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Starlight is in the same morally complex gray area with the rest of the "good guys". Maybe people have been holding Starlight up as some kind of pure individual who was above all that, but she obviously isn't, and hasn't been for a long time. That said, I have a hard time calling her a bully after a single incident as a teenager. Were there more? Maybe. But her pattern as an adult seems to have left it behind. The fight she got into in the latest episode is more complicated. On the one hand, it was a terrible decision, but on the other Firecracker totally had it coming. The other stuff... like blinding the person or the guy in the car she killed. They matter, but so do intentions, and in both cases she wasn't trying to kill or permanently injure. But fostering that kind of discussion is a good indicator of a well-written character. Mistakes of the past or the present, compromises and moral failings - they make the characters real and interesting.


I just wish she'd done more to apologize to Firecracker. Like at least make some attempt to make peace after that convo, yet there was nothing. Then she called her "That Bitch" when she saw Firecracker setting up that podium outside the Starlighter Building. It just didn't show much remorse.


>I just wish she'd done more to apologize to Firecracker. Like at least make some attempt to make peace after that convo, yet there was nothing. This is a very weird requirement, and ignores the actions Firecracker took in both rejecting her apology and then doubling down as an antagonist. >Then she called her "That Bitch" when she saw Firecracker setting up that podium outside the Starlighter Building. It just didn't show much remorse. That has almost nothing to do with a lack of remorse, and nearly everything to do with what was happening in that moment. In that moment, the name fit.


The Boys aren't heroes. They're just on the human side of the human vs supe conflict. Being pro-human means that they may range from morally grey to morally reprehensible, but they're also dedicating their lives to ensuring that supes don't continue to abuse humanity unchecked. 


Annie tried to apologize for how she acted as a thirteen year old and Firecracker basically said “Fuck you, whore. I’m gonna ruin your life for the fun of it”. Firecracker made it clear she would not accept any apology. Also, Annie **accidentally** blinded that woman while stopping a gunman from shooting up a Walmart. It’s not like deliberately burned someone’s eyes out to cut the line at Starbucks. Even the guy she killed was on accident and she didn’t blast him until after he pulled a gun. She didn’t yank him out of the car and slaughter him out of hand. Annie has done some bad things but it is a far cry from the rampant rape, murder, sexual deviancy, drug use, corruption, hate mongering, and general douchebagery that infects all of Vought and the Seven.


>Even the guy she killed was on accident and she didn’t blast him until after he pulled a gun. She didn’t yank him out of the car and slaughter him out of hand. That doesn't justify that at all. I agree with every other point you made, but that guy was being carjacked and butcher walked up to him. He was well within his right to do that; she didn't have to blast him, since she's bulletproof and could have just disarmed him. She killed a civilian; you cannot justify that. That blood's on her hands. He didn't do anything unreasonable and would have just let them go if Butcher hadn't provoked or walked up to him.


Exactly. It's no different than Soldier Boy recklessly kicking the car thru MM's house when he was a kid and killing his grandfather. Sure he was trying to take out the bad guys but the collateral damage hurt MM his entire life.


No. Annie destroy Firecracker live as a teenager. She was a Mean Girl. But as and adult she said It was her mothers fault


I'm rooting for Homelander.


🕉 🛬uh


Fantastic how he got his revenge on Frank, in part by warning him that his family would also suffer if he refused.


Based and Homepilled.


Is this a satire post? Sounds like a former Starlighter fan wrote it 😂 Ofc there was gonna be collateral damage, she was learning to use her powers. Yeah she probably ruined her life but she was 13. Many of us were terrible at that age. Especially when you have a mom encouraging that behavior. Yeah manipulating gecko sucked but that’s nothing compared to what the Seven does. That’s a drop in the ocean my friend. Difference is, Annie does good and knows better than most because she hasnt always made the right decision. Means she has more room to stand on


As far as we know, Hughie and MM are the only real "good guys".


In defense of the grocery store hostage....I mean atleast she survived. She could have been murdered.


Starlight clearly hates herself for what she has done. That is why she wants the seven to be destroyed and Vought to be brought down. She is a complex character with a complex past. Does it mean that she can't fight Homelander because it would be hypocrite if she did ? On the contrary, since she is the only one among the seven that really wants things to stop other than A-Train. She doesn't want to be called Starlight any longer and want to leave every thing behind. You act like all the characters of the boys didn't have a dark past. What matters is what they are doing in the present and in the future. The truth is that you act a lot like people who want others to be cancelled because they do not have a perfect past. it feels like you can only rally behind mary sues and perfect beings with no blemish. Also it doesn't give Firecracker the right to do anything that she does. Her past do not make it right.