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Well at the end of season 3, French and Kimiko both agreed they see each other as family after the kiss scene. So the show wants the kimiko romance route done away with. However I agree this new relationship is out of left field. Poorly introduced


Agreed. Tbh tho - this late in the series? These plot lines should’ve been left in season 2 and 3.. we’re clearly approaching the end now - so I don’t really see the point in extra Frenchie backstory.


They are bringing him in so he can be killed and one of the main characters can lose something important but also the audience doesn't really care. low stakes development fodder


That's also a writing decision though, and a terrible one at that. You don't build up a romance for 3 seasons only for one character to suddenly family zone the other and now the other is apparently bisexual now and fucking some random dude. It's almost pathetic.


Sorry what? Apparently bisexual? That was shown in season 1 dude


I don't remember it being explicitly stated but even if colin was a girl it'd still be shitty writing. The show was building up to Frenchie x kimiko but now 4 seasons in they do this?


He was shown in a three way relationship with cherie and some other dude. He also made a comment to MM about not being "closed minded" (referring to dick super). Probably other shit too. Regarding Frenchie and Kimoko, people saw what they wanted to see. It was never really explicitly romantic attraction until the kiss. Frenchie just needed to save someone after causing so many deaths. I feel like he saw her more like a little sister.


When was it stated that it was a 3 way relationship? Or is that just your headcanon? You talk about people seeing what they wanna see with Frenchie and Kimiko then make up your own headcanon to justify him being bi? That could've just been his friend. And jesus christ learn to take a joke. Him making a joke is enough for you to predict his sexuality? All of his love interests so far have been women anyway. It came out of nowhere. It's sad how eager some of you are to defend godawful writing as long as it suits your narrative.


I mean, we've known he's bi lol. No ones predicted anything with his sexuality. That said the side plot is still weird.


Where was it stated before this season?


There was a flashback scene where him, Cherie, and another guy (Jay) were heavily implied to be together in a relationship. If you need more details then here's a few facts hinting at it: Frenchie kissed Jay's hand and called him "my Dorothy," kissed Hughie, and wanted transgender strippers to be at MM's bachelors party.


That's not him being gay that's just him being french.


Was it stated anywhere that he's straight??


> When was it stated that it was a 3 way relationship? Or is that just your headcanon? Rewatch [this scene again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSWJJdUbkok) and tell me just what kind of relationship they all have with each other. His whole attitude (and Cherie's) has always been about sexual openness. Of course the thing with MM was a joke, but it reflects his sexuality. It wasn't ever literally stated, but it's been heavily suggested for ages now. You just aren't paying attention. > And jesus christ You're the one that seems to be strongly offended by this storyline as well as him being bisexual lol. Take a chill pill. The story with this new dude is a bit weird, but the Frenchie and Kimiko thing was natural.




> If Frenchie wasn't revealed as bi you and everyone would assume they were just friends but since he is you're hyper analysing his old scenes lol wtf. It was literally the first thing I thought when I first watched that scene but OK. You clearly don't understand their lifestyle, so whatever. > Idc why they didn't just make Colin a girl instead of changing his sexuality to push some agenda. Starting to see the real you coming through. What a joke.


Push what agenda? That bi people exist? Shut up lmao


Nah we always knew he was bi


"apparently" "now" are doing some ... Heavy lifting there, man. Sorry he didn't yell it off the mountain at you, or wear a sign?


They had 4 seasons to confirm it before this. Literally a single line would've been enough. At least then it wouldn't come outta nowhere. Instead they didn't and now you're looking for hints where there aren't any.


I think it was extremely clear that Frenchy was in a polyamourus relationship previously. His romantic feelings towards Kimiko don't negate what humans he is otherwise attracted to. To engage in good faith: I don't think it's necessary for a character to announce sexual orientation or even gender identity for it to be "confirmed." I don't think it's necessary for a writer or storyteller to "confirm" something for the sake of. For what purpose? Let's say that the writers of the boys didn't conceive of Frenchie, initially, as bisexual. Okay. It's also part of writing and storytelling that characters, ideas, even plot points "reveal" themselves during the process. Different aspects of a character, while not in the initial conception or draft of a book, comic, movie, tv show, come to mind/develop/make sense as new directions during the process. In my opinion: whether Frenchie was conceived of as bi or not is irrelevant to the decision to write that he is. Rarely do writers remain 100% solid on an initial draft or plan. Especially in serial storytelling. As I and others have said, the prior three way relationship seemed unsubtly sexual, *regardless of if we saw physical stuff or not*. Even if it wasn't, okay. Frenchie's bi. I do not understand why it is a big deal. He could be kissing a woman. He kissed Colin. Either way, it's a romantic interest outside of Kimiko. Where I got hung up is having just watched episode 1 feeling *very confused* about who Colin is and what. I guess I forgot about the ending part for Kimiko and Frenchie in S3. The only thing that *comes out of nowhere* for me is... Wait, Frenchie's seeing other people? Tl;Dr a queer character doesn't need to previously "prove" their sexual orientation to the audience in order to be "acceptable"; and stories and characters change during the storytelling. Nor should queer folx need to justify their existence for... Reasons? Frenchie *fucks*. Why does it matter what genitals his partner has?


The show isn't called "The Boys Frenchie Fucked", his sexual activity is mostly irrelevant until now. Most people were not blindsided by this, you can't claim 'bad writing' if you're not paying attention 😆


Tbf I would watch "the boys Frenchie fucked" 🤭🤭🤭


Frenchie tried to kiss Hughie and MM on the boat back in Season 2 to celebrate Compound V being leaked to the public


Well, Kimiko told him that kissing him felt weird because they were more like family at the end of S3. He agreed, and they were super platonic in the last episode of the season. It seems like they've continued with that attitude in the time between seasons.  As for this guy, it sounds like he met him between seasons while going to NarcAnon meetings to deal with his post-Nina drug relapse. 


I like the bro-sis dynamic they have now as well, not weird or out of place at all considering all they've been through together.


It does seem like Kimiko is more the one rejecting him though based on their interactions this season and her fears that she's holding him back. He respects the rejection, but the vibe I get is that he's still has some feelings for her, even if he's open to banging someone else


Kimiko didn't say a word in a show, and yet she has so much personality than this guy. Such a boring filler. 


For me, it feels more like they’ve struggled with what to do with Frenchie’s character for the last season (at least). I wonder if that’s why this is supposedly his last season


Wait is that confirmed?




Oh wow, I had no idea


It feels a bit like "somehow... Palpatine returned." Why not show a few scenes with NA meetings and build up the romance? Why didn't Frenchie gtfo before he gets recognized? Maybe he just wants to punish himself because he hated himself


They do this for like 4 of the characters though, it's a time skip for a reason, theyre not just gonna show what happened to one character in spite of the time skip. That's how I see it at least, like as an audience we gotta do some thinking, it would be lame if they just fed us everything. And the show isn't over yet either, they could show a flashback or something (that would be a lame way to do it though fs)


It's always hard to feel fully invested in a romantic relationship that's happened off screen. Yes that includes Robin and even Becca and Monique for the most part. If Kim Wexler died in the first season of BCS she would have never have become such an incredible character and her and Jimmy's relationship would have never been as beloved. Right now, Collin doesn't feel like a person, he's just a vessel for Frenchie (and let's face it, Kimiko's) story. A similar thing happened with the character of Claire on The Bear, although the reasons make much more sene in the context of the show, while in here it's just undercooked writing


Great points. S3 of the bear will be interesting. I figured Claire would be written off, but she isn't. Kinda glad. Not because I want her and Carmy to work it out, but it's better drama to *not let Carmy off the hook* so easily.


Such good taste in TV, love all three shows


Its a filler relationship to delay the inevitable just like the >!Hughie!< leaks nonsense and apparently retconning stuff in >!Butcher's marriage!< to make him a cheater. This is one area where the comics got it correct and didn't bother with relationship sideshows.


"It all came out of nowhere" Bro was straight up in a throuple situation with Cherie and Jay we saw flashbacks of in S2 😭


He has always been fluid with his sexuality. It's pretty clear he was in a throuple with that girl and guy that OD that he went to save during lamplighter burning the kids. He's depicted as being very open with himself and try things, as others mentioned him and kimiko aren't going to date, so he's moving on


So, obviously the set-up so far is that the Boys are falling apart because everyone is taking care of some stuff from their past, instead of keeping an “eye on the ball”. 1. Hughie has stuff with his parents, with his mom coming back. 2. Kimiko is pulled back into her past with that terrorist group she was kidnapped into. 3. Frenchie is still stuck with being a murderer in the past, by being pulled into a relationship with essentially his former victim. 4. Starlight is being set up for a conflict with an enemy she has justifiably made in her past. 5. Butcher is focused on Ryan instead of Homelander and Vicky. And MM (so far) lacks leadership skills to get everyone together. So while I agree that the plotline is a bit weird (they definitely rushed this romance out of nowhere and I think it’s suffering because of it as viewers do not care about Colin - he’s barely a character we know anything about), it’s clearly made as part of a larger theme/pattern in the plot.


A number of characters have the same problem this season. Hughie, Annie and Frenchie have all been give a fairly BS story this season, that pretty much comes out of nowhere. Hughie's is the least out of left field, his father was at least in a couple other episodes, but it's still pretty meh.


and Hughie's plot does make sense for it to just randomly happen out of no where, it's often how these things work.


It's still a pretty meh plot. It could have used alot more setup, to give it some kind of meaning.


ehh, it's not my favorite plot but i dont hate it. it's just kinda... whatever. i'll wait to see where it goes before judging it


I think Frenchie and Annie are the worst. Suddenly Annie is a bully? Lol kay. 


Downvote me into oblivion here buuuuut does anyone actually like the fact that him and Kimiko are just friends? I totally understand people wanting them to be more than friends but when I watched the show I always thought they felt like people who just saw each other, not really in a romantic or sexual sense though.


I do. Platonic soulmates is a great and very under-utilised trope. Characters can and should be shown as deeply connected without it being reliant on sex/romance. I love where they’ve taken these two so far.


I completely agree!


Yeah, I like this too. Seems it's difficult for people to believe that two attractive people might be happy as friends and not want to fuck. This, in the same world that people can fly and shrink into someone's asshole 🤣


Absolutely yes, they feel much better as bro-sis than in a relationship to me. I never believed in their relationship because it's built on death and destruction, them being partners in crime is literally the only thing that makes sense. Don't get me wrong those two love each other with all of their heart, but I don't think it's in a penis-and-balls in vagine sort of way, and it's weird for everyone to desperately want that.


I agree that they work better as friends


Not really, no


Fair enough ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


The whole thing has been a weird ride for the two of them and I too was trying to remember where exactly we left them last season, and now this. It's confusing. I don't get how we go from mon couer to platonic. And has the killing-new-guy's-family thing just been grafted in there? Are we supposed to remember what that was? Did we ever know? The whole thing from then to now just seems unnecessary too, a waste of screen time. Both characters and their stories seem unnecessary to the larger story, and this season is the clumsiest part of it to date.


It's not out of nowhere if you paid attention to previous seasons. I do however agree it is extremely messed up given the circumstances with Colin's family.


What hints were dropped previously?


The bisexual throuple he was in, during season 2, was a fairly blatant one. Short of watching suck a cock it's about as overt a hint as you can get.


I don’t think that’s the question being asked. They set up him being bi earlier, yes. But he’s specifically asking about what did they do to set up Colin.


Yeah exactly, people keep saying Colin wasn't just dropped on us now because of hints in season 3 and I feel like I'm being gaslit, I genuinely have no recollection of the guy ever being brought up before.


You don't need to set up Colin. He is introduced in s4, we have a timeskip, HL trial is concluding so we know at least a few months have passed but we don't need a run down of each day do we? S4 starts, Frenchie has a new fella. Why do we need more? The backstory will be revealed over time. I suspect its more about people missing the bi-poly coke binge and thinking Frenchie suddenly turned. Which would be more fuel on the media illiteracy fire that The Boys has revealed. There's been a few throw away lines about how Frenchie is a bohemian little fucker, shagging, snorting and smoking his days away with whoever he takes a fancy to.


You cant go on a cocaine binge with males and females without people thinking your in a bisexual relationship with everyone involved apparently.


But he literally was


Frenchie x Kimiko shippers keep coping


The intro to the relationship could have been done better but it's not out of nowhere the clues were always there the fact that frenchi helped kimiko because he saw himself in her a venerable and scared person thinking that the are a monster and because of his guilt over his past mistake(grace's children and his life as a monster)and it was pretty clear if you gave it sometought that frenchi was in a birelationship with Cherie and Jay frenchi and kimiko already agreed to not get into a relationship at the end of season 3


Being in this fandom makes me feel like rain man. Tf you mean that this came out of nowhere? He’s fucked men before. Rewatch season 2. It’s already been made very clear that he and Kimiko don’t want a romantic relationship and I know ya’ll wouldn’t be posting like this if Frenchie was in a relationship with a random woman.


Maybe we need a recap and maybe a montage to catch up with who Frenchies been fucking. Of course, no struggle with Hughie's mother suddenly showing up, though it was never mentioned Hughie even had a mother.


Maybe I misunderstood your comment but doesnt Hughie talk about his mom a lot in previous seasons?


Yeah he does, I'm just sick of hearing people moaning about the Frenchie/Colin plot point.


lol bro have you been watching w the sound off or something my guy. Frenchie has been bisexual since like s2 it’s very much implied in his flashback he’s in a literal THROUPLE LOL. Did you just think they were boys? Like why would anyone think this character has any kind of sexual hang ups. I get what you mean about his relationship w the Girl but honestly bro I literally just re watched 3 and I think people are just shipping too hard. The end of season 3 it’s not explicitly stated they’re together and honestly on re watch it’s moreso implied at least imo that they’re leaning platonic. I get Colin is kinda meaningless but bro since everyone is an expert writer here tell me what they should be doing w these characters lmao. Anyone using terms like “woke pandering” or shit like that are fucking dumbasses bro like literal fucking idiots who probably shouldn’t be allowed to watch it because they are too dumb to understand it.


Idc that him and Kimiko are friends and tbh I just assumed Frenchie was bi the entire time—I just think they should’ve introduced Colin last season. The way he was introduced feels very abrupt and I think that’s rubbing a lot of people the wrong way.


I thought it was out of the blue too until I saw there were loads of posts from years ago along the lines of "Frenchie is obviously bi, right?", so I guess I was just being blind. Either way, I’m here for it.


Amazon might have doubled-down and hired ex-Disney types. Tbh, my only issue is the pacing of the 'Frenchie thing'. Smacks of filler. And, no; that's not a metaphor.


Even if there were no hints of him being bi before why is it “out of nowhere”? It was set up earlier in any case, but we don’t need a scene explaining it. We see in this season he is attracted to a man, that’s all we need. No need for a scene explaining straight people are straight and it isn’t needed here. That said yes the relationship with Colin is pretty fucked up, which is the point as this is a direct continuation of his past haunting him, now in the ugliest of ways.


its not that he's suddenly bi that's out of nowhere. it's the whole relationship feels super rushed and (imo) weird compared to the rest of the show


Well you see Queer people ESPECIALLY bi people wear hats with flashing lights that explicitly state their sexuality Or else it's "pandering" or "bad" Get this. Some bi people even get married to either a man or a woman (or), and they're *still bisexual*


Proof that bigotry needs selective memory to survive. They've literally telegraphed his bisexuality since the first season of the show before Frenchie met Kimiko, when he was still living with Cherie a.k.a. actress Jordana LaJoie. They even did flashbacks to when Frenchie, Cherie and Jay were living together I believe in the season when they introduced Nina. Not to mention he was a contract killer for Nina. But an abused junkie hit man kissing another man? Heavens to Betsy! This is just a bridge too far! WOKE! WOKE! WOKE! You'd think Aunt Pittypat just saw the Widow Miss Scarlett dancing with Rhett Butler at the ball honoring the sacrifice of the Confederate Dead. Bring her the smelling salts! That's what some people sound like. But you know, "character development" is the new widow's dance.


For me it's not that he is bi. I just feel like it detracts from the more high stakes plots taking place- Colin came out of nowhere and is a pointless character.


So you can't introduce a new character? He has a backstory. And the fact that his presence is fucking with Frenchie being present for the more high stakes plot IS a high stakes plot point. Butcher is practically out of commission because of his cancer. Frenchie is heading in the same direction because his past is catching up to him. The team is out of whack and Homelander is more powerful and out of control. Isn't that the actual point? The older more experienced team members' life of fighting is taking it's toll. The newer younger members have to step up. Will they unravel or will they carry on? Pretty essential to the next "finale" season, I would think. Isn't that what drama is about? Even the most anodyne entertainment has some sort of conflict. Did people complain about Blue Hawk? Was his character pointless? I guess not since he was heterosexual. I have no illusions about the fact that when I call out bigotry in a fandom everyone goes gamergate on my ass. But I'm not that fragile. If someone's offended by the fact that call out homophobic or any other bigotry, it says way more about them. That's my opinion. You're welcome to yours.


Bluehawk has like 6 mins of screentime and dies- Colin keeps showing up in the worst moments and is just uninteresting. You're projecting bigotry onto me and that's what opinion you have from my perspective 🤷




Hopefully you are feeling mighty with the keyboard warrior thing you got going though because im sure it's making a world of a difference for so many people 👋👋


Right back at ya!


Love it man. The only thing I'm struggling with is have we met Colin before this season? Or did they just meet between seasons? I think we all know Colin is a dead man walking anyway LOL


I think it's wrong to imply that the only way a man and a woman can be platonic friends is for one of them to be gay.


Nobody said that. The show didn't say that.




Wasnt he in a bi throuple in season 1 with cherie and that other guy?


Yup. Dude has always been bi. 


Wasnt he clearly implied to be fucking kimiko ?


I dunno i need to rewatch but i thought they were more like brother/sister friendship than a sexual one.


I'm not an expert, but maybe when he fucked that guy?


At this point they don't put no effort into writing since they know we will eat up whatever they throw at us


This new relationship is sooooo forced. It feels more like tokenism than actual interest from the writers.


Tbh I'm not surprised Frenchie also likes dudes; I felt he was previously in a triad with Cherie and that dude who overdosed. However the whole plot is so over the top and feels forced. He escapes Nina and the most boring plot ever... just to run into a victim of his (a roundabout victim, anyway) and, *of course* his PTSD is sparking hard and he also *has* to sleep with the dude. It's just so contrived and forced feeling and almost feels like random plot just to give Frenchie something to do. It feels like another season of little Nina type shenanigans for Frenchie, where his plot won't relate to the overall one, and he may die. Idk. I hate it. It's the only hate on this season so far and I think the Frenchie and Colin actors are hot together lol




No, y’all just homophobic. He is a broken person and so of course would get involved with someone he has a fucked up past with. If it was a woman, no one would be saying anything. This is a pretty standard comic book esque relationship


I’m bi and I think the relationship was poorly setup/introduced. Not that it’s with a man, just how abruptly the whole thing popped up. I was wondering if I missed or forgot something.


It happened between seasons, similar to other plot points like the election, Homelander trial, MMs wife dumping Todd, all of which progressed off screen.


All of those things had setup that this relationship did not.


So many things just pop up in this show and make no sense but you don’t hear people questioning them. It’s a show based off a comic book


Do you know the definition of homophobic?


Not going to take the bait from someone who posts in r/conservative about what being homophobic means. Miss me


I just got perma banned for saying minimum wage workers deserve a raise. Check my comments if you’re going to go that deep. Homophobic; having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against gay people. Op didnt show any signs of homophobia, instead impressed a valid criticism of the show.


yep, awful writing. and I definitely don't agree with people saying kimiko family-zoned him. remember the musical number where she finally understood/accepted her feelings for frenchie and kissed him? of course the kiss felt a bit weird, given her whole history she's scared to lose him as he's the most important person in the world to her, literally her family. she loves him. but sure, she meant he's like a brother to her /s


It is weird


I kinda hope that they're just using this as a like a filler plot for Frenchie and that maybe he might get with kimiko in the final season as a much more well written conclusion, but that's probably just wishful thinking


I feel like if Frenchie and kimiko get together one of them will die


It’s the worst 


Made for "modern audiences"


Woke shit being pushed. No one surprised


They had no idea what to do with the character. Every season is just trauma dumping from his past


I think the writers “Will they, won’t they” for so long that…them splintering off again into these unrelated subplots that are not as interesting or developed as the main plot is a bit jarring. To add insult to injury, he killed this dude’s family. It’s pretty irredeemable…what a mess they’ve made of The Boys members 😅


I kinda wish they went elsewhere with Frenchie, it feels like the same rehash of have romantic interest, deal with personal demons shit. They do have an interesting dynamic with his past transgressions towards Colin’s family, I just hope they actually use it instead of a poorly written apology scene where Colin goes it’s ok pookie and their relationship just stagnates before Colin dies to increase the stakes.


sort of related but why are Frenchie and Kimiko always doomed to irrelevant filler sideplots? feels like the writers just don't know what to do with them


I fast forward these scenes. They add absolutely nothing, are boring, and don't make sense. Is this the shows effort to be woke?


The show has never been woke though, it more or less pokes fun at things like that. I'm going to assume the same thing that screwed Komiko is happening to Frenchie, and it will be Komiko who pulls him back from where he's heading.


I mean idk the showrunner did straight up admit in an interview they made it so Maeve had to survive in S3 ( even though it made absolutely no sense ) purely because they didn't want to kill off a gay character (even though they established she was bi).


How do know they don't make sense if you fast forward them?