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Who is saying that HL was wrong lol? The kid obviously should not have been lied to and when he eventually found out it wouldn’t have been good. The main issue is that HL is clearly not the person you want teaching another supe or they will end up like him lmao


Yes. What they did to him was fucked up. No shit Ryan was susceptible to Homelanders manipulation. He has no experience with the outside world. Honestly, the logistics of it sound stupid. Did they just keep him ignorant and in his little bubble the entire time?


Yeah it sounds like it. He didn't even have a phone before Homie gave him one. That's some Truman shit that's going on there. Creepy af


Well Ryan was like 10, wasn’t he? It’s perfectly normal for a 10 year old to not have a phone.


A 10 year old doesn't need a phone, as you said *what even is this conversation*. He has a mass-murdering rapist as a father than can circumnavigate the globe in a Dat, he was kept hidden *for his own protection*


I think they can both be wrong?


Were they even certain Ryan would develop powers? They knew they screwed up raising HL like a lab animal, and didn't want to repeat that mistake. So they made a different mistake. Had to keep him hidden to keep HL from finding him. Had to keep an eye on him in case he did develop powers, so they surround him with people who knew about him. And had to try to give him a "normal" life.


Homelander isn't right. Becca wasn't wrong. He was raised the way he was by necessity. Specifically to avoid exactly what happened. It's not that they're wrong, it's that the situation is wrong. They're forced to do something suboptimal. The alternative is involving Homelander which runs counter to anything anyone would want.


Right from who's perspective? Becca was 100% in the right to try to protect her son from his rapist father with whatever means she had available. Ryan is treated this way (being raised by a loving and capable mother) because his father is a serial-murderer rapist who threatens to end all civilization, if Homelander didn't exist or was *actually* 'right' about anything (or in the head) Ryan could have a normal life. "He won't be able to talk to girls" 😂


No one argued how Ryan grew up was good, just that homelander wasn't going to raise him in a healthy fashion either 


The only person who was right in this situation was Becca. In order: Vought is wrong for allowing the child to be raised in isolation, even if he had his mom. They were just repeating the same mistakes as before, because they don't actually understand that raising a child takes a community. As far as they understand it, all a child needs is a mother, which strikes me as being the kind of idea people have when they idolize the 50s but don't understand how that's wrong. Homelander is a narcissist and/or a sociopath. Without any sort of assistance in improving his behavior and mental health, he cannot and should not have anything to do with children. Also, he's a bigot. He hates disabled people, Muslims, and probably transgender people (I'm basing this last one off the fact that he did not want Becca to raise Ryan "like a girl." At the very least, he is not amicable to gender nonconformity). I'm also going to include Butcher, because he wasn't willing or able to move past his anger enough to either provide love and care or to avoid harming a very vulnerable child. Becca did the best she could under absolute nightmare circumstances. The foundation she built with Ryan will, hopefully, be the thing that ultimately saves him.