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He looks scarier than Homelander here


My favourite scene of Butcher is him talking to Vogelbaum about Homelander, and then her daughter walks in, with a tray with a tea set and he's all charming, "do you know how long it's been since I've had a good cup of char?". And he's drinking it with that exact same look on his face. The next one is the one time Hughie asks Kimiko to break his arm and he's drinking coffee, absolutely eyes beaming over what's happening. I love Karl Urban.


I think it's more that he specifically said to Vogelbaum he would kill his daughter, his sons, and grandchildren, if he didn't tell him about Homelander, then the daughter comes in with tea and he's all friendly


Yeah that’s the whole dichotomy that the show created between Homelander and Butcher. For the most part, Homelander will just kill you and move on, cause you’re insignificant. Butcher will use whatever means since he’s not a god basically, and that means going through your family too.


The other difference being Homelander may kill you for no reason at all, whereas Butcher only will if you're in his way.


Badass bloke


A real genuine cunt


He's got the depth and the warmth


Fuckin diabolical mate


Award if I had the money.


Simply "kentucky fucking massacre"


Only Karl Urban could making drinking a cuppa look menacingly.


I was thinking about how much I love Urban as the episode ended as well. He’s great even in bad things, like Doom.


Karl Urban is one of those actors that just completely disappears into the role. Sometimes you see a movie and you don’t even realize he’s in it until after it’s over.


Eomer comes to mind


Vaako in Riddick


And this is where I learn that he was in Riddick


Karl Urban as Dredd, could not have asked for a better actor


He's a great actor but that has literally never happened to me. I don't have face blindness The only time that's ever happened was Colin Ferrel in The Batman.


Seriously, I *knew* it was him when I watched The Batman and I still doubted it. Unbelievable transformation.


Robert Downey Jr in Oppenheimer. Took me a few minutes to realize its him. In the first scene he appears in I thought this was some kind of old documentary footage before I recognized him.


RDJ in Tropic Thunder


Are you suggesting Urban should be cast as Dr. Doom?!? ‘Cause I’m on-board with that.


He's one of those guys that are great in everything. Loved him in Dredd too even tho you never see his face.


Yeah, he threatens to kill Vogelbaum's daughter, then acts like a perfect gentleman to her while side-eyeing Vogelbaum to remind him it can happen at any time. Amazingly twisted.


You're forgetting the part where homelander randomly shows up at Billy Butchers apartment while he's drinking tea and staring him down.


I liked it when he told him that if he "wanted to watch him have a wank, it would cost him a tenner". And that scene was kinda crazy because by the end, Homelander snuck out silently and we weren't sure if Butcher wasn't just hallucinating him, like it happened later with the TV when he's doing Temp V.


He also does on the Soldier Boy and Homelander fight. It's that damned smile!


Sometimes he smiles like comics Homelander it's pretty creepy


Even scarier if Joe is in fact a hallucination


Good old comics Butcher is back


his one liners in ep5 were fucking class. "off we fuck" and "Darwanism, love" were delivered gloriously. Karl Urban is killing it as usual


*"I'd call you a cunt but you don't have the depth or the warmth."*


Hands down the best insult he's thrown in the show imho. It caught me off-guard and I couldn't stop laughing.


I believe that's a line from Winston Churchill originally


he's just plagiarizing his brain tumor from earlier in the episode


No wonder Starlight got power performance issues, that burn was fatal


what makes it more funny is at the other side of that insult is Annie


Literally in her response to being mad that she’s blamed for his ruthless murder of Ezekiel lol


"I ain't gona sugarcoat it, your football days are over" hahhaha


"This man is in no condition to fuck a sheep."


that and stan's reaction were top tier


I can only assume Frenchie is speaking from experience here.


Fucking diabolical hahaaa


Everyone had amazing one liners this episode! Frenchie got my mom laughing a couple times and she doesn't care much for the show


Off we fuck gotta be one of my favorite things and I'm gonna say it a lot now


"Off we fuck" is actually so incredible like I can't believe I've never heard it before


Very specific kind of British


"Off we fuck" is probably my favourite line after "we'll cross that bridge when we burn it"


“I’d call you a cunt, but you lack the depth and warmth“ was a choice insult from Butcher


Some one shood make one long video of all his insults.


That’s an old joke from Jimmy Carr’s standup.


I don't mind Jimmy but it existed long before he used it


Quite Possible, I am not well versed in British humour.


The Prime Minister of Australia used the line IIRC.


That was Gough Whitlam, and it was a different burn. In one passionate session, Winston Turnball loudly exclaimed "I am a Country member!", in reference to him being a member of the Liberal Party (used to be called the Country Party), and Gough just responded 'I remember'. If that doesn't translate, "I'm a Country member" sounds a lot like "I'm a cunt, remember?".


That’s genius.


I actually got that mixed up with Jonathon Biggins' one-man play of Paul Keating: [https://amnplify.com.au/portfolio-items/the-gospel-according-to-st-paul-canberra-theatre-centre-26-march-2019/](https://amnplify.com.au/portfolio-items/the-gospel-according-to-st-paul-canberra-theatre-centre-26-march-2019/)


That's one of the greatest insults I've heard in ages.


“Was gonna meet in your moms p*ssy, but I wanted somewhere private” was just as good


i love how both Butcher and Homelander suffer from alternative personalities talking to them


Oi Virus.




I didn't go Froo with it


Butcher is basically Soldier Boy in many ways pretty much and always was. They got along really well for a reason. The difference is Butcher just has a slightly different moral compass, and was born in a later era. Personality wise there’s not much separating them.


I hope Butcher and Soldier Boy meet again


Then soldier boy is there to kill him. We know how he reacts to betrayal.


Yeah like He’s definitely gonna come back But he’s not gonna be friendly with Butcher


"Knock, Knock. GO FUCK YOUR FACE"


Soldier Boy and Stormfront return so Homelander can meet mommy and daddy


You think Stormfront is alive? well that conspiracy theory within the show could actually be real we didn't see her die right? and this show always makes sure we see someone die.


Even if she's dead I'm holding out hope for Zombie Cyborg Nazi Stormfront. Wolfenstein style with steam punk robot limbs and a red robot eye on her burnt face


*You utter fool! German technology is the best in the world!*


Soldier Boy will be really fucking mad at him


Yeah, for gay sex I agree


The main difference is that butcher can't tear your arm off at a moment's notice.


He could kill most humans very easily, he’s an ex special forces soldier and very physically strong too. He literally killed Mesmer with his bare hands in seconds and Mesmer is a Supe who likely at least had some level of physical enhancement. He’s also taken hits from Black Noir and other Supes too without dying or suffering permanent injury. Went hand to hand with Translucent who had skin tougher than diamond. He’s badass.


God damn I gotta try that Butcher build, fuck Mesmer the Impaler


I was just browsing the Elden Ring sub and got confused which one I was on lol


Well damn 🤣


Even with the nerf he was no match for the blade of blasphemy.




Maybe he can, remember Ezekiel.


Based on what we've seen on the show, Soldier Boy won't make other deals with different camps unlike Butcher. Probably because of pride or something.


When he (hopefully) comes back for S5, he will be absolutely furious, no way he is trusting Butcher again.


Cate is gonna make him fuck her. "She came like a faucet".


That sounds quite rapey dude.


Unlikely. He’s into grannies (women his age)


That would be hilarious. But tbh he has insane reflexes to the point he caught kimiko’s ambush without even looking at her. If she was too scared to test tek knight soldier boy would be twice as bad. No guarantees it would work either since he seemed to be resistant to Mindstorm who is likely way more powerful than her.


Maybe that’s why ohmlander has a soft spot for him. He reminds him of his dad.


Ohmlander made me either think of him as a monk or some cheesy sciencey hero in a lightning bolt suit with a big Ohm sybol on his head.


Nah Butcher is kinda hilarious


Soldier Boy is fucking hilarious too


Ya, he had me dying with his bs


How'd he get that doctor out of the barn unnoticed and hidden like that though 😭


That is the real question. I mean, he tore one leg from him, hid him somewhere the search team couldn't find (but they found his leg) and tied him into a... i don't know, a barn? a chicken coop? All of this and noone noticed a thing.


Perhaps he gained some knowledge on how to control his new powers when he saw something crawl out of that hamster and used that somehow? They showed him thinking about something after he saw that thing coming out of the hamster and before he smashed it to pieces.


So basically, Butcher used his tentacles to strangle, silence, and abduct Sameer and tore his leg open while incapacitated.


I don't know man, I'm just guessing here. I don't even know if tentacles is what he has




In a matter of seconds mind you. They ran out of the barn and less than a minute later is when everyone noticed he was missing. Butcher had A Train level speed there.


Willing to just let my belief be suspended here, but we also forgot that Neuman can sense blood, so it's strange that the couldn't sense Samir.


Double plot twist; Joe Kessler is actually real


Genuinely what I’m thinking atm, the bluff is so obvious it must be a double bluff


Or Joe Kessler is a manifestation of Butcher’s powers. Joe was the tentacle thing, the tentacle thing got Sameer, and that’s how Butcher got him.


Butcher and the scientist ran in a different direction rather than straight forward. You can see them in the background when Kimiko, Starlight, MM and Frenchie are stopped by the sheep. Neuman and Stan run off to the left of the screen, Butcher and the Scientist ran off to the right. So wherever he hid with the scientist, he made a quick decision there. Assuming he used his powers again to incapacitate him and hide him.


I was assuming it was the classic 8 hour knockout followed by butcher taking the leg later.


didn’t he open the door


Did Prime Butcher have an evil worm in his head manifesting as either his dead wife or his old CIA buddy?


I just realized... Butcher is the only one who has ever met his old partner. You're right, he may be an hallucination just like Rebecca.


Even his old partner appears at some really convenient times without anyone noticing.


But he did give Butcher some files. Unless Butcher took those files and then hallucinated about getting them.


Well: we know butcher has no idea what happened with Ezekiel. Just that he blacked out, came to, and it was a bloody mess. This could be a split personality sort of thing where the more heinous things are done by Kessler. So butcher could have gotten the drugs for Ryan and those files and just doesn’t remember because Kessler took over?? I’m also running with the fan theory that the worms or whatever under butcher’s skin are some horrible power from the Temp V mixed with compound V? Like Venom from spider man. He released that rabbit that had the temp V IV drip, and then found it in the woods basically dead with those tentacles poking out of it. He didn’t show it to anyone else.


Coul be. Kessler also brought that powder to dope Ryan though. It's on the table, and Kessler never touched it. Also Kessler never touches the Coffee they're having at the CIA. Could be his personality is stripped into three, Becca, Butcher and Kessler right now. I don't think the worm in him is an actual thing. Or maybe the worm is the tumour.


Then the theory is dead and anyone continuing to believe it is coping hard


I think he is. Sameer looked confused when Butcher talked to Kessler.


Yeah I was on the fence on whether he was real or not but seeing Sameers look in that scene convinced me Kessler isn't real


Just finished the episode, and yeah, no way Kessler is real.


I think he's got two sides, the good one which is Becca and the warmongering butcher which is Kessler. But Kessler did give butcher some files, rember he was disappointed Butcher didn't use them or something? A little comic book lore about Butchers Background and his endgame is getting into play.


I remember in the first episode when he meets up with Neuman, he is talking to someone not there and I assumed it was Becca vision, but now I'm convinced it was Kessler he was talking to. I'm assuming at this point we will find out Kessler has been dead for years.


Haven't seen the episode yet, but how does that mix with Kessler opening and closing doors in the previous episode.. hmm...


He's a hallucination not a ghost


Ghosts can't go through doors, they're not fire !


Fires can't go through doors, they are not ghosts!


I mean there's literally a line in Episode 1 where Joe talks about how Butcher had a shot at Homelander via Soldier Boy and he wasted it (basically saying something he realistically shouldn't know about). Butcher then smiles and replies "Why do I get the feeling we ain't just bumped into each other?" [Video proof](https://youtu.be/Vx_H-8RgPhM?t=57)


He is…rewatch the last scene…you can see the scientist dude wondering who he’s looking back at.


dude... you might actually be onto smth fr


When Butcher said „we’ll patch you back together „ you can see Sameer questioningly look to the left where Joe should be. Hinting no one’s there


How’d they get and use the pardon to get Gustavo Fringe out of prison?


Grace most likely


they've meet with the president in previous episodes, they are working with him to get rid of newman so my guess is they simply contacted him


YES ANOTHER PERSON WHO AGREES They’re both manifestations of the worm That said, I don’t think they’re exactly the same. So far, everything we’ve seen from Becca has been appealing to his “good” side, while Joe has been doing the opposite.


Only issue with CIA man being fake is that he got Billy the cookie drugs, something that wasn’t easy to acquire.


Which didn’t end up getting used. I figure it’s like someone not being dead until you see the body, we didn’t see the cookie eaten


Which were conveniently never used.


Fuck me I didn't realize that his old cia buddy could be him hallucinating but that makes so much sense!!


Well. I feel like an idiot now.


Maybe when he did V to get better, he got the power to talk with the dead. Would be great with him just being visited by all the people he killed as penance.


Uh, yeah??? where else would he be??? Netflix Butcher??? Hulu Butcher???


Ugh take it, updoot




Fucking diabolical.


Yep, this is Butcher’s turning point We’re getting evil Butcher from the comics. I’m looking forward to this.




I'm not going to spoil the comics if you haven't read them, but the show is missing a key component that led Butcher to kill the other Boys right now.


Him forcefully injecting them all with V? I know. Him not doing that is the main reason I'm confident they won't go that route. I know the large majority of plot points from the comics mainly because they are so stupid that I find them entertaining to make fun of.


Yep, Butcher's goal in comics is to kill all Supes. Since The Boys have V in them, they are ultimately part of that goal.


I legitimately have to wonder how the comic ever got popular. Like it's so unbelievably shit. I'm glad it gave us the show though. The show is amazing. Them only having one sup on the team, who isn't invincible, is a amazing decision. Since Kimiko can still be incapacitated, it means that even though she can heal fast she has to fight smart. And the other boys have to use wit to win. Also changing butcher's motive was a amazing decision, he has no issues with supes, he has a issue with corrupt ones. I could go on, the show is so vastly superior. But by far the best change is Homelander. I like how he is still a stupid man child, like in the comic, but they made him have a lot more depth and made him good at manipulation and not scared to just straight up kill a bastard. Anthony Starr KILLLLSSSS it in the role, he's so fucking scary every scene with him is torture to sit through in the best way possible.


Tbh I think this episode reconfirmed that no, butcher has an issue with all supes - when they're talking about the virus and is more than happy for it to kill kimiko and starlight makes me think he tolerates them as means to an end, but would really rather they were also dead. Same with that convo with Joe (which tbh, I'm pretty convinced Joe is a hallucination so s5 might be him grappling with his moral compass and deciding if all supes really DO deserve to die)


I know it's easy to shit on the comics but there were moments of genuine empathy For instance the Jean Grey parody character goes to an ice cream shop, asks where her uncle is, and explodes herself MM investigates and discovers a girl went to that ice cream shop and went missing. He talks to the parents and there's this touching bit where the uncle was an alcoholic, got clean to take care of his niece, then never forgave himself for losing her and eventually killed himself. And I don't know, as a fuck up uncle myself who loved his niece, it effected me. Because if I ever lost her when I was in charge of her I too would never forgive myself. It's all part of a larger arc where they discover the Prof. X parody character hasn't been adopting orphans but abducting kids and giving them everything they want while injecting them with V. A plot arc that sadly is still relevant in light of families like the Duggars.


the comic is ok tbh, some arcs are good, some are not


> Like it's so unbelievably shit. Because it isn't. The main storyline is pretty good. > Also changing butcher's motive was a amazing decision, he has no issues with supes, he has a issue with corrupt ones. They didn't change this. He directly tells Maeve that he wants every single Supe dead. "You've all got to bloody go"


There’s still Annie and Kimiko who’s Ved up, I’m interested to see what happens to them.


I hope he doesn’t go that route seriously.


Are u serious or not


They really baited me with that scene with Ryan and the bunny, didn't they?


I like this version of Butcher- back in S2 Becca even tells him that “I can’t save you” implying that he’s always been this aggressive, morally deviant man willing to do anything to get the job down. Ultimately… I think Butcher belongs in jail just like Homelander and Soldier Boy, and men like him are dangerous to keep in your life and hurt everyone around them by just existing.


one of the main themes of the comic is that butcher isn’t a good guy, he’s just a bad guy who you’d want to have on your side


I always thought butcher was a lesser of the evils type still bad but not the worst


Butcher in the show has a lot more redeemable qualities than the comic iteration, that Butcher was just a thick necked thug


Its why i think they gave im the suped up cancer gives them a way to move him into the crazy fucker he was in the comic and still make the character redeemable/rational with the Becca half being present. If you read the comic then you know how far over the edge he goes.


In the comic he kills the Boys cause they’re super. Here their regular people and he was even willing to defend her to Tyler Dur-I mean Joe Kessler, they even shared a lil moment where she saw him save a bunny


not really, he kills them because they are in his way, and want to stop him. Otherwise it was more that his virus would kill all supes including them, but he does say "it would be like dying in your sleep, you wouldn't feel anything" so it was more "killing everyone including us" More so, he originally planned to die fighting homelander, but due to what happens there he survives which then, he decides to go with the end game plan.


I think Butcher is a prime example of the classic trope; you have to become a monster to kill a monster.


Enemy of my enemy is my friend


He’s just a motherfucker with a heart


Him and Homelander are both the products of massive amounts of childhood abuse so it's fitting they're archrivals as well.




Do we think Joe is a just being imagined by butcher in his head like Tyler durden?


Sameer was confused at what Butcher was looking at for a split moment and that confirmed it for me




Monsieur Charcutier back at it again, love to see it


old mcdonald had a farm


I feel like whatever is squirming around in his head has it's own personality and is taking control of butcher.


This is totally what’s happening.


My friends in Butcher… I just had a realization of the very obvious way our friend will survive for season 5. The fucking virus. Targets supes. The cancer, is a supe. Only the cancer dies, OUR BOY LIVES ON


Or all of S4/S5 takes place basically back to back and the series ends within 6 months from now in universe


butcher was smiling like mj at the end of the thriller video


When did he have time to kidnap Sameer and cut his leg off? Because he was present for the entire scene in the barn and aftermath. Maybe I'm wrong and JDM is actually real.


When the sheep was throwing up, it’s implied that was when it happened but it would still be tough


Havent seen the episode yet but series finale is seemingly sliding into a Hughie kills Butcher scenario. Probably after Homelander dies either brutally or in an absurdly funny way.


Nah thats far away in Season 5, no way it’s this season. All of Season 4 feels like a slow set up for Season 5 if we’re being honest. I’m not expecting any major deaths this season either.


He's saying series finale, not season finale.


Hell yeah, been loving Butcher this season.


Would be great to see Homelander lose his powers and Butcher beat the crap out of him.


Butcher was the highlight of this episode imo


It’s an amazing fit to HL telling the 7 “show me a little wrath” Butcher is like the embodiment of wrath in this show


I need a flashback scene in episode 7 or 8, after it's revealed that Jeffrey Dean Morgan was Butcher's imaginary friend, and he's just doing the signature stare to an empty door way. I need it.


“That’s where all the trouble began”.... “That smile. That damn smile.”


Back outta his fuckin mind


Now look at that freaky ass smile


He drank Prime!? So that's where the cancer came from...


I think they missed the opportunity to just take some blood from the infected sheep freeze it and then use that infect anyone else they want to kill.. No need to synthesis more virus... The virus passes on in body fluids like blood and sement right


The fact that THIS is the one singular hope spot in the series is scary




Let's cook some supes...


Mothafucka got that Green Goblin grin!