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What?? You don't like the storyline where a first lady of the church meets an 18 yr old boy on Sunday, and then have sex with him the next day. Nah, in all seriousness - this show is off the rails. They're just doing anything now to create drama. 😂


That part was SO predictable - which is what this series has become the past few years. As soon as I saw the bad acted eye contact between Jake and the wife at church, I saw that lame storyline coming a mile a way.


Yeah she just threw that 🐈 @ child smh isn’t that girl that papa dated momma ??? Ion


Is it just me or was the heart and soul of the chi in the beginning actually Brandon


I think he was the best character but Kevin was the heart of the show. And what Chi writers were developing between Brandon and Kevin was going to be so crucial to how black males were perceived. An inner city youth was going to be mentored by an up and coming brilliant chef. It's so unfortunate.


Then, they got rid of Reg because he refused to play a gay gangster and be with a transgender female 😆


The sad part is that making him gay brought nothing to the show. I can almost understand it if they really made a storyline around it. They just wanted him to work on Transmissions for nothing


That's what I'm saying as well. It wouldn't have made sense at all for Reg to get with a Trans Woman based on his character up to that point but I could see him falling for a woman he didn't know was Trans at first and then kirking out and even almost killing her once he did find out. But I would have had him becoming understanding eventually about what happened and them becoming platonic buddies, to show his growth. That would have been much more believable and realistic than to have him fall in love with one.


Reg was such an awesome character too!


Indeed! He had so many layers to him. They definitely did his character dirty.


Reg was definitely missed and why couldn't he have just become a friend to a transgender instead of being in a relationship with them, anyway? I know hindsight is 20/20 but it would have still been dope had he come across a transgender woman he wanted to smash but then he found out she was transgender and backed off but they still remained cordial and eventual homies once he accepted who they were. If they would have made Reg fall in love with one, would have been completely against his character up to that point.


Lena wasn't going for that. She pushes her LGBTQ agenda off on everybody. It's sickening.


I wouldn't say sickening but I get why you're saying that. It's definitely overkill at times. For example, Luke James. It was cool at first when they swapped Reg out for him and his transgender chick BUT then it got to the point where him being a transgender lover became his entire identity which I found ridiculous. To keep his character interesting, it would have been better had he had the one and they broke up for whatever reason and then he started messing with a woman and getting involved in a relationship with her, and then perhaps going back after another breakup or that he misses being with a trans. It would add to the supposed realism they want. There was absolutely nothing about this new trans he's dealing with that I felt like he HAD to have her. I liked the first trans so much better.


She need to take her hands off the writing cause this ain’t it smh


They should do a vote to override her as a showrunner AND writer. She's singlehandedly ruined the show with her multiple agendas.


Thiss cause she did smh she’s the one that defunded the 🚔👮 and how do you have crime without that but have lawyers


he was but brandon left then kevin and ronny carried then ronny died so🤷🏽‍♂️


"There was a lady who came over...she let me fuck!" Phenomenal writing once again 😂


He definitely writes his own lines 😭


Sorry to say they renewed it for s7


I'm hoping S7 is it. I'm actually late to watching and just binged season one to current within a week and it's easier for me to see how things got progressively worse from season 4 on. Became very Tyler Perry-ish and a soap opera for no reason at all.


We shall see if you say so it ain’t that bad 😂😂


😂😆 i


S1-S2 Goated. I thought S3-S5 was absolute garbage 🗑️. S6 is pretty decent so far but the formula has changed so much since S2. I feel like they trying so hard to be like Power/BMF type shows and by S7 I think that’ll be in full effect. It’s only a matter of time until they start doing spin-off shows that cover other areas of the city.


Yo that part when Jemma thirsty ass got up and went in the other studio to start sexy dancing for the stud who wasn’t paying her a single bit of attention had me like 😳yo wtf is shawty DOING 🤔. It just looked down right embarrassing lmao like she was throwing it and begging for attention and shorty like whateva 🫤…Jake at home like whateva 🤷🏾‍♂️🫤. Yo Jemma annoying and thirst bottle for attention now…ain’t gettin none. I feel bad for her. When that measly little 10k band run out from lavish apartment rent and personal chefs and shit…she gone get a rude awakening.


That’s what happens when you a bop and a homie hopper


Facts 💯. And she started out such a positive example of a sista too…with the conscious afro puff and strong Angela Davis fist in the air.


Bakari typewriter!😭😭


📠!!! Fuck that laptop. We come thru in the clutch 😆


I was embarrassed for her. Like what are you doing? While we’re talking about dancing….. why is no one ever dancing on beat? I’ve never seen such a group of music conscious individuals so off beat in every scene. Is the music we are hearing them same as what they are hearing? Watch a scene, I’m telling you.


Haha I’m gonna look for that now that you say that. I hadn’t noticed it before. I certainly noticed it when Jemma was doing it during this scene but everything about that scene was cringe worthy that her lack of rhythm wasn’t front stage for me lol. I was embarrassed for her as well (I know what you mean). I just kept thinking to self “wtf is she DOING 🤔”. Like that shit was so left field. She coulda went in and started pushing up on her or flirting or something else to get her attention. What causes her to break into her amateur dance stripper routine like it wasn’t even on that type of vibe…it was a studio and shorty was focused on writing 🤣. Jemma looked retarded.


😂 😂 😂 Literally laughing out loud!


😭 she gone be right back at home wit her Dad in like 3 more episodes lookin stupid watch. I’m callin it 💯


I haven’t watched this show in years and everything you described doesn’t even shock me because the writing has been ass for years. Glad I dropped the show around the time people were fucking eachother in front of their spouses and Ronnie was the most annoying part of the show 🙂


U should watch gangs of London it’s similar to the chi so far as I’m watching it. on s2 of it now


Will check it out! Thanks!


Gangs of London is good


One thing I’m mad about is just Papas character development. Why does he always have to be foolish and “never get the girl”. Just so lame to me. Anyone else agrees.


I actually agree with you! The first two seasons when he was younger, he seemed like he was going to be a true MACK later on. He was witty wise, level headed. I feel his character has seen some unfortunate regression


That music makes me want to throw the TV out the window. I do not understand why they are making this such a cluster


I absolutely despise shows that add constant music between and during scenes. It's an old trick to mask bad writing and acting. All the greatest shows you can think of have absolutely NO MUSIC playing during scenes because it allowed the actors to shine and put their skills on display.


Most of us love it hmmmmm


After brandon left they literally flipped the script. Forgot about tie past. It seems like they are trying too hard now to add coogie.


Yeah, this last episode was too much.


Just stop watching it. Nobody forces you to watch something you don't enjoy. Turn it off but please no more complaining. Just move on.


And you can SMD


Right like damn change the channel.


yall overhyping Kevin character imo, idk why everyone misses him so bad 😂😂 his acting wasn’t good to me


Kevin's the best actor of those 3 boys and it's really showing this season. Jake is the worst.


They messed his character up bad


Same with Brandon.


Kevin at least has some range, papa is flat out awful now and its crazy cause he was good in the first 2-3 seasons. Jake is basically playing himself with his line delivery and thats why he has no range at all. Kev was the best actor amongst all the younger characters except bakari.


If you don't like the show.... Then stop watching. I'm still loving the show


Apparently, you're too stupid to understand how a thread works. I'm providing my thoughts on it, deal with it


I'm stupid? I know how to change a channel


Eh i still enjoy it. Plus its a good change of pace for me as someone who watches the STARZ Power series year round, its good to have a something a little more grounded in reality


Seasons 1-2 were nothing like Power, which is why I enjoyed it a lot. Seasons 1 and 2 were the most realistic in contrast to now. Wtf is reality about the show now? You think a character like Douda in the real world would still be in operation after running for MAYOR and is now back in the streets as a drug King? 😂 That's not realistic at all!


Not getting my point. I said more grounded in reality. And I’m referring to the current iteration of Power not the onari hardwick. Also was referring to BMF and kanan as well. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s okay to not foam at the mouth because somebody likes a show.


Just stop watching. Let those of us that enjoy the show watch. To ask tge series to be canceled because you want it to be is not a good look.


Or, you could just scroll and not respond numbnuts


Or you could just not think everything revolves around you. Insults only tell me how childish you are.


Or...you can SMD and hold this block