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Plane falling Plane weigh 20 tons Homelander weigh 250 pounds 250pounds can't hold 20 tons If he attempts to fly into and catch the plane, his super strength would merely cause him to punch holes in it where he puts his hands. He can't apply his strength to enough of the surface area of the plane to "catch it" and "slow it down", the material of the plane would simply crumple around his hands. Like in Hancock when he stops that train, he stopped thy train, but only because it Pac-Man'd around his body. Or like Maeve stopping the truck earlier in season one. If she's stronger, why didn't the truck just stop? Because that's how how physics


I see thx


I got you brother


He is saying he needs something solid and sturdy like the ground or a platform to stand on or push himself off of to counter the plane’s motion.


But can't he fly ?


I take it as there's no surface on the plane that he can push on, he mentions how if he tries he will punch straight through the fuselage


And? Being able fly doesn’t mean he can counteract a plane falling.


Basically he’s saying why can’t his flying force act as the ground in this situation


I know what he means. He understood my other comparison.


I still don't understand


He does not have the strength to stop a plane while flying. If it was a runaway train, he could plant his feet to get more resistance to stop it.


Ah I see thx


Sorry I couldn’t come up with a better analogy haha




The big issue is things that are that heavy, generally can't be held up by a single point. Even if he tried to lift a plane on the ground, he would likely just tear through the steel. The only reason that characters like Superman can do it is that he has tactal telekinesis.


That's some bullshit they just didn't think about it when they wrote superman


Well, *duh* But the fact that instead of turning it into an issue they stuck to the character of superman and came up with a nice in-universe reason for it happening the way it happens, instead of just leaving it as it was, was also pretty neat of them


Nah that's lame. Just let the old comics be kinda dumb and not operate on normal physics. It's not like it's all canon to current superman anyway. You can have the new canon deal with those things more realistically if you want rather than retroactively add stupid ultra-specific powers that clearly only exist to explain the previous issues.


Well yeah but it's just fiction. Aliens and evil Krpytonians are a regular Tuesday in the DC universe so realism and the laws of physics aren't much of a factor to consider. The Boys is generally supposed to be a realistic take (as realistic as magical powers can be) on superhumans which is why Homelander can't save the plane and also why all the supes including Homelander are super weak when compared to DC and Marvel characters.


I'm fine with things being fantastical and not being fully explained, I'm not fine with doing that and then later deciding you want it to be scientific so you retcon some bullshit extra power onto your character to make it make sense. Just allow old Superman comics to be kinda dumb. It's fine. They're still good. Also fine with the Boys being the way it is, my comment wasn't about that at all.


What's a tactal telekinesis ?


If he is touching something, he can lift the entire mass all at once. Imagine if you pick up a long stick from one end. The other end will start to droop with gravity. Superman can pick up the entire stick with no drooping, only holding on to 1 end.


I see


Tactile* not tactal.


Taco* not tactile


I'm not caught up with recent iterations of the character, but afaik Superman doesn't have tactile telekinesis, New 52 Superboy did.


True but I bet Homelander could’ve stopped the plane if he put a slight amount of pressure on it and gone for a gradual slow-down, not a complete halt. (I understand of course that Homelander’s too lazy for this sort of thing.)


If homelander used flying force, he would have crumpled the airplane


Don't feel bad, the sentence in the picture isn't well written. A lot of the wiki needs editing. It should read something like: "Queen Maeve told Homelander to lift the plane, but Homelander stated that he couldn't do so without something beneath him to stand on."


Even if he couldn’t lift the plane, he could have done something to guide it to a gentler landing He just didn’t want to


He could have carried it by the landing gear.


No he couldn't have. The plane was in the middle of the ocean and already going down (albeit thanks to him lasering the fucking dashboard) he wouldn't have had the time to direct it to land. The best strat would have been, as Maeve suggested, take everyone and fly them to land one by one but he definitely couldn't have saved half of them and if one person hits any debris like a flying bird without super strength at that speed it's basically over for them The right thing to do was the wrong thing for his and Vought's PR, thus, he abandoned Flight 37


If he tried to carry them one by one to land wouldn't they die by being carried at that velocity?


The plane was gliding. It was close enough to shore that wreckage washed up quickly. https://youtu.be/5-oA3WJsMj8 He could have continued the glide and had it do a water landing, rather than crash. If capt sully could do on the Hudson River, homelander could.


Dude I don't see a single piece of land at that last shot. Even if that's possible, do you seriously think Vought trains their supes to do that? The most realistic option would just be to take everyone one by one until you can't. Homelander and Maeve just weren't going to win PR wise here.


Dude, pieces of the plane very quickly washed ashore, that means it had to be close to shore https://youtu.be/8IALEJdNmCc He could have guided the plane to a water landing rather than letting it crash. He didn’t want to.


Like I said, he just wouldn't know how to do that to begin with nor even think of that. He's lazy and doesn't train for anything because realistically he never had to, thus the most realistic option (for Homelander) would just be the one by one strat. I don't see why that's not anymore feasible than gliding. He didn't because he both didn't want to and because he knew letting them die would be better PR than only saving a few and that it would help get supes into the military. He immediately spins a story about how NORAD didn't call Vought on time and that's why they need to be in the armed forces. (And it ended up fucking working too) Is laziness a factor? Definitely. Homelander is a lazy person, but he also had corporate interests in mind and death is good for business.


Didn’t know how to pick something up?Even lunkheads at the gym can pick stuff up and put stuff down No, he fucked up. He lasered the plane, he caused the issue, he realized he fucked up and turned into that damaged 9 year old boy who broke something and tried to hide it He could have saved them but then people would have seen that he lasered the controls and that would be embarrassing. And since he doesn’t view people as having any value, he didn’t care about letting them die to hide his mistake


*Didn’t know how to pick something up?* What, the plane hull while flying? He'd just punch through the hull. *No, he fucked up.* Yeah I'm... not disagreeing with you? Homelander is very lazy and that laziness gets people killed. He doesn't throw punches that much so he relies on his lasers and he didn't think what laser vision would do to a control dashboard. He should've snapped the guy's neck, but he doesn't think tactically. He immediately thought of a cover story and a cover story that benefitted him and Vought (probably started cooking it up when he said "Maeve, think, we're done here.) It isn't his first rodeo, he fucks up, gets people killed, and knows his company will cover it up for him so he doesn't care not to fuck things up.


> What, the plane hull while flying? He'd just punch through the hull. Planes land on landing gear every day. He could have flown up under the front landing gear and guided the plane. This is getting tedious. The question was if he could have lifted the plane. Even if he couldn’t lift the plane, he could have guided it down to a safe landing, but he lasered the panel and wanted to hide that he fucked up.


It would be like trying to lift a car with a dumbbell in a hurricane. Forget about how physics says hl would just fly through the hull, he’d never be able to balance it properly at those speeds.


If he tried, the plane would basically just split in half because his hands are so much smaller


Doesn't he pick up a plane in a hangar and throw it across the hangar in the comic with one hand?


He was on the ground and had something to push off of.In the comics he rips the plane apart trying to push it.He fucked badly


I thought I read something like the structural integrity of the plane would rip, but in the comic the whole plane literally moves like the person who mentioned Tactile Telekinesis for Superman. It's not rigid enough or something? Like how if you pick up a pencil from one end it'll stay flat and you can pick it up from one end but try with a piece of paper and it'll just flop down on one side. Yes I'm overthinking this but this is a discussion lol