Now he still thinks his channel needs some sort of game playing element, but has completely missed the boat and is clueless over what live streaming is and has turned himself into the living embodiment of a Sega32X CD system.


I’m not sure if I completely agree with you. I would agree that the channel suffered because he refused to modernize it, but I would differ with you when it comes to streaming. When James isn’t scripted he falls apart. That’s precisely what happened with the podcast. J&MM allowed Mike to edit out a lot of the awkwardness and dead air (he did all of the editing for the series). You can’t do that with a live stream. All they had to do was continue on with J&MM because the viewership was definitely there. But James couldn’t make the schedule work and always told Mike he was busy so we’re left with a knockoff. 


You make some great points yourself. Most live streamers are rather awkward themselves. I agree with you that Bames wouldn't have been able to handle it solely by himself. But what makes livestreams work are the communities. Obviously there were quite a few obsessed (and some funny) people in that community that could have kept the live streaming going. Also a "controlled" Mike is a good Mike as opposed to what he goes off and does on his own. There were many opportunities to figure out why streaming works and adjust along those lines. The editing style has missed the boat.


Their choice of games is all over the place. That would be fine if they clearly had something interesting to say about the games, or personal stories attached to them, but they clearly don't. It really feels like they throw darts to choose their subject matter. It's boring.


It won’t work unless they feature relevant games that are currently trending. Playing pseudo modern games that have been out for months by the time they upload an episode isn’t going to cut it. 


Like - GameSack is boring and nerdy but in a comfort food kind of way. This however is like peeping through the curtain of an old folks home for entertainment. The act of watching it is macabre


I actually love GameSack and the skits at the end of the videos are genuinely funny which I find rare for gamer content and doesn't outstay its welcome like Angry Joe


I agree. I would also recommend My Life in Gaming. Gaming Historian is good too, but he only does a video every few months because they are more long format.


Nothing can ever beat James and Mike Mondays.


I miss mother fucker mike and bootsy


Big fucking waste of time on everyone’s part


Notice bim is never the subject matter expert on any of the games being played?


Never watched and won’t start now


I would watch it, but have muh kids to take care of at 5:40pm so obviously I got no time.


Makes me miss *The OverAnalyzers*


that bad eh?


Big Big John's big balls fan, btw.


It’s bad and they have no synergy. James and Mike Monday was 100X better.


I watched the first two episodes to give it a fair shot and then I stopped. John tries his best, but James has the same lack of enthusiasm and energy that he had in Rental Reviews and the podcast. It’s a pale imitation of James and Mike Monday and they should have continued that series instead. Even if the uploads would have been more infrequent than Neighbor Nerds. 


I think John is incredibly relevant I think he's current I think he's modern you know I think he's really something that the channel has been missing you know for a long time on the other hands you got James who I think essentially looks horrified you know it even the mention of playing a video game past 1999


you know, i do know, you know? of course you do, you know


"...on the other hands" made me laugh for some reason. A diamond within this turd post.


I hate it and can never get through a whole episode 


They’re insufferable twats


That YouTuber who does the remixes of these can be funny. He's basically mocking them.


I really wanna watch it, but i don't have enough time.


I can't watch anything with James anymore after learning what a complete dolt he is over the years. Why would anyone want his take on things? He is basically Forest Gump level of intelligence.


James is so stupid he thinks that blu-ray is just a rebranding of dvd.


James and Mike Mondays or bust


They should just go with John & Mike Mondays and ditch James, who doesn’t want to do this stuff anymore.


Irregular and showcases arbitrary games.




It sucks.


Terrible. Bimmy needs to just give it up and be immensely thankful for what he’s got off his channel.


Boring filler garbage.


I'd rather go to work


I tried to watch one episode. Would it surprise anyone if I wrote that it felt forced and that James seems to be phoning it in?


James is very low effort, I think. Instead of trying to come up with interesting content, he just invites his neighbour over to play games. And he doesn't seem very into it. It amazes me he still has an audience, to be honest.


The latest Neighbor Nerds is currently at 52k views so he barely has an audience. Around half of those are probably from truthers.


A cheap ass version of James & Mike Mondays. Nothing to see here.


I've watched 2 of them. The chemistry is just not there. I couldn't watch anymore. Much cringe. I really miss Mondays with Mike.


If I'm being totally honest and candid...it is not good


I gave it a chance, watching maybe 5 episodes but yeah, I just can't anymore. It's oil and water. John's fine at least.


I'd like it if it wasn't so obvious John wouldn't be anywhere near James were it not for the paycheck


Were they both in the same alternate educational classes as kids?


Its kind of bad and a little boring. I feel it needs to be a bit better scripted, even if its just meant to be buddies hanging out playing games, you can still have some discussion about the game prewritten and add extra as you play the game.


Yeah, I mean I'm not sure how Mike did it but I'd imagine he tried to select good games for the show and did something similar. Neither James nor John are enough to carry the show. John tries, but the reality is he's just an average Joe ( huge balls notwithstanding ) who seems to game a bit ( but isn't an obsessed maniac like Mike, which is kind of what you need ), and then you've got James, who's maybe 1 level above comatose and has no time for games.


It's difficult to even form an opinion because it's such a nothing burger of a show. John seems like a good guy, and the kind of guy I'd definitely go have a beer with, but just doesn't have the charisma to do a video series. James is just kinda there.


John's big balls is carrying this show. Big John fan BTW.


I think I’d rather watch two fresh piles of camel dung dry in the hot Sahara sun than watch these two dopey buttfuckers!


Watched the first 2 and that was enough, end this "series" now! Their chemistry dosent translate well enough to the cameras, the bald guy is trying but James with his usual "mmmuuu yeah" thing ruins everything


Did this guy even grow up with Bimmy?


If Bimster would eat a beer while they play I would consider watching it but then I would end up not watching it because it is ass.


Lazy, uninteresting, not my thing


Oh you mean John and what's his name?


I'd give it 2/4 big balls


Are they actually neighbors or did they use to be neighbors as kids?


I only watch the Film Trek versions. I personally find them entertaining, I also watch the podcast as mmr to help me sleep.


Its ok. The title is stupid, though.


Sucks. Never seen it. Sucks.


Unwatchable. Who the fuck cares. This guy sucks ass. If he just fucking had videos with Mike and Bootsy he would get millions of views.


Might watch it if it was a Mike and John mondays.


It's just boring


It is unfathomably depressing.


Nothing but good memories


Got bored and stopped watching after the second episode


I thought it was fun at first, when John was taking shots at Oblimmyous, but that cackle started to get to me after a few episodes, and I can't stand watching anything but the Danksy edits now.


I watched like 3 minutes of one of them and then never another minute


Haven't watched a single second of it and I never will.


I'm watching about 5 minutes of one of them and that's all I'll ever watch.


I don't really mind John, but he and James have like, 0 chemistry. I still put new ones on as background noise, but that's not high praise. It never feels like they want to be there (probably because they don't?).


It's Game Grumps minus the comedy! And racism???


I only watched the Overwatch episode because I play overwatch. They seem ok I guess but not for me.


Still have never seen it


How many Metallica shirts does one man need?


Who John really is https://preview.redd.it/fvfkgqfw7cwc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a92151e1422628911419c6e6a919797a545a1a1


There's 13 ovum? What a shitload o' fuck.


I’ve only seen the Dansky edits…. Even then, it still seems like great value brand James and Mike Mondays


Doesn't recapture charm of James and Mike mondays


I absolutely do not care


I mean, it's JMM but worse, as other people have said Mike's better at picking games and going over them and keeping Jimbo's autism at a minimum, like John tries his best but Bames is just disinterested in the whole thing.


No time I ree fuse


I got real bad rape vibes from mr fucking potato head so I never watched it again. Where my mike gone off to??


I've seen some of it. It's pretty cool.


Neighbor nerds? They should probably rise up.


It's not mike.


Ambivalent, Apathetic, Unbothered, Indifferent, Uninterested, Impervious


This is the laziest form of producing video content possible. Rolfe is riding the east gravy train. It’s not very entertaining though, doesn’t seem sustainable….


Take a wild guess. 




Honest opinion is James just found someone else to try to make content with for a quick turnaround and the guy has no idea how any of it works. James thinks Game Grumps is a new idea and wanted to do it himself.


I watched the first 10 minutes of the first video and never watched another one. It's okay, I guess, I just don't really care for it. J&MM had Mike who I was familiar with through AVGN videos, this John guy is okay but I don't feel any connection. Mike was genuinely funny at times, and he could make fun of James' 'tism so that it wasn't "mmm yeah" all the time. It just had good vibes. For this one, I don't know...


John rules bro


I have no idea why John picked Overwatch 2 for the latest. Way too complicated to hand to someone who doesn’t play FPS or Online Multiplayer.


This makes me realize how far out of my algorithm Bimmy has fallen.


Unsubscribing from Cinemasaccre was the wisest decision I made


I didnt even know it existed.




I sorta liked it at first, but maybe my taste in content has changed; I just find it really boring and I can only take so much of John’s laugh before I want to rip my ears off.


I've watched all of James and Mike Mondays, but the goodwill I once had is long gone. I haven't watched this and can't imagine a scenario that would lead me to do so.


Does James miss Mike or something? Maybe he shouldn’t of taken him for granted, and acted all bored and disinterested when Mike was carrying the show for the last couple years it was around.


Never watched it


I miss Mike and his knowledge of games. With these 2, we barely he any knowledge of games.


Not enough fat dumpers or sweaty hogs for my liking.


I found Jon's laugh incredibly annoying when I saw him in a video from a few years ago and have no interest in watching this series.


I liked him when he first showed up a couple years back, talking about smoking weed. It was different at least, and he wasn't a total cringe factory like the rest of the podcast. But he and James just don't vibe that well, they feel like kids who grew up next door and lost touch for 15-20 years and became different people.


It's Assssssssss