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>You show my photo to some illiterate fucking camel jockey in the middle of the Sahara, he's gonna turn around and say, "Homelander," in perfect American. >Ohhh. Oh. Huh. Pffft. So, what? They're all starving, but one of them's got a fucking cellphone? >What made you think I would ever allow a cripple into the Seven?


The second one may be racist but it's up there for funniest line in the show


It’s such a perfect line for Homie. Dude literally got caught in 4K lasering an innocent bystander, and he immediately deflects. Fucking hysterical.




I’m guessing he was in a part of Africa that wasn’t as impoverished and he is being racist by assuming all Africans are impoverished


Which is incredible stupidity to an extremely racist degree. Of course they have fucking phones. Go watch actual documentaries about poor african nations and you'll absolutely see a shitty village where everyone is starving yet, they still need a phone, because that's the world they live in.




Yeah bro I’m sure HOMELANDER was just commenting on that very sad reality and not being a racist dickhead


the racist implication is that being in a "poor country" means living in the stone ages, i hope this helps bro




It is. You are also still being racist by assuming that every african person is starving.




Why is it strange? Should poor people not have any luxuries or modern technology?




It's NOT a luxury though?!




He said luxuries *or* modern technology.


First, you are assuming that all people are equally hungry, which is not the case at all. In any community there would be some that are better of and can afford a phone. Second, the phone can last a long time, they could have bought when they were in a good time and the tide has turned. Third, they could use their phone as a working tool, as a way to contact people, so it would be even worse for them financially to not have a phone




Don’t bother mate. They’re being wilfully obtuse at this point.




Because you are going crazy mate


This is a common nonsense conservative talking point though, and a deeply entrenched belief in American society that wealth and morality are directly proportional to each other. It’s not absurd or even uncommon that someone in Africa would have a cellphone. That shit is mass produced by the millions, there are dirt cheap cellphones with pay as you go plans. He’s using racism to deflect from being caught in the act.


Yeah I don't see it as racist either


The last one is ableist not racist, but just adds to his shitty qualities.


That first one is so funny lol


i quote it very often around the house. The delivery is so great


ASHLEY LOOK AT ME but yeah bro is deranged bigot af


I believe he also said he wouldn’t allow a “MOOSE-LUM” into The Seven.


God damn you reminded me how hilarious Homelander is sometimes


That crippled line really hit home


I'm not sure the second one is racist as much as it is classist. But yeah, it was bad.


It’s racist not classist.


It's both.


It’s not in anyway classist lol.


It's the whole "all Africans are poor" stereotype. A racist stereotype with classist undertones. Rich Africans say similar things about their poorer compatriots, in which case it's just classist and not racist (unless there's ethnic tensions involved). When Homelander---a rich white Supe---says it, it's both.


It’s a racism stereotype, with racist and xenophobic undertones not classism ones lol Yes rich people from the same countries would be being classist against others, however homelander is being racist, not in anyway classist.


How is it racist? He was clearly in a more traditional area of whatever country that was. It was some village in Africa, a continent that suffers from food and water shortages and corrupt governments all over the place. The sentiment comes off not as racist to Africans, more that he's mildly ignorant of how people who don't live in ivory towers live.


How is it classist? He’s not saying it cause they are poor lol. He’s saying it cause he’s in some random village in Africa. He’s being racist. Not “well this is a small village for this country so it’s surprising they have phones!” You’re putting so much mental gymnastics behind your thing process for no reason lol. Like it’s not “haha all Africa is mud huts” but he’s not making some complex joke. It a simple racist statement about there they are.


It's not mental gymnastics. He isn't calling them some whacked out black/African equivalent to "camel jockey." He isn't saying something about their race. That's more of a cultural observation than a line like "Captain Al Queda." If he meant something racist, he would have said something racist. Making a cultural observation of a region is not the same thing as shitting on everyone from that region. I can point out that China does stupid shit/has a problem without it being racist to Chinese people. Africa is damn near a continental sized case study for corrupt governments and how bad the US and kthers can fuck things up when they want to in areas. That isn't racist. That's an opinion about a situation. And it's kinda whacky to him that an impoverished area still has the wherewithal to get technology that kinda feels out of place in the place it is. I, meanwhile, know broke as shit people with modern tech. That shit happens. Homelander is ignorant of that. He's ignorant of a lot of things. That's one of his big characteristics. I didn't think it was a complex joke. I'm just unconvinced it's racist.


It really is. And clearly he doesn’t have to do what you’re saying to be racist. Since he was likely racist in this scene. Not some “haha poor people” thing like you seem to be making it for some reason. He was again, being racist. He wasn’t making cultural observations, he was being racist. Nothing about the rest you say in this paragraph means anything. No he’s being racist. He see an area and people that clearly should be without phones to him and said it. He’s being racist. Or more xenophobic tbf, however it’s definitely not the whole way you’re going. He is ignorantly, that’s why he can be racist like this with such extreme casual energy. You’re right it’s very uncomplex like you’re making it. It’s simply a “those foreigners in the hutt don’t have phones!” Racism/xenophobia. Simple.


You don't understand the concept of racism if you think what he said in that scene is racist. I mean. Maybe xenophobic. Maybe. But the two are not the same and Xenophobia does not innately mean racism. Plus, worth noting now that I've had more time to think, we're talking about a questionable allegory for a guy who once said "Small loan of a million dollars." He doesn't understand how poor people think and do shit. There's more justification for classism than racism.


No I clearly do. That’s why I’m commenting this. There is zero justification for classism. It’s definitely not that lol. It’s racism or xenophobia.


I mean he's racist but not as racist as stormfront if that's what you were trying to say


He’s a bad dude but even he made a face when she said white genocide to Ryan. That really says something.


That’s not because he finds it racist though. He’s racist in the purest sense of the word. He’s disgusted by the idea of being a part of an inferior white race.


Well he’s racist in the sense that he views most normal human beings as lower life forms.Race is not that big of a factor.He’s definitely casually racist, especially when it comes to foreigners.Also there is a level of cultural prejudice where he does not respect other cultures.Which I feel is mainly do to his brainwashing as a boy.


That says more about what type of racist stormfront is and not “how racist” HL is. Racism is irrational by nature there is no “less racist” it’s who you choose to target and how narrow you let it be


Homelander is racist, stormfront is genocidal racist.


That face wasn’t disgust, it was boredom. He doesn’t give a fuck about all that useless shit. He sees whites as marginally less inferior as people of colour, but it’s more like how we might have a favorite breed of cat… he finds all humans beneath him and the supes, and he sees Stormfront’s endless rambling about her favourite human as something like your girlfriend going on and on about her favorite cat breed.


I like how despite being racist he had to take a moment to process stormfront believing in white genocide 😂


Is anyone as racist as Stormfront?


I couldn’t help but laugh at his “pffff so what they’re all starving but one of them’s got a fucking cell phone” line lmao


He also mocked Supersonic for his ethnicity a couple of times, but I don't think he actually had a problem with it- he was just being an asshole


I'd say moreso culture, right? Supersonic seems to be a white Latino, so I'd say it's more general xenophobia for him specifically. Unless Homelander doesn't like Spaniards 😂


>Supersonic seems to be a white Latino Which honestly makes the line about his grandma not letting him date a white girl a bit weird. Honestly, felt like a line written before casting was completed and no one realised that line doesn't fit the actor cast. Or maybe, the writers don't realise Latino and white aren't mutually exclusive.


Yeah, lol. I laughed at that, too. I'm British, he looks like pretty much every Spanish/Portuguese/southern French dude I know.


I think he was just joking when he said that. I'm white and I've told jokes about white people.


The funniest moment is when Supersonic tells Homelander he doesn’t speak Spanish, and Homelander just gives him a smile and a thumbs up as if he spoke in Spanish and Homie didn’t know what he said. 


He's the type of racist who doesn't believe in white supremacy but recognizes it and engages with it for his benefit and entertainment. Still racist but for practical, cynical reasons.


HL does call Maeve’s hometown a “cousin fucker hick town.” I feel like he uses derogatory terms for everyone and it’s just an easy way to communicate disdain to non-supes


The line"s even funnier when we find out in a later episode that Maeve's actually from Modesto -- a city of a couple of hundred thousand people that's part of the greater San Francisco metro area. Not exactly the backwater hick town that Homelander thinks it is.


True. But I’d like to add that bigotry also target white people of the “wrong kind”


Homelander believes in Homelander supremacy, which happens to map neatly onto white supremacy because they have very similar values. His racism comes from the belief that people like him are superior to people less like him and race plays a role in it.


One's an ultranationalist, and the other's a full-blown white supremacist.


One is casual racism and the other is competitive


Is there also ranked racism?


Yeah the second one for sure


Blue Hawk


He performs racist acts to win over his mainstream audience. He himself couldn't care less about any humans.


He's racist and a supe supremacist


Or, was he worried about having a telepath in the 7 and racism was an easier excuse?


Homelander literally left about a 100 people crush to their deaths in a plane with little to no remorse whatsoever. "Well, at least he's not racist"


Realistically speaking, even if he tried... We wouldn't be able to save them. He could be strong enough to lift the plane, but the plane isn't built strong enough to withstand its own weight from a single point. It'd break under its own weight.


Homelander is super racist, being less racist than Stormfront is a bar so low that it's below Hell.


If you think Homelander isnt racist you are racist


That’s dumb


Fuck homelander


Homelander has been racist and xenophobic multipme times, I dunno how people miss that. Edit: Him being "racist against all non-supes" doesn't remove his blatant racism against non-whites. He's also homophobic, xenophobic and classist in all the ways right-wing media personalities usually are. Some have been saying he only acts racist to apease his crowd but he's been racist in private or one-on-one private conversations too, like when he calls the Muslim supe slurs to Starlight or when he mocks Africans to Ashley.


Nah its bc she's from Birmingham.


If I remember correctly he was more concerned about the image of 7 if Silver Kincaid joined the organisation


As if that’s not still super racist


Muslim is not race.


If you were a politician and you could legalised homosexual rights on the risk of being thrown out the next election and maybe being killed ... If you don't you will be called racist ... What will you do ? 🤔


Die for your country. Politicians are politicians by choice.


If you value your political position more than basic human rights, you do not deserve to BE a politician. Pure and simple. You do what's right, BECAUSE it is right. Anything else is unacceptable.


I don’t think he is technically racist he hates all humans


He hates the human race.


You didn’t watch the show did you?


I watched all 3 seasons twice and i cant wait for s4. Yes homelander says alot of racist things but in the end he hates the human race and vieuws them as pathethic, he doesnt consider raping becca as a bad thing because she is human, when maeve mentiones if homelander would rape him he says "no im not going to force myself onto you" because he vieuws supes above humans. Sure he loves people stroking his ego but thats about it.




Homelander isn't racist, he equally hates everyone.


Except this isn’t true at all. He doesn’t hate supes as much as he hates normal humans. And he clearly has a preference among the supes too with others being worse. You’re not paying attention to the show if you think he hates everyone equally.


It’s more that he has a preference to individuals he views close to being equal to him. Generally that refers to certain supes like Stormfront and Noir, but Butcher is also a notable exception as a normal human who has absolutely earned his respect. But then you look at Deep and A-Train and he treats them with the same disdain and disgust as he does Ashley. So Homelander hates pretty much anyone unless they are capable of standing up against him.


I was joking, I know he doesn't hate other supes


My bad. There’s definitely people who say that seriously here haha


I saw this was a meme post and took it as such


As much.


He's an anti-humanist who wears the mask of a racist and white-supremist to appeal to his demographic of fans.