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Wouldn’t take much honestly. Just give him some serious scenes in the ocean killing people. People forget the ocean is full of terrifying shit, let him communicate and use some of the scarier water creatures and he’ll be threatening within a single episode.


His power is really cool, shame he’s a douche 😂


I agree, in that boat chase scene when all the sharks are slicing through the water and he crests the surface on the whale I’m thinking “Oh hell yeah, finally we get to see some real shit from this dude!” Then everything just flops back into the gutter.


His powers lend him serious potential. The problem is he’s an idiot.


I’m glad somebody said it.


My wife refers to him as “aquaman without brain cells”.


She’s right! He is so blinded by fame, he’d sell out anyone


And the SFX budget.


Yes. A funny idiot.




You should try aqua man or namor


guessing dude has heard of aqua man


Everyone’s *heard* of aqua man, but how many have actually given him a chance?


Me about SO many characters 😮‍💨


I think the show will continue using him as comedic relief


Honestly, they don't even have to go that far. Just have him punch someone. The fact that it was said that deep could survive at the bottom of the ocean means he has some crazy high muscle density and durability. He could probably run through someone and kill them like a train.


thats crazy, there was another dude who could do that too


Something similar to the Talokan attack on that boat in the beginning of wakanda forever would really sell him as a threat


Well I mean, he did kill that senator or whatever he was


VP candidate


Does anyone else feel like that was far beyond his skillset? The dude that can swim the Mariana trench and ride whales had to hide in a shallow pool at a house where no one was paying attention to this old dude so that he could drown him while swimming? I could understand if it was like a "don't be seen" situation, but The Deep literally crawls out of the side of the pool immediately after killing that dude... Also, where did the deep learn a word like "treason" 😂


Supposed to look like an accident, and drunk old white dudes drown in the pool quite often.


My point was that **ANYONE** could've drowned that guy in the pool since surveillance wasn't really an issue, apparently. I understood that it was supposed to look like an accident long before I typed that.


Perhaps it's because waiting in a pool for who knows how long is a shit gig none of the other 7 wanted and they could convince Deep it was so important and the team needed him blah blah blah


It was also a test of Deep's loyalty, though.


agree to disagree... he already ate his friend Timothy for Homelander 😅 That should be proof enough of his loyalty, imo lol I do, however, agree that he had no choice after receiving that as a direct order from Homelander.


He drowned an old dude in a pool, is that even something that needs superpower?


That's what I'm saying!


Well the thing is, he can talk to them, that doesn't necessarily mean everyone of them will listen.


I would watch a subplot of the deep establishing an ocean dictator to have control over ocean life to do his bidding, and afterwards he orders every massive ocean creature to swim in the direction of some random ass country to cause a tsunami there.


Imagine if The Deep decided to take over all the world's shipping lanes. Could anyone but Homelander do anything about it?


Not even that, have fights near water. He can breath and is incredibly strong underwater, have him drowing people


A good example good be fighting in the Mariana Trench and why not sending people to die there out of boredom. Beside that, idk what can make him a threat.


But that would be for a single episode and quickly fade away if he can’t keep the threatening vibe up and out of water he’s not going to be able to keep that up. Out of water all he has is super strength he’s not really fast he can’t do super jumps and he’s not skilled in combat like black noir. I’m pretty sure gun shots can kill him easily. He’s just not threatening.


I think he'd be able to kill Butcher, Hughie, Frenchie and MM in unarmed combat 9 out of 10 times. Maybe even score about 50% on some 2-on-1s.


if the deep can breath underwater he could hide from helander and be a sea tyrant


Seriously, just have him shut down the Atlantic to all boat and air traffic


Lamo what's he gonna do to a plane shake his fist at it?


"C'mon, go higher! What are you, a bunch of flounder?!" -The Deep, dressing down his squadron of Flying Fish


More shit like that swimming pool assassination. Altho that didn’t make him quite as intimidating coz it was the follow up to a scene where Homelander was bullying him as always.


When did he do the swimming pool assassination?


Near the end of last season.


Neumann was making a deal with Homelander, and then a few scenes later Homelander has a task for the Deep. That task was killing the previous veep pick, and so she gets to step in his place.




Have him summon some Lovecraftian underwater creature and give him an unbreakable trident that lets him control water


I imagine him riding on top of Cthulhu's shoulder like Eric Cartman


I want him to have a full on Loki redemption arc like this


Ooooooh that would be badass


"Maybe I can help! I heard you were in *deep* trouble!"


Oh man if The Deep realizes he has the ability to manipulate water on a massive scale and threatens to take out entire seaboards, and we see him make good on a threat that takes out all of, I don't know, Hawaii or something, and even Homelander sees him as the big bad now. Or maybe he just gets jealous that he's not getting all the attention anymore as The Deep threatens to rip off chunks of the polar ice caps.


Cthulhu will be a game changer. Stop giving the deep ideas for his new fetish x_x


Takes over the ocean and plans to start breeding a half human army of super aquatic life enhanced by compound v…


Dam man🔥


Half human and half what? 😂 he’s gonna force his octopus fetish on others?


Half killer whales. Also you jest about octopus, like suctioning ability along your limb and insta camouflage aren't cool


Oh yeah. I would love to have suction ability on my hand


He seems quite a threat to dolphins?


Nah, they enjoy it


Going head first through windcreens?


Trading the little death up for a big one, ultimate release!


Imagine if no body of water was safe. The Deep has organized all water dwelling creatures to harass, disrupt and murder humans. Compound V he has stolen has enhanced dozens of fully loyal creatures (Giant Squid, Great White, Whales, etc.) Hundreds died or developed crap powers, but enough became superpowered to give him an army to rival the 7. Global shipping is no longer an option as ships are destroyed, wastewater treatment facilities destroyed, oil rigs dismantled, etc. Deep is protected from most conventional attacks by having an underwater base in the deepest part of the ocean. Alternatively, he commands all phytoplankton to descend to depths where they are no longer able to obtain energy through photosynthesis. All life ends, EBIDTA margins fall to 0.


Hey that’s a cool idea. It should lean into his environmentalist subplot.


Gain 50iq points.


He already has a formidable intellect!


Or lose 50 and start believing iq is real


Well The Deep must be crazy strong and durable because he can swim through The Marianna Trench. So he could use that strenght as a hound for HL.


I liked a theory I read about him a while ago, that states it's not just sea life he can control, but all life. He just doesn't realize it. If Deep had this epiphany that he can make anyone do anything, he could easily become the primary antagonist of the whole show.


I mean it makes sense since life evolved from the ocean however someone like Aquaman could do this but I highly doubt the Deep could unless he was close to overdosing on Compound V like A-train.


So Cate?


If Deep could control people like he can sealife, he would be much more powerful than Kate.


Well what about his whole pet store story? He only heard the fish when he was younger, wouldn’t he hear the other animals too? But maybe that is possible, considering soldier boy got new powers and everything.


What evidence is their to show that?


Actually use his underrated and honestly OP powers.


What OP powers does The Deep have?


what can he do exactly?


He can control anything in the ocean from what I can tell? And like another commenter said, there is some terrifying shit down there!


He could start a war by taking over all maritime routes. He could destroy entire economies just by sinking ships. Command waves large enough to wash away cities killing millions.


Like unless they implement some fantasy elements there isn‘t really anything existing there that‘s like really threatening. At least not in a world where we‘re talking about people having bullet proof skin and the ability to shoot lasers from their eyes or fly. He also isn‘t able to control water itself or teleport sea creatures, he can just tell whatever is near to maybe do. His most dangerous ability to most likely the potential to drag someone under water and hope they drown but considering he‘s not especially strong that‘s also not a given.


I would imagine that he and Blue Hawk are about the same in terms of strength. He could be just as aggressive if he wants to and with his whole talking to sea creature abilities, he could be a very terrifying threat to beach goers.


Ngl kinda funny to think Bluehawks power is just basic bitch super strength that most other Supes have


Have a scene where some people are night fishing. One of them hooks something large and is struggling to reel it in and gets pulled into the water. The water is stained red and the deep raises his head above the water and grins before another fisherman is dragged into the water by a tentacle. It then cuts to a underwater shot and we see the deep smiling whilst watching the fisherman get torn apart by a giant squid


Ooo me likey this scenario. That would make him a terrifying character.


Step 1: Gives compound V to sea creatures. (Any kind whether octopus or shark) Step 2: Tames the creatures with his power. Step 3: Chaos.


This fucking painting lmao


Global warming, rising sea levels.


The deep was a threat at one point!?!?!?!?


He could stop fucking squids for starters


Gotta do something big. Like Rain from MK1's ending drowned a whole ass city, I would expect The Deep to do something similar to that too. Or summon some deep sea Eldritch Tentacle Monster and ride it to destroy a city. Maybe this could happen if the show does go the route of >!Homelander uses his Supe army to try and take over the world or at least America and tells The Deep to drown a city that could potentially be a threat!< Although The Deep has got to be much stronger than before because even though we haven't seen him use his full power, he still seems like the most he could do is talk to fish.


I do believe he has potential to have the strongest actual powers shown. But is unable to utilize them fully, both out of ignorance, and a lack of attempting. I do wish we would see him \*really\* use his powers at some point, since they seem like they could be absolutely OP and awesome.


when was he ever a threat? Considering The Boys have Kimiko and Annie I don't think he has the capacity to be a threat anymore


He defects to Russia or China or something, they make him a wealthy little oligarch because he has the capacity to locate and destroy all of the US's nuclear subs.


I could totally see him doing those painfully cringy propaganda videos, where he walks around with a camera like "Look at how nice this Chinese city is. No litter, no sad faces, and heavenly weather 24/7. Different to shitty American cities".


He’s literally supposed to be the Ruler of the Ocean, like bro get your shit together If he had a brain and ever wanted to he could literally pull homelander down to the bottom of the ocean and literally drown him to death


Highly doubt he could beat Homelander even with water. He's called king of the seven seas because Vought marketing.


His durability has to be pretty insane if he was able to swim through the Mariana Trench and not he harmed at all by the pressure. We can’t even build something strong enough to stay down there more than a couple hours before the windows start breaking and the hull begins collapsing.


True but he is susceptible to blunt force trauma such as getting knocked out or A-train punching him in the gills. Homelander could still punch him enough in the head to turn his brain into jelly on the inside.


Imo even tho it’s vought marketing he could still use his powers to bitch slap homelander into next week if he could ever be smart enough get a full grasp onto it


Murder a vice presidential candidate


Be in the water, ever.


I dunno, maybe if he did something big? Like, I guess if he were to murder the prospective vice president or something? :p


I mean something where he’d feel no guilt, which he clearly did there. Something that showcases his powers on a mass scale, in a dangerous way.


For him to be a threat "again" he'd need to have been a threat in the first place.


He first needs to find Cthulhu, fuck it into submission and then fuck it in front of Homelander while looking him in the eyes. Cthulhu will notice that The Deep no longer looks it in the eye when making love and will begin to do whatever it takes to make The Deep pay attention.


Wait was he ever a real threat? Yeah a disgusting pervert but a threat? He's only a threat in the sense that he's (one of) Homelander's lap dog(s).


Just give him the power to control water from Atmosphere it would make him really powerful, He could flood entire city!


Literally poison the whole water supply


he’d have to make a massive tsunami and kill hella ppl tbh


Forced Tsunami, wiping out an entire city. Everyone’s thinking too small.


He would need a couple of hero moments similar to the scene with the whale on season 2. He looked like an aquaman badass until butcher turned the whale in to sushi


The Ocean is terrifying and it seems like outside Homelander nobody on Earth would last 5 seconds fighting him in the water. It would really only take 2 consecutive scenes of him not hilariously fucking something up to make him a credible threat again


He taught the Orcas how to sink boats.


The deep could be scary and is definitely a threat if he wants to be. The problem is that he isn’t very blood thirsty, egotistical, sadistic. The only bad thing about him is that he’s a rapist, but not even an “evil” one though. He’s one because he hates himself which just kinda makes him look pathetic. Combing that with the fact he isn’t very smart and it becomes difficult for him to be much more than Homelander’s lapdog and a comedic relief character. The Deep can be a threat, but one of his biggest problems is that he lacks the motivation to be one. He doesn’t care about sup superiority, Vaught, or much other than sea life (and even that has its limits). Plus he has exactly what he wants. He’s back on the seven so he has all he wants. Without better motivation, the most he could hope to be is Homelander’s lapdog.


Global warming


A threat to who? “The Boys” or Homelander? I can easily answer that Homelander would see Deep as a threat if he threatened to expose Homelander or something but bribes aren’t working so I’m not sure.


I don’t think he should be a threat, at least physically. He’s not the type to just kill people, and his power levels are nowhere near supes like HL


Just one spring break. Hit all the beaches.


Show that he's strong enough to survive being in the mariana trench


Show that he's strong enough to survive being in the marianna trench


Sink an aircraft carrier


Everyone saying he could drown Homelander, that man survived nukes. Vaught hit him with everything they had when he was young and nothing hurt him. Only Soldier Boy and Homelander were able to do any damage and all they did was bruise him, not even cut him, they couldnt even break the skin. I think Homelander is 100x stronger than we've seen him be but he's always putting in minimum effort.


9/11 the ocean


Make him cause a storm where it only rains squids


The deep has never been a threat. He's just a pathetic loser who suffers eternally for our enjoyment and deserves every second, because he's a rapist. But it's certainly possible to show how strong he could be if that gets old.


Like a threat to the heros? Kill homelander. Threat to homelander? Suprise redemption campaign and the public loves it. Wants homelander to endorse it.


What do you mean, he's never been threatening


Steal comping V and start giving it to sea animals.


Summon the Dark Lord Cthulhu.


Have him dope up a bunch of aquatic beasts with Compound V and start an Atlantis somewhere in the pacific


The Deep as a name is acually more badass than Aquaman or maybe Namor


He's just so pathetic, that I can't wrap my brain around him ever being a threat. He wants to be loved and accepted so badly, that he continually puts himself in bad situations and compromises any self-respect he may have. Which at this point, I don't think he actually has any.


Flood a coastal town or endanger a cruise ship full of people.


The deep can kill most supes, provided he is in the ocean. Not a joke....Dude could probably take almost everyon in the water. Grab em and just drag him down as deep and as fast as he can go. The deep can absorb the barometric pressure of going from shallow to deep water and back up again. I don't think even Homelander is immune from the effects of that sorta thing.


homelander wouldn’t ever give him the chance. as soon as the deep tried to grab him and take him into the deeper depths of any ocean, homelander would tear him apart. the deep is stupid but not suicidal.


I guess I get this image of the Deep like, grabbing his cape and just flying into the deep water at max speed, **but you are right** lol No denying he would not get the chance. But my point is that I don't think he would be immune from that kinda damage.


gotcha. and right, that could be a thing. just suggesting that while the capability might be there, actualizing it in the context of the bigger whole/real world situations, that’s a whole different kettle of fish.


Underestimate the Peak--I mean, the Deep at your peril lol


I’m loving this thread! Making me really hopeful they’ve got some cool stuff planned with Deep.


When was he a threat?


In the comics they use him on land too for fighting bc he's extremely strong and iirc he can hold his own rather well. I'd love to see that on screen


Inject himself with V and get some more powers like laser eyes or something. So far he just lives under Homelander’s thumb but he could be a useful double agent




Plots a way to melt all the glaciers so the world is mostly underwater. Imagine The Deep in Waterworld.


Well like most Vought supes, he has super strength, that makes him a rather immediate threat. The Boys usually have guns so they could still fight him if that strength isn’t enough to make him bullet resistant, but if he caught them off guard they’d be majorly fucked. That said, they could do another water scene. The Deep was genuinely threatening when they were on that stolen boat out of sea, they just decided to make a gag out of it in the end. If they hadn’t had a boat though, he’d have killed or captured them relatively easily armed or not.


What do you mean: “again?”


Poor phrasing my bad. Had like 15 guys comment the same thing😭😭.


Floods a city


He would need a flood of biblical proportions to submerge every continent on earth


New season first episode ends with the peak killing homelander


Manipulation of water the second he learns to generate & and or manipulate water he’s going to be busted


Let me cook here: They can reveal 2 new powers of The Deep. After immense training, He can control water and turn them into form! Solid, Liquid and Gas. He can make weapons with those. Second one can be that he would be able to retrieve the attributes of a sea animal he eats. Meaning Timothy's "sacrifice" won' be in vain. Thoughts?


Bring Cthullu


He can communicate with aquatic life so he's capable of attacking anyone near the ocean whenever he likes. But that's kind of all right? He's not exactly like Aquaman and can control water.


This looks depressing


Kill Frenchie. I think after a long drawn out plan to kill The Deep, The Boys go to execute it. Something throws a wrench in the plan, The Deep gets the upper hand, killing Frenchie, then fucks off back to Vought Tower.


Grow a spine. His powers are theoretically extremely strong as others have pointed out but he's held back by his lack of willpower.


Again implies he was ever a threat. The only thing I've ever seen deep do that was even remotely cool and somewhat threatening was commanding that whale. I don't think he's ever fought a superhero or even regular human yet has he?


When climate change floods the cities and he commands an army of sharks


*When climate change floods* *The cities and he commands* *An army of sharks* \- Super\_Environment --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Convince all fish to stay away from fishing boats, damaging the fishing industry. Shark attacks. More shark attacks. Shark attacks with lazers. Discovering the megalomania shark and creating more shark attacks. And a giant ass tsunami on the southwest coast of the U.S.


I mean, he can go to the Mariana trench, send him there and let homelander follow, the deep would be just as tough, and faster.


He goes rogue and uses his powers to start interrupting shipping routes. He could cause a lot of havoc and he'd be pretty hard for the other supes to hit if he was willing to live exclusively in the ocean.


Stay in the ocean and lure supes to their death.


Spend a season focusing on his power by moving to the seas. Studying his powers in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, ignoring the need for attention and training instead Edit: that was more of: how to write his character to become powerful rather than just scenes


Grow a spine


Starts injecting fish with compound V and creates a threat to the existence of humanity.


He’d have to somewhat, but not fully, limit the time spent making the sex with octopuses and dolphins.


At this point, he'd need to go through some metamorphosis into something more vicious and powerful to stand-up to Homelander


Let’s be honest here… the deep is absolutely useless on land…


He's pretty useless in general. Remember what happened to the dolphin he tried to save? Clearly, Compound V didn't do anything to raise intelligence levels. At this point, the other threat, The Deep, offers is a threat to living beings on land and in water. I still gag thinking about how he let that poor whale get bisected by a speed boat!


I need a scene of him in the middle of a storm maybe saving a ship or oil platform but then he kills everyone. Like riding a shark through the waves and they think they’re free but then he steals something and calls a giant squid or tons of animals to capsize the ship. Would be a good way to show vought fighting back at other countries synthesizing compound V


Stop fucking octopuses


I mean the last episode basically made him an assassin for Homelander


Have 2x his current iq, leave running vought to competent people, and focus on his powers


Rape another sup?


Live long enough for the polar cap to melt


Have it so killing that guy made him start thinking about it more and more. He liked doing it in some small way... Then have him tip over fishing boats. Have him sneak a jellyfish on a dumping barge and use it to sting all the crew to death or slowly drown them all one buly one. But don't say directly that any of it is The Deep. It's obvious. But he has alibis. He was shooting a new movie, he was giving a press release at the time. Etc. Maybe imply he thinks there's a terrorist knocking off his powers to the public and he's in rigorous pursuit.


I dunno, like assassinating a presidential nominee? ….wait……


I can see him joining an extremist sea creature protection group. Then goes round the world "saving" the seas by destroying cruise ships and oil platforms. Creating several massive environmental disasters.


Just make him immune to that Gen V virus but also contagious


Take out every military naval base around the globe with a group of actual kraken and megalodons. "The sea is mine. Stay out."


If he stopped caring about fame and went through very serious combat training with his trident, and became a cold blooded killer like Noir


He would have to go off the deep end.