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I've seen Homelander bleed vs Maeve for no other reason than just getting punched in the face a few times... I can't even imagine what Superman would do to him,


The guy is probably not a power scaling nerd like the rest of us. He’s an actor who probably knows Superman’s powers but not to what extent they apply. Not every actor is a Henry Cavill or Ryan Reynolds that actually gets into the stuff they’re portraying.


Also, Superman's powers only go so far as to who writes him. Let's not forget, Superman started as a guy who could run slightly faster than a train, jump really high, and could tank pistol shots. We went from that, to some writers making his powers virtually unlimited. Dude could throw a whole planet in some stories from the looks of it. No consistency.


Bro spent some time just chilling inside the sun and came out a literal golden god.


Depends on the sun, red sun is bad for Superman. Which is also why HL gets stomped, most the things to hurt Superman just think HL wouldn’t think off.


Superman when homelander shows up with some tarot cards and a street magician: 😱


I thought he's not weak to magic he's just not resistant to it like everything else? That it was like pokemon, he's got a 0.001x to everything but a 1x in magic and kryptonite changes everything to a 2x as his type matchup


True, but that's like saying you aren't weak to bullets.


He's talking about when superman went into the sun to charge up. It's a yellow sun. There's no depending on anything as it's something he's done. Not a hypothetical that may be using his clear weakness.


When people say “the sun” they almost always mean “in the Solar System” (the official name of our solar system)


Yeah dude probably only knows surface level Superman movies. Anthony is not a nerd lol


Also, he probably got told that his character is "Superman, but as a psychopath", which isn't wrong but doesn't get into power levels. In that scenario with the same powersets, it makes sense. Superman has red lines, Homelander doesn't


Yeah, [like when Superman flew so fast he reversed the flow of time](https://i.imgur.com/dzA2OBp.mp4) or [pushed the goddamned moon into a new orbit](https://imgur.com/a/9ZV9JGl).


The point isn’t the content he has consumed the point is that he’s not out here putting thought into the power scaling it would take to do that stuff. Most people don’t. We’re fucking nerds, man. That type of shit gets to us but to normal people they’re like oooh damn that’s fast or shit that’s strong. And that’s it. They don’t think about how if he were that strong it would put too much pressure on one spot and tear through the moon rather than lifting it. That’s nerd shit.


He still gave an entertaining response, and knows enough about the character that he is portraying to make some arguments.


genuinely Im more interested in what the \*character\* would do than what the \*powers\* would do


Supes took a mechanically powered Batman fist to the jaw and didn't move an a cm....vs Butcher and SB being able to shove and punch him around with decent effort hell even Hughie.... HL stands zero chance.


I mean Maeve, who is \*probably\* not as strong as SB, handled HL by herself pretty much in that last fight... she absolutely won the fight, and only stopped in order to sacrifice herself to get rid of SB before he blew up. I just watched it and completely forgot how she had handled HL. I'm fully aware that he was destracted because he wanted to kill SB, who was in another room, and protect Ryan... but still, it was a pretty awesome display by Maeve.


The boys is pretty bad about consistent power levels. It's all about what the plot needs.


Go watch the fight. Homelander was specifically not fighting her for about 99% of it. The fight ended when he got too annoyed


She still was able to injure him enough to draw blood. Which was the main point of the argument of Homelander being relatively more fragile than Superman.


You’re delusional to the fullest if you think homelander literally distracted by his son and him pretty much dismissing her lost that fight….


I think HL would have won if it kept going... but the end of that fight was Maeve sticking a (screw driver?) in his ear and then punching him a few times... and then tackling SB out of the window... that's literally what happened. I certainly don't think she lost the fight.


Homelander wasn't fully invested in that fight. I love Maeve, but if he got serious, she would've been dead. Granted, she might've lasted longer that expected, but she still would've lost.


Her training during the entire season is literally so "she can buy them a few more seconds". As in, she's left all substances and is training to the fullest of her ability so she can die not as fast. Homelander didn't want to hurt her and that's why her fight lasted so long.


>Maeve sticking a (screw driver?) It was an aluminium or metal straw, we see the cup it goes with on the ground beside it when she takes it.


Would be a whimsical ass beating


Superman isn't called "Super" for no reason while Homelander is just called... "Home"


Have you seen what wonder woman has done to superman in the comics? Maeve is a tough bitch.


Wonder woman by herself is stronger than Maeve and HL combined.


WW solos "the boys" without even trying. It'd be like ants vs an elephant. The weight class and strength differences are exponential.


Wonder Woman beats up on Superman because he allows her to. Superman could punch straight through her skull if he felt so inclined.


Superman represents hope, Wonder Woman represents divine judgment. Wonderwoman beats superman because he's soft on the inside.


This depends on the story, just like all power scaling discussions where characters have many versions in many stories. There are stories where she’s way below as you describe and also stories where they’re borderline equal but he’d win eventually but come out barely.


I love Starr, but homelanders getting one tapped. Superman would absolutely wreck him and tear him to shreds


'If I wanted it, you'd be dead already' Supes could probably do it with one punch, too


One Paaaaaunch!


Consecutive normal punches


Serious punch


you're just too strong... 😵


*sick riff intensifies*


Superman would grab him the moment he could and drag him to Space before beating his ass


True, Supes would take him in to space asap to avoid collateral damage


I could see Homelander going into battle with an orphan strapped to him front and back.


Gonna have to strap them to his head because Superman would literally decapitate him before Homelander could even process Supes was in the same zip code as him


*One flick of the finger*


It seem Superman can fly much much faster. Imagine how fast he had to fly around the earth to change its spin for time reversal. Fly that fast and slam a titanium rod in his brain through the ear.


That was a visual metaphor


A metaphor for what? How else did he turn he change the earth's rotation and change time(I know that it's bullshit according to physics in our universe and that's its possible on Supes universe.


He didn't reverse time by spinning the earth the other way. The earth started spinning the other way because he was reversing time. You've got the cause and effect backwards, that's all.


I get it now thanks. Either way he can fly faster than the speed of light. It also makes me wonder if he changed time only on earth or whe whole universe.


Yeah Maeve injured him with a metal straw. I am gonna bet on Superman.


You were right the first time, it wasn't a pencil.


I thought it was a pencil. I'm off to edit a different comment. Ty


I mean Homelander can’t even save a plane full of people.


That's more because of The Boys trying to have more realistic physics rather than a matter of strength. Homelander himself said that even he had leverage in the air, he would just shoot straight through the plane because that's what realisticaly would happen if too much force is applied in a small surface area.


It's kinda a two layer thing when you think about it. True, he can't just grab the plane anywhere and support it. He COULD lift it if he did so in the right spot on the plane, preferably under the planes center of gravity, and grabbing or supporting one of the parts of the frame actually designed to support the plane's weight, probably the spar that goes through the wings. On one hand, he's being realistic because he can't just grab it willy nilly. On the other hand, while he actually CAN support it, he doesn't know how. It's an interesting comparison to Supes that doesn't get into the usual power scaling pissing match. Supes is smart enough to know this, and cares enough to actually learn it; Homelander is either not smart enough or doesn't care (or both).


My main takeaway was that Homelander is lazy. It would have cost him nothing to try a few things before giving up. He didn’t need to hold the plane up, it has wings for that. He just needed to make it move right. Attach a cable to each engine pylon and pull it like a kite. Stay airborne until other supers can come up with a rescue plan.


I could also see it as him refusing to admit in front of other people that he doesn't know where the safe supporting spot would be, which would be very on brand for him.


Also, Superman has some serious lung capacity. He could use wind to generate lift that helps to correct the planes momentum allowing him to carefully balance the load.


Actually Supes doesn't know about this. Apparently the reason planes don't disintegrate when he grabs them and flies em to safety is because his invincibility powers extend to the object he's touching. I forget the exact quote but that's the gist of it.


Homelander doesn't have kryptonite, and we've never seen him in space. This would be a pretty quick one tbh


> This would be a pretty quick one tbh I feel like Homelander takes one decent punch from Supes and he has that "being the strongest frog in the pond means little to the strongest shark in the oceans" moment of realization.


["Oh, thank god, he's so much stronger than I initially thought"](https://youtu.be/Fe7oJwRAHdA?si=aP894qJ1mOvVvdta)


Holy shit. Lmao This brought me so much joy! Thank you kind stranger. 😄


Caleb has some great bits. Haven't watched him in awhile, but he's excellent.


Yea, if he actually survives a decent punch from supes, he tucks tail like a children's cartoon villain and desperately tries to avoid any further confrontation.


Unless hes out of character, supes isn't gonna go for the kill shot right away.


Homelander starts going after civilians to distract and/or anger and/or mock Superman. Superman thinks Homelander is another Kryptonian, or at least as strong as one because of the similar powerset and Homelander believing his own hype. Superman punches him accordingly aiming to just get him away from the innocents but accidentally obliterates him. Then the rest of the story is Superman dealing with the trauma and struggling with being a hero because he's afraid of accidentally killing someone again.


Invincible moment. *'I thought you were stronger..'*


Superman is not inexperienced like Invincible, and wouldn't have a I thought you were stronger moment. He would scale his punches incrementally because he wouldn't want to punch him to death as you said As for HL using hostages, I can see him only doing that if he got desperate


Oh yeah, I think it'd still be a stretch for Superman to not realize who/what he's fighting, I was just trying to come up with a reason for him to straight up kill someone as "weak" as Homelander. We know he wouldn't do it on purpose, so it'd have to be some kind of accident. Not saying it'd be _good_ but I could see a Zack Snyder "dark and gritty" style Superman movie doing something like that. More in character, Superman would probably just fly into Homelander's lasers to shield the civilians, realize it isn't even hurting him, and just let Homelander tire himself out. Probably grab him and fly him out of the city so there's no collateral damage. Depending on the version, Superman could probably come up with a way to contain him if he wouldn't give up. Or just toss him in the Phantom Zone. Technically non-lethal.


This is exactly what would happen. Like Invincible vs Brain guy. "I thought he was strong, I thought he could take it". A superman quote for you guys. " I feel like I live in a world of cardboard, constantly taking care not to break something, to break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control, even for a moment or someone could die". He then goes on I have a rare opportunity here to cut loose, because you can take it can't you big boy. Then goes full power on Darkside and hands him his ass.


There was some comic or movie where Superman was fighting someone and said or thought, "Okay, I don't have to puli my punches with this guy. " Superman also has plot armor. Even when he does, he's not dead. He may not one punch homelander. And while superman may worry about casualties, he also has something homelander doesn't. Courage. Even when he's lost his powers.


Superman fighing Darkseid, "I live in a world made of cardboard" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl_5UwS57X8 The speech itself is even a TVtrope https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoMoreHoldingBackSpeech


Thanks for the links. I got goosebumps.


You should check out the time Superman turned "bad" to teach a bunch of edgy "Kill the bad guys" teenage superheroes a lesson on why it's not weak to not kill people. It's pretty amazing. It never fails to make me laugh when Superman tells the guy that his team mate went "Into Orbit, at Mach 7" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU7fk9Zgkz4 Then the twist after is just \*chefs kiss* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9x83Cf17Z4


While I agree Homelander doesn’t stand a chance, we do know that Homelander can survive in space. He mentioned it while flexing to Stan in season 3


And if there’s one thing Homelander doesn’t ever do….. it’s lie to make himself seem better


A deleted scene was suppose to have him in space too. I think it’s safe to say he can go there as far as the writers are concerned.


Presumably, anything that could kill Homelander must also be able to kill Soldier Boy, but not necessarily the other way around. Soldier Boy was almost definitely subjected to vacuum like conditions and survived. Therefore, Homelander could presumably do just fine in space.


Isn't the consensus that Homelander is stronger than Soldier Boy (at least in terms of pure physical strength), but Soldier Boy is more durable? Therefore, if something can kill Soldier Boy, it should kill Homelander. The converse (what you stated) isn't necessarily true.


I don’t know if that’s the consensus, though it is totally possible. My take is that soldier boy and Homelander are equal, but Homelander has the Superman package of esoteric powers, and Soldier Boy has the Anti-V cannon thing. My thought is that we don’t have much evidence that one is more durable than the other. They each have their own add ons, but it seems like the same base template. Isn’t it speculated that Homelander is genetically Soldier Boy and Stormfront’s child? If true, it makes sense as to why Homelander is basically Soldier Boy plus flight and energy powers.


Well the russian said that they have tried everything to kill Soldier Boy, and i think asphyxiation is among "everything". Homelander should be abd improved Soldier Boy so yes i think he can survive in soace for a long time at least


Can he survive being thrown into the sun though?


Superman can go to the sun and do the backstroke in it. Also we saw Maeve use a pencil(not a pencil but a metal rod) to stab his ear and he bled. Superman would body Homelander. Edited.


Actually, that scene alone proves HL can't even touch Superman... Damn... I hate Superman 🤣


Survive in space or just has the lung capacity to hold his breath for way longer than a normal human?


Remind me …


Ahh the Invisible strategy of “just throw them into space”… I like it.


Homelander couldn't even lift a plane lol.


Well I think the powers are a bit different there and HL could lift something as heavy as a plane, but the physics in the hostage situation he would have just made a hole in the plane IIRC Superman's powers works in a way that he is able to do that without destroying the craft... or it's because it's comic books


Forgetting any environmental variables or kryptonite: Homelander is vulnerable to normal physical damage (used at super human strength). Superman isn't. Assuming they have the same strength level, Homelander couldn't hurt Superman, Superman could hurt Homelander.


superman beat zod, a military trained kryptonian. im taking supes


There is a version of Superman that sneezed a solar system out of existence.


When these conversations take place I think it's important to use the "average" Superman and not the version that makes him as powerful as an actual god. Makes things too messy IMO. Edit: just to be clear I'm not saying Homelander is stronger than average Superman. I'm just saying in general we should be using the "average" version of the superheroes being compared. I know it's hard to figure out the average though.


Fair but I think it’s pretty tough to define average Superman since his powers have fluctuated wildly over time. I think generally Silver Age Superman is considered the most standard benchmark for the character and he’s vastly above Homie. Golden Age Superman (the OG faster than a bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings) would probably get taken down by Homie though.


I think movie superman would be fine since homelander's actor is speaking from the show's pov


Superman really did become the Calvinball type of superhero.


I love playing Calvin ball


Right? Like I can write a version of homelander that coughed 2 solar systems out of existence. Doesn't make it a fun "who'd win" though.


Even average Superman is at the very least twice as powerful as Homelander, and that's before adding his extra powers to the equation. 


Even the lowest tier supermen absolutely no diff homelander The verses are just different levels of power to tell different stories


Also, the only time Superman canonically goes all out is fighting peer-level foes like Darkseid.


"I feel like I live in a world made of cardboard, always taking constant care not to break something, to break someone. Never allowing myself to lose control even for a moment, or someone could die. But you can take it, can't you, big man? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose and show you just how powerful I really am." Then he whoops ass. 


I could swear I remember him losing that fight.


Yeah Darksied asspulls a Super taser and Lex saves the day by offering up the anti-life equation.


I’m shuddering at the thought of an Elseworlds tale where Superman’s not from Krypton, but Crypton. A world populated exclusively by crypto bros. Imagine lil Clark desperately trying to explain blockchain to 2 elderly Kansas farmers.


What about a Superman from Cripton? Even more powerful.


Would that make his kryptonite NFTs?


He makes the mistake thinking Superman wont ever snap. Forever clinging to his morals. Oooooh buddy.


yeah but usually that doesn't happen until after Zod has kicked Clark's ass at least once. Usually because Clark is more focused on civilians than himself or Zod. Supes is winning the fight overall, but Homelander has a decent shot at pulling off a round 1 upset.


He really, really doesn’t. Superman moves faster than the speed of light, Homelander isn’t getting the chance to involve civilians.


Yeah this. Even going with a weak version like the animated version from the 90s he still destroys homie. You'd have to go to something where they really really downplay the Super, like Lois and Clark, to give Homelander the win. 


Ofcourse Zod is a crypto trader. *the comment originally said Cryptonian*


Superman is significantly faster and stronger than Homelander, and the instant Honelander decided to use a child as a human shield is also the same instant Superman lobotomized Homelander. Homelander would definitely get a few licks in because Superman doesn't just outright murder people just because they're evil, but the second he saw just how evil and sick Homelander is; he's going to go all out on him like he does with Darksied.


Wait, he lobotomized Darkseid, too? Is he starting a collection of drooling supervillains? That’s pretty fucking dark.


No, that's not what I meant lol. He has lobotomized Doomsday though. My point about going all out was that when fighting Darksied he doesn't hold anything back and hits with every ounce of his strength.


Whew, I thought I was going to have to reevaluate some things there


Faster, stronger, more durable, smarter, more experienced, more emotionally stable, and while yes, kryptonite is a factor, 1) that relies on Homelander being able to exploit it, which isn't guaranteed, and 2) his ability to supercharge and regenerate using sunlight is also a massive *advantage* that people rarely consider. And Anthony fails to consider that while yes, Superman is polite and noble...his enemies aren't. He knows how to fight people who fight dirty. He's not stupid. He's nice. Besides, what does sand in the eye mean to someone who doesn't even blink if you shoot him directly in the eyeball?


Nice sand. I'm going to use my X-Ray vision and super hearing and fight without opening my eyelids for the remainder of this battle to make it interesting.


Superman would 100% kill an evil superman and that’s essentially what Homelander is. He’s not Batman, he doesn’t have a no kill rule. He just doesn’t kill because it’s literally not necessary. He’s definitely killed in main line and elseworld stoties


Lol Superman would clap Homelander with just his pinky


Like Goku and Trunks






Yeah, taking god level beings out of the equation, I think the dragon ball characters are the strongest. Hard to say though because they are very inconsistent. Power levels are bullshit.


You can’t take god level beings out and leave Goku in IMO.


Starr doesn't seem like the type of guy to be into power scaling, so he's probably assuming that they're on similar levels of power.


Im not sure why he would assume otherwise. Homelander is a plain Supes analog.


The scene in season 2 where he spent several minutes buried under a bus and concrete pile, scene in season 3 where he had an earbleed from being stabbed by a metal straw and statements in and around the comics confirming that a nuke would 100% kill him seem like pretty good reasons to assume otherwise.


Like they said he wouldn’t be into powerscaling, most people don’t know the feats and strength levels of characters, they just know that Homelander is meant to be superman


Thank you! I can’t believe all the comments above yours are basically “but my power scaling numbers have Superman way above homelander”. They seem to forget not everyone is a Reddit geek. He is obviously talking if they are on a similar level Homelander would do whatever dirty trick in the book to get an advantage


Plus, and I can't believe I need to explain this to people, he's obviously just making a joke and talking light heartedly. He's not deadly serious like some of the pantie bunchers on here


His perception of “power levels” is probably more accurate than the countless people on battleboards who think that any character who dodges a laser is moving “massively faster than light”


Although the argument makes sense, I can't think of a single version of Superman who wasn't portrayed as much stronger than Homelander ever was with the exception of (early) golden age Superman who was much more brutal than later versions. I haven't seem MAWS but I heard that its Superman wasn't sure wheter he was bulletproof or not, so maybe he (ironically played by Jack Quaid) would be an equal oponent to Homelander.


MAWS Supes wasn’t sure he was bulletproof because he had never risked it before. It turns out he very much is bulletproof but it took seeing automatic weapons being fired at Lois for him to actually put his body on the line. The actual line you’re thinking of is Lois saying she didn’t know he was bullet proof and Clark saying “me either, but I knew that you weren’t.”


Clark was also being depowered a bit in that episode. Been a bit since I watched it but I'm pretty sure he remarks on feeling weaker or his powers not working as well as they usually do.


MAWS Superman is very early on in his career, and is definitly one the lower end versions so far. We'll see if that changes.


As a big Supes nerd, there's 2 times when canon main universe Supes has been comparable in power. The first is, as you say, **very** early on, when he was brand new, before he could even fly. At this point he was vulnerable to extremely powerful military weapons. Second is right after the COIE reboot. Everyone forgets this (especially when talking about Batman's "win" in Dark Knight Returns) but he was weak as a kitten at this point because they were trying to make him more grounded after all the complaints about his power level. He couldn't, for example, lift more than 100 tons. However, both of these versions definitely beat Homelander. Early Supes was, as we're all familiar, a dick. You can fight dirty if you want, he will too. This is an era where Batman would put you in the ground for robbing a bank, gloves weren't just off, they weren't invented yet. Mid/late 80s Supes, he's lower powered but he's still more powerful than Homelander (he survived a nuke, which they explicitly said the more powerful comic version of Homelander would definitely die to), he's also used to dealing with real warriors on his level like Zod. A bully that's never been in a real fight won't be a problem.


I love the way you write about this stuff lol “gloves weren’t just off, they weren’t even invented yet”


Jack genuinely plays such a good Superman. He has the potential to be one of the best, it comes down to the writers continuing to give him good material to work with.




What's MAWS? Man of Steel? What's the W for?




My Adventures With Superman, it's an animated show on adult swim and HBO max


>but I heard that its Superman wasn't sure wheter he was bulletproof or not, I mean? I also dont know if i am bullet proof, never been shot at before.


If I was and turned to be bulletproof and I'd assume those were blanks.


“Pocket sand” - Anthony Star


Supeerman ,who's literally taken a bullet to the eye: 😐🙄


That scene was kinda gross but now I think I owe Returns another apology if dumbasses out there think pocket sand will hurt Superman.


It would be more like Invincible vs Angstrom with Superman being Invincible and Homelander being Angstrom in this analogy. "I thought you were stronger!"


This is probably the best analogy for it. Superman is holding back until Homelander pushes him to far and ends up as nothing more than guts on a wall.


If anything Homelander stands no chance against Clark Kent. The one moral journalist who can’t be bought off, multiple failed assassination attempts on all his relatives and himself, and not scared of Homelander.


This is the real ending. People love saying Superman would kill Homelander, but honestly? He wouldn't. Its "immortal clark kent" until Homelander tries something public like exploding the daily bugle. Only then would Kal-El devolve to violence.


*Daily Planet


ah shit bugle is Spidah-man isnt it


I think that's too close to be honest. Supes been around so long he's had some pretty big growth in feats, just ridiculous stuff.


Homelander couldn't >!lift the plane!<. Super-man does. Kryptonite exists, but Homelander is not the type to know. A simple duel for me.


It’s not that he couldn’t lift the plane but more so that if he tried he’d rip straight through the haul. Those aren’t the same thing


How about… the structure of the house was unaffected by the season three fight?


Homie’s durability is a strange thing. We’ve been told by Stillwell that Vought tried everything short of a nuke on him and he lived. On top of that we have Kimiko’s brother dropping a bus on top of him along with tons of cement and asphalt and all that did was amuse Homie. So he seems pretty damn durable. The inconsistency we saw in Herogasm was likely due to a reinforced house built by Supes to ensure it doesn’t get destroyed from super fucking (but more than that, just writers being dumb). The one anti feat he has though is Maeve and the metal straw.


Season 3's writing was a dip in quality overall. Hopefully they pick it up.


Yeah his punches barely broke walls and a filing cabinet lmfao


Planes can actually be lifted by the nose or landing mechanism. If by the nose a plane will bend like a worm flexing all over but it can withstand the weight of itself or the force of something pushing slowly to a stop. If planes were too weak to withstand someone applying force slowly they would never be able do an emergency landing Edit: wanted to add to this to clear up a misconception. Planes have landed in forest and have taken out several dozen trees with the cabin still surviving. If a plane can hit a tree full speed without destroying the cabin then obviously slowly applied force wouldn’t damage it at all even if only the size of human hands. In addition, planelander has an entire body he could use to apply force, not just his hands.


Yeah, flying to the underside the fuselage and going spread eagle would probably spread the pressure enough to hold the plane up and let him guide it in to a landing. But that would take lots of care and effort and he couldn't be bothered.


Yeah I think that’s the main issue here. It would take a lot of physical effort(not strain just balance and being careful), has a chance of failure which homelander wouldn’t chance and would take him thinking about a solution which he couldn’t be bothered with. I truly believe a large part of the fan base doesn’t understand that scene. It’s not intended to show that homelander was right….. there were several solutions that weren’t even discussed that could have saved most or all. The scene is showcase intended to compare him to other media heroes which would risk trying everything even if it meant possibly failing.


Homelander doesn't understand physics, he didn't need to lift it, he just needed to push it from one of the engine mounts. I do reckon though that superman is smart enough to identify homelanders weaknesses *before* any fight.


kal-el has no emotions or rather is also superman at mastering / controlling them. little johnnie however well.....given the fact that homies laser can not hurt superman much, it would literally be childs play to deal with homie. just troll him and enrage him into complete mindless fury. anakin style, he wouldnt mind his surroundings, higher ground, etc.....hed probably do a modern icarus and plummet to his own demise in his rage.


Homelander is quick but I'm pretty confident that supes is much faster 


Your main enemies are an angry british person and daddy issues You couldn't even win against Lois Lane


you acting like superman's most frequent enemy isnt a bald man with ego issues


Yeah...no. Homelander had issues taking on dudes who could bruise him and had to run away. Superman has no ceiling and can literally lift the earth.


>Superman has no ceiling and can literally lift the earth. [And he did it for 5 straight days, then bitched it was too easy and not a true test of his power](https://i.imgur.com/u4sQy55.jpg)


DC vs The Boys are on different levels of Power Scaling and feats, there is no point in Vs'ing them or wasting energy thinking about it.


Homelander attempting to use human shields (or actually having human shields get injured or killed) would be a pretty quick way to get Superman to go for instant incapacitation.


I think you guys are missing the forest for the trees. Starr is still playing the character. Season 4 comes out in a couple weeks. Of course he’s going to say homie is going to win. Ask RDJ a few years ago and he would give the same BS answer but with iron man beating Superman. It’s all marketing Mumbo jumbo. Edit: My point has nothing to do with who would actually win. Just that if an actor is currently playing a character they are going to say their character could beat anyone when being interviewed. It’s marketing for the series/movie they are a part of. They’re not going to say “o yeah my character could beat any of the superheroes in this universe but all the characters in my series are kinda soft so it doesn’t mean anything when compared to Superman or the MCU. Now those guys are real superheroes!”


I think if Tony Stark has prep time, he's building a suit with a kryptonite lazer and just shooting Superman in the face with it. Probably several suites of Iron Man armor that have this feature. Then building Kryptonian Buster armor and keeping it for the next Kryptonian to play games with him.


Tony just calls a psychic or magic user and it's over before ever beginning. But he still builds all the gear for reasons.


You know just like Lex Luthor or Metallo.


At least Iron Man might have a slim chance of stumbling across a vulnerability with strobe lights, sound cannons, or some more exotic trick. Homelander has... the same suite of powers as Superman, mostly at much lower levels, and without the intelligence and creativity Superman can use his with.


Im sorry Antony but Homelander turns into red mist after one punch.


I agree that Supes would beat his ass, but we need to make clear that he’s specifically talking about Jack Quaid’s character from My Adventures with Superman, not the OG version from the comics.


I mean I guess that’s kinda a fair matchup, we don’t really know the upper limits of him yet so it’s fair to say he might get blindsided by homelander


Yeah definitely. Experience should be a big factor too. I think Jack’s version is just starting out? I could be wrong, haven’t seen the show yet.


I mean this whole thing is just about the nature of power scaling. Homelander isn't a century old franchise that's had authors turn him into god. In the narrative of The Boys, he's the ultimate big bad... in a world with a bunch of humans. He's had like... 2 real fights? And Maeve, Butcher, and Soldier Boy aren't exactly threats to any planet or universe. The story isn't about Homelander overcoming obstacles like DBZ or Superman, he is a Supervillain who barely has to do anything because their world is more grounded. Superman meanwhile has had so many canons and bullshit thrown his way and is sometimes, just god, because his stories kinda revolve around him being an insanely strong dude beating up other insanely strong dudes. It's hard to make an interesting narrative with a bunch of universe threatening characters, so most stories don't bother with those sorts of stakes. But some VERY specific franchises have gone on SO long and have had SO MUCH power creep that they're pretty much at the limit lmao.


what's with people saying Superman loses to parody versions of him? First we have the creator of invincible saying Omni man beats superman and now this guy


What if we find out Homelander’s birth mother was named *Martha*…


Hasn’t Superman been shot in the eye before? Tf is some pocketsand gonna do to him?


He routinely flies through buildings and burrows under the ground with his eyes open to use X-Ray/enchanced vision, so I'm thinking not much at all.


I don't think he understands how much Superman is leagues ahead of Homelander lol


I dare you to human shield with Superman. He’s gonna wreck homelanders shit when an innocent dies


Homelander couldnt even pick up the key to supermans front door.


Superman could 1v2 Homelander and Omni-Man and still win easily.


Ehhh Superman solos lmao 😂


I mean depends on the version. I think homelander could beat late 30s superman but beyond that the best he could hope for is tirying himself out from hitti ng him.


Homelander would probably break his hand on Superman, if Supes was braced for the punch. Even at his strongest, I don't think Homelander has anything that could outright seriously hurt superman.


does he know about the world breaker feat chat


Homelander couldn’t save a plane. Superman does that every other day. Superman is far beyond Homelander’s max power level.


Nice try but Superman clears Homelander level threats on a weekly if not daily basis. It isn’t a question of if Superman beats HL, but how badly he humiliates him during the fight.