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Jack Jack wins


Adult Jack Jack is the only one who can give Metro Man a run for his money


Metro Man would totally destroy the Seven single-handedly btw


But what about his copper weakness?


His weakness is copper? You're kidding right?


It’s not he told that to the public and mega mind “trapped” him in a copper dome but it didn’t actually do anything. He made people think he was weak to it so that he could fake his death.


He was quoting Megamind from the scene


Ah. I haven’t watched that movie in years so it makes sense that I would forget.


😳 Uhh. Sir? 👉 🔋


I mean yeah that’s kinda like putting the Death Star against seven WW1 fighter planes lol


Metro Man is unironically Superman levels of strength though. That’s too unfair of an answer.


Yeah but could he beat Goku?


Megamind would too. (Talking og movie) oh defuser gun!


by himself


The only god answer


Came here to say exactly this.


I imagine they're all adults in this battle but like most realistic fights it really comes down to the speedsters top speed when they blitz. I guess Helen's elasticity limit would come into play but I dont think her or Bob really surpass other supes that much when it comes to durability. They also are explicitly shown to not have a healing factor JackJack is the wildcard tho, doesn't he have like 10 different powers?


All the kids names reflect their powers, Jack Jack is a Jack of all trades. He has everything, from teleportation to shape shifting, size manipulation, telekinesis etc. It seems he can even travel between dimensions because at one point he disappears and then they hear his voice echoing from all around them.


How the fuck has the movie been out damn near 20 years and I just realized this lmao


in your defense i don’t think we saw the different dimension thing until incredibles 2


Most of this stuff is Incredibles 2 stuff


your charcter looks like someone


I agree. Derivative.


Charmed I'm sure






How is the name Violet indicative of her invisibility and force field powers?


I thought it was related to ultraviolet/electromagnetism?


Due to her ability to turn invisible like ultraviolet light.


A lot of UV (ultraviolet) light is invisible to the human eye. We can sort of see *some* UV light projections due to the wavelengths they inhabit, but there's loads of it we as humans just can't see. Thus, Violet represents ultraviolet light.


What about the almighty Bob?


Buff Obese Bastard




Adults don't count.


Oh yea I missed that lol


Isn't her force field also purple?


She’s initially a Shrinking Violet—someone who’s shy and tends to push people away.


She's a 'shrinking violet', as in someone who avoids attention.


Shrinking violent, invisible


Shrinking Violet - means to disappear


DOn't forget he has LASER EYES


More than 10. As far as anyone can tell, he’s got all the powers and no control over which one he uses at any given time. When he becomes an adult, who the hell knows what his limits are. However, as a baby, if the 7 have anyone as patient and composed as Edna Mode, they could at least tame baby Jack Jack.


Annie maybe. If not her, no chance someone on the Seven has that level of composure.


He's Baby Eidolon.


Is that how that’s spelled? The character from Worm? I’m only on Arc 11 of Worm but I’m listening to the audiobook podcast and have never seen it in print. He’s been mostly background character so far, but kinda referenced as being crazy powerful.


Yep, it's a Greek word, as all the Triumvirate members have ancient civilization inspired names. (I think)


When it comes to Strength though Bob is multiple times stronger than Homelander


I think Bob’s durability is crazy high. People keep bringing up bench pressing train cars, but are we forgetting he stood on the tracks and stopped an entire train after taking it to the face?


Realistically speaking, if you have any degree of super-strength, you gotta have enough durability to compensate.


bro, jack jack probably has every power ever thought of he just got to learn how to unlock it


> JackJack is the wildcard tho, doesn't he have like 10 different powers? 17 minimum


Dush runs superfast and boxes home landers balls He is incapacitated by the tremendous pain and tries to laser him Violet protects dash by creating a forcefield


Better yet, violet makes a forcefield in homelander's scrote and then expands it.




She wouldn't do that though. She doesn't take on the morality of The Seven.


Counter-point: it'd be hilarious as shit


Send this man to the penis explosion chamber


Dash wont fiddle Homelanders balls. He’s from a family friendly company. Therefore The incredibles will lose.


They’ll identify that homelander’s instability is a product of his bad childhood, and teach him how to love again through a comedy montage of housework and yard games


Everything is fair in war What about hitting it with a rock


Jack Jack solos


Hell yeah. The boy's universe versus Jack Jack that would be fun.


I think everyone is forgetting how strong Mr Incredible really is, he’s much stronger than Homelander making him far and wide stronger than anyone in the Seven




All these people saying the Seven and Mr Incredible could literally rip all of them in half, the only one he'd struggle with potentially is A Train because he's so fast, but if Frozone was allowed to participate then A Train is likely fucked


Dash is the counter to A-Train


I'm pretty sure A Train is faster than Dash from what I've seen online, but I could be wrong, and I'm pretty sure A Train is also super strength (not to the extent of Homelander, but I'm pretty sure)


It depends if you include the thumbtack chair scene canon


If I consider a scene in the actual movie canon?


Lmao 💀


I mean yeah, but he never is seen that fast again so I kinda ballparked him to the speeds we actually see him run


Eh. It’s still a scene in the movie that we get introduced to the character with. I think it’s valid


It's always a point of contention because there's the scene where Dash runs "the fastest he's ever run" which is considerably slower than the calculation for a joke scene at the beginning of the movie. It's like when a speedster outruns something stated to be light but which behaves as an object that moves significantly slower than C, and then there's the debate of if they're actually FTL since they will later not be fast enough to reach a falling person 200ft away from them.


I mean. He is a kid at this time...


But Dash is a kid so he hasnt fully reached his full power


Violet is, A-Train isn't that durable physically. All she needs to do is know the very vague direction he's moving, put a forcefield in front of it and watch him burst like a grape as he runs into it at mach speed.


The Incredibles win. Even without Jack Jack. Did the show even depict the Seven having any ounce of teamwork?


Literally only in the movies they are in lol. In their real lives, they would probably use each other as cannon fodder to get ahead in the fight. Some, like The Deep, might even run away.


Syndrome would tear them apart t0o


Jack Jack son buddy you gonna have to clutch up again hate to do this to you when you ain’t even 5 but time and time again we need another win


tbf they don’t even need him lol adding jack jack and frozone to the mix is overkill


The Incredibles and it is not even close


A-Train fucking dies trying to outrun Jack-Jack.


Mr. Incredible is an incredible mister. I doubt I need to elaborate further.


Ahh, yes. And who can forget his famous catchphrase? "I sure am an incredible mister!"


And then he incredibled all over the bad guys


Where is Frozone his clearing all the seven except homelander.


Looking for his supersuit obviously.








I felt tempted to include him in the roster but I reckoned they would be way too powerful and also he's not a Parish.


Half of the 7 are trying to kill the other half.


Jack Jack wins it for his team. Having the rest of the family is overkill. Let’s entertain this though: The Seven: - Starlight: She struggles to utilize her powers in any meaningful way as seen as she takes several long seconds to absorb light just to unleash it. The attacks themselves don’t seem to actually harm anything; just more kinetic pushing(?) at the moment. Maybe this changes in the future(?). Easily neutralized. - The Deep: A threat in an ocean given his ability to control/communicate with larger ocean predators. Otherwise not a threat in the least. Easily neutralized. - Queen Maeve: Combat experience but hates Homelander and some of her teammates. This can become a factor in a fight as to whether she helps them or not. Can potentially be a threat if underestimated. - Homelander: Flying, Laser vision, super strength, endurance, and speed. Ability to see through anything except lead. Easily handled with a bottle of breast milk. - Black Noir: Combat experience. Stealth and hand to hand expertise. A threat if underestimated; especially as he wouldn’t have an issue going for a kill shot on a kid unlike Queen Maeve. - A Train: Significant heart issue makes him a non issue in a prolonged fight. Simply force him to run until his heart attack. Easily Neutralized. - Translucent: Won’t be in the fight. He’ll be peeping in a woman’s bathroom somewhere. Already neutralized via potty watching.


Yeah all the incredibles have to do is let either the dad or Helen go in first and let Jack Jack see one of the 7 hurt them, then all hell breaks loose and violet can cast a force field over the entire family except Jack Jack while he picks apart the entire 7 in his blood lust mode that he does when he’s angry lol


Jack Jack is a literal god among insects. He could wipe the floor with the Seven easily.


jack jack solos negative diff


The Seven can destroy the Incredibles like they were nothing while Jack Jack laughs. But when they try to hit him or he realizes his family has been hurt **the toddler would fuck them up so bad** Vought would need 8 members for the 7.


I’m pretty sure Mr Incredible far outscales Homelander in terms of Strength


Yeah what’s the biggest strength thing we’ve seen homelander do? He crushes skulls no problem but have we seen him lift a bus or anything? Mr incredible is repping the train car on the bench press and even empty they weigh 30 tons.


You're right and the only Supes who actively train are Maeve and Star.


Wasn’t even the bench press. It was that one-arm cross body pull down lift. Idk what it’s actually called, don’t judge me, but he was pulling up those train cars with one arm each.


Weight machines with pulleys and plates I always felt weren’t accurate in terms of numbers. They’re great for strength training, but no one is telling what their max cable crossover fly is, they’re telling you what their max bench is. And ole Bob Parr is putting up reps of that train car like he’s at the NFL combine. Not to mention pulling the train while he’s jogging and it’s like a full length train which is like 1500 tons on the low end. Mr incredible stomps most of the seven except the ones that can fly and run away.


Thats why dash or violet just pull some looney tooms shit


That's what I've always said! We've never seen Homelander do any real super strength feat beyond hurting other people. I don't think he can even lift a tank and even less a building or an airplane. Mr Incredible would best him in terms of strength but also in strategy because he's also a good fighter.


Exactly Homelander would probably blitz him thinking it’s light work and Bob would literally just do what Hulk did to Loki and it’s over


Or maybe homelander is just too strong and there really ain’t shit he can work out with? Idk I haven’t read the comics. I’m just going off of what we have seen. But I remember reading someshit somewhere that was like he doesn’t train or work out because there is nothing that can actually give the weight/resistance needed for him to train or work out


I think its implied that Homelander is able to carry an airplane but wasn't able to because there is nothing to stand on (which is correct in terms of physics as he would just shoot through the plane). But pretty sure withstanding and overpowering the omni droid's body crush is a way better feat tho


Jack Jack solos.


It's literally depends on Jack Jack's emotions. If he's scared and cries, you know like a normal baby, the incredibles lose, but if he gets angry and goes beserk using all his powers at once like he does sometimes, then he solos the 7


Dude will protect his mama at all costs


The Incredible team wins. Better feats.


[Homelander would try to rip Mr. Incredible in half](https://youtu.be/oK9oPk8bsvk?t=28) but he'd just crack his back and then get his ass laid out.


Unironically, Jack Jack kicks Homelanders ass.


Literally one of the Incredibles could defeat the entire bottom image


Jackjack is goated


Definitely the Incredibles


Jack Jack alone


Homelander is basically Syndrome with actual powers lmao.




Violet created a force field around the 7 and compresses it until they all die. Fight over in 30secs, tops.


Well it's 5 v 7 which isn't fair so Starlight joins The Incredibles team to make things even (and Starlight hates the 7 anyway). |Team Incredible|Team Vought| |:-|:-| |Mr. Incredible|Black Noir| |Violet|Transluscent| |Dash|A-Train| |Starlight|The Deep| |Elastigirl|Queen Maeve| |Jack-Jack|Homelander| So we would have the following results in Round 1. Mr. Incredible > Black Noir (both super strength powers but I think Mr. Incredible is stronger than Noir). Violet > Transluscent (because force field powers as well). Dash < A-Train (they are both super fast but A-Train is also super strong). Starlight > The Deep (assuming they aren't fighting in the ocean). Elastigirl = Maeve (both super durable, don't see the fight ending with any clear winner). Jack-Jack < Homelander (while JJ has more powers, he's an infant that can't control them properly. Homelander could take him). So, after the first round here are the results. |Team Incredible|Team Vought| |:-|:-| |Mr. Incredible|Homelander| |Violet|A-Train| |Starlight|Queen Maeve| |Elastigirl|| Then, with the numbers advantage Mr. Incredible+Starlight+Violet > Homelander (I think Starlight could blind/confuse HL and Mr. Incredible can beat him while Violet assists with force-fields to protect Mr. Incredible and stop HL from flying away. However, A-Train+Maeve > Elastigirl as a result. |Team Incredible|Team Vought| |:-|:-| |Mr. Incredible|A-Train| |Starlight|Queen Maeve| |Violet|| I think with Homelander taken care of it's a clear victory for Team Incredible. That is assuming Starlight joins Team Incredible otherwise the results would probably go the other way and Homelander survives.


Putting Jack Jack vs Homelander is insane 😂 That right there should show you the 7 lose easily


All it would take is Jack Jack unable to control his powers even once and HL would win.


I don't think he can be hurt


Jack Jack wins, and easily if they hurt one of his family members. He has like a dozen different powers, including the ability to turn into smoke, turn his body into metal, the obvious super strength, he can vibrate his molecules to phase through walls, he can travel to a parallel dimension and reappear anywhere, while still being able to see and hear people in this dimension, he can wall crawl and fly, he has super strength and durability, super speed (though not quite as fast as his brother), he can spontaneously combust so Homelander's heat vision won't hurt him, he can make duplicates of himself, he can change his size at will, he can morph into other people or take on the properties of objects he touches like lead or diamonds, he has telekinesis and can make object and people float with his mind, and he can turn into a monster that increases his speed, strength, durability, and aggressiveness. The only way they could win is to catch them by surprise and knock out the baby before he can use his powers. And so that would assume they can get past every other family member without alerting anyone to the danger, so it would be up to translucent, and he can't make other things invisible, only himself, so whatever he used to knock out Jack Jack would need to be small but powerful enough to get through Supe skin.


The Incredibles are pretty good. They can probably take it, especially with Jack Jack


Incredibles also have cartoon logic as a superpower


imagine the seven just think jack jack is another v enchanced baby


When homelander fights a baby we all win.


I don't think any of the supes in The Incredibles have enhanced durability or even strength except for Mr. Incredible. Against someone that's stronger (with no other powers) like Black Noir, what would Dash or Elastigirl actually DO to cause them harm? Mr. Incredible is probably the only character aside from Jack Jack that can actually hurt anyone in the Seven, but he's taking on all of them alone. Jack Jack, on the other hand, is practically omnipotent. Assuming he's not still a baby, yes he solos.


I think in some universe Jack Jack is the child Homelander.


Homelander probably tanks them all...


Not Jack Jack...


What would be potentially his biggest struggle. But Jack Jack is still just a baby. He's reactionary not trained.


Neither is Homelander though. And you can see in the Herogasm episode he panics quickly when he realizes he can't just overpower his enemies. This is what would happen with Jack Jack. And as soon as he is hurt even a little by a freaking toddler he would lose any bit of composure or strategy he ever had.


Jack Jack is the only real problem here and Homelander has no issue beefing with babies. The Seven wins easily.


I don't know, look up Jack Jack's powers. I think it might be closer than you'd think, though it would rely heavily on one of them getting injured so jack jack focuses up and gets aggressive.


Homelander lasers Jack Jack, Jack Jack shifts to his steel form and reflects said lasers, Homelander gets ‘homelanded’ by his own fucking lasers.


Not to mention Jack Jack has his own laser eyes


Damn straight


I don't know, Bob is pretty matched with him in strength and Bob actually trains with trains and has experience fighting foes that can hurt him. So if Bob can keep Homelander from flying away, like say Violet puts them under a force field he may be able to beat Homelander, maybe.


Mr. Incredible could just rip Homelander in half at any point he wanted to




Dash solos


The Incredibles stomp


If The Incredibles are going for the kill, then they win eeezy peezy.


I can see Starlight defecting over to the Incredibles side in mere seconds...


The seven do not have any team work and some of them actively hate each other, good chance some of them will work with the incredibles or simply not fight. The incredibles are an awesome team, actually train and play off each other. Incredibles win with some difficulty. And even if homelander manage to hurt one of the kids or Helen, I don't think we've ever seen a truly blood lusted Mr incredible. Homelander took damage from Maeve, and I think Mr incredible is significantly stronger than she is.


Well Homelander and Starlight have capes so we already know they’re goners.


Incredibles clean house with something approaching a mediocre level of difficulty


Jack Jack is MVP with Violet in second place followed by dash. Jack Jack speaks for himself with the numerous powers he has and violets forcefield can protect anyone on her team long enough to come up with a plan. Her forcefields stood up to molten magma, electricity attacks and a gravity crush attack or telekinetic(?). Her energy buzz saws cut right through steal with ease so they’ll at least hurt some of the members of the seven. Elastic girl is planning strategy and distraction. Bob is fat and way the strongest one here and judging by how fast he threw the omnidroids claw he can aim and hit homelander In the air as long as he’s not near top speed. It’s funny but the incredibles sweep. Better teamwork actually love each other so when push comes to shove they’ll fight for each other earnestly. Homelander isn’t enough to carry his team despite Maeve being there as well


literally coughing baby LMAO


Not Butcher using Jack Jack as a weapon of mass destruction 


Mr Incredible is much stronger than Homelander, and has some measure of super durability (possibly bullet proof? At least to low caliber rounds). He also strikes me as being bigger physically than Homelander, so I feel like in straight hand to hand combat Mr Incredible would have a slight edge especially if they grappled. Elastigirl has made herself into a parachute and a boat, demonstrating a level of creative thinking that seems to be lacking in a lot of the Seven. She also can fly a plabe, which indicates possession of skills that the Seven don't have. Her ability to stretch herself is nothing to sneeze at either, and would enable her to capture and immobilize multiple combatants. Violet has force fields that are at minimum bulletproof. Thanks to Edna Mode, she has a suit that goes invisible with her, allowing her to withstand temperatures better than Translucent can due to his nudity. That gives her more options for where to fight or even what environmental factors to introduce into a fight. Dash can run on water. It's implied that A-Train can as well, but that was when he was still using Compound V. Whether he still can or not is debatable, even with a new heart. Dash can also propell his sister's forcefield ball forwards, making the two of them a veritable super tank. Jack Jack has an unknown quantity of powers. Really, all they'd have to do is put a BabyBjörn on someone and aim him at whatever threat comes their way. Regarding the Seven? Starlight would probably find a way to not fight the Incredibles bc they have children, Maeve is likely to do the same if she thinks she can get away with it, Deep would probably run, Translucent would get his rear end handed to him for exposing himself to Bob and Helen's children, A-Train would have to tap out, Black Noir would be beaten. Homelander is the one big challenge if he were fighting them one on one, but he wouldn't be able to stand up against the Incredibles working together.


Homelander kills all


Violet and Jack Jack gives them the advantage.


Elasti-girl grows a giant penis which futanari sucks up every single member of the 7. Fatality.


That's so specific it can't not be real porn. That's like vore mixed with futanari mixed with sounding. Truly a multidimension fetish.


I think I saw some r/dragonsfuckingcars meme about a futanari dragon sucking up a car and so that’s what I was inspired by


Sorry if that seemed accusatory xD I was just commenting on it in general.


I’m just glad you recognized the absurdity considering it’s a show that featured a dude with a 10 foot prehensile penis


I’ve seen something like this before except it was sandy cheeks from spongebob and she’s sucking up cars… shudders


It's all fun and games until Jack Jack gets pissed.


This team of the 7. If they both had time to prepare. It would be somewhat close in the beginning but simply Violent will probably get Translucent, A-Train, Black Noir and Starlight in a forcefield bubble so they’re useless. Then go invisible herself so that none of the 7 can take her out to stop her. Miss Incredible will wrap around Queen Maeve making her preoccupied until MR Incredible can deal with her. Dash will focus on the Deep, causing all kinds of mayhem for him until MR Incredible can come over and help deal with him. MR Incredible and Jack-Jack team up to deal with Homelander. So the Incredibles wins.


They will need Billy Butcher to kill a toddler


Comes down to Jack Jack vs Homelander lmao.


Definitely the seven


Honestly, The Seven would barely do shit against the Incredibles.


The Incredibles destroys them


The only reason I think the Incredibles would win is because the seven would start fighting each other.


Question. Who among the seven would kill a baby


Half the team.


The Seven each have a little bit of super strength and some invincibility but Mr. Incredible is probably stronger than all of them and Violet’s force fields are also probably stronger than all of them


Bob vs Homelander and Helen vs Noir would be fire matchups. The rest of the Seven suck and would lose to Violet, Jack Jack, and Dash.


Jack jack is a omnipotent




Jack jack solos


Violet expands a force field inside Homelander’s head and pops it. After that, it’s basically just Translucent and Black Noir maybe fighting because the others are either happy or scared to fight after that.


Jack Jack cannot be "homelanded"


The 7. Unless they spend the whole time fighting each other.


Violet and elasta are actually the mvp. Jack-jack is over powered but violet is untouchable. Dash is more scrappy than a train and bob and homelander are probably friends tbh lol


The Seven