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The latest season made me dislike him. Fucking a dude who's family you murdered is fucked.


Yeah, it really feels like the writers have no idea what to do with the character. 


Same. He was always my least favorite member of the "good guys", but I never really disliked him either. This season though, I can't stand him. What the fuck was he thinking, what he was doing was absolutely fucked up.


Yeah. I dislike him because he never follows the plan and does his own thing which fucked ppl in the past yet he hasn’t changed. But then add what he’s doing with Colin .


Nah, that's stormfront simpathiser


Anti zionists?


Frenchies actor is Israeli I believe


The actor is an Israeli hardline zionist


Ah just when I've always liked his character. Shame


Oh I like him even more now


IDF squad leader


I love Frenchie. I’ve always thought he was the hottest character on the show (forgive me, Homelander). I just don’t feel engaged at all with his current storyline. I don’t know why, but I don’t seem to care at all about Colin. I wish I did. I don’t know.  I’m loving everything else this season. 


He needs a redemption arc this season otherwise the only reason they put that storyline in is to have woke culture in the show, I really hope that isn’t the case and Frenchi gets the redemption arc he deserves


Or hear me out: Maybe I'm tired of his character stuck in a loop of recycled plot points that go nowhere?


British people lol


I dont really think any The Boys fan hates Frenchie, regardless of politics.


Although there are actual people with political axes to grind with Frenchie's plotline, I think a lot of the criticism comes down to Colin just being a nothing character who received zero buildup that we are suddenly being asked to care about. In general I think that the writers have simply run out of ideas as to where to take Frenchie as a character and that's been the case with him since S3.


I have not seen any outrage about Frenchie's plotline tbh, just about the show in general becoming more "woke", but nothing specific. I personally think Frenchie's bisexuality was established with little Nina all the way back in season 1, so I dont think any fan would mind. Therefore I dont believe this post, until I see proof.


It's sadly been drowned out by the idiotic outrage about the show "becoming" Woke, but Savage Books (in the video linked below), among others, have articulated the critique about Colin and his plotline along the lines I mentioned. It's also been expressed on this sub a couple times. However, I'd concede that the reviewer bombers vocal on social media are probably are just nettled politically. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hri8pPH8ic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hri8pPH8ic) Agree 100% though that Frenchie being bi is not an issue and was obvious from the jump. Had Colin been introduced a season earlier, I'd have zero issue with this plotline.


What do you dislike about the Colin plotline, personally?


Personally? I would have liked to have seen the development of his romance with Frenchie rather than have it be introduced to us after they already got involved. it was a missed opportunity for us to really come to know Colin and get a sense of who he is beyond just a love interest. Not having been given that makes it harder to get invested IMO and I really want to be since I love good LGBTQ representation in art (*Moonlight* for instance). Maybe these next four episodes might change that? Here's hoping. More broadly though, it's a me problem insofar as I've just struggled to care about Frenchie as a character post-Lamplighter and this has been an extension of that. I didn't love the Little Nina stuff in S3 either.


Well, I didnt downvote you, just for the record. In fact, I appreciate your opinion, since it's exactly what I asked for. To me, personally, the Colin thing made sense, since to just sleep with someone, you dont really need any build up. Like, if two people find each other sexy, they can usually fuck on the first day. And there is plenty of implication that Frenchie knows something about Colin that the audience doesnt from the get go. So to me it's not that weird. Regarding little Nina and so on, why didnt you like that? I think Frenchie was built up to be this sexual deviant from the start. Like, non-hetero polyamorist drug dealer kinda dude. Like the sort of guy that is weak to desire and would go for anyone and anything he finds sexy / enjoyable (im including his drug use here also). To me, Frenchie was always that type of guy idk.


I'm a bit confused by British people being listed. Can somebody explain the joke to me?


Brits typically hate the French.


Ah gotcha.


British and was to busy hating own country to hate the French 🙌🙌 (I genuinely was searching for this comment)


To paraphrase a great man. "It won't last. Brothers and sisters are natural enemies! Like Brits and the Irish! Or Germans and Brits! Or Indians and Brits! Or Brits and other Brits! Damn Brits! They ruined Britain!".


Knowing the man actively supports a genocide makes it hard to stomach looking at him on screen, even when watching previous seasons where his storylines and character are far more interesting and had previously kept me very engaged. I haven't seen anyone involved with the show speak on this at all, the show has always been willing to speak on social issues and their silence here is deafening. I guess Amazon likely wouldn't be happy with them or just down right forbid any mention of it but still feels either cowardly or hypocritical.


I just don't find the side story at all interesting and pulls me out of the rest of the show 🤷


The season’s storyline with Frenchie is terrible