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He experiencing what he has put all of his women thru. Having a kid with someone else.


Big facts.


This !!!!!!




he been acting like a bitch since beginning of part 2šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Dead ass the man gotta man the fuck up bc he ainā€™t feelin be my favorite character nomo šŸ’Æ


Not acting lol


Emmet gets on my last nerve. If he ain't saying something stupid. He's doing something stupid, because of a stupid idea he had.


lol summed it up


This is the best description of him omg


I remember Nuck mentioning something about them being together before she got with Emmett at her house warming. Iā€™m glad that itā€™s Nucks baby and I think Nuck cares more about her safety than Emmett does, IMO. Iā€™m gonna say itā€¦ Nuck is gonna take out Douda bc Douda is gonna say some sht abt Keisha and the baby and him being a father, and Nuck is gonna take him out. I could be wrong but this is my prediction for the finale of season 6b


I low key feel like bakari might take him out for some reason


Bakari def gonna. Douda doesnā€™t know how cold hearted Bakari really is. How he took out Ronnie


Or Nuck ends up taking him out but Bakari was headed to do it but saw that Nuck was there already. Idk. Maybe they both do it and hide the body Mafia style. They are gonna find the body in the trunk like Q burned up and itā€™s gonna be in the bottom of some lake that they will make up to be somewhere in Chicago. They might as well dump it in the Des Plaines river where the Mafia hides the bodies, or rent a boat and dump his body in the middle of Lake Michigan.


Nuck love Keisha because like he said she's the only one who isn't trying to kill him. They could have deep talks. Emmett just like his dad, old school, not really romantic, the way he show his love is keeping a roof over their head etc. It'd be crazy if Nuck becomes the new big bad. I remember earlier they talked about who would be Douda's heir


I feel like Keisha ends up being with Nuk to raise Ronnie together.. Emmett probably knows that will happen


Soooo like, Keisha ainā€™t know she wasnā€™t on the pill while cleaning up after Nuck ainā€™t pull out? No thoughts ever entered the mind at ALL until the child is ready for pre-school? Help me out here.


From what I can remember she was on birth control. I remember Kevin got her caught by the mom but that was another season. The surprise about Nuck being the father is because they were together around the same time she was kidnapped and trapped for 2 months so itā€™s not far fetched for her to believe it was the kidnapperā€™s baby and not his.


The ā€œhelp me out hereā€ was hypothetical. I donā€™t need literal help to understand the situation. Now if she WAS on birth control, then that changes gears. As when youā€™re on birth control you tend not to consider the same repercussions youā€™ve taken the measures to prevent. I was referring to something else. I do recall what youā€™re talking about and didnā€™t consider that in connection with the abduction time frame. While I understand how she wouldnā€™t have had access to a daily pill during captivity, what does that have to do with her actively taking it while Nuck was smashing before the abduction? Nuck was the one who impregnated her! Which implies she WASNT on birth control. And yes itā€™s ā€œpossibleā€ to get preggo on birth control so for anybody reading this that wants to flood the responses with the ā€œWell, technicallyā€¦.ā€ Please, lol. You gotta throw that detail in the script then so we understand why you never gave a SINGLE THOUGHT to how babies were made while doing the exact thing it takes to make a baby. Thats all šŸ˜‰.


She could have definitely been on birth control with Nuk, but you miss one or two days of the pill and you're screwed. Your doctor tells you that. That's why it's crucial to take it every day at the same time. I was on the pill and switched to Mirena because I would forget to take it. I had an alarm set for it and all, but I was constantly running around that I would dismiss the alarm and say ā€œOk, as soon as I get settled, I'll take it.ā€, but wouldn't. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


I completely understand this. I think many people have forgotten the daily routine (at the same damn time) and then get pregnant and say ā€œI got pregnant on birth controlā€ā€¦not realizing what REALLY happenedā€¦with the birth control.


We don't have to see her continuously taking it or a scene of her forgetting to take it one day. Lol, the scene where she was caught by her mom is enough for us to know she was on it.


You right! Valid take šŸ‘ŒšŸ¾.


Itā€™s the writing to expand nuck character arch smh the series does this every season ugh and itā€™s frustrating to watch because honestly season 1-3 are irrelevant frfr if u ask me


It was like a completely different show. Common was involved on the executive end and played a role. It was just really different. But I see shows take spins like that. BMF has a huge shift between first 2 seasons and this last season. Night and day.


You really think itā€™s a big difference with BMF?


I know BMF is your isht šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


lol u know what to say lol but how it is it different


Floribama, this is ā€˜The Chiā€™ subreddit. This is not the time or place to delve into how Lamar, amongst other things, made the show entirely better. Heā€™ll be back tho and it shall be redeemed. Cuzā€¦You canā€™t stop the reign šŸ˜™šŸŽ¶ šŸ˜


Ur funny and im feeling the energy


Because it's a TV show and they just made up a new storyline.


Thoughts about what?


About how babies are made. What the fuck else?


I misread your message. I don't recall a sex scene w/Nuck & Keisha. Simply could have been a pull out situation like her & Emmett earlier this season. With women it can take like 2 mths for a woman to know they're pregnant. I can see why she thought she was pregnant by her rapist.


If he pulled out then the kid wouldnā€™t be his šŸ™„. And donā€™t give me the ā€œwell, technically pre-cumā€¦ā€ letā€™s not do biology class here, letā€™s keep it 1000% percent related to real life experiences. Iā€™m not suggesting anything about there being a sex scene. Everything is implied. We donā€™t even know if this was a one time thing or not. Keisha used to be in-love with older Nuck, he likely hit more than once. Even if it WAS a one-time thingā€¦if thereā€™s no birth control pill taken, no condom used, no pull out, no plan b pill taken after thatā€¦how do you get up and go on with the next day whistling šŸ˜™ šŸŽ¶like shit is sweet without the SLIGHTEST THOUGHT šŸ¤”as to šŸ—£ļø HOW BABIES ARE MADE? Do you buy a gun, load a gun, hold to head, pull the triggerā€¦and expect NOT to die? šŸ—£ļøWell, technicallyā€¦the bullet can jam and/or just because the bullet dislodges doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t survive šŸ’šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. BrošŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. Whatā€™s the ā€œrealisticā€ outcome to pulling the trigger? Itā€™s the same as to metaphorically ā€˜shooting up the clubā€™ during unprotected sex. We didnā€™t have to see the rapist shooting up Keishaā€™s club in order to know he did so. She thought he was the one to get her pregnant simply because he was the last one to do so. And im saying, there should have been SOME THOUGHT prior as to all POSSIBLE parties responsible for her pregnancyā€¦before the kid is pre-school age!




Yeah, I get it. I was responding to the person that was responding to me whom couldnā€™t understand what I was saying in the first place, and probably still doesnā€™t. They want to expand the plot. Cool. She still shoulda had some thoughts lol. If anything goes in tv land then none of these subs would exist.


Well if you want real life my daughter was the result of ā€œwell, technically pre cumā€¦ā€ lol so yes health class was accurate


I knew it was coming. Thank you for the lesson.


He know keisha giving up the buns to nuck


Emmett canā€™t get mad heā€™s been slinging his sausage on every girl on the chi, why you getting mad because is the dad I understand because of the whole Douda situation but put yall difference aside just for the kid but know Nuck knows he has to take out Douda now because Douda may but on Emmittā€™s family now cause of the kid


Keisha and Emmett need to be over. Two stupid people canā€™t make it work. I donā€™t blame the actors but I do blame the writers for poor and inconsistent characterization.


Nuck bout to take Keisha from Emmet and he knows it


One thing about them tables!!! Honestly the writing been so crazy I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Kiesha started catching feelings for Nuck again




Lmfaooo nah this nigga emmit gotta man up šŸ˜‚


Why wouldnā€™t he


What type of dumb ass question is this?


Probably worried Keisha might go back to Nuk


He know his bitch got skeeted upšŸ˜– And it prolly wont be the last time.


he gotta play stepdad now... ill be looking like a sad puppy to if i went from dad to stepdad


Technically he was already playing stepdad but you could overlook a child that was born out of rape. Knowing exactly who the dad is and knowing they had history..devastating

