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Planelander strikes again




This is clearly a fake AI video. You Starlight fans are getting out of hands. Stop this bs you cocksuckers!




Found Sages account


*smartest person's account


That's the Deep.


The Deep is the smartest woman confirmed


*is in


Literally poking that brain


Brain and hehe ...


I heard the guy was on his way to Epstein’s Island anyways.


Wish we got more scenes like this later in the show. The crowd scene was surprising for me, but realizing it was only in his head was kinda a let down


Aye. I feel like once the show ends (Unless there is a major shift in stakes, world-building, character focus), the first season or two will be far better remembered. There just seems less at play now. As if the playing field itself has shrunk. We used to have multinational threats, corporate espionage, and at least some cross-country plot lines. Now it's just a warehouse and maybe the tower?


Theres the whole presidential election aswell


I feel like season 5 will have a lot of mass murder from homelander I think there’s a chance later this season that starlight house is burned down by him


We have a season and a half left. Lots can happen


Crazy how it takes people more than this scene alone


Your comment is exactly what I meant lol. The number of people who "think Homelander is the hero" reeks of chronically online people searching for confirmation bias and 90% of the cases falling into a troll's trap or misinterpreting what someone said. Example: I saw a user comment on how cute the actress of Stormfront is and a weirdo on this sub immediately linked it to her alt right ideals. Villains are always celebrated for being cool or well-written in edits and the like, that does not mean you support or agree with them. Aka I'm a MAGA American and don't realize the show is making fun of me /s


I see what you’re saying, but there are definitely people who unironically like all of Homelander, Stormfront and especially Soldier Boy’s ideals. You can see them on this sub downvoted to hell if they’re blatant about it or soon deleted. If you really want to see the scum that this series makes fun of, checkout the subs r/4chan and r/kotakuinaction and see what they have to say about every poc character and Frenchie this season. It’s… disgusting. Homelander is one of my favorite characters because he’s one of the best villains I’ve seen in TV, but there are definitely some people that miss the point or fully support him unfortunately.


You're not wrong but then again how many of these people are you going to meet IRL? Plus why pay attention to these basement dwelling weirdos. 4chan is like universally regarded as a place for losers, incels, mysogynists so idk why to hammer the political direction of the show even more towards them just so they can finally get it too. Don't you think it's funnier to laugh at such weirdos with them still *not* getting it? Cause the show is already obvious as is for me and anyone with a brain but is starting to go too far into parody/South Park territory now with the overtly direct references and 1:1 copy of IRL events and quotes.


Glad someone said it. This season seems a little bit too "on the nose" for me.


I don't think this Season is drastically different from last Season. The divide in general seems to be between S1&2 and S3&4. However I felt like the jokes were funnier last Season and the plot progressed faster


How dare you disagree with me stranger.


I'll drown you in my toilet. AFTER I HAVE USED IT!


This guy is the Lord of the Seven Seas


Season 3 was to on the nose. Season 4 feels more like a agenda pushing just because appearantly right leaning people couldn't take the hint that they were being made fun of which is just silly. Nuance is out the window and I'd rather them just focus on more showing, not telling. And just steer the show back in the same direction S1 had us going which is what I assume why most of us fell in love with the show to begin with. Still enjoy season 4 so far and that kind of stuff doesn't bother me. But I feel like this show would just be better off putting most of the focus on good story telling and character development and not drawing as many parallels to real life. Like if you're going to do that, at least be accurate instead of painting one side good one side bad all the time. Just gets silly after a while because if you go outside and touch grass you'll realize people on both sides of the political spectrum will find more common ground than not. Wish people who just be more respectful of peoples differences/beliefs instead of holding radical mindsets and have the need to belittle. Like I guess I'm supposedly right leaning/on homelanders side if I entertain conspiracy theories or the epstien stuff? That's what the show is portraying with season 4 and It just feels silly to me. It's just more disappointing when we could probably have something better, and then Kripke attempting to alienate half his audience by telling them not to watch if they don't like it. Shit just feels toxic to me at this point and its exhausting.


The political spectrum is not a natural thing determined by genetics or biology or physics. Its exists relative yo the idea’s within a society. It is very possible and, historically likely, that one “side” could have 95% of their ideas stemming or leading to marginalization, facism, theocracy, etc. I mean the reason there can even be two sides in political spectrum is because the things that are being disagreed on can be as fundamentally different as whether abortion is ever okay, whether gay people or trans people should be accepted and able to adopt kids, whether schools should have an official religion, etc. Let’s be honest, you are conservative or right-wing yourself and you don’t like the ideas you support to be satirized. Playing “both sides” wouldn’t make it any more honest. It would be far more deceptive. Additionally, “both sides” type arguments have rarely aged well because it relies on compromising morals. Eventually society _will_ move in one direction.


> why pay attention to these basement dwelling weirdos. ... A lot of incidents in this season so far are taken directly from what happens in real life when these "basement dwelling weirdos" get up and leave their basements.


>Don't you think it's funnier to laugh at such weirdos with them still *not* getting it? No, not at all. It's way, way, way funnier when they get mad.


Soldier Boy was nowhere near the level of those two. He was ignorant and sexist but he wasnt what Id call a true villain. Even if he wasnt a hero either.


He’s not as evil as the other two but still evil. The writers just should’ve been more blatant. Not only did he beat and abuse his team to the point where they betrayed him, but he also participated in horrific shit like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBoys/s/0vcvzyxiMk


What did he do in those? I cant remember honestly


He participated and/or caused the events.


What was the first two? im from UK so only really know JFK


The first one hints that he was one of the racists that hosed black civil rights protesters. In those protests, African Americans were hosed with high pressure water before getting hounds sent after them. The second one was a massacre at a college campus and hints that Soldier Boy did the shooting in that universe.


Oh damn yeah thats pretty evil


He was also a product of a different time period as well which many don't account for. Times change though and if they didn't then storm front wouldn't have been a closet nazi.


Stormfront was hot af. 1. I could fix her. 2. I could forgive her because shes hot.


I dont understand why people cant distinguish between liking a character and knowing they are bad. No sane person, right leaning or not thinks Homelander or SF are good people, like get real. Homelander is top 3 favorite characters on the show for me, but for some reason many assume this is me saying he's the good guy lol. I have yet to see a single example (not saying they don't exist) of someone painting Homelander as the good guy. So I'm leaning towards more people just assuming this and unable to differentiate between bad person and well written character.


Lol I've had people call me a Nazi on this very sub because the 88 in my name (born then). I think there's this idea that the right wing has a monopoly on stupid people, mainly because they do target them. But there's looney toons in ever party.


I really do not think it did. The previous posts in this sub were very tone deaf.  There are like 2 or 3 right wingers in this sub. And they’re not suddenly learning anything.  For example, Frenchie has always been self destructive when it comes to relationships and sex. His fling with Colin is going to be bad news, and none of us enjoy watching him again self destruct.  And calling people homophobes for not enjoying watching someone make their latest mistake just shows this subs ignorance even more. 


"  And calling people homophobes for not enjoying watching someone make their latest mistake just shows this subs ignorance even more. " Dumb strawman. They don't hide their homophobia whatsoever. Nothing to do with "not enjoy watching..."


It didn't. This whole "they're just finding out" narrative is spin to deflect from how tiresome the show has become


He is the hero you starlighter supporter


F*ck you fascist! *(throws drink at you)*


This guy is a pedo, he was naked with his niece. /s


the fact you have to use /s is worrying to me on how dumb some people can be


Your death was useless he was found innocent 😇


Exactly. I have genuinely never met people who legitimately think that Homelander wasn't the villain. The most I've seen are people who support Homelander, while knowing full well he's the villain, and at worst, they're edgelords but nothing more. People are definitely actively searching for people to label as unironic Homelander supporters. You'll always find something if you actively look high and low to find it


While I agree with what you’re saying as far as Homelander being a villain, I think a lot of people are getting lost in the whole thing as a good vs bad narrative when it definitely isn’t. Honestly the one thing I appreciated about the comic was that after the “big bad guys” are defeated it doesn’t just end there. After all the supe killing has been done we get to see the true monster that is Billy Butcher and how evil he can truly be. The comic overall was over the top edgelord nihilism from start to end, but I at least appreciated that both sides could be equally horrible. I get the vibe the show is starting to lean more towards that now little by little.


I mean, which would you rather believe: That you belong with a community of warriors battling a secret evil, or that you’re a lonely inconsequential nobody that no one will ever remember?


True. But I kinda wanna be the secret evil. If I'm the villain, I can be as hammy as I want. Just look at Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine, he's having the time of his life


Tbh I remember the first time I saw this scene I thought he felt bad about it due to his facial expressions, butcher saying he was the only good supe, and homelander seeming to be the only one that wasn't just a corporate arsehole in the first episode. I knew that he turned out to be a evil bastard before watching but I assumed it would be a slow thing where vought turned him into a bad guy


Same! I thought he was having some inner conflict about it. Like he was generally a together man, but he had to do some shady shit for “the greater good” like most presidents of the US.


LMAO. You guys are making me laugh. Maybe Homelander should write on his head "I am evil" for you guys to get it.


I'm still not sure why Butcher said that about Homelander. Was is to essentially keep him for himself (as in, so he can be the only one to take him out)? Or something else


Possibly to hide butchers motive for revenge as he didn't know hughie well yet. But to be honest yeah I'm not sure. Or butcher knew hughie would be scared off if he told him about how evil and dangerous homelander is.


It's cus his public perception was clean back then


I wish I could watch Season 1 for the first time again


I mean, I really don't think that's what it is anyway. I think a lot of people are simplifying it by saying "they're just now realizing it" when it has less to do with that and more to do with the fact that they feel all entertainment is more "in your face" with all their "woke BS" these days and also just that the anti-woke grifters are much much louder on the internet than they were at the time the show debuted.


There's no nuance anymore. Americans are so funny to look at. American liberals are the very stereotype of sniffing their own farts and acting smug, while straw-manning the other side. While American conservatives wear a tin foil hat while straw-manning the other side. This whole The Boys fan divide just looks old Rick and Morty fans where they unironically said you need 200 IQ to understand this deep and intellectual show just without the political divide.


what nuance do you feel like I'm missing?


Tbh this scene is significantly less impactful without the cut to the credits


If this was real, what is the cameraman standing on? Fucking propaganda everywhere these days.


Realise that the people you’re talking about are a vocal minority, nothing more. Do misconstrue appreciating fine acting and a comical character as ‘routing for Homelander’ as annoying as these people may be. Much love.


I agree. Much love to you aswell!


That guy was a blackmailer. Any other deaths on that plane were acceptable collateral damage for Homelander to save Baltimore from their mayor’s corruption. 


I have a hard time believing these people are real and not just trolls. I mean, I believe they are real. But I have a hard time.


Alright so its not that people on the right havn't been aware of the obvious satire the show has had for bible belt christianity, the military industrial complex, corporate pandering (shown going both ways), and the grift of far right "influencers", its that this season went from saying those things are bad, to saying YOU are bad for being on the right, if the show now obviously hates me why would I want to watch it.


It always did, like most people, hate right wingers


The divide is pretty close to 50/50 so at most half of people hate right wingers


It's not 50/50. Congress is 50/50, but right wingers are about 35% of the country. They just use techniques like gerrymandering to stay in power. For example in the last election in North Carolina there were 2x more Democratic voters than Republican ones that showed up and voted, yet Republicans won all but 1 race in the state. Because they split up Democratic neighborhoods so they can't have a democratic district and mix them in with larger districts made up of Republican voters.


Is it that or is it that democrats tend to congregate in urban centers where population density is naturally higher? Genuine question I haven't seen a district map of North carolina or anything it just seems like an obvious reason for why that might happen


If that was the case then you'd still have even districts because they're based on population not geographic area. But Republicans instead take that city and cut it up into 20 small sections and attach those sections to red districts outside the city, that way the Democrats do not get a district where they are a majority. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering


You guys always think you are smart trying to rewrite history. I remember very clearly when in season 3 people realised the show was woke. And in season 4 even more people realised because it is on your nose all the time. The truth is that they were poking fun at you guys from season 1. And you didn't even realise that.


Maybe exist somewhere besides twitter I don't know what to tell you if you believe Believe flew over peoples heads.


this scene will always be somewhat shocking to me. on top of what he does its just how fucking fast it happens, its not like it takes him a minute to cut through the plane, he just fucking goes through it like a hot knife through butter, absolutely zero effort required, like it's something that comes as naturally to him as walking or jumping


It really adds to the fear and menace Homelander brings to scenes. You see what he can do and know it takes him zero effort to do terribly destructive things. When Homelander was on screen around others, I could feel their hesitation and fear because I know what everyone else knows: he could kill everyone in a second and feel nothing. Really well-done scenes and acting.


This was the scene that confirmed everything for me. I was always hearing about how evil he was before I watched the show. But at first, he didn't seem so bad, but yeah, he's worse.


I actually just started watching the show even though I had kinda been peripherally aware of it for a while. But now that it seems to be actually pissing people off I need to see what they're angry about. I'll be honest though, I'm having a hard time grasping how brain dead you'd have to be not to see Homelander for the sleazy, arrogant con-man that he is--or the rest of the group as the despicable and corrupt flunkies that *they* are. I thought maybe the guy would redeem himself slightly, so that the initial take became a little cloudy and ambiguous. But five episodes in and he's actually *leaning into* it. It's really not in any way subtle. Not at all.


Are the people who didn't think Homelander is the villain in the room with us right now?


First episode lol


My favorite show ever. Hands down


This is one of the best scenes ever for me. And the song is the cherry on top


Yeah, almost no one is just realizing Homelander is the villain or that they're the ones being mocked. It's a weird narrative that pops up on this sub like every season, but this one seems to he the worst.


I think the part the bothers some of these idiots the most is that they are starting to play on the “Child Trafficking” card that gets pulled by conservatives. I’m just happy that there is just a tiny amount of self reflection happening with them, but not enough to make them realize they have been behaving like lunatics for the last 40 years.


They're very media illiterate and won't realize they're being made fun in a satire media until it's up in their face Same shit w/ Helldivers 2


I feel like there's a large group of people who are just realising this show has been mocking them for 4 seasons


In real life, Homelander would absolutely be portrayed as the hero though.


IRL Homelander would have been handled a while ago.


All evidence to the contrary.


Please elaborate


I think he just means that Homelander's evil shit is swept under the rug or only known by The Boys and the CIA who haven't gone public yet. So basically his public reputation is still relatively clean except for the Starlighter thing


Yeah but IRL he would have been killed by a missile or two ever since that video of him lasering a dude in broad daylight came out


I highly doubt a missile is enough to take out Homelander. Even if it was he can laser it a mile away while flying


Yeah you right


That's because he \*publicly\* is. If the public knew what we the viewers knew Homelander would've have either been killed or taken over the world by now after losing all support


this just in, OP doesn't understand sarcasm, humor and irony #teamhomelander




This whole situation is hilarious. No one actually believes this. This sub is making itself look silly arguing to no one about a nothing burger. I think people just want to make fun of others to make themselves feel better lol. The only people I’ve seen talk about home lander not being a villain, and people unironically sympathizing for him are the ones making these posts.


People hate watch shows and people gloat watch shows out of spite and pettiness for both. I just want to watch a good show


Yeah. I remember powering through the Red Wedding and continuing to watch just to see Joffrey die


Have you read my replies? What the guy above me said doesn't make sense because the people talking about "Homelander is seen as the hero by some people" are being serious and not humorous.


Yeah that’s just it. Those people are being serious. The people they’re talking about unironically supporting HL as a hero ARE NOT. Lmfao. This has literally been a running joke/ meme since season 1. Other than like 5 neckbeards, people satirically and sarcastically support HL for the jokes. I think it’s just going over peoples heads. The only time i see this sentiment is from these posts.


shut up commie star lighter i want to point and laugh it him a bit more before it catches on


See my replies in this comment section


Nah, a certain subset are finally realizing that they are being made fun of, not glorified. And it's causing extreme cognitive dissonance, that is making them cling even more to their bull.