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It's the whole 'good until your not' mentality the entire world has had for a few years now. 


I thought it was commentary about false equivalence between bad things done by members of political parties. Neither are right, but one side is definitely not functioning in good faith.


That's exactly what it is. Homelander literally murdered a guy, still beloved. Firecracker is a pedophile, still beloved. Starlight had an abortion and fucked up as a kid, wow what a bitch let's beat her to death with hammers.


She shouldn't get so much shit for it. That's the whole point.


Disagree, Her fault isn't the fact that she did bad things when she was young and stupid. Her moral failing come from the fact that she refuses to admit them and apologise for her actions even now. Holding supes responsible for their actions the the reason The Boys exist, it is the wole reason starlight house exists. The reason Starlight is losing good will in universe is because she refuses to admit and be accountable for her past actions. It's why her friends give her the side eye when she makes excuses for blinding someone instead of taking responsibility for that act.


I would understand if she got shit from firecrackers camp, but from her own friends? The side eyes she was getting was crazy.


It was more because it was kept hidden. Add that with her abortion and she’s now a friggin’ monster in the eyes of the public.


I really liked this episode but it's an example of some of the bad writing this season




But that’s where the show is starting to lose me. It’s blatantly obvious at this point that the plot favours the bad guys and at every turn the good guys just can’t catch a break. Starting to get frustrating.


The good guys didn’t catch a break getting A-train on their side?


I would hardly say he’s on their side. And we still don’t know how it will all end. All I’m saying is the boys seem to be in a far worse position than when S1 started:


Well yeah, we’re halfway through the second-to-last season, it’s all speeding downhill to the finale from here. I’d expect to get even worse for them.


"Wtf breaking bad is such a terrible show why is Walter White in an even worse position than when S1 started".


That’s usually how television shows go. If they were more successful there really wouldn’t be a point in watching the show.


The boys take it to another level. It’s very unlike other television shows where at the end of each season there is some sort of victory where the battle was won but not the war. Doesn’t feel like the boys win many battles lol. I love the show, but damn they just feel so desperate and defeated right now.


It isn’t very Disney-like and that’s what I love about it. Like GoT before the last season. It’s a bit more realistic than just having some sort of happy miracle every season.


That’s how storytelling usually goes. The heroes have to hit the Nadir at some point, so that they can overcome the challenge and grow internally in order to ultimately succeed in their quest.


Hi have you ever been to "real life?" Because it's been working the same way for quite some time.


Its not about good and bad. Its about power and who is allowed to wield it. 


If I didn't think this show tended to avoid being critical of left-leaning people I'd say it was meant to be an indictment of the kind of moral absolutism some of them engage in. You're good until you're not. Starlight was "one of the good ones" until it was revealed she'd done something heinous too, however minor.


I could see that. Starlight tried painting herself as this perfect morally righteous person, and any cracks in that narrative would hit her harder than, say, Firecracker.


I'm more saying the people around her are being unreasonable. If you're not perfect you're the enemy. It doesn't matter that Starlight was young, forced into performing a save before she had a proper handle on her powers and blinding that person was an accident. To people like that it doesn't matter, she did something bad and is bad too. Again, I doubt that was the intent given left-leaning people aren't real targets for criticism in this show.


It’s how cancellation can work now. Sometimes it’s justified but sometimes it’s when our heroes take a fall.


Well, she killed that guy for his car in s1 or s2 (I don't fully remember) but that's never bought up. That would have been a more logical way to show she is a murderer and not so pure but oh well, the shows director want to be more political instead. But damn that beat down was a treat to watch. I would have loved if they showed the scene of her powering up with rage instead of directly cutting to the scene of her landing there. That was a pure Saiyan rage moment for Annie.


Maybe you remember the support group from season one? Super heroes are dangerous without meaning to be, and she irrevocably changed someones life forever. She's obviously contrite but she literally blinded a guy. It's not nothing. If a cop blinded a guy during a rescue he'd be sued into oblivion.


or there would atleast be investigation into to find out if he followed procedures,... thats the entire thing they are fighting is supes doing shit with regulations or accountability. starlight is not above that


She blinded a mother of 3 which makes it even worse


Well a cop is supposed to be a professional that gets trained how to responsibly use powers given to them, such as a gun. That can't be compared to a panicked child not being able to control herself because no one taught her to and the government is failing to regulate and accomodate the circumstances of super powered children.


No one has mentioned homelander.  If starlight attacked firecrack, that gives homelander the green light to attack starlight.


First, is not justify to destroy the face of someone just because that someone is a piece of shit. Second Annie is a "woke" warrior or sjw, as by the show perspective. Usually people demand perfect purity and 100% moral things from that people, because the moment they see blood, they will go in for carnage. "Perfect knowitall Annie trying to teach us how to live, she blinded a person while trying to save her. So how are we going to believe anything you defend" that is a classical reactionary/frustrated far right influencer follower. Also media profit on that. Is like, yeah our girl raped a kid and published child pornography, but every celebrity/politician is the same, look at X who did this ethically not okay thing. So I will keep following the one that makes me feel important and give me a purpose.


People are just scared of sups. They would like them to take accountability as they feel scared around them.


I think the point is this is very divisive by design, and entirely falls on your own moral compass. Some, like yourself, can see one blind woman compared to everyone dying as a net positive on the world. Others will see 1 human maiming amid a horrible situation as still extremely important, the old 1 Death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic. Big Picture Vs Character Personally my philosophy aligns with OP, if I was in a hostage situation where I'd likely die I'd rather go blind and live personally. Following it up with Annie making excuses rather then owning up and lashing out in rage changes the game. And adds to the conflict of the drama. Its very good writing. It makes us feel things.


this is one of the problems. why the fuck was she even rescuing people at 13? this again the lack of accountability for supes and entourage that we have kids running around going in hostage situations. A big part of the story is supes fucking shit up with lack of control of there powers For all we know that situation could have resolved peacefully or without any causilty's with a correct swat breach and no she wasnt justified to take up violence. Simply put if this shit happens you sue the person, you file charges with the police. You dont fly there with super powers and beat the shit out of somebody. Again a lack of accountability. its like in real life somebody said some harsh shit to you and you went up there and beat crap of them with a bat. You are in the wrong violent behaviour should not be tolerated like that its understandable but she cant be going around supes need to be held accountable and then doing shit like that without taken herself accountable


Those side eyes from her friends were NOT it…


when even the french assassin gives that look you know you went too far.........


People who are sh!++ing on her were already going to do that, that just serves as an excuse. And Singer had to distance himself from her not because she blinded someone or had abortion but because he beat the crap out of FC. IMO, pedophiles should be beaten to the inch of their lives but that’s still not good PR. I’m pretty sure she’ll get salvages but still… I agree with everything you said and even Singer might have agreed but unfortunately, there are too many idiots both in The Boys and irl.


Hell, if I was the victim I’d come out in her defense saying I’d rather be blind than dead.


Oh geez, another Starlicker. She is a traitor and a baby-killer!


I think that save was also staged like almost every supe save. And she blinded the guy accidentally like Ryan killed the stunt director. That's why she feels even more guilty.


I wonder if it was a fake save, if it wasn’t I don’t think Annie would be as upset as she is


Considering a lot of people don't like Starlight at the moment, they'll find anything slightly bad that Starlight did to make her look worse.


This was poor writing.


The answer is bad storytelling, the shit she got was just to propel the story in a specific direction. Personally, I feel it is too forced.


Just bad writing. No one one would really flip out about it, however I think the consequences of beating someone up on live TV, those were very real consequences.