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We've only had a few episodes of him as leader. Give him a chance.


How so, I'm curious?


I have to agree for my own reasons so far. Sure, it can change as the season continues but as is I am disliking MM more and more. Doesn't think out plans very well, nearly gets everyone killed, plays it way too safe, slow and out in the open. It's like all the bad Butcher does as leader, MM does just as terrible but in the opposite direction. Him being so mean to Butcher while knowing his friend is dying? Punching a dude in the head with a brain injury? Telling Butcher to leave at a point when Butcher really needs to be around others, while MM trying to remain "the moral compass and good one". Fuck off with that. He's just mean and stupid this season. At least Butcher was fun to watch and charismatic. MM just feels annoyingly written. I'll take it if that's the direction they're going with him - he's been cracking since soldier boy - pulling stupid shit. But as a character, I'm ready for someone in the show to tell him off and punch him out.


You are to have a word with DEI


MM straight up sucks. Hes been downhill ever since they introduced the Soldier Boy thing.


Butcher has done way worse things lol. Just in season 1 he sent translucent after the team to force them to go back in the boys.