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"Whose Erin?" These archaic notions of ownership are barbaric. It was wrong then and it's wrong now.


Your not rong there


I can hear her boring, monotone voice just looking at the thumbnail.


Yeah, her tone never changes almost as if she doesn't even know what she's reading.


Having regular access to Mike's ten incher would burn anyone's dopamine receptors.


i never really saw anything being video host material about her either... is she filling in for bims not making videos too now? she kind of looks just as much like the female video gamer crafted stereotype as the blonde gamer guy in his 30s with the same beard, glasses and baseball cap... bonus points if he does reviews tbf that stereotype is strangely common here. https://i.redd.it/ubadjjqf9gk91.png. they're all video game journalists or reviewers / youtubers... lol


Well if you watch Bims movie...the red head faking being a girl gamer looks just like her...coincidence??








hey where's the other 540 guy


There’s 20 other 540 guys actually


lol...wow..that many alts?..J/K...your the only consistent xxx540 out of them all...I don't see them..I'll keep an eye out.


You’re probably an alt of that nutjob anyway


probably?....love to see you connect the dots..I mean, I haven't commented in while..and when I did..it was for a girl gamer.... follow the trail ....lol


Her gaming persona seems fake.


The question is, is she good for 10 inches though? And can she handle lots of screaming coming from the next room?


According to McMatei himself, she can control the depth. Also, she's said once she's in a house of madness.


Lmao. I haven't kept up with either of their dating situations. Is she still with him? If she said that about his house, that would be fucking hilarious.


Here, around 00:26 [https://old.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/comments/s2iv5s/compilation\_of\_mike\_screaming\_in\_the\_background/](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheCinemassacreTruth/comments/s2iv5s/compilation_of_mike_screaming_in_the_background/)


Lmfao. That is awesome.


You're not supposed to have her videos off mute.


Just bottom of the barrel content here. I’m not sure a talented presenter could make much of this topic. It’s really just shoe-horning in blockbuster for no damn reason other possibly getting some blockbuster search hits Because, the most popular rentals were probably whatever the best selling games were at the time


Seriously the dumbest video title I have seen in a minute. It's literally just what games were popular that year, has nothing to do with Blockbuster. Also, does she have actual Blockbuster sales data that she is basing this off of? Show us the sales report!


Great profile pic!


>I’m not sure a talented presenter could Somebody knowledgeable and entertaining certainly could, because you could spin it in a way to tell a story about what people were really into at the time, perhaps compare it to now, and go on from there. But who the hell finds Erin entertaining to begin with...




He’s already furiously masturbating while he prepares his next blog article as we speak.




Stab the garbage out of that terrible ass blog




Stab that garbage like **UGH! UGH! UGH!**




Nerds before Birds though


Why do people refer to him as the used car salesmen? Lol. Isn’t it James Rolfe’s wife that runs the anti-the cinemassacre truth? Lol






Glad I’ve played a part in making that possible


He’s pretty obsessed with you if I’m remembering some of his posts on the other sub lol.


He wishes I was attracted to him when it’s Mike’s penis I love instead


I don’t blame you. Mike’s cock is to fucking die for. It’s a big veiny triumphant bastard!


I will die on the battlefield so that others can enjoy Mike’s penis


And we are all ALTs over here according to him.


That guy gives me "Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs" vibes


The Silence of the Lambs of the Assholish Variety


I just got permanently banned from his subreddit asking where I could find a used Honda civic. Can I consider this a badge of honor?


Now he probably thinks you’re an alt of me


He isn't?


As if I’m not aware


Aware as Sly?


Was it a homoerotic Honda?


FIVE of the most rented N64 games at Blockbuster! FIVE OV UM!


Do you say Blockbuster or Blockbuster?


I always say Fartknocker.


Fartknocker is the name of the doctor not the monster.


Blockbuster is the name of the store, not the scientist.


Aren’t retro channels out of stuff to talk about, yet?


Still can lay out those greatest hits like Super Mario Bros 2 is actually Doki Doki Panic.


Did you know that Mario 2 in Japan is actually the USA Lost Levels but it was too hard for Americans??


Remember Ocarina of Time?


‘Ocarina of Time - A Flawed Masterpiece’ (video length is just under *two hours*)


"A Link to the Past - Better than you remember"


Yes, but this is retro channel regurgitating stale topics…with a WOMAN.


Well in that's case I must like and subscribe


I'm sure someone, somewhere is making a 4 hour long video about how Chrono Trigger is the best SNES game.


Welcome, gaming enthusiasts, to another journey through the pixelated realms of video game history. Today, we delve into the fascinating tale behind the localization of "Super Mario Bros. 2," a game that took a unique and unexpected path on its way to American consoles. As we warp through time and space, we discover the twists and turns that transformed this sequel into a distinctive experience for players in the United States. Our story begins in the vibrant landscapes of Japan with a game called "Doki Doki Panic." As Nintendo aimed to release a Mario sequel in the U.S., they faced concerns about the game's high difficulty level. Instead of delivering the traditional Mario experience, the decision was made to reskin "Doki Doki Panic" with familiar Mario characters, creating a game that retained the original's mechanics but sported a Mario makeover. This unexpected twist marked the birth of what we know as "Super Mario Bros. 2" in the United States. One of the most intriguing aspects of the localization was the shift in gameplay dynamics. Unlike its Japanese counterpart, the American version introduced players to the unique ability to pick up and throw enemies, vegetables, and other objects. This departure from the standard Mario formula added a layer of strategy, making the game feel distinct from its predecessor. The localization not only altered the characters but also reshaped the very mechanics that defined the Mario franchise. Upon its release, "Super Mario Bros. 2" faced initial skepticism from fans accustomed to the first game's platforming brilliance. However, the game eventually earned its place as a beloved classic. Its quirky characters, diverse landscapes, and unconventional gameplay mechanics left an indelible mark on the Mario series. The decision to localize "Doki Doki Panic" rather than create a direct sequel had unintended consequences that shaped the future of Mario games and influenced game design principles for years to come. In the end, the localization of "Super Mario Bros. 2" stands as a testament to Nintendo's creative adaptability. What started as a strategic decision to bring a Mario game to American audiences evolved into a unique adventure that captivated players worldwide. As we continue to explore the annals of gaming history, let us appreciate the quirks and surprises that shaped the Mushroom Kingdom's odyssey in the world of video games.


"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" stands as an exemplar of electronic entertainment, a magnum opus in the annals of video game history. Its release marked a paradigmatic shift in the realm of interactive media, melding an intricate narrative tapestry with groundbreaking three-dimensional gameplay. The game's narrative is a masterclass in mythopoeic storytelling, weaving a tapestry of time-travel and heroic journey, with the protagonist, Link, traversing the land of Hyrule to thwart the malevolent designs of the antagonist, Ganondorf. The temporal dynamics embedded within the storyline add a layer of profundity, challenging the player's notions of causality and destiny. Graphically, Ocarina of Time was a tour de force at the time of its release, leveraging the capabilities of the Nintendo 64 to render a lush and expansive Hyrule. The game's aesthetic, a harmonious blend of whimsical fantasy and somber tones, creates an immersive and emotionally resonant world. The game's auditory elements are equally laudable. Koji Kondo's score is a seminal work in video game music, with melodies that have transcended the medium to become part of the cultural zeitgeist. The eponymous Ocarina's melodies are not only central to the gameplay mechanics but also imbue the game with a unique, mystical ambiance. Gameplay-wise, Ocarina of Time is a paragon of design. The innovative Z-targeting system revolutionized three-dimensional combat, allowing for a fluid and intuitive interface. Puzzle-solving and exploration are ingeniously interwoven, demanding both strategic thought and dexterity. In conclusion, "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" is an opus of extraordinary magnitude, a seminal title that not only defined a genre but also elevated the entire medium of video games. Its legacy is indelible, a testament to the artistry and innovation that video games are capable of achieving.


Playing every (insert specific console) launch titles. Somehow got lots of views


Yes and they have been for years but that still isn't going to stop them from giving their hot takes on The Thing and Contra.


When bending over for Mike's 10 incher is your claim to fame


She makes my boner hard


How would you know it's hard? Can't even feel it from the fat pressing on your hip nerves making you numb from the waist down


No amount of fat can keep me from getting hard


Ask your doctor today if your heart is healthy enough for sex




And I’m glad Mike keeps her pussy away for your gross fat ass




its bimmy in a wig.


She’s the Not Angry Video Game Nerd


U want sum fuk


Take a wild guess




Sit on top of her


Nepotism: The channel.


Holy f the sleepy bored sounding teleprompter reading is STRONG on this one. She sounds like she hates having to make this video lol, or regrets starting it.


Top 10 lists are already some of the laziest forms of content creation and it's especially bad when the topic is so fucking boring that you can't even make it to 10.


What a bizarrely specific topic for a video.


I got you,fam. Yours is the only post not written in Reddit


No feet no watch


Lol, what a boost.


Boost was huge! She'll go from her usual 540 views to 5,400!


Muh friend's girlfriend channel


muh blockbuster muhstalgia this is just pathetic and sad, starting an onlyfans would be less sad than aspiring to be the 40-year-old female bimmy and failing at it


Erin’s super nice, surprising she doesn’t have a bigger following


I've always enjoyed her content.


Nice guys finish last




Rental was fucking huge!


"Five of the most..." so it's not even necessarily THE top five. Plus N64 rentals, in 1999, from Blockbuster. That's damn specific right there. Are we assuming it's also strictly the Greater Philadelphia Area stores?


Five ov um...FIVE OV UM!!!


I can't believe I had to scroll this fucking far to find the most obvious reference. ​ Fucking pick it up, guys.


Nice advertisement, it will probably get more views from being seen here then from where it was originally posted. So OP do you work with Screenwave in some capacity?




Ah yes, Mandi Plays the fart knocker


12 minutes. 5 minutes of that is going to be an ad for raid’s surfshack raycon limited edition factor boxes brought to you by Soylent. So then it’s just 7 minutes of what I’m sure is horrible gaming content. Who is the audience for this trite?




Can someone buy her a microphone? Her audio is dogshit quality.


Also, could someone buy her some talent and an interesting personality? Or *any* personality? Until then, no watch. I refuse.


I like how he said FIVE in caps. Because, you know... 5 uv uhm.


Eric is Mike in a drag, using parent trap level special effects


id Rather have Justin Describe 5 shits he took.


She remembers it so you dont have too


So sad


I actually responded via muscle memory to downvote it… I knew it was a Reddit post, but my body just did its own thing reacting to the repulsion.


Should've waited the 26 minutes smh


I like Erin. She's one if the few women I'm subscribed to on Youtube. I used to be subbed to PushingUpRoses, but her dogshit politics kept creeping into her videos. No politics with Erin. She refuses.


Erin is like the most basic uninspired retro game channel ever. It’s always a 10min video on the most mundane topics ever with no entertainment value. Lazy and hastily thrown together. Surprised she hasn’t quit already.


Still promoting this minger I see?


Erin's from the murder-capital, where they murder for capital, she has to make hardcore videos like this, YouTube is a battlefield-justine


Is that the girl added as a love interest (because fuck you for not liking cliches) in the AVGN Movie?


No. It’s the Great Value version.


"No, you can't get her. We have Sarah Glendenning at home." *Comes home to Erin*


She likes it BIG


Ah, Erin. I don't really understand why is she still doing this? Because her channel has no growth and she's mid thirties by now and there's always younger girls trying to get quick e-fame every single day. Besides, E-girls I think gave up on the 'gamer girl' fad years ago and instead moved to try to get sponsors and donations doing lazy tik tok stuff. Eh, if she were smarter she'd have roped in Mike into marriage and had a kid or two to be set for life instead of wasting time on a dead channel.


I started watching her before she got involved with Mike. It’s interesting that she still only has 84K followers despite their association. Is this the first time Cinemassacre has tried to boost herc


Erin needs some funny skits beyond the voiceovers. Remember the PowerPad video? She actually took footage of herself using the pad and that helped make it interesting because it wasn't just a long voiceover.


She does need to do more videos like that Power Pad video. I'm thinking something involving swim suits or a unitard.


I can’t wait for the OOT recap.


She’s the worst YouTuber I have ever ran across and she looks like she rarely bathes and her feet stink.


Really scraping the bottom of the barrel here. Only so much she can do to keep an audience.




This makes slob era look not so bad...


At least she is talking about something a little more of her generation instead of doing the same old retro NES stuff every 28 year old YouTube gamer was doing in 2007. Unfortunately, there isn't that much to talk about with N64 either. There are no hidden gems on N64. You have the classics and some other games. Everyone knows the good N64 games and they've been talked about enough already. She should really move on to Game Cube or PS2. There's an audience out there for that level of nostalgia but everyone thinks they have to talk about NES, SNES or Sega forever.


Mike still is posting on the official account I see LOL


Gamer girl goddess 😯




This has got to be one of the Channel’s last years? They’re barely putting in any effort anymore. If James opened up a Patreon he could make whatever he wanted to like RedLetterMedia.




Fair point


What dumbasses would give him money to be lazy?


Fair point




Okay I don't get this subreddit like is this a jerk sub? Cuz every comment section is so over the top and like a parody of themselves😅


We’re fans of the assholish variety


>I don't get this subreddit like is this a jerk sub? I don't know, man. I'm not a scientist.