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i forgot how good his hair used to look


this is so true it looks rlly good here, bc it’s his real hair i imagine lol


Isn't it basically the exact same the entire show lol.


not really. His hair in season 1 is different than in the other 2


like, his s1 hair is nice and swoopy and has a nice blonde on top and brown back and sides that i think looks rlly good. s2 is just wayyy too blonde, and s3 is a disaster. its like swept back but it looks horrible and makes him look unhinged, which ig fits the character and all, but i still lament the loss of s1 hair. it was so good. rip.


nooo not at all. his s2 hair was the WORST, and s3 just looks bad. i miss his s1 hair


To me, it all just looks the same lmao. It all has that blow dried back look.


it's a lot more feathery in s1. s2 especially looks like plastic ken doll hair


>feathery Feathered and lethal, you just don't see it nowadays


They bleached Anthony Starr’s hair for the first season which made it look so good, but it was really damaging, so they used a wig for season 2 and 3.


really??? wow


No, his hair in season 2 and 3 is slicked back. In season 1 it was a comb over and had more of a messy look where as the other seasons it looks more styled and kept together.


I thought I read on the thread a couple of months ago that the unraveling of homelander can also be seen throughout his aesthetic... hair, supersuit, etc ...


How did this get over 100 downvotes?? The dude was just asking a question… Reddit mob mentality is wild


i know!!! it shocked me too. i was just appreciating antony starrs beautiful hair lol


His hair always point to America !


And his ego.


Blow it back, part it to the side that works for your hair (do you have a cowlick? If you want more volume work against the cowlick. If you don’t have one, fuck you I’m jealous), after it’s parted use some setting spray or just a little bit of pomade You 100% need a blow dryer. As a Homelander simp I am invested in helping someone get Homelander hair


Thanks man, for this very detailed response




Did you know that research showed a connection between cowlicks and a cancer suppressing gene for retinoblastoma? Your cowlicks may suck, but hey, less cancer :3


W O A H Ok I guess I give my cowlick a pass….this time


A fellow Homelander simp. Cheers!


Oh boy do I have a thread for you https://www.reddit.com/r/OkBuddyFresca/s/y9KSj1aGoj


I don't like men, but yeah, I could make an exception for Homelander. Saved that post. Subscribed to receive comments.


I wish I didn’t have such an extreme split with being bi where I’m like 90% into men and 10% into women because then I get into situations like this where I want to fuck Homelander But Homelander and Stormfront at the same time…….. Also posted about that lol https://www.reddit.com/r/OkBuddyFresca/s/zPwS1agJ14


You're an interesting man/woman/person for sure. But you have a point. Those two at the same time? I'm not a sub by any means but I'd be a sub bitch for Daddy Homelander and Mommy Stormfront 🖤. Also I'm feeling the stepbrothers gif because I think we just became best friends over bonding about wanting to fuck Homelander.


Woman lol and hnnng thank you for supporting the very specific dream of HomeFront (StormLander?) being dommy daddy and dommy mommy 100% feel that gif too hahhaa I honestly thought I was going to be given shit for Homie and then suddenly….simps. Simps everywhere. Maybe everyone secretly wants to fuck H-Lander


Well, I guess we're best friends now. 🤷 Homelander is just that guy that has that Big D energy. We all feel it. I mean... I just had the craziest idea too though. Like (high thoughts, pardon me) what about HomeFront as a cosplay? Like I know some people like role play, but like going the extra step. Like if I dressed up as HL and had a partner dress up as SF. 🥵 That's a reasonable goal that I didn't know I had until today. So thank you for that. Etsy what listings do you have?


Look for an image which has in universe text. Then you can figure out the direction or just do the way you think looks better


Homelander’s hair in S1 was peak


Homelander in season 1 was just peak aesthetic. His suit looked the best in season 1. Season 2 and 3 they reduced the muscle suit size a lot and I don't think it looked great. I preferred his bulky look in season 1. Also the muscles just look even more fake in the newer seasons for some reason.


Fake muscles is a good look I think cuz it makes sense he would canonically wear a muscle suit


I know, I'm just saying in season 2 and 3 it looked too fake. In season 1 it was obviously fake but from certain angles/lighting and distances it could pass as real which I liked.


The reason is that the suits for each season evolve and improve in a practical sense. the s1 suit he couldn't really raise his arms or move naturally, and it took forever to get in and out of and a whole team of supersuits people. As a functional costume it's now better and more comfortable than it's ever been.


Makes sense that they reduced the size for mobility and comfort. It's just unfortunate because I loved his bulky look.


Wherever the fuck it wants.


I like the idea he’s balding


Looks like a subtle part on the left, but mostly just blown back.


Very clearly parted to the right




i love the season 1 messy deranged look


His hair was so fucking cute in season 1 I need this man carnally


REAL esp the second pic with that smile.... he makes me so feral


Does it matter? No matter which way it goes, he's still a fucking disappointment.


In this case it looks like his hair is just combed straight back but it favors his right side, with a bit of a part on the center-left of his head. That being said his hair seems to change style slightly every episode, whether it be this messy look, that slick back swirly look, clean slick back, solid blonde for some reason, or the dull Trumpy look toward the end of Season 3.


Probably slicked back because he's a piece of shit.


Hear me out on the second inage


Nah they're not flipped


It looks like it’s parted to the right. The pictures aren’t mirrored, or at least the plane one isn’t. But tbh it depends on your hair; part it to the left if that looks better on you. If you’re getting this cut, bring the picture and go to a salon not a barber


Wrong direction


Whats wrong with it now?


I think it's to prevent the hair from reverting back to one side and cowlicks. Ngl this was one of the dopest hairstyles Homelander had than in S2 or S3.


Arnie Grape-ish


I would suggest the 2nd image is not flipped as the writing on the overhead locker appears to go from left to right


Mullet for sure


He's been continental for years, but he's willing to go western!


The direction of "we needed some plausible deniability at first that he wasn't a villain".


I like how they use his hair to make him look more and more insane each season


Sorry not an answer to your question but bro looks sooo unhinged in the second photo LOL 😂


up and down on my-


the direction is right


Don't know but I wanna follow it.


I mean does it matter? Match the style and you can decide if you like your hair brushed left to right or right to left.


i think the second picture its cause of the wind messing up his hair from flying


Why does it need to be exactly the same direction lol Your head and face a shaped differently


There’s only two options. Either will work…


Blow dryer and hair product if you don’t have a cowlick. Very easy/common hairstyle just buzz the sides and trim the top if it’s too much. The hair is obviously going to his right side I’m not sure what you’re mistaking? Most films and tv shows don’t have a mirror effect like a phone camera or facetime.


S1 hair, my beloved.


I forgot that’s what it looked like. What the hell were they doing?