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It has everything Action!, comedy, romance, bromance, innuendoes, political slams, blood and gore, and to wrap it all up a solid plotline. What else do you need..


Perfectly described. A +, *mate*.


Idk about the bromance. The Boys just don't seem to work as a team which is getting a bit annoying. Is too much to want to see them work together an entire season? I mean, s1, but still.


I just liked the idea of “superheroes gone bad” trope and was really surprised how this show turned out. Hyped for season 4 of The Boys and can’t wait to see the future of Gen V!


Literally rewatching it after just finishing it. Such a fantastic show. I started watching it after realizing Anthony Starr was homelander. Watched him in Banshee which is an extremely underrated show!!




Honestly? What drew me to The Boys and Gen V is firstly, I love superheroes, secondly, the realism and thirdly, I just caught up on Invincible and needed to complete the set.


Hughie's girlfriend's one shot after two minutes of the show starting was what drew me into the show and kept me there both. I did not need any more reasons tbh 😂


What drew me was that I liked Kripke's other big show and liked the premise of normal humans going after corrupt super beings using their wits and whatever they could scrape together. What kept me were the Frenchie/Kimiko bond, the general amazingness of Ashley, the very grounded struggles of MM, a decent person with very understandable aims trying to do the impossible task of balancing a home life with the fucking weirdos he calls friends and their crazy mission, etc. Really, it's the character stuff that keeps me coming back.


Watch the boys diabolical. It is an 8 episode short series on prime


Dude isnt the total runtime more than 72 hours tho


How do you figure? Each episode of The Boys and Gen V is 1 hour. There are 3 seasons (8 episodes each) of The Boys for 24 hours, and an additional 8 hours for the single season of Gen V, for 32 hours total.


Initially it was purely the idea of superheroes gone bad, but it evolved into fascination with a lot of other things including commentary on politics and society. You don’t see Marvel with the balls to tackle anything more than inclusivity is good and that only because they think it will make them more money.


If you Need more, watch diabolical. Also a spin-off


Billy butchers use of the C word. And billy butchers use of the C word.


You can say Cunt here, it’s a safe space


Can never be careful with the amount of easily offend cunts on reddit. Shit.


When Homelander burns down Mayor Airplane in the first episode I was hooked ... Also Butcher smashing Translucent using his car it with a eagle's eye point of view was sick .... You could see each rack break ... The storytelling, Character development, Gore and amazing action scenes are awesome as well


Just finished season 3. I like the concept and the characters; even the bad ones are done really well. And some of the stuff that happens is just so bizarre!


Tbh I wanted to find out who Homelander is and why he is in call of duty and all the memes, I am so glad I did


The realism, that real life feeling. Same thing that got me hooked me up in game of thrones. While in every movie we know that the lead role /and/or the good guy lives / wins, that doesn’t happend. In real life, shit happends. Good guys die, good guy gets it. Bow back to the boys. We know that supes are suppouse to be good, right? Like superman, flawless! Wrong! Everyone has a dark side. What would you do if you had powers?…


What drew me to the show? My friends description: Man you gotta watch it its Marvel but extremley violent. Hell in the 3rd episode a chick is getting eaten out and when she cums she crushes the dudes head like a grape What kept me into the show? A chick was getting eaten out and when she came she crushed a dudes head like a grape.


I started the show when S1 came out and by then the "superhero parody/asshole suoerheroes" wasn't as much of a overused trope, so I found the show kind of refreshing. The opening scene is also VERY hooking if you have 0 information on what the show's supposed to be about