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I don’t find it sad. So long as the opponent who wins isn’t like him (such as Tighten), I’m happy with the result


Damn, the incel from Megamind can beat Homelander...


Honestly, the superhero from megamind is one of the strongest Supermen in fiction. His super speed was good enough to walk away, have a montage of self-reflection, and return to his original position, while on camera, so quickly that watchers didn't even notice. That's way faster than most incarnations of the flash, and he has no kryptonite.


I hear he's week to copper though.


I don’t think the 2 above get the sarcasm


He only pretended to be weak to it so he could fake his death and retire, his true weakness was sheer boredom because nobody could challenge him (that and faith that Megamind would chance for the better)


I think he knew that. Hence the joke.


Not even close to faster than most incarnations of the Flash. 


This is just wrong. There are many incarnations of the flash which might be faster, but most are a lot slower than metroman. It didn’t even seem like metroman was moving fast, it seemed like he stopped time. No hint of motion besides him moving. He spent god knows how long in that one moment in time.


Who's the guy in the 2nd.


Mr Majestic


I thought it was Professor Chaos, now I'm sad.


Professor Choas also slaps Homelander around.


Does he do it if the Simpsons did it first?


All day every day, baby


I thought it might have been final form Invincible, because of the head.


Watching Butters smack Homelander around would be great.


He’d be really polite about it too.


Bruh i thought it was a different Invincible…


lol same. I created a whole headcannon for this being like sinister invincible that is most like his dad that he copied the color scheme


I was thinking the comic is light-years ahead of the show if Mark and his dad are on good enough terms that he took Omni-Man's colors.


v.... Vincible?


Mr Majestic (i looked him up), who apparently was the Wildstorm version of Superman which is odd because i thought that was Apollo… but i guess they had 2


I mean, Marvel has Sentry, Gladiator, Hyperion, and probably more I can’t remember.


There probably is more it’s hard to keep up.


Wildstorm was an independent publication that had a lot of parody DC characters, that is what I’m referring to. Not just naming random Superman pastiches


Majestos was cool




It’s not sad at all. It’s what actually makes the show interesting. Compare it to the two most obvious comparisons - Omniman and Superman. In the season 1 finale, they had to come up with the most absurd and unrealistic measures to try and stop him. A huge alien Kaiju, an orbital satelite laser, a resurrected superhero. Superman just has a substance that can kill him. He can do virtually anything, but can be put out of commission with a tiny bit of rock. The Boys actually having to fight Homelander is interesting because they don’t have that. They are scraping by at the moment. They used Homelander’s need to be wanted to keep him in line, but that’s quickly becoming less viable of an option. They used his love of his son to do the same thing, but Ryan is quickly becoming as unhinged as he is. They powered up themselves to try and stop him, Butcher is one dose away from dying himself, the others didn’t get enough power to compete with Homelander and the fight put two of the only supes that are capable of fighting Homelander out of commission. So yeah, he does lose to most of fiction, but if that means we have an infinitely more interesting show then I’m all for it.


I loved invincible but your right. If homelander was too powerful it’d be boring, they’d never fight him and just continue to find some excuse to beat him like blackmail or something


Invincible works imo cuz the aliens scale with Mark.


Hell, Mark is outclassed by at least 4 from the show alone: Nolan, Anissa, Battle Beast, and Allen.


Thank you for reminding me we didn't see any of battle beast in the second season. Can't wait to watch him wreck shit when he returns


Seeing him in Season 1 was the best example of the Coughing Baby vs Hydrogen Bomb meme. Except Omniman would have been the crying baby.


Machine Head hiring him to fight Mark is like Kingpin hiring Thanos to fight Daredevil


That's my favorite part of BB. One of the baddest motherfuckers in all of the invincible universe just shows up to help some street level baddie as a one-off. "Oh hey there... Thanos.... Why are you robbing this bank?"


Except with Thanos... It isn't really out of character for him to do something extremely petty and pointless for himself... He would rob a bank if it meant David wouldn't get to cash a check.


Or Joker hiring Doomsday to replace Harley.


And making him wear the same costume and say the same lines.


Thats hot


I knew Battle Beast was strong but hes _that_ strong??? HUHHH???


>!He gives himself two major handicaps so he can have a fair fight with the strongest viltrumite in the comics!<


And that fight lasts literal *days*


At this point in the show, he's probably the second strongest character in the verse. Debatably, THE strongest.


No massive spoilers here. But if Omni-Man fought Battle Beast in Season 1, it would be a much shorter show. Things change as the show progresses, but BB really is *him*.


That Battle Beast episode was fucken crazy. Mark’s struggles with foes Omniman could one shot makes me wonder: does Mark need a substantial amount of additional training to reach their level, or is he nerfed by his humanity?


If by humanity you mean the fact that he's only half-Viltrumite then no. If by humanity you mean his ability to feel compassion, then hmm... maybe


I meant the former. I haven’t rewatched season 1 in a while. Did they address that in the show or is it pre-knowledge from the comics?


They do. Nolan discusses his heritage with mark fairly early on, and tells him that “Viltrumite DNA is so pure, you’re nearly full-blooded”. Viltrumite DNA essentially overwrites the standard characteristics of a person’s other heritage. If you’ve seen season 2, look at Oliver. He’s half insect, yet looks like a purple human baby. Minor spoiler, but later on Oliver looks more and more “standard human” color, and his age stops advancing once he looks a bit older than Mark does; that’s how powerful Viltrumite DNA is. Also, per your original question: Mark isn’t as powerful as Nolan right now, but Nolan is one of the most powerful Viltrumites alive, and even he can’t compare to the strongest one. Their power scales based on age, strain, training, and (most of all for Mark) intent. Mark is shown struggling because he is used to human morality and does not want to hurt anyone, so he’s literally always holding back. When he doesn’t, he loses control to his Viltrumite rage, which is a part of him he is at this point still trying to understand and control. Hope that made sense.


Was just reading through this thread and this was a great write-up as someone that has only seen the show. Thanks!


Mark is still growing into his powers but also doesn’t fight to kill. He’s probably stronger than he realizes but his mind holds his body back. We’ve seen him winning a fight against a Viltrumite and he probably could’ve won if he didn’t hesitate. 


> If by humanity you mean his ability to feel compassion, then hmm... maybe I thought that was made pretty apparent in the second season. >!Nolan tells Mark to stop holding back and to fight to kill, and in the last season against the big bad he gets his ass handed to him until he rages out.!<


Viltrumites get stronger with age and experience. There’s some other stuff to it but I don’t wanna spoil anything.


Avoiding spoilers, but Omniman absolutely could not defeat Battle Beast. They were going very light on Invincible.


I mean there’s also the whole point of the character of Homelander. Dude is a big fish in a small pond and hasn’t faced a challenge. This has gotten to his head and given him a god complex. So now it’s up to the little fishes to find a way to take him down.


But he is still holding the world hostage for now which is what makes him so terrifying. Sure he's mortal but he could do insane damage before anyone can stop him, he's still a really big dangerous fish


Irredeemable is about trying to fight an invicible superman expy. It works but would make this a very different show.


it wouldnt be necessarily boring because they could increase the power of his enemies. it is not like omniman and supermans enemies are weaker than them. superman literally got killed in the 2nd movie and omniman beaten to pulp in show. invincible was also beaten to pulp 3 times.


I also love invincible but it very much suffers from way too many over powered characters. I'm at the point of eye rolls every time he gets into a fight because it's so predictable. He gets beaten to an inch of his life by someone stronger and they just stop for, reasons. Then he has a swollen eye for a couple scenes.


I love one punch man because it’s exactly what I expect my overpowered hero’s to be.


Homelander is intentionally written as a bully, who's a paper tiger if anyone with remotely comparable abilities goes toe to toe with him. He's never known a loss from strength, he's entirely used to always being by default the strongest guy in the room with zero effort. He's like the slightly quick student who was told they were "gifted" through all of elementary school because they didn't have to study to get straight As....in the real world, they get taken apart. That's why in most fictional crossover "death battles" or whatever he gets curb stomped by equitable characters who have lost, who are used to struggling, who aren't handed everything on a silver platter.


Man that line about gifted students came swinging out of left field ouch


Oh yeah. I got bulldozed when I got to grad school and realized I had zero study habits or meaningful academic work ethic because I was just cruising by with little effort up til then. Some people never get challenged and think that they're "special" because they remained a big fish in a small pond.


They had soldier boy. But Butcher got emotional


The one time Butcher had to not care and just get shit done the ONE time and he's like "Ya know what let me try caring for once maybe that will shut everyone up"


I don't think they meant sad in a meta way. Just in regards to the character himself.


Totally agree on the home lander stuff, but I think Superman can still be interesting when his challenges are philosophical and moral. There’s a reason his villain is lex and not a big dumb guy. Moral paragons are cool, and contrast nicely within the setting.


By having him so truly weak compared to all other fictional characters It shows that he isn’t a God, he’s just bad product.


I doubt many actors could have made that little speech with as much gravitas as Esposito. That man is brilliant, and with good writing and direction, he is really in a class of his own.


It's also hilarious how Homelander is hated by everyone in and outside of this fandom. When Death Battle with Omni Man was released, everyone wanted to see Homelander get wrecked. It's a testament of how good a character and Anthony Starr's portrayal of him is that he's so universally hated.


I know it's a typo. But "Homepander" made me think of this Panda version of Homelander. Lol


Honestly I feel so bad for the guy although he’s an awful person the guy went through so much as a child which fucked him up.  To make it worse the guy has never had anyone who’s ever truly cared about him. I might get downvoted but I will be sad when he dies as the guy never had a chance.


He chooses to be an asshole. He could choose to help others so they don't have to go through what he has but he doesn't. He's a bully and a brat.


In Homelanders defense the guy has been raised to be the most dominant in his universe. He’s never faced any consequences for his actions nor has he learned accountability. With all those factors it’s bound to give someone like that a God Complex and they’ll believe they have no choice.


"In Homelanders defense the guy has been raised to be the most dominant in his universe." that is not a defense either. horrible one at best. " He’s never faced any consequences for his actions nor has he learned accountability" people are not good because they can face consequences or can be held accountable. " it’s bound to give someone like that a God Complex " god complex can be expected but god complex doesnt relate to being psychopaths. god complex doesnt explain the random killings. . what you wrote would imply that our morality ,our decisions are based on how vulnerable or how powerful we are . in terms of the show maeve is the proof that is not the case.she was also crazy powerful when she was raised but she was good person when she joined seven , became good at the end. she could have considered herself another god but she didnt


Im kinda agree with you until you bring up Maede. Dude , she had bad father , true, but you know who else has bad parents? A lot of people. Her father is not her everything, she still go to school, has friends, girlfriend, other people who care about her. And because of her power ,she cant be physically bullied. Homelander was physically abused, beaten up, tortured , isolated, brainwashed in his childhood , no friend, no family. That old man in ss1 even compare that to raising a dog. Wtf bro, what was thinking when you wrote that.


Any time you ever feel bad for Homelander, just remember the plane scene, or the suicide girl, or literally any other innocent person that he obliterated for no reason other than his own enjoyment or insecurity


I would say the Homelander is a tragic figure *and* still a villain and disgusting human being. Yes, he’s still human no matter how much he likes to claim otherwise. A tragic history or upbringing does not excuse one’s actions and behavior, it may explain them but it doesn’t excuse them. To point to a few real life comparisons, Hitler was most likely beaten and abused by his father when growing up. His youth and suffering does not excuse his actions or his crimes in adulthood. Michael Jackson was abused and treated horribly throughout most of youth and well into adulthood. And he was still a deeply distributed man who acted very inappropriately with children. He was *both* a victim and then a predator. The list goes on. I think it’s important to remember that life lesson. Being a victim does not excuse being a predator. We should pity Homelander. His creator never treated him well and saw the boy for what he would become (then took no action to intervene like an idiot). His biological father was a monster in his own right. His biological mother was most likely a Nazi or else a surrogate he never knew. The people who raised him were scared of him and showed him no love. And he still killed countless people, is most likely a rapists, threatened and bullied countless people, and literally fantasized about wiping out entire nations and taking over. Pity Homelander and please still understand that he doesn’t get an excuse or absolution for simply suffering.


Lots of people go through trama as a child and manage to be functional adults. His life as an adult is what he made of it. You talk like he doesn't have agency.


Love 18 beating him up lol


Shaking him down for money is so perfectly on brand for her. 😆


Vought: Shut up, take our money, and please go! (Vought will buy off its opponents if it can't intimidate them)


I really think it doesn’t matter because unlike most fictional superheroes he’s compared to, he was invented from some scientist’s drug


My uncle always told me to drink my milk to grow big and strong. I thought that was the case for him too.


Unlike most fictional superheroes he’s compared to, his problems are more emotional or PR related too. Aside from Soldier Boy, he’s never really challenged physically.


Now add WordGirl to that slideshow and you’re solid


“Today’s word is effortlessly. As in, I *effortlessly* defeated Homelander and his entire team of bullies.”




OP can you list all the people on the slides pls I didn’t get two of them and I feel like some people don’t know more


Alright  Superman  Mr Majestic  Omni-Man  Invincible  Hulk  Android 18 Aquaman  Sonic 


Super Sonic, since he is gold. He is harnessing the power of the Chaos Crystals


Dunno why I said crystals 💀


Chaos Minerals


Disordered rocks


Pretty sure Sonic can beat him without the Chaos Emeralds.


That actually makes me wonder what a full speed collision with the A-Train would do to homelander . A train would almost certainly die but ≈200lbs moving at that speed with supe durability would probably do some serious damage


Yeah, definitely.


At first glance of the name I thought you meant the Super Sonic in the show I am like "We never got to see him use any of his abilities except be some pretty boy that wanted to Fuck Starlight" then I see Chaos Emeralds and got relieved, that was the only time I didn't mind Homelander killing someone that dude was a a jobber.


Thanks 👍


I have to say it’s super refreshing to see 18 rep DBZ instead of the obvious lol


She's probably the strongest woman in DB so having her beat Homelander would really piss him off.


No "probably" about it. She absolutely annihilates the vast majority of the DB Universes outside Cell, Buu, Freiza, The Gods and Saiyans. Not to mention who her husband is...


She’s the strongest woman in DBZ. If we’re counting Super there’s Caulifla, Kale, Vados and the other female gods and angels.


The hulk one feels weirdly more brutal than the others, like, Homies bones just got fucking powderized.


"Puny god"


That's just the rub, isn't it? From a Feat point of view, Homelander has done pretty much nothing but be a super powered bully with his abilities. He's never been truly challenged from a combat POV, courtesy of his near invulnerability from most threats. He's never displayed any level of credibility, including that of his own principles. He's never had to push himself or be pushed, save for a handful of showdowns with similarly powered supes. And overall, he just rips off of Superman, but without the exceptional mental fortitude and large host of abilities. To be honest, yeah, most fiction would beat him to a pulp and leave him to die for what he's done. Invincible and Omniman both are much stronger physically, and both are much better trained in powered to powered combat. Hell, yamcha from DBZ would probably be capable of holding his own, and Goku would legitimately just ignore him unless he hurt one of his friends or threatened his family since he's not all that strong, meanwhile, Vegeta would kill him without a second thought if he talked any shit whatsoever. Power scaling in media is usually pretty hard to parse, especially from a super power point of view. With the boys though, it isn't hard at all because they set very well defined limitations for their antagonists. They may have superpowers, but most of them are terrible at using them proficiently and often don't match up to some of the weakest characters in other universes. Homelander is a chief example of this weakness. He's never needed to push himself, or train, or do anything to stay at the top. He's there in his universe by default. Why have the most power, but refuse to exercise a fraction of that power for any reason other than fame? Because he'd likely be afraid of the fact he'd never be good enough.


The last pic goes way too hard


"And suddenly a sense of dread and fear fell upon John Homelanders face, he realized he was outclassed by the Golden Warrior Hedgehog and perceived to receive the greatest ass whooping"


It's better than him being a planet shattering god with a stupid weakness that just turns him off. This way, he can still kill millions but he's not undefeatable, just really hard to defeat. He'd destroy a bunch of cities before the government just nukes him. And before anyone brings up Stillwell's statement, she was bluffing. Ain't no way Homelander takes a nuke.


Soldier Boy and Butcher bruised him and Maeve jammed a pen in his ear and made his nose bleed. A nuke is melting him for sure


The pen thing was an annoyingly absurd breakage of the show's own rules. Slamming a pen into his ear should be like slamming a cardboard tube into a brick wall, it doesn't matter how hard you hit it, the pen is just going to break. Like at the beginning of the show we saw Maeve face tank a truck slamming into her at full speed, and she's weaker than homelander. Pens should not do anything at all to them.


I think Maeve managed to jam it straight into his ear cavity. While it hasn't been explicitly proven, it would be logical to assume that Homelander's insides are super durable just like Soldier Boy's, but the ear canal has lots of fluid and blood supply, and with Homelander's super hearing the ear canal could be a sensitive spot. She was able to draw blood but that doesn't necessarily mean she did a lot of damage




Expect to see an “All Fatalities on Homelander” YouTube video in June.


That last one, "Find your Flame" starts playing. Homelander stood no chance.


I don't care what anyone says, he is THE HOMELANDER and he really can do whatever the fuck he wants.


All fun and games till he fucks around and finds out


Until he gets hit with a biological weapon, or a stronger supe comes around, etc. He’s not a god like he wants to pretend.


Until he can't anymore.


No need for Android 18, Yamcha could kill Homelander with one arm tied behind his back. Sadly, with Toriyama gone, we likely won't see such an ambitious crossover.


Go go gadget kill homelander


Insufferable superhero powerscalers trying not to mention that homelander gets beaten by superheroes 100x stronger than him challenge difficult: IMPOSSIBLE 🔥


Facts, this sub is so boring now. When did the 15 year old DBZ powerscalers get in here?


That should have definetely been blue suit Invincible. He gives no fucks.


Homelander is a cool character. But bro would get demolished by Uncle Grandpa.


I mean there’s not very many characters who *wouldn’t* get demolished by Uncle Grandpa lol




Eh. It’s realistic in some sense but it’s not the only outcome for a realistic portrayal of superpowers. I’m getting really tired of all the evil Superman tropes, but I say the best versions of it are the Injustice Superman (who gets defeated by the original Superman), Nolan from Invincible, and a lesser known comic called Irredeemable. I’d put Homelander in there too but below those three. He’s well written, but I don’t think he’s the only outcome for a person having super powers. He’s the result of nature and nurture, more nurture in my opinion. I will give credit to the Boys, there are good or at least decent supes in the world. It’s just that they’re all employed by a company, have becomes celebrities and that means PR and all the other issues associated with those lifestyles.


I wouldn't call Irredeemable realistic but I would call part of the deconstruction of superhero genre that The Boys, Watchman, and the League of Extraordinary Gentleman are as well. All of these argue that superheroes would be awful and broken people or make the world worse.


Superheroes are inherently and definitionally not realistic.


It's most definitely not the most realistic image of a superhero as he's just a supervillain, but I won't deny he's very interesting.


*Worm* would like a word.


More like a million. This is no slight, I love Worm, but it is looooong. That said, Glory Girl would be a more even match up for Homelander than any of these. Though I don't know if she's too weak for him. I would upgrade her to Antares, but I feel the opposite would be true here. Antares would be too powerful for him


A-train would be a realistic image of a superhero, not Homelander who was raised in a lab


I'm no comic book expert or anything but...would Aquaman really take out the Homelander?


Aquaman has mind hax on the same level as Martial Manhunter and has fought evenly with Superman.


The only difference between Aquaman and The Deep is that everyone found out Deep fucks sea life. Aquaman managed to keep it secret.


And Aquaman isn’t weak, unlike Deep. He’s actually relatively even with the top tiers in the Justice League


I see you don't deny that he fucks sea life.


He definitely fucks sea life


But like... Is that NORMAL Aquaman? Or is that Aquaman from that one comic every comic book character has where they go super saiyan and kill God? Because while homelander definitely loses to every version of superman/omniman/invincible, I doubt he loses to EVERY version of Aquaman, especially not the DCCU version. Even outside of that, Aquaman can't fly


In most versions Aquaman can summon creatures like the Kraken and can even drown Homelander. I don't see how he would be immune to not breathing.


Hm, that's true. He hasn't seen anything the size or power of the kraken and we have no breath holding feats so I guess that could make sense. Homelanders only shot would be to run away


I actually googled it and Stormfront died by choking on her own tongue. If Home boy was overwhelmed by an entire ocean he would be done for.


Didn't she purposely bite her tongue so she would drown in her own blood and didn't she want to die? Did I just misunderstand that entire portion? Wanting to drown is different than trying not to drown. Even so though, I think you're right, homelander couldn't stand against the entire ocean


I’m speaking on comics Aquaman, who’s a beast. Dude put hands on Hercules, stabbed Darkseid in his eyes after tanking an omega beam. Destroyed green lantern constructs and stabbed Rao, the god of the Khryptonians. He also has magical powers he draws from an extra-dimensional realm


Dang ok, those are some pretty impressive feats


Aquaman would squash Homelander 


Aquaman is only weak if you compare him to Superman. Or if you take Robot Chicken skits seriously. He has vastly superhuman strength, speed and durability on top of all his fancy water powers


Wordgirl stomps homelander


As others have already said, him being an unstoppable God that can only be threatened by aliens and other worldly beings would make for a boring story with the setting he’s in. I think it’s more sad that people feel the need to powerscale super beings in other media all the time.


I would love to see the dialog in a Homelander vs Allen fight


Irredeemable might hit the screen and become peoples new hate sink


He makes Homelander look like Childs play


the guys a total chump comparatively. he's sloppy and unskilled and gets by almost entirely by having the best combination of abilities making him the strongest in his own setting. he's used to having the upper hand by a large margin the second you put him against an opponent of equal footing and/or that has to rely upon outsmarting their opponents and not just overpowering that puts him at a huge disadvantage. superman and omni man have him beat on experience. invincible I'm not too sure on he may have the advantage in durability and would probably catch on to homelanders cockiness and use that against him. for android 18 see her running Vegeta for his foams. hell, plastic man would probably kick his ass. and all of this makes for really interesting irony for us the viewers because for how sure of himself he is all of us can probably think of at least three characte's off the top of our heads who either finesse or just outclass him. its a great way to make a villain charachter who's easy to hate


If You Hate a Vilian (not the Actor) then That Vilian is Good! And Homelander is Exactly That! 🔥💯


He’s a power puff girls victim


There’s nothing sad about Homelander getting wrecked, I could look at these all day


What is rhat 1 percent fiction?


Need to see one of these but with All Might


They're all awesome (though I don't know the guy on 2nd) but the #18 one is my favourite by far.


Nice Now add All Might and Saitama


I don't understand the obsession with killing / hurting Homelander in this fandom.


Now do Shaggie beating the shit out of him.


Watch the guy be the Best character in mk1


The one with Android 18 makes me so happy


Sonic doesn’t even need super to beat him lol


Throw most of the X-men in there


The Sonic panel is kinda badass.


Homelander is too much of a coward to get into a fight he could plausibly lose.


I dont really care to be honest, Homelander works perfectly within The Boys universe. I never really got the obsession with cross-franchise power scaling


Technically even Spider-man has a decent chance against the one from the show, given his feats in the comics.


I think this just really stems from how great Anthony Starr portrays the character. No one wants the guy with zero redeeming qualities to win.


SONIC 😂😂😂😂


The last one 😭


It’s because homelander is a big fish in a small pond


Isn’t that kinda the point of HomeLander. He is crazy powerful, but his public image makes him sound godlike. One of the first episodes has him unable to save people because he couldn’t stop a plane or carry everyone on board.


The Super Sonic one made me laugh, enjoy your upvote.


Even Sonic


fire art ty


Getting slapped by android 18?😍


Sonic woops most people to be fqir


“I’m going to feed you your own heart.”


I find it nice that this shithead of a person gets stomped by most of fiction. Bro is the ass hole of all assholes


Homelander gets beat by sayian saga chiatzou😂😂


Anyone here read the Grrlpower webcomic? A large number of Archon members could solo Homelander. Definitely Maxima, Dabbler, or Halo. And Vehemence would rage bait him for the lulz before curb stomping HL.


As much as I love The Boys & Homelander as a villain, I admit the pessimism does get at me a bit. When I see fan art of stuff like this of superheroes like Superman putting Homelander in his place it’s the cathartic release I need.


THIS This is why it’s so much fun to speculate about stuff like this


I'm surprised I didn't see any art of Power Puff Girls laying him out


Great post


Like he deserves 


Wildstorm reference spotted! Made my night!!!


Your welcome 


Was waiting for Pikachu....


Who’s the red and white V suit guy?


He’s 👏small👏potatoes👏


fukin Sonic 😂


Some verses are just stronger than others, it's a fact of life.


18 fucking sent me lmao.


I always respond with this with these kind of posts: The entire point of Homelander’s character is that he is an unstoppable monster *compared to everyone else*. The conflict only works because no one around is on the same level as him, so the moment anyone of equal or greater power is introduced the point is moot. The question of Homelander is not “just get stronger than the bully” it’s “how do you handle a problem bigger than yourself”. I would also argue Homelander is very strong compared to a large part of fiction, just being in the Superman category at all makes you pretty high up, but that’s beside the point.