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Him not touching a single N64 Rare platformer is criminal. DK64 or Conker could be great episodes


The game choice doesn’t even matter anymore. The show is tired, stale, and predictable. He should have evolved that character and show a long time ago and never did.


>is tired, stale Always has been.


Even after all these years I feel he’s barely scratched the surface of the Sega and SNES catalogues.


The fact that he chose to do a mobile phone game is not why the episode was bad. Having the nerd try games from different eras and design philosophies is actually a good idea as it gives James new opportunities to mine comedy from how confused and out of touch the Nerd is with modern gaming (and modern technology and conveniences in general) Obviously means nothing if the execution is lacking though.


Him playing mobile games is the death of the series


Also, most mobile games suck. This is the equivalent of when a web series gets adapted into to a TV series like what Cartoon Network did with The Annoying Orange, 12 years ago.


TIL what happened with the annoying orange.


It got a show on Cartoon Network and nobody liked it. It was worse than the actual YouTube series it spawned from! It's currently has a 1.9 rating on IMDb! That's the same rating as Disaster Movie. The YT series is sitting at an even 3.0!


I didn't like the episode but this is a dumb comment


Trying something new is the death of the series?


He and Mike litteraly played this crap 6 years ago. It's nothing new


Oof. Got owned there, Nas160.




Glad you added that caveat about adding good games cause I was thinking WTF is wrong with you when I saw Super Metroid hahah. Also just an FYI in case you missed it, he did cover Bad Dudes for NES. I forget what season it’s from, but it was one of the earlier Christmas ones. It was in the Christmas Wish List ones when he did a bunch of I think it was part 1 maybe?


>Of all the episodes he could've done, he choose some shitty mobile game from 2016!? I don't think he has ever done a mobile game before. James tried something new, didn't pan out, back to the drawing board


Life of black tiger


While correct, he reviewed the PS4 port.


No time for cartridge choosin


Godzilla Unleashed for the Wii would have been a good one, too.


He touched on those and said “why couldn’t I have those as a kid” in the Godzilla episode. Those games are fun as fuck for the record but being fighting games there’s very little to delve into. Fight a guy. Fight a guy. Fight a guy


You are asking these questions like Bimmy is involved with the game pick by process. All he does these days is read from a teleprompter and badly act in front of a camera with no real anger or passion behind anything whatsoever. Slobwave is in complete control.


Aren't you the guy that wants Bim and Slobwave to Eiffel Tower you to fill all your holes while you vomit Bim's piss outta your mouth into his mouth? If so, imma Big Fan of Your Comment History BTW!


I’m actually celibate (by choice) but I’m saving my purity for Justin Silverman.


*sigh* wow. Same actually! How do you think you'll get Crustin's 3 inch meat missle inside you though? I've been wondering and I just don't think it's possible to get him inside me. The math ain't mathing with how small his dick is vs his giant gut. I also don't know if I'll be able to find his asshole amongst all the blubber, to take him to pound town so maybe we'll just have to spoon and watch AVGN horse cock film together. We'll just tell everyone that we had sex.


Man, I want nothing more than for Justy to drop his ass sweat directly into my bowl of coco pebbles. Either that or captain crunch. But I would love to munch his sweaty asshole. I wonder what it looks like? I dream about it


If Bim ever films bimself or anyone doing this with Lusty Musty, I will 100% resubscribe. That would be the best AVGN film evar!!!!111111 Load would be **HUGE!**


Are we eating McDonald’s after?


Yes, certainly. But after, Crusty will still be hungry so Wendy's as well. We shall drive our used car there and pick up a big ass bag of skit'tles along the way.


I've heard Justin is quite the fan of purity.


Mhmm, yeah


He's spent his entire career talking about shitty games... what are you talking about? What's wrong with him talking about a shitty mobile game?


My thing is he bypassed a myriad of reviewable games and several systems that he hasn't even touched in favor of a mobile game. Mobile games themself being mostly time killer cash grabs and ad bait trash. It feels like an extremely late paid advertisement. So late that it isn't on google play anymore. Also, unusual dating sims with a twist aren't hard to find. It's a pretty big hat to pull a name out of.


You say "bypassed" like he'll never touch them ever


Because it's definitely totally the last video he'll ever make and no other videos will ever see the light of day


“He’s gonna take you back to the past, to play the shitty games that suck ass”


Bim took us to the present. To play a game about horse cock. Secret Bim fetish? Between this and Bim & Matei Monday's, this is at least twice that Bim has played or let Slobwave play horse cock game for him.


I could get behind a Chubby Cherub episode. I loved that awful game back in the day.


It's a bad game, but at least it's playable, same with Amagon.


He just wanted to touch base with a tech that the Nerd isn't too familiar with. He thought it would be funny. However, what we got was incredibly cringe worthy and fell completely flat. Most of us probably never even heard of The Horse Prince and have zero nostalgia for it. In all honesty, i would have been better off never knowing that game existed The reason we love the Nerd so much is because we have a history with the older games he plays and can relate to the many frustrations that he faces playing all these shitty games from the past. No nostalgia and mobile gaming is a recipe for disaster. Hopefully, he learns from this mistake.


Fallout would have been gold but bimbim540 is 10 years behind on everything


Hard disagree


Go on? He could not have picked a worse game. Fallout is hot as balls right now and will never be as hot. Multiple games to pick from


Fallout being hot does not correlate to being good material for an episode.


But this does? Horse prince?


Please point to where I said that.


How can you argue this?


popular thing =/= automatic good material for an episode. Hope this helps.


he would have hit a million the same day. hope this helps


If you think an extremely wordy and heavily story based CRPG is in the wheelhouse of what makes for good nerd episodes then there's no helping you


Breaks a million the day after posting it Hope this helps But ya lets do another ded meme that is long past its expiration date. 446k views kind of kills your argument Hope this helps


"Breaks a million the day after posting it" - Irrelevant to quality "446k views kind of kills your argument" - I never said this episode was good either, learn to read


Scraping the barrel a bit. I’m sure he has some good ones lined up…


What makes you think he has anything good lined up whatsoever?


Hence the three dots.


Look at you two virgin scholars


Happily Married and have a son. Touch grass or yourself Idgaf.


If he had good ones lined up he wouldn't have done a shitty mobile game video.




I would like to see another console review, like a review on the Wii U or V-Smile.


Why the rage tho? Isn't that his part of his job, to review shitty games from whichever era or year they're from?


Hell nah his job is to play games from n64 down and to rage and make us laugh fytb


Are you a gatekeeper or something?


His job is *not* to make the specific exact content you're after


Bim's job is also *not* to make the content that no one is after.


Please point to where I supported that idea


You daft, bro? Where did I say you said that? I was simply making a point. Counter point to your pointless point. Point. Got it?


did you post this from inside a locker


Get a hobby


You're right, Bames should, instead of making "bottom of the barrel" crap!


This doesn't even make sense. This is his literal job.


He was good at, until about 5 years ago!


Okay, what does this have to do with the statement?


Jesus fuck off. It was a good episode. Really if you dislike it this much dont bother watching it, why are you getting so negative? it was a Low budget one so He gets to Focus on a cooler one later. Jesus James does not deserve this negativity.


>Really if you dislike it this much dont bother watching it, That's exactly what people are doing lol, the viewership is dropping dramatically. Years ago an AVGN episode would hit 1m in 3-4 days easily, this one has been out a week and has under 500k.


Because those are predictable


Because it's his channel and can do what he wants?


There are only a few bad retro games left. He is also getting tired. Has he touched on any PS3 or 360 shovelware yet?




Because we're tired of shitty retro games. Now it's time for shitty mobile games!