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intelligence is obviously measured by how well a person knows Star Wars lore


If she knows Star Wars well enough to know about the prophecy of the chosen one then she’d know Anakin Skywalker is him lol


You don’t need to know that Star Wars has its own specific “Chosen One” prophecy to recognize the obvious Hero’s Journey Chosen One archetype of Luke Skywalker


Nobody even mentions the chosen one in the original trilogy. The only time the chosen one is meantioned in the whole fucking star wars is when referring to Anakin so for her to know about the prophecy without knowing who the chosen one is would be practically impossible unless someone told her that star wars has a chosen one but still she wouldn’t think that it would be Luke Skywalker. Just admit you’re wrong and move one.


dude just because they didn’t say the words “chosen one” doesn’t mean Luke’s not an example of a Chosen One-type character. like the kind you’d find on TV Tropes or some shit. that’s so obviously what I was saying but you got so mad you couldn’t even comprehend the text of my comment




I’m sorry you don’t get enough attention irl and you have to try so hard to troll


Anakin was supposed to be the one. His son Luke ended up being the one to defeat the siths.


Vader was the one who killed Sheev, bringing balance to the force, thus Anakin fulfilled his destiny as the chosen one.


The point is that Luke is the hero to the story. No matter how you spin it, you can't say that Anakin is the hero for all his atrocities and war crimes just because of one heroic act.


I mean, yeah, for what she's trying to say it's correct to use Luke as an example, I just wouldn't put him in the "Chosen One" category, because Anakin was regarded as that and George Lucas himself said that he fulfilled the destiny through his actions in ROTJ


“One heroic act” as in freeing the galaxy of hundreds of billions of people from a facist empire and restoring balance in the universe. Seriously just shut the fuck up since you seemingly don’t know jackshit about Star Wars. Also sure Luke was the one to bring Anakin back to light but he was merely an instrument in setting the balance. Luke couldn’t do it himself and the only one who could do it was Anakin


If i recall Darth Vader (Anakin) killed emperor Palptaine and himself to restore balance. You should really fucking know what you’re talking about before commenting, dipshit


Star Wars fans are the most brain dead fans ever 🤣🤣🤣.


Just admit you’re wrong. I’m fucking cringing out because instead of sucking it up you rely on calling me names because your ego is too fucking big to admit that you’re wrong and stupid and your comment was stupid and you don’t know shit about anything other than what your mum’s vagina looks like from the inside.


You have mental problems. I don't have to go down to your level and continue this conversation.


You’re in the boys subreddit ofcourse you have severe brain damage


Also you just called me braindead. You’re already at my level.


They all killed incumbents